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2009-01-13 12:29 AM
in reply to: #1903828

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

thank you mike.

Melanie, was it you that was the swim instructor?  ohhhhh I forget!  shoot... well, anyway.. someone gave me the advice on the flutter kick... to not bend the knees, kick short, fast and from the hip..  Well, I just got done with a great 15 minute drill.. and this time.. I propelled forward.

I liked the suggestion to practice it on my side.  that worked wonderfully.  I also did some on my back...and some prone.  It was quite the workout!  but I was moving... so it is good.  The pool was a very small hotel pool.. so I don't know how far I went, but that wasn't the point tonite.. tonite, was about trying the suggestions.. and working the kick drills.

This kind of support for my training is exactly what I was hoping for from this group.


2009-01-13 8:21 AM
in reply to: #1867684

New user

Plainfield, IL
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

Hi everyone.  Sorry I haven't posted in a few days but it's been crazy trying to settle into this new routine.  I go from work to the gym and then I have to fit home life activities into my day.  I lost 4.6lbs my first week of the training program.  yeah me!  I can actually swim 50 yards without being winded (I know that is soooo basic for most of you)  I'm feeling good about my progress.

I do have a quick question for everyone....when you ride a bike at the gym..which one do you use.  The weather is so bad outside I can't ride outdoors.  It seems my 3 mile rides are too easy and quick.  Makes me wonder if I am doing something wrong?

  1. What are your short term (1-3 months) goals?  Specifically what goals can the group help you achieve. My short term goals are really to continue a healthy lifestyle and make it a habit.  I am having the group can keep me motivated and give me any tips/suggestions they can think of.
  2. How has your 2009 gone?  Holidays are over (except for Steve who ia basking in sunshine and warm temps) and it's time to start are continue your off-season training.   2009 has beene excellent so far.  I have really been doing good with my first week of training.  I have a long way to go...but I will take it one week at a time.
  3. Are you following a specific plan or do you kind of wing it?I am follow Michael Pace 22 week Couch to Sprint Program...easy in the beginning but I'm sure it will kick my butt down the road.
  4. What/when is your first race of 2009? July 28 Naperville Womens sprint (I know it has a different name...can't think of it. 
2009-01-13 8:32 AM
in reply to: #1867684

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St. Cloud, MN
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL


Welcome back.  I too, just came off a crazy week so I know where you are coming from.  To answer your bike question, I use a trainer with my road bike at home.  I go anywhere from 10 to 11 miles in 45 minutes (around 14 mph).  I haven't been a bike in a while and right now, it's probably my worst sport.  I know using your own bike with a trainer is different than using one at the gym but the biggest thing my Dad (Mike) always says is watch your cadence and try to keep that up above 90 RPMs.  I think the speed and distance will come with more time spent on the saddle.  Hope this helps.

2009-01-13 4:22 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Plainfield, IL
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL


Thanks so much for the tip!  I rode my 2 miles at 90 rpm's and found it to be a better workout.  I could really feel it in my legs.....not so easy as the casual riding I was doing before.

What is a trainer? Is it something you use with your own bike? Or is it a special bike?

thanks for the tip again


2009-01-13 8:22 PM
in reply to: #1867684


Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
another small tip I get from someone was to try to keep your heals down while biking, it really puts a lot of bigger muscle groups into the motion ie gults and hamstrings. Its alittle tuf in the beginning to do it but in the long run it make biking much easier. Try it.
2009-01-14 2:32 PM
in reply to: #1905377

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St. Cloud, MN
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

Road Machine

This is the trainer I use.  It's a Kurt Kinetic Road Machine.  You attach the two arms to the hub of your rear wheel, which elevates the wheel off the ground, allowing you to bike in place.  I got mine through a special deal through this deal at Bikesport Michigan.  There's a BT thread somewhere that discusses the deal in more detail.  It's real quiet and works great.  I also bought a special trainer tire that replaces my road tire (although it's really tough to put the trainer tire on the wheel).  Hope this helps.


2009-01-15 11:47 PM
in reply to: #1905997

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

sloimpac - 2009-01-13 8:22 PM another small tip I get from someone was to try to keep your heals down while biking, it really puts a lot of bigger muscle groups into the motion ie gults and hamstrings. Its alittle tuf in the beginning to do it but in the long run it make biking much easier. Try it.

Scotty, thanks for the tip on the cadence for stationary biking.  That helped a lot on last night's workout.

LOL on the heals down...  my brother reminds me that a trick Lance Armstrong uses to get more power for the hills is to lead with the heals... as if wiping dog poo from your shoe.  LOL

I remember it every time!  and yes.. it does give more power.

I am prepping to leave for AZ in the morning for my Half Marathon.  I had a very nice 2.5 mile run last night, followed by a bike session.  This is the first time since my Oct 1 foot surgery that a run has felt that nice, and my foot has not balked after.  It actually felt better than it had in many years.  I am so happy that the healing of my foot is FINALLY coming together.  All of a sudden things feel right.

I am still walking this half marathon in order to protect my foot.  but by May and my "A" race.. I am now even more confident that once I am rested post race.. the speed work shall begin!!

I am getting very excited for the races I have planned this year.  but on to this first one.

I will try to check in.. but if now.. "see" you all Monday.


2009-01-16 7:00 AM
in reply to: #1867684

New user

Plainfield, IL
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

Roxann Good luck on your first 1/2 marathon of the year.  Take it easy so you don't injure your foot.  Can't wait to hear how you do!

Today I am meeting with a swimming coach.  I'm exicted and nervous.  I had a long talk with him last night regarding my goals.  I wanted to make sure he knew I was a "beginner" and not to expect too much from me during our first session.  I can't wait to see what he has in store for me.  I have found that I enjoy the swimming portion of my training more than I thought.

I succeded I meeting my first goal of completing one full week of training. woohoo.  On to the next one.

talk to everyone soon


2009-01-16 12:45 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Extreme Veteran
Rochester, MN
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

4.      What/when is your first race of 2009?  My first race is this weekend.  I am walking the PFChangs R ‘n R half marathon in Phoenix.  This race is being done as a ploy to get me back into training. 

Roxann, not sure you'll see this before the race but good luck in Phoenix.  Enjoy the experience.  We'll also be looking for a race report  

2009-01-16 1:18 PM
in reply to: #1912473

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
mjewen - 2009-01-16 12:45 PM

4.      What/when is your first race of 2009?  My first race is this weekend.  I am walking the PFChangs R ‘n R half marathon in Phoenix.  This race is being done as a ploy to get me back into training. 

Roxann, not sure you'll see this before the race but good luck in Phoenix.  Enjoy the experience.  We'll also be looking for a race report  

I'm planning on doing a 5k in Omaha next month called the deep freeze, lately that name seems very appropriate...

2009-01-16 4:13 PM
in reply to: #1912473


Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
My first race is april  its a mini sprint. Then maybe the half marathon Long Island in May. Its way to cold here to run outside I like it hot outside. HAHA

2009-01-16 4:26 PM
in reply to: #1913001

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

sloimpac - 2009-01-16 4:13 PM My first race is april  its a mini sprint. Then maybe the half marathon Long Island in May. Its way to cold here to run outside I like it hot outside. HAHA

Thank you all on your encouragement for this weekend.  I cannot believe how totally excited I am for this race!  And yes.. I WILL have a race report.  Though bare with me... it will likely be all about how well my foot tolerated, and how ready I am to get back to training.

Steve, where are you?  I left MN today with -35 actual temps OUCH!!  let alone adding in for the wind!  shoot.  Nice and warm here in AZ.. come on down if you like running in the heat!  :D 

April is a mini sprint.  what kind of distances is a mini?  where will it be?

Scott, are you in Omaha?  That run in February sounds like you'd need to run FAST to get out of the cold.  Even Omaha has been wicked this past week.

Whoooo Hooooo Sandy on making it through week one of training!  and you did it well.  Good luck meeting with the swim coach.  Let me know how it goes.

I found a swimming school where the teacher is the past coach out at St John's University (my alma mater of sorts).  they had a great swim team back in the day.  when I am back in town I will check him out.  He usually teaches kids in small groups of 2-3.  But it won't hurt to ask if he would take on an adult with needs.  hehehe.

ok.. better go.  The rest of my racer friends will be here soon.


2009-01-16 8:55 PM
in reply to: #1913021


Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
Im in NY 14 today for the high, A mini is 300 meters in the pool then a 6 mile bike and a 2 mile run. I figured its good for my first tri just to get my feet wet, but my next one in a sprint and the 3rd for 09 is an oly here in the Hamptons. Does anyone know of a easy flat course for a 70.3 anywhere, Im trying to plan to do one in 2010, and i dont care if I have to travel, in fact I want to travel for it. But I want it semi flat and easy.
2009-01-18 2:26 PM
in reply to: #1913362

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

sloimpac - 2009-01-16 9:55 PM  Does anyone know of a easy flat course for a 70.3 anywhere, Im trying to plan to do one in 2010

heh you're funny..even the flat ones aren't easy!...A friend of mine did Eagleman (Cambridge MD) and he said that course is flat...Also I would hazard a guess that Florida would be flat too!

Edited by trirific10 2009-01-18 2:27 PM
2009-01-19 8:29 AM
in reply to: #1867684

New user

Plainfield, IL
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

Hi everyone! 

Well I'm starting my 3rd week of the training program and I'm still excited and motivated.  Swimming is coming along a lot better than expected.  The coach really gave me some good pointers.  He also taught me some drills to do and I plan on applying them to my training.

I am most excited to tell everyone that after 2 weeks of my new lifestyle change.....I have lost 11.8 lbs.  woohoo.  If that isn't enough to motivate anyone..I don't know what is!!  I know I won't have that big of numbers next week and I don't expect to.  I know healthy weight loss is only 1-2lbs per week and I'm ok with that.  It just feels good to see the big number right off the bat. 

Well I just wanted to wish everyone a great week of training!  Talk to you all soon.



2009-01-19 10:54 AM
in reply to: #1915929

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
Sandy43 - 2009-01-19 9:29 AM

Hi everyone! 

Well I'm starting my 3rd week of the training program and I'm still excited and motivated.  Swimming is coming along a lot better than expected.  The coach really gave me some good pointers.  He also taught me some drills to do and I plan on applying them to my training.

I am most excited to tell everyone that after 2 weeks of my new lifestyle change.....I have lost 11.8 lbs.  woohoo.  If that isn't enough to motivate anyone..I don't know what is!!  I know I won't have that big of numbers next week and I don't expect to.  I know healthy weight loss is only 1-2lbs per week and I'm ok with that.  It just feels good to see the big number right off the bat. 

Well I just wanted to wish everyone a great week of training!  Talk to you all soon.


Wow..almost 12 pounds in a week; that is awesome!!!! Keep up the great work!

2009-01-20 12:27 AM
in reply to: #1916163

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

Hey all!!  whew!!  I did it!!  the half was phenomenal!

I was ordered to walk it...  well, I did for the most part - threw in a few short intervals of jogging.  I also coached 2 young ladies to the finish line - a good 1/2 hour better than they dreamed they would be able to.  :D  THAT was a blast!!  seeing their excitement... and the feeling of their accomplishment.. nothing could be better!

what a great way to kick off the training season.  I did it is 3:08.  much better than I thought my healing foot would be able to handle.  :D  best part... NO WALLS!!  my fueling, and hydrating went splendid.  Also.. my foot gave me NO ISSUES!!  how cool is that?  and except for 1 small blister.. it is good today.  :D

 ok.. I need bed right now.. but I will have a full race report in the next couple of days.



ps.. Sandy... AWESOME job with your training.. oh.. AND the weight loss.. good to be in control again, huh??  that vortex is horrible to get out of.. but you are pulling away from it!  sweet!!

2009-01-20 4:09 PM
in reply to: #1917506

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St. Cloud, MN
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL


Congrats on reaching your goal.  I'm jealous that you've already participated in race this season, my first isn't till May.  I know what it's like to push through an injury.  It's a great feeling to get done and not have any pain.  Sounds like you're ready to move onto the next challenge.  I look forward to reading your race report. 


Way to stick to your program and see some awesome results.  I wish I could say the same for me. 

I hope everyone else here is experiencing success in their programs.  I should probably get some more work done before I head home and go for a run and do a trainer workout.  Tonight I'm hoping to add a CORE workout too along with some time on my shoulder PT, hopefully before the Wild Hockey game starts.  Later gang,


2009-01-21 10:06 PM
in reply to: #1918822

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

Good evening folks!  Finally I have time to get my race report together.  It is a bit long, but includes the struggles to get training in post surgery. 

so, here is the link - I did make it public.

beware - it is long!!  LOLOL  what can I say.


2009-01-23 9:07 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

Hey all.  I had a very crazy week at work!!  but I am home now.  Work kind of forced me into a rest period post race.  But rest is needed.. so maybe someone is looking out for me.  LOL

So, new question here...  I will be starting somewhat light tomorrow.  The plan is a 2 mile jog, followed by time in the pool.  Nothing overly structured, just time in the pool.

My next race is May 3rd.  The Flying Pigs half marathon in Cincinatti... followed by the sprint triathlon on July 26th.

Technically, the half marathon training starts now, and the tri training mid February... so how should I combine the two?? 

Most of this year I will have combination training going on.  My thinking is that I follow the Tri training, but add in a couple extra short runs with speed work/intervals, and have the long runs fit into the half marathon training?  That way, I am still cross training with the swim and bike, thus protecting my foot.  Just my thinking.. but I would love advice on how to work it.


2009-01-23 9:52 PM
in reply to: #1926342

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
martymngirl - 2009-01-23 10:07 PM

Hey all.  I had a very crazy week at work!!  but I am home now.  Work kind of forced me into a rest period post race.  But rest is needed.. so maybe someone is looking out for me.  LOL

So, new question here...  I will be starting somewhat light tomorrow.  The plan is a 2 mile jog, followed by time in the pool.  Nothing overly structured, just time in the pool.

My next race is May 3rd.  The Flying Pigs half marathon in Cincinatti... followed by the sprint triathlon on July 26th.

Technically, the half marathon training starts now, and the tri training mid February... so how should I combine the two?? 

Most of this year I will have combination training going on.  My thinking is that I follow the Tri training, but add in a couple extra short runs with speed work/intervals, and have the long runs fit into the half marathon training?  That way, I am still cross training with the swim and bike, thus protecting my foot.  Just my thinking.. but I would love advice on how to work it.


I have something similar. Im running the New Jersey Marathon on May 3rd and an Oly distance Tri in mid July. I tend not to run everyday just because my body falls apart.  The plan Im using for the marathon is based on pace not so much mileage, so I run every other day and cross train with bike and swim on the off days or if I have a day I can't do anything I do a brick workout.  I will be concentrating more on running up until the marathon tho. Once the marathon is over  I will be throwing in more time on the bike and swim and cutting back on the run (probably maintain an 8mile long run) until after the Oly. Then I'll ramp back up on the running and put more focus on the biking and  less on the swimming for the HIM in August. Do you have separate training plans that you are following for each venue?. I've always been a wing it girl so what I've said may be of absolutely no help to you!

2009-01-23 10:09 PM
in reply to: #1926377

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL


from beth:  "I have something similar. Im running the New Jersey Marathon on May 3rd and an Oly distance Tri in mid July. I tend not to run everyday just because my body falls apart.  The plan Im using for the marathon is based on pace not so much mileage, so I run every other day and cross train with bike and swim on the off days or if I have a day I can't do anything I do a brick workout.  I will be concentrating more on running up until the marathon tho. Once the marathon is over  I will be throwing in more time on the bike and swim and cutting back on the run (probably maintain an 8mile long run) until after the Oly. Then I'll ramp back up on the running and put more focus on the biking and  less on the swimming for the HIM in August. Do you have separate training plans that you are following for each venue?. I've always been a wing it girl so what I've said may be of absolutely no help to you!"

 Actually, that helps a lot in verifying my thinking!  Similar deal, I follow my July Tri with a Du in September - with an August for the heck of it Portland to Coast relay race.

I do have some specific plans - just so I have a guideline, but figure I will be "winging it" for the most part.  Or at least winging it on how I combine them.

thanks for your input.. anyone else??


Edited by martymngirl 2009-01-23 10:13 PM
2009-01-24 4:15 PM
in reply to: #1926342

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
I'm currently doing half marathon training (from, I wasn't really planning on doing a half marathon initially, but I think I need to, so I can really focus on building my run as a base... I biked and swam a lot as a kid, but other than some running in the military, I have never been a runner (I am now)... Half Marathon is in May...I plan on biking and swimming on the off days... After the half marathon I'll probably find a tri training program to follow...
2009-01-25 10:58 AM
in reply to: #1927084

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

Slickster - 2009-01-24 4:15 PM I'm currently doing half marathon training (from, I wasn't really planning on doing a half marathon initially, but I think I need to, so I can really focus on building my run as a base... I biked and swam a lot as a kid, but other than some running in the military, I have never been a runner (I am now)... Half Marathon is in May...I plan on biking and swimming on the off days... After the half marathon I'll probably find a tri training program to follow...

Steve, thanks.. this may be the route I will end up taking.  I questioned the experts on Biggest Loser Club - which is what I use for weight loss, and that was their suggestion also.

since my May 3rd half is my "A" Race for the year, I will concentrate on that, and working toward a specific time goal.  Swims will be thrown in for comfort in the water, and recovery from the runs.  I will throw in a little time in the saddle again, more as recovery and cross training.  but basically, the runs will be the focus.

then, the 2.5 months to the Tri, I will concentrate on the Tri training.  Post Tri, I will pick up a Du training plan and work that hard for the increased distance of biking I will need.

I feel better having a direction to take the focus!  goodness.. otherwise.. it was all spinning in front of me, with no structure at all!  LOL

thanks for the suggestions!


2009-01-25 3:14 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Grand Blanc, MI
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
HI All,
hope it's warmer where you all are!
After a short 30 min spin on my trainer, I'm fed up! I want INSTANT gratification on the bike. Is there a pill I can take to get faster/better/stronger
Seriously, can anyone recommend a good video or book for BEGINNER bikers, I could really use some help here. I have ZERO bike background and I want to be good, NOW.
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