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2009-01-16 5:54 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Just an update on the weather - it is still very cold.

Even though I am tired, I may force myself to the gym tonight for the main purpose of warming up. Lap swim is only an hour, but it would be an hour where it'd be warm and right now my feet are very cold.

I put together a run schedule for my treadmill workout for tomorrow. If anybody who is a runner has any feedback - let me know what you think

I am supposed to be doing a medium size run. I figured I might give myself some speeds and times as goals to reach. It has been a couple of months since I have done a regular run on a treadmill so I have no idea what speeds I can last at. I am basing the speeds off of what I have done in the past and my intervals that I have been doing lately.

5 min warmup

5 min @ 5.5
5 min @ 6
5 min @ 6.5
5 min @ 6

3 – 5 min @ 7 (go at most 5 minutes and then finish off the 10 minutes with run below)
6-7 min @6

2 min or more at 7. 5 (up to 5 minutes - I'll be happy just to last the 2 minutes)

Finish @ 6 (time is remaining time to 35 minutes)

cool down

2009-01-16 6:33 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Good luck at the Rock n Roll half!!!!!!! That's so awesome! Run smart! I have a friend that's running the full on Sunday - it will be her first one!

What kind of shoes does everyone run in?
2009-01-16 6:42 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Here's another post that might be of interest to you gals....

In an earlier note I mentioned how I want to make triathlon a larger part of my life blah blah blah...

So - I'm starting an on-line triathlon There is nothing on there right now - it's being built. I have one distributorship set up so far and it's with Finis. Finis is a manufacturer of swimming accessories. Since many of you have been talking about getting to the pool and starting up on the swim section of your training again, I thought I'd throw out to you all if there is anything on their website that you might be interested in, I can price match or possibly beat the price. Thing is, this would have to be a direct order with me - we can do it via email or what not. I'd have to get a check from you or paypal (as my website isn't completely built yet and therefore I don't have credit card capabilities - soon though - I'm so excited!).

If any of you have checked out my swim workouts, I regularly use swim accessories for drilling.....the swimmers freestyle snorkel (this is great for a couple reason - perfect head position leads to perfect leg position....this also allows you to work your swim stroke to perfection), fins, kick board and pull buoy.

So the offer stands to all of you (please don't feel obligated) - but I know that many of you are starting to get back in the pool so thought I'd throw it out there
2009-01-16 6:44 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Melanie - your run workout looks like a good idea to me! Let us know how it goes....
2009-01-17 6:52 AM
in reply to: #1913122

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Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
mtemple - 2009-01-16 6:47 PM

Hi everyone!  Hope you all had a wonderful day.  Today is my day off, too.  I'm also taking tomorrow off in preparation for my half marathon on Sunday (Rock and Roll Phoenix).  I leave early tomorrow for Phoenix and fly back Monday.

You all have a wonderful weekend.  I'll try to send some warm weather vibes your way--it's a pleasant 68 degrees here today, which is about 15-20 degrees warmer than normal for this time of year! 

Marissa - Have you ran this race before? Do you have a goal/race strategy? What is your nutrition plan? Thought this information might be good for discussion with this group (if you don't mind).

Go get 'em!
2009-01-17 11:19 AM
in reply to: #1884714

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Whoah- you all are upping the ante with holding 7.5 for 2-5 minutes! Game on!

Couple of thoughts----

-Good luck Marissa! We want a full race report! I did Rock N Roll Pheonix as my first half marathon ever a few years ago.  I was injured and pushed it anyways.  I don't understand why people say it is isn't (at least for someone from the flats of Chicago).  Maybe my limping made the "hills" seem larger though?  Oh--and it was 20 degrees throughout most of the race....record low.  My motivation to finish was to get to a bar in time to see the opening kick-off for the Bear's playoff game (yr before the superbowl flop).

- Shoes- I need to go back to my running store this weekend (thanks for reminding me). I run in Mizuno Nirvanas which are slight stabilization with cusion @about cost of $135-140.  I've worn these for the past year.  Nice big toe box, relatively lightweight.

-I think I might skip long run this weekend and just do the bike trainer...achilles still aching and right IT band is buggin.  Could be the cold weather  I have accupuncture treatment at 10:15 Monday morning. 


2009-01-17 11:21 AM
in reply to: #1913129

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

mellymedic -  I am basing the speeds off of what I have done in the past and my intervals that I have been doing lately. 5 min warmup 5 min @ 5.5 5 min @ 6 5 min @ 6.5 5 min @ 6 3 – 5 min @ 7 (go at most 5 minutes and then finish off the 10 minutes with run below) 6-7 min @6 2 min or more at 7. 5 (up to 5 minutes - I'll be happy just to last the 2 minutes) Finish @ 6 (time is remaining time to 35 minutes) cool down

 Mealnie- this all looks good and sounds a lot like  what I have done the last 2 weeks. Although I thought 5.8 felt slow on Thursday the interval training works to improve your speed.

Probably too late, but I am pretty sure the 6.0 is 10/mile pace, 6.2 is 9:40, etc....

2009-01-17 11:23 AM
in reply to: #1884714

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Hey- anybody ever stay/race in New Orleans?  We need to book a hotel for the half marathon Feb 1st.  Thinking of the Hilton on St Charles street. Race site has suggested hotels, just thought I would pick your brains
2009-01-17 11:28 AM
in reply to: #1913182

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

TamioSo - I'm starting an on-line triathlon There is nothing on there right now - it's being built. I have one distributorship set up so far and it's with Finis. Finis is a manufacturer of swimming accessories. Since many of you have been talking about getting to the pool and starting up on the swim section of your training again, I thought I'd throw out to you

Very cool!  Way to go!  I have not been in the pool since late July, though.....but I will keep you in mind....

Here's a request...can you find a triathlon bra (so it is material that dries after swim) that has a back latching.  Example would be Lulamon's Bounce Breaker Bra (  I just bought the Zoot Runfit Bra with back closure...( but it still is "connected in the back".  

My issue is that after a half ironman, my arms are too exhausted/tight and I can not lift and stretch my sugio typical bra over my head.  So I am looking for a tri bra material bra that closes and completely opens.  Is this too much to ask for?

Ok......frustrated female triathlete moving on...

2009-01-17 1:52 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Putting all thoughts of my store aside - we need to get you back in the pool! What are your plans for starting swimming again?

Triathlon sports bra that hooks in back. Wow - I cannot think of any that I've ever come across - but I will definitely keep an eye out....have you ever looked at Title Nine athletic wear? Perhaps they would have something....
2009-01-17 4:56 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Pool- well yes.  If it was above 20degrees here, I would go swim. Maybe this week.  I went to that open house and even sent an email to the local tri coaching company asking about an upcoming swim techniques class. no response.  the nice thing about chicago is that there are a couple of options for swim coaches, etc.

yes- drop dead date for the pool is Feb 15.

2009-01-17 5:41 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
We will continue to poke and prod you until then lol
2009-01-17 8:10 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
So I did my run earlier today. It turned out pretty well. I like it better when I have a planned set for my run rather than just run and up the speed when I need to.

Having the recovery at 6 (10 mph) wasn't the easiest but it was enough to relax the legs. I was only able to do the minimum I had set out to do at 7 which was 3 minutes and 2 minutes at 7.5. I am still very happy with that. Had I gone down to 5.5 instead of 6 I may have been able to go longer but that is more for when I do intervals.

Lynn -
Whoah- you all are upping the ante with holding 7.5 for 2-5 minutes! Game on!

I aint gonna leave you behind. I only lasted 2 minutes at that level. And that was at the 30 minute mark of my run. I was looking at your workout and I don't know If I could do your ladder workout. It woud definately be a HR burner. I might try it once I reach 45 minutes on the schedule for my medium runs.
2009-01-17 8:14 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Awesome job Mel!!!!
2009-01-18 11:56 AM
in reply to: #1884714

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
I had a great practise this morning. I was up and out of the house by 5:40 AM. I don't even do that during the week.

I had a great swim in the pool for an hour. And then I climbed the Alps according to my triathlon coach who runs our cycle class. We had a nice long 15 minute hill today. Maybe this summer I'll finally get over my fear of big hills.

And then to top off the practise, we did 20 minutes or cueling ab and core work. There were lots of groans and moans from everyone.

I hope everyone else had a good weekend of workouts / races. Looking forwarding to reading all about them.

Edited by mellymedic 2009-01-18 11:57 AM
2009-01-18 5:22 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Awesome job Melanie!  You motivated me to actually do the 2 hours on the lakefront today in 15f degree weather (felt like 0 accding to kept on thinking, if Melanie is getting out in those frigid temps, surely I can!  (I was going to wimp out after 40 minutes, but I ran a path forcing me to do at least 1:30.)

Also- jealous of your tri group brick workouts on Sundays.  I was part of a tri group when I first started 4 years really helped me push to my max.  

Ok ladies---guess what I did this afternoon......I scheduled an appointment for next Friday evening to get my road bike fit (3hr, intense analysis done last yr) adjusted to a triathlon bike.....then purchase will be made  Brand will more than likely be Cervelo, but may also be Cannondale, Orbea, or Felt depeding on my body and the geometry of those brands.


2009-01-18 5:35 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
I can't wait to hear what you end up with! As I said, I'm getting the Felt B2, my husband has the Cervelo P2C....a friend of ours has a Orbea....blah blah blah. You won't go wrong! Yahoo!

I did my cycling lactate threshold test today......OUCH! But saw a SIGNIFICANT improvement over last year.
2009-01-18 5:43 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Uhh, I feel for you!  I did a lactate threshold test on a bike two weeks after my first ever half-ironman....that was a mistake!  I don't think I walked normal for 2 days afterwards!  Should have waited a bit longer.

I hope tomorrow is a day off for you....


On another note----I just signed up for Swim Techniques 101...beginning March 17.  Looks like the pool will be my friend very soon!

Edited by LB22 2009-01-19 9:38 AM
2009-01-19 10:07 AM
in reply to: #1884714

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Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Awesome that you signed up for the swim class!!!!!!
2009-01-19 11:21 AM
in reply to: #1884714

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Hey everyone! Hard for me to get onto the boards to catch up. I enjoyed reading everyone's comments and questions. My question is about nutrition. I am a vegetarian and I am always wondering if I am eating too much or not enough in terms of both total calories and the fat/protein/carb ratio. I am at a healthy weight (135 at 5'4" although I would still like to drop 5-10lbs if possible. I generally aim to have between 1600 and 1800 calories per day. My workouts are: Monday - 30 min cardio (usually treadmill run), Tuesday - Thursday 20 minutes free weights and 30 minutes cardio, Friday - rest day, Saturday - 60 minutes weights, 60 minutes cardio (indoor run & bike), Sunday - 30-45 minute swim. I aim for 50% carb, 30% protein and 20% fat but I typically come in with my carbs highter (60-65%) and my protein and fat lower (20% ish).

Any suggestions or general sharing of your diet/exericse woudl be appreciated! Thanks! Krista

2009-01-19 2:50 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Hi there!

Have you ever heard of the book "Sports Nutrition for Endurance Athletes"? It's another book that is on my list of "must haves".

I'm working towards my certificate in Health & Wellness and Sports Nutrition consulting right now. I'll dig through some of my books and see what I can find for you.

Edited by Tamio 2009-01-19 2:51 PM

2009-01-19 5:54 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Hey Krista!  good to hear/see you joining in!  I was shocked recently to read an article on BT from a nutrionalist who said 1600-1800 was the right target amount for female active athletes looking to drop a few pounds....I always thought 1200-1500, closer to 1500 due to my activity. Yes, plenty of sources say 1800, but I just didn't believe it.  At 1800, I have enough energy to get through the workouts and I am not hungry....when I practice the 5-meals/grazing/call it what you want plan.  And that's also when I see the most changes in my body.

As for carb/protien/fat mix, I'll let Tami speak.  But for me personally, I've discovered these last 7-10 years via trial and error that I see the most weight loss results when I limit fat.  In the last 2 years, I focus more on eating fresh veggies, whole grains, and chicken.  (I have red meat about every 2 weeks).  It gives me more fuel for my workouts.

Oh- and water. Lots of water

2009-01-19 7:38 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Lynn - do you mean that you are only eating about 1500 calories a day while you are training?! That seems really low to me. 1600 is the minimum I can eat and be full but I usually prefer closer to 1800. I could easily eat closer to 2000 but I restrict my intake because that seems like too much. What does a typical 1500 calorie day look like for you?
2009-01-19 9:20 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Now, now...don't get too excited  There is a reason why you all can't see my nutrition logs

Seriously, I have not tracked my nurtriotion since last April-June....but from logging it here in BT, I did notice a trend...I targetted 1500 calories, and if I did that for 2-3 days, I would then binged 1850-3000 calories the next day.  So there you have it. 1500 is obviously not enough

What happened in June--heavy HIM training with 2 a days, so pretty much I ate whatever, as long as healthy (ie, I could identify the raw source...well, as much as possible).  I have no idea what my calorie intake was, but I was within 3 pounds of goal race weight and stayed there through marathon training and the marathon in early October.  Then, hello.

I have noticed that if I have a heavier breakfast, then I am less hungry all day long.

2009-01-19 9:37 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
as much as I would love to know how much calories I am taking in, it is too much trouble to track. for me at this point it is a bit too obsessive to calorie count everything I eat. I still look at all the labels of things I buy and I recently bought a new cookbook to get some new healthy recipies and then mention the total calories of the meal. I know I am not in the 3000 range. My guess is somewhere between 1500 and 2000. Maybe even less on some days but not by much.

I'll have the treat here and there but I am not a binge eater or an emotional eater which is a good thing. If anything when I am stressed my stomach gets queasy and I lose my appetite.
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