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2009-05-09 10:16 AM
in reply to: #2075032

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Pinckney, MI
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
I guess I should have clarified and said NUMBER belt 
I'm not planning on carrying gels around for my first sprint.

2009-05-09 11:12 AM
in reply to: #2140409

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Extreme Veteran
Southwestern Ontario
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
That was my fault...I didn't (and still don't) know what a number belt is exactly. I guess I thought your race number was just pinned on...See, I am SUCH a newbie...
2009-05-09 4:23 PM
in reply to: #2075032

New user

Clear Lake, Texas
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
Just a note to say this forum is not easy to figure out I hope I am replyin in the general group area and not directly to someones's post!

Had a great day in spinning class, very difficult instructor but well liked. Bought my first road bike today. After much reserch and many bids on craigslist and e-bay I decided to just buy from my LBS. Ordered a Black 61 cm Specialized Allez. Yes an entry level bike but that is what I am an entry level rider! Can't wait to get it and RIDE!!!!

2009-05-09 6:22 PM
in reply to: #2140734

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
JS- You got it right!  In this forum, we only get one thread per group.  Does make it kind of awkward at first.  Very cool about the bike!  When will you get it?  

This morning we went to the pool to make up the swim that we bailed on last night.  Then some shopping for garden stuff.  After that we were off for a brick.  A freind of ours (who is stupid-fast) organized a 15 min run/ 18 mile bike/ 30 min run workout.  He stayed with Jeremy and me for the first 15 min; both of them were probably walking while I was red-lined.  Then we took off on the bikes and he left us about 2 miles in.  Then Jeremy left me about 5 miles in.  I just kept doing my thing and did the 18 loop.  As I was coming back on the last 2 miles, Mario caught up with me.  He did some extra miles.  Jeremy was already running, so we were all pretty close together.  The second run was tough, but they always are.  In all, a good workout.  Tomorrow is a big bike day (~2 hours). 

Keep up the good work, group!
2009-05-12 8:28 AM
in reply to: #2075032

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
What's on the schedule for the week?  Recovery week for me and a race on Sunday.  First OWS of the year and it will be chilly. 
2009-05-12 9:42 AM
in reply to: #2145305

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Pinckney, MI
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
First week of a new training program.
First practice Tri on Sunday with a bunch of fellow BT-ers here in Michigan, which includes:
First OWS - will be cold cold cold cold cold!  I think around 56?  I'll be building TONS of character during the swim   

2009-05-14 7:23 PM
in reply to: #2075032

New user

Clear Lake, Texas
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
Went to LBS today and got fitted for my bike! It came in today. I bought a few toys for it. Like aero bars, gel seat (yes I did!!) Got to be comfortable in my old age!!Cool, seat bag for my stuff, computer for mileage and such, and my first helmet. I pick it up Saturday. Planned 12 mile ride with my trainer next Saturday after we watch our first Triathalon. Hope to pick up some tips by watching!

About 100 days till our first Tri. Got to get in pool for laps. see ya soon!!!

2009-05-15 7:12 AM
in reply to: #2151911

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
JS- So exciting!!!  How are you going to wait until Saturday to get your new bike?  That would drive me mad.  Going to watch a tri is a great idea.  Pay particular attention to transition and you'll learn a lot.  100 days to go!
2009-05-15 7:26 AM
in reply to: #2075032

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
Thoughts from a recovery week

Recovery weeks suck.  That's it, plain and simple.  This week my training volume went from 10.5 hours to 5.  A logical person might think that I would feel great, refreshed and well rested.  Not the case.  I feel drained, lethargic and crabby.  In reality, it's probably my body repairing itself and recovering from the last 3 weeks.  In addition, it's the middle of May which means about 3 weeks to the end of school and my ninth graders are all insane. 

Enough whining.  The point of this is that when you cut back your training (as you should from time to time), don't be suprised if you feel a bit off.  It's very common to feel worse on recovery weeks than on the high volume weeks.  I have friends who claim they only get sick on recovery weeks.  It's just a function of the body's need for repair. 

Keep up the good work you guys!  Train smart and have fun!
2009-05-15 7:59 AM
in reply to: #2152443

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Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
rowdypaint - 2009-05-15 7:26 AM Thoughts from a recovery week

Recovery weeks suck.  That's it, plain and simple.  This week my training volume went from 10.5 hours to 5.  A logical person might think that I would feel great, refreshed and well rested.  Not the case.  I feel drained, lethargic and crabby.  In reality, it's probably my body repairing itself and recovering from the last 3 weeks.  In addition, it's the middle of May which means about 3 weeks to the end of school and my ninth graders are all insane. 

Enough whining.  The point of this is that when you cut back your training (as you should from time to time), don't be suprised if you feel a bit off.  It's very common to feel worse on recovery weeks than on the high volume weeks.  I have friends who claim they only get sick on recovery weeks.  It's just a function of the body's need for repair. 

Keep up the good work you guys!  Train smart and have fun!

I agree I hate recovery weeks!  I am always tired and grumpy and it feel like a monumental effort to get through even the small workouts I am scheduled to do.
2009-05-15 8:00 AM
in reply to: #2075032

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Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
Hi all-  I have had a really rough week...on call twice and just tired in general.  I haven't really felt like training but I have tried to get it in...I am really behind as far as my plan goes and so I am going to have to put in some serious workouts tonight and tomorrow to pull myself even for the week.

2009-05-15 1:01 PM
in reply to: #2075032

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Pinckney, MI
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
Nice on the bike, JS!!

Patty, Katie, I hear you about recovery week.  My first post-recovery run was yesterday, and it felt iffy, at best.  Theoretically, I went FASTER than I normally train, so maybe this recovery stuff isn't so bad, after all.  I'll vote "undecided", for now.

Katie, hang in there.  It really doesn't matter what training you missed BEFORE now (you can't do anything about that, anyway).  Just don't let it get you distracted from doing the training you CAN arrange to do.

Unless they are an elite athlete, I would bet that almost EVERYONE has missed training sessions at one time or another.  And maybe even the elite ones do, too. (I don't know, since I'm not elite... don't tell
We can only do what we can do.

Anyway, my vote (if it counts) would be this:  Rather than kicking in some really big workouts to make up for lost sessions, just pick up where you left off in your training schedule.  Treat it as a mini-break, or something (which, technically, it was). 
Plus, then I won't have to feel as guilty about the training sessions that I've missed, either. 

(Sorry, I know you weren't looking for any advice... it just kinda slipped out... I guess my Friday at work isn't as busy as it should be)

Once again... all the stuff that comes from me should be marked with a "*" and designated as "IN THEORY".

Have a good weekend
2009-05-17 9:22 AM
in reply to: #2075032

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Extreme Veteran
Southwestern Ontario
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
Hi everyone. I fell off the training wagon this week myself. I'm in my summer term now, which means I'm in school 2 nights per week. No excuses, though. I do agree with you Erik re: not beating yourself up and picking up where you left off. I am going for a run today, which is a day late and I missed my Wed run. This is a long weekend for us in the north (Victoria Day), so I'm off work til Tuesday...must swim tomorrow. I only have a month left before I start the Original 13-week training plan!! Everyone keep up the good work and good luck the the race Patty.

I'd have to go back and look through the posts, but I'm sure 2 others of you had races this month (Erik and Katie?). How'd they go?
2009-05-17 9:28 AM
in reply to: #2075032

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Extreme Veteran
Southwestern Ontario
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
Oops, I see Erik's and Katie's races are in the next couple of weeks. Well, I'm really excited for you guys. Let's get some personal bests...WOO HOO!!!
2009-05-17 7:16 PM
in reply to: #2075032

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...

Happy Sunday everyone!  I survived the first tri of the season.  Kind of chilly, but a good day.  More details in my race report.   

Next week's training plan is below.  Jeremy has a big race on Saturday, so that looks like an off day for me.  Today I somehow jacked up my leg and it hurts really bad.  Not sure the running is going to happen.  We'll see. 

BUILD116Date18-May19-May20-May21-May22-May23-May24-May540 540
Hours:Run    45   60     10519% 
9Bike50 40   45     120 25547%Delta
Min:Swim60   60   60     18033%0
 Otherlatenight    TT    (Apple)  00% 

2009-05-18 5:51 AM
in reply to: #2075032

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Pinckney, MI
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
Nice race, Patty!

There were a bunch of Michigan BT'ers who kinda did a practice Tri at one of the local parks.  I think about 20 or so showed up.  Lots of fun!
There was supposed to be some kind of transition walkthrough (how to set up, etc) but that never happened.  It was cold and windy all morning.  (I heard it was about 45 when we got there)
We had to avoid fishermen and scuba rescue folks practicing in the same water   

The water was cold!  But it wasn't unbearable, even without a wetsuit.  The wind made the exit a lot colder. 
I found out that my biking is not as strong as I thought... I should probably try to focus a little more on it.  Run was fine... a little wobbly after biking.  I managed to stay on my feet.

Lots of good food afterwards.  I think unofficially, I am a (practice) triathlete now!!    woo!

2009-05-18 7:41 AM
in reply to: #2157035

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Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
ethompson - 2009-05-18 5:51 AM Nice race, Patty!

There were a bunch of Michigan BT'ers who kinda did a practice Tri at one of the local parks.  I think about 20 or so showed up.  Lots of fun!
There was supposed to be some kind of transition walkthrough (how to set up, etc) but that never happened.  It was cold and windy all morning.  (I heard it was about 45 when we got there)
We had to avoid fishermen and scuba rescue folks practicing in the same water   

The water was cold!  But it wasn't unbearable, even without a wetsuit.  The wind made the exit a lot colder. 
I found out that my biking is not as strong as I thought... I should probably try to focus a little more on it.  Run was fine... a little wobbly after biking.  I managed to stay on my feet.

Lots of good food afterwards.  I think unofficially, I am a (practice) triathlete now!!    woo!

Great Job Erik!!! Your race is this week right? 
2009-05-19 10:04 AM
in reply to: #2075032

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Pinckney, MI
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
Katie, is yours this weekend?  Good luck... we'll be thinking fast thoughts for you!
I have about 2 weeks (5/31) before my first real Tri.

(*tangent alert*) I stumbled across an article about losing weight and adjusting your (my) workouts to target losing fat.
This may not apply to anyone else but me, but I'm going to begin trying to work this into my schedule.

here's the article link -->

That article has a link to the actual exercises mentioned  linked here -->

And lastly (*another tangent*) - Dermo... what IS your avatar picture?  I can't decide if it's a snout of some creature, or a mangled-up sock-foot, or what.  I can't tell, and every time I see it, I have to look at it for a long time until I decide that I really can't tell what it is! 
2009-05-19 10:45 AM
in reply to: #2075032

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Pinckney, MI
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
I'm crossing my fingers here...

I just registered for a long sprint tri that ends with a 5 mile hilly trail run!!
I'm being optimistically optimistic, and hoping I didn't just go crazy somehow (It's on the weekend after my first one)
Everything's going to be ok, right?
2009-05-19 10:01 PM
in reply to: #2160662

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Extreme Veteran
Southwestern Ontario
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
LOL...good luck with that!...My avatar is a pic of me lying on the couch with a cat at my feet...see how athletic I am?
2009-05-19 10:15 PM
in reply to: #2156527

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Extreme Veteran
Southwestern Ontario
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
I read your race report Patty. Great job. Sounds like a good time was had by all.

2009-05-20 2:06 PM
in reply to: #2162265

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Pinckney, MI
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
dermoski - 2009-05-19 11:01 PM LOL...good luck with that!...My avatar is a pic of me lying on the couch with a cat at my feet...see how athletic I am?

AHA!!  Now I see it!  I can't tell you how many times I thought it was a cow with some kind of blindfold, or something (no offense), but I could see what looked like crossed arms in the background, which made me think that those were feet, but I never could see the cat. 

Note to self:  re-check Rx for glasses
2009-05-20 3:09 PM
in reply to: #2075032

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
E- I thought it was a cow too!  Ha!  Of course now I can see the cat. 
2009-05-20 3:37 PM
in reply to: #2164099

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Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
rowdypaint - 2009-05-20 3:09 PM E- I thought it was a cow too!  Ha!  Of course now I can see the cat. 

I though the cat looked like a hoof but then I couldn't make out what the rest of it of course it is obvious
2009-05-20 3:41 PM
in reply to: #2160521

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Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
ethompson - 2009-05-19 10:04 AM Katie, is yours this weekend?  Good luck... we'll be thinking fast thoughts for you!
I have about 2 weeks (5/31) before my first real Tri.

(*tangent alert*) I stumbled across an article about losing weight and adjusting your (my) workouts to target losing fat.
This may not apply to anyone else but me, but I'm going to begin trying to work this into my schedule.

here's the article link -->

That article has a link to the actual exercises mentioned  linked here -->

And lastly (*another tangent*) - Dermo... what IS your avatar picture?  I can't decide if it's a snout of some creature, or a mangled-up sock-foot, or what.  I can't tell, and every time I see it, I have to look at it for a long time until I decide that I really can't tell what it is! 

I am doing a 30 mile ride on Sunday called Bike the Drive...basically they shut down Lake Shore Drive in Chicago for 4 hours and you get to ride on it...not really a race, but it will be a good chance to get some miles on my new road bike.
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