another ASS here, yeah!
when i pass near the smoker in a public place, i simply close my nose
if i accidentaly inhale some smoke, i quickly exhale and then close my nose as i would do with any other odour passing by, and thats it! i don't swet over it
(now when i think about it, i stopped visiting my smoking friends long time ago, but we can meet outside during the warmer half of the year... somehow we don't... we have not much in common, anyhow... i enjoy company of people similar to me so they simply slipped off my mind...
- i am also against lumping people together, everyone is unique - for example i noticed one of my smoking friends using a portable, pocket ashtray
(what with poisonous remarks and even poisonous looks? it is also bad for health
- i will buy a car suitable to convert to gas someday, until then i have my bike and public transportation
- my BF was a passionate smoker when we started dating, he used that as an opportunity to quit smoking
- drinking is not allowed in Croatia while driving, we have zero % law here,
(although it is not very popular, you can imagine
), i agree that drinking and driving was horrible thing to do
- it is not unusual here that smoker sits in non-smoking section and asks an ashtray, and actualy GETS it! that really piss me off
- etc. etc. everything was already covered in details, except
---> noone mentioned something even worse then parents smoking in their house/car with their children, and that is: pregnant smokers/drinkers...