BT Development Mentor Program Archives » 2010 Molly's Mentor Group - IS ALL FULL UP (CLOSED) Rss Feed  
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2009-12-23 10:55 AM
in reply to: #2556063

New user

Subject: RE: 2010 Molly's Mentor Group - IS ALL FULL UP (CLOSED)

I would like to join this group as I know the mentor, and she is awesome!!!

NAME: John Allen

STORY: I am the least "typical" triathlete out there (I imagine!!!). 3 years ago I knew nothing of the sport, and still know very little. 3 years ago the thought of running was a mild annoyance, swimming was something I thought I was doing in the pool with the kids (I found out actual swimming was more difficult), and biking was something I enjoyed as a casual exercise. For me exercise never came easy, and was rarely enjoyable or addicting. 3 years ago I bought my first road bike with the thought that my wife and I could do some things together. I soon discovered that my wife was far more dedicated and experienced than I was (am). I stuck to the bike for 2 years and truly enjoyed riding and got much better at it. In the fall of 2008 my wife asked me to "try" a "sprint" triathlon in the spring of 2009. She introduced me to this site and gave me some of the foundations to the sport. By this time I had seen her compete many times, and experienced the true inspiration that any spectator feels at a triathlon event. This past May I compteted in the "Encinitas Super Sprint Triathlon" and it was truly a disaster. I couldn't swim, I had a decent bike and pretty much walked the entire 1 1/2 mile run course. I realized if I was going to do this I needed to put in much more effort. Towards the end of this summer after I had given zero effort into exercising or training my wife asked me to consider doing a 1/2 ironman event (The Nevada Silverman). I laughed, there was no way I would be able to do that!!! She promised to help me train, and it would start with swimming. We hit the pool together and I remember my first lap stopping and thinking "damn I am breathing hard". Over the next 2 months I swam and biked and finally convinced myself I could get on a treadmill. In October I competed in the Pumpkinman sprint tri and again experienced disaster. I couldn't swim, even after all the time I spent in the pool working up to longer distances (1 1/2 mile workouts were the norm). I did well on the bike course, but it is a tough course with about a 6 mile climb to the finish. By the time the run came around my legs were dead, and I struggled. With only 4 weeks to go until Silverman I dedicated my training to open water swimming (and overcoming race day nerves), and to longer distance running. I wanted to finish the Silverman 1/2 ironman in less than 8 hours (no big deal for most triathletes, but a huge task for a 270 pound couch potato). On race day everything seemed to come together, I had a great swim, a great bike (on a very tough course), and a decent run (on a tough course). Overall I finished just below 8 hours and met everyone of my goals. I was hooked!!! The most rewarding part of the whole day was not the achievement of completing this event or hitting all of my goals it was the inspiration one receives from family, friends and spectators along the way. Crossing the finish line with my children and hugging my wife at the end of an exhausting event is all the motivation I need to continue in this sport.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with two children 8 and 5.

CURRENT TRAINING: I have no current training. January 4th when my children are back in school I will begin my running and core training. I am considering a 1/2 marathon in February...because I want to compete with an i-pod!!! 

THIS YEAR'S RACES: In 2009, I competed in the Encinitas super sprint, Las Vegas Pumpkinman sprint, and the Nevada Silverman 1/2 iron.

2010 RACES: I would like to again compete in the Encinitas super sprint (to prove that I have improved!!!), I will most likely compete in various sprint distance tri's in Nevada or Southern California. I would again like to end my season with the Silverman 1/2.

OTHER NOTES: Having seen my wife compete in the Arizona Ironman full distance I would like to eventually work my way to that goal. I have no aspirations of competing in Kona or ever winning an event, I just like to have people who have known me my whole life say "you did WHAT???".

WEIGHT LOSS: For me I use triathlon training and competetion as a means to lose weight. In the summer of 2008 I weighed almost 320 pounds, I am now a "heavy" 270 pounds. During my Silverman training I went as low as 258 (a weight I had't seen since before high school). I know that once I hit my training again in January I will continue to lose weight. For me it is something that has happened realtively easy despite years and years of battling. I enjoy it now, and look forward to one day being able to compete in the same events as my wife or even children.

I don't think I can offer much in terms of experience, but I can offer support and the flip side to "expert" triathletes. For me it is inspirational, fun, and a great way to prove to oneself that you can push your mind and body well out of their comfort zones.

2009-12-23 11:28 AM
in reply to: #2556063

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Subject: RE: 2010 Molly's Mentor Group - IS ALL FULL UP (CLOSED)
Hey Molly - great advice in response to Tania's question. Thanks for that. For sure, keeping it in perspective and remembering why we do this thing is so important and really helps keep the whole thing a lot more fun, which I think actually translates into better and more quality workouts, but that's just me.

As for my race season, I'm thinking about:

The Harry's Spring Run-off - 8 km race in my neighbourhood
The Sporting Life 10K - 10 km down Yonge Street in Toronto - apparently EVERYBODY PRs because it's all down hill. It hurts just thinking about it.
Milton triathlon - a longer sprint 750/30k/7.5k
Gravenhurst Olympic
The Acura 10 miler
Kingston Triathlon - Long Course
Muskoka 70.3 - the big one
Scotiabank Waterfront half marathon
The Zoo run - 10k

We'll see how it all shakes down...I haven't registered for any of these yet.
2009-12-23 3:17 PM
in reply to: #2556063

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: 2010 Molly's Mentor Group - IS ALL FULL UP (CLOSED)
Happy Wednesday everyone. For those who haven't noticed, we have a new member to our group - John Allen. For those that haven't realized John is my husband. I hope you don't mind, but since we lost 1 of our group, I figured we had an opening and since I have to share a house with him, he took priority over a stranger. However, if anyone feels uncomfortable by the addition, please let me know and he's outta here. Happy training and happy holidays!
2009-12-23 3:22 PM
in reply to: #2556063

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Hudson Valley, NY
Subject: RE: 2010 Molly's Mentor Group - IS ALL FULL UP (CLOSED)
No problem here - welcome to John!  Who did we lose from our group?
2009-12-23 5:13 PM
in reply to: #2556063

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Subject: RE: 2010 Molly's Mentor Group - IS ALL FULL UP (CLOSED)
Welcome John! I didn't notice we lost anyone, who was it so I can update my friend list.

Molly thanks for the advice on the workouts, I think I need to shake things up and in January I am hoping to put together a training plan for more structure. Just curious, what do you drink before your workout? I take it you don't get cramps as a result?

After seeing Pamela's race list (we are both in Toronto), it occured to me I already committed to the 10K Sporting Life race. I have a client enrolled and I promised a friend. I do also want to commit to a try-a-tri and a duathlon. I will decide which one once I consult with others in the tri club I plan to join in the spring.
2009-12-23 6:01 PM
in reply to: #2556063

Hoosier heartland
Subject: RE: 2010 Molly's Mentor Group - IS ALL FULL UP (CLOSED)
Happy to have your hubby John with us!  O.k. this is my tentative race schedule:

Carmel sprint triathlon-April
One America 500 festival mini marathon-May
Eagle Creek sprint triathlon-June or July?
Carmel freedom run 4.5miler-July
Cicero sprint triathlon-August
Monumental Marathon-November

Molly, I would love some tips on open water swimming.  Never swam in open water.  Luckily, my first triathlon this April will be swimming in a lap pool.  One thing that was stressed to me was the importance of learning how to tread water!!  I can float on my back pretty well.  But treading water upright is a little difficult.  I definetely need to practice this before I swim in open water!  Also, is it illegal to stop at a bouy and hold on to it to rest during the open water swim?

2009-12-23 6:44 PM
in reply to: #2556063

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: 2010 Molly's Mentor Group - IS ALL FULL UP (CLOSED)
We lost Christina aka MechEChick. On the drinking before a workout, it depends when I am working out and how long the workout is as well as conditions. There are lots of opinions about nutrition and sports drinks and I'm sure we'll cover this a lot as we get more into the season. From my experience, you have to find what works for you. This particularly true with longer distances as certain things I tried made me ill while others worked just fine. Another thing to consider is what is being offered during your race. Most races will have water available and many offer some kind of sports drink (usually either Gatorade or HEED). Athletes will often train for their "A" races and practice with the nutrition that is being offered at the race. I personally find what works for me and then carry it with me, while eating off the course as needed. Nutrition strategy for IM is very different than for a sprint. My rule of thumb is this - if the workout is 90 minutes or less and it's not too hot out, I drink water only. Really, for an easy 90 minute not too hot workout your not really using up electrolytes, so for me anything other than water is just calories and salt which I will carry around for 3-4 days. If I'm going 2 -3 hours, I will usually carry gatorade or infinit or HEED depending on the workout. Gatorade works just fine for me for running and biking so that is usually what I drink and alternate with water. I will also carry 1-2 gels for a workout of that length. If I am swimming in the morning early (usually 4:00 or 5:00 am) I don't drink anything beforehand and keep a bottle of water and/or my starbucks (aka my early morning wake-up reward) poolside and sip between sets. If I am doing a swim later in the day, I try to eat a little extra salt at the meal before the swim and will keep a gatorade pool side and sip between sets. I do cramp in the afternoon during a swim and I'm not sure how to avoid it. I will offer this by way of nutrition. There are lots of strategies and products and ideas. However, nutrition is an extremely individualized part of the sport. What one person is doing is probably different than 95% of everyone else at the same race. You have to find what works for you and that comes from trial and error and lots of practice. I adhere to the 4 min feeds during the bike portion of every race which is as follows: for the first 20 minutes of any race it is water only (usually your stomach is queasy from the swim so you need to let it settle). Then I go to gatorade sips every four minutes for the next 20 minutes. If I am on the bike longer than 40 minutes I will take a hammergel and chase it with water sips every 4 minutes for the next 20 minutes. I then alternate that schedule until the bike portion is over trying to get about 250-300 calories per hour on the bike between fluid and other sources. This strategy has worked well for me, but I know others who only drink when they are thirsty and others who only take gatorade on the bike. Again, it is highly individualized and you have to find what works for you. I hope this helps as far as the nutrition.
2009-12-23 6:57 PM
in reply to: #2556063

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Subject: RE: 2010 Molly's Mentor Group - IS ALL FULL UP (CLOSED)
Thanks Molly that is good info. I was just curious what you ordered at Starbucks as your reward and if you drank it before your swim, now I know you drink it during, I didn't realize you could bring beverages into the pool area. I found a YMCA close by that is open on xmas day. Since I have nothing planned I may go check it out.
2009-12-24 4:12 AM
in reply to: #2576094

North Wales, UK
Subject: RE: 2010 Molly's Mentor Group - IS ALL FULL UP (CLOSED)
Welcome John, you are very welcome. 

My race goals for this year are (remember I live in Wales):

Harlech  9 May sprint  400m pool swim, 30k bike, 6.5 k run
Llandudno   10 July sprint 750m sea swim, 19.5k bike, 5k run

My plan is to focus on biking for Harlech, since it is bike heavy and that is my weakest area. After that, I will get a wetsuit and venture into the sea in prep for Llandudno. 

I am not sure what happens after that, as we may spend 6 weeks visiting family in upstate NY. I will probably do a third race in September, but not sure if it will be a standard distance or another sprint. It will depend on how much training I can get in on a long family vacation. 

Merry Christmas. I was going to run today but may take a rest for two days. It is snowing here today and very slippy (snow is rare), plus my children are totally bonkers .

Edited by mhoerger 2009-12-24 4:13 AM
2009-12-25 11:20 AM
in reply to: #2556063

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: 2010 Molly's Mentor Group - IS ALL FULL UP (CLOSED)

Happy holidays everyone!

2009-12-25 9:10 PM
in reply to: #2556063


Subject: RE: 2010 Molly's Mentor Group - IS ALL FULL UP (CLOSED)
Welcome John and Happy Holidays! How do you add people as friends? I am very new to this site

2009-12-26 7:49 PM
in reply to: #2577845

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: 2010 Molly's Mentor Group - IS ALL FULL UP (CLOSED)
IdealGirlie - 2009-12-25 7:10 PM Welcome John and Happy Holidays! How do you add people as friends? I am very new to this site

Add each other to your BT friends list. This is done by going to the control panel --> edit training settings --> friends. Enter each person in the group and you will have instant access to their blogs. That way you can check in and encourage each other on a regular basis. To inspire someone just go to their log and click on inspire and type in your message. If someone else has left you a message and you want to reply, hit the blog button on their message it will take you to their blog with the initial message. Don't hit reply as it will just reply in your own blog.

2009-12-27 12:02 AM
in reply to: #2556063

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Subject: RE: 2010 Molly's Mentor Group - IS ALL FULL UP (CLOSED)
I hope everybody had a great holiday. Santa was very good to me--I got garmin 405. I am not sure if I should keep it or trade it in for the older 305 model. I stand to get over $100 back if I trade it in... Anybody have any thoughts or input or info or even hearsay about the new model? I also got a new swimsuit, a nice cap to wear running, and I bought myself some new running shoes (they were on sale, how could I resist?), and new sugoi midzero zap running tights. I went running this afternoon...let's just say I was still a little cold even though it was in the 20's (20 F, that is)... If I keep it up, I might actually start training lie a triathlete again soon...LOL.
2009-12-27 1:45 AM
in reply to: #2556063

North Wales, UK
Subject: RE: 2010 Molly's Mentor Group - IS ALL FULL UP (CLOSED)
My Christmas was mostly triathlon too, but that was because once I sat down with DH and totalled up all I spent on another pair of trainers (running shoes), an extra pilates class to focus on leg strength, bicycle shorts, and my bike tune-up we decided he could stop shopping. 

We're off work and the kids are off school for another week, which is lovely but means I have less control of my time. I can't seem to get to the pool without a 3-year-old in tow. The great news is that I gave up the c25k program because it was too cold to stop and walk and am running nearly 3 miles pain free. That feels fantastic. The bad news is I am getting anterior knee pain (different anterior knee pain!) when I cycle. All I read suggests this may be foot position, and I don't have clips. I wonder if clips would help. I am considering adding a cadence sensor to my Garmin (the 50) but that seems too fussy for beginner me right now. We are doing a lot of socialising next week, and I've invited all my cyclying friends around for a meal. I'm hoping in exchange for food they will advice me on positioning  
2009-12-27 6:46 AM
in reply to: #2556063

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Hudson Valley, NY
Subject: RE: 2010 Molly's Mentor Group - IS ALL FULL UP (CLOSED)
I had triathlon Christmas too!  So psyched!  I got a bike trainer and front wheel riser block, tri shorts, Friel's Triathlete's Training Bible, a race number belt (it's the little things in life, you know!), motorola wireless/bluetooth headphones for my iPod so I can run and bike with no wires (Awesome!), and my little "Swim Bike Run" magnet for the back of my car.  I can't wait to put it on!! 

My bike trainer is amazing.  I'm so excited to be able to add the bike to my training plan during the winter.
2009-12-27 7:26 AM
in reply to: #2578681

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Subject: RE: 2010 Molly's Mentor Group - IS ALL FULL UP (CLOSED)
Awesome about your bike trainer Jen, I love mine too other than the crappy mountain bike I am riding on.

Molly, how does one evaluate form on a bike? I am wondering two things. 1) If the bike is set up properly and how can I tell. 2) What is the best form on the bike while riding (i.e. back straight, butt back, etc.)

2009-12-27 9:16 AM
in reply to: #2578619

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Subject: RE: 2010 Molly's Mentor Group - IS ALL FULL UP (CLOSED)
givemashot - 2009-12-27 12:02 AMI hope everybody had a great holiday. Santa was very good to me--I got garmin 405. I am not sure if I should keep it or trade it in for the older 305 model. I stand to get over $100 back if I trade it in... Anybody have any thoughts or input or info or even hearsay about the new model? I also got a new swimsuit, a nice cap to wear running, and I bought myself some new running shoes (they were on sale, how could I resist?), and new sugoi midzero zap running tights. I went running this afternoon...let's just say I was still a little cold even though it was in the 20's (20 F, that is)... If I keep it up, I might actually start training lie a triathlete again soon...LOL.
HI Amy,I got the 305 for Christmas, and I'm pleased with it. I researched and decided that Santa would have an aneurism (sp?) if I asked for the 405. More to the point, the 305 does what I want it to do. Having said that, my brother upgraded to the 405 and is very, very pleased with it and wanted "Santa" to get me that one. It depends on what you need it for, I guess. I'm sorry that you found the mid-zeros inadequate...I wonder if you put wind pants over them (I sometimes do that when it gets to -10C or less)...I guess 15 years figure skating in north-central Ontario made my legs impervious to the cold! Good haul for Christmas, though!
2009-12-27 9:17 AM
in reply to: #2578681

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Subject: RE: 2010 Molly's Mentor Group - IS ALL FULL UP (CLOSED)
jenmel - 2009-12-27 6:46 AMI had triathlon Christmas too!  So psyched!  I got a bike trainer and front wheel riser block, tri shorts, Friel's Triathlete's Training Bible, a race number belt (it's the little things in life, you know!), motorola wireless/bluetooth headphones for my iPod so I can run and bike with no wires (Awesome!), and my little "Swim Bike Run" magnet for the back of my car.  I can't wait to put it on!! 

My bike trainer is amazing.  I'm so excited to be able to add the bike to my training plan during the winter.
I want a swim/bike/run magnet!! Where did you get it? (Other than from Santa, I mean).
2009-12-27 2:06 PM
in reply to: #2556063

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Hudson Valley, NY
Subject: RE: 2010 Molly's Mentor Group - IS ALL FULL UP (CLOSED)
My dad got me the magnet from a vendor at the PA state track meet. I'd never seen one before. It's a white oval one
2009-12-27 4:38 PM
in reply to: #2556063

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Subject: RE: 2010 Molly's Mentor Group - IS ALL FULL UP (CLOSED)
I would love a magnet! I have a couple stickers that I really like, but when it comes down to applying one to my car I chicken out every time.
2009-12-27 4:40 PM
in reply to: #2556063

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Subject: RE: 2010 Molly's Mentor Group - IS ALL FULL UP (CLOSED)
Thanks for the thoughts on the garmin. I think I'm going to keep the 405. I actually asked for the 305, I even gave reasons why, but I have these tiny little wrists, so my hubby spent the extra $$$ and got me the 405. He has a point--I usually can't wear bracelets because they're too big for me...unless they're kid's size, LOL.

2009-12-27 4:41 PM
in reply to: #2556063

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Subject: RE: 2010 Molly's Mentor Group - IS ALL FULL UP (CLOSED)
Ooh, look ^^^^. Lucky/spoiled me toppage!
2009-12-27 9:14 PM
in reply to: #2578702

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: 2010 Molly's Mentor Group - IS ALL FULL UP (CLOSED)
striving - 2009-12-27 5:26 AM Awesome about your bike trainer Jen, I love mine too other than the crappy mountain bike I am riding on.

Molly, how does one evaluate form on a bike? I am wondering two things. 1) If the bike is set up properly and how can I tell. 2) What is the best form on the bike while riding (i.e. back straight, butt back, etc.)

To evaluate form on the bike and to get yourself in the best position you really should consider going to a LBS and getting fitted on your bike. I finally did it before the end of the 2009 season and found out that pretty much everything about my bike was off. Once I was fitted properly, I gained lots of time on the bike. Outside of professional fitting, you want to make sure you have enough pedal strength to push down on the pedals, but not so much that your leg is completely extended. Likewise, you need to be sure your knees aren't too far over your toes which will cause injury in your legs. The best form for riding is aero position as it will keep your heartrate lower and allow you to go faster. As you can tell, I am a strong proponent of getting a fitting and trying to go aero. These are the best ways to ensure maximum performance on the bike.  
2009-12-27 9:16 PM
in reply to: #2556063

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: 2010 Molly's Mentor Group - IS ALL FULL UP (CLOSED)
Sounds like everyone had a decent Christmas. Keep up the good work through New Years!
2009-12-28 11:43 AM
in reply to: #2556063

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Subject: RE: 2010 Molly's Mentor Group - IS ALL FULL UP (CLOSED)
I am not sure if this is appropriate for our group but I thought I would ask. I was in a bike shop yesterday and came across a bike I wanted to get people's opinion on. It's a bike made in Canada so you may not be familiar with it. It's a Woman's frame and 2009 model, marked down 40%. It's full carbon and the specs are in French but I think it's self explanatory and I tried translating some parts.

DEVINCI CX 2009, women's frame, all carbon, size small (which is my size) and they include a fitting but it doesn't seem to be as high tech as some of the other places.

D?RAILLEUR BACKShimano Ultegra 6600
D?RAILLEUR FRONTShimano Tiagra 4500
P?DALFSA Vero PowerDrive 50/34T
FRONT SPEEDShimano Tiagra 4500
BACK SPEEDShimano Tiagra 4500
CASSETTEShimano HG50 9s 13-25T
CHAINShimano HG53 9s
PEDALWellgo LU-208
FRONT WHEELFormula Road Sealed/Maddux DRX4000/DT Champion
BACK WHEELFormula Road Sealed/Maddux DRX4000/DT Champion
TIREMaxxis Detonator 700x23C
BRAKESTektro R310 Dual Pivot w/angle adjustable pad
HANDLEBAR POST (?)V2 Roadbar butted 6061 31.8mm
HANDLEBAR (?)Velo cork
SEAT POSTV2 Comp 31.6mm

Edited by striving 2009-12-28 1:38 PM
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » 2010 Molly's Mentor Group - IS ALL FULL UP (CLOSED) Rss Feed  
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