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2010-02-01 8:09 PM
in reply to: #2579668

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Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Also Herve' nice improvement on your swimming keep it up!!!!!!

2010-02-02 1:07 PM
in reply to: #2579668

New user
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Herve -

Yes, good job on the swimming! I ran 5.77 miles yesterday in my new shoes. Pace was 8.88 / mile so I was pleased with that time. Anything at 9 min or under and I am ok. My run times last year were atrocious so I am hoping to get down to 8:30 pace this year.

I will be biking today as yesterday I did not get out. I want to get a swim in as well this evening at the pool here.

Happy training!

2010-02-05 12:51 AM
in reply to: #2579668

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The Netherlands
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Hello,I think that I'm having a good run at present, swimming wednesday confirmed that I'm now stable at 1:50/100m, I was doing 200 with pads or kicking with 100 Free style in between, I finished myself with a 50 in 44. I think though that the next improvements are going to come slowly now. and yesterday, I did a personal best on 5K (that's 3.1 mile) in 24:09, I was almost going to do a 23 something, but I had no speed left in me after 4.5K. Now weekend, I will do a bit of distance and focus less on time. Have a nice weekend everyone, H.
2010-02-05 1:03 PM
in reply to: #2579668

New user
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Just checking in as well.

So I've been trying to swim 3x a week and it's been working out so far. Two swims doing drills with the 3rd swim being a long one. It has definitely helped! I did the long swim today...3000 yards with my average at 1m 53s/100 I'm pretty excited I can see improvement. I haven't had a chance to ride my bike this month. The weather has been rainy/cold and I haven't had the motivation to get on my trainer.

2010-02-05 1:46 PM
in reply to: #2579668

New user
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Hi All -

Sounds as if everyone is pleased with training improvement! I will be biking today another 30 miles on a loop I like to ride here. There are some hills, but the route is really nice.

I am supporting my wife's half marathon this Sunday in San Francisco. She is using this run as her base for the season. The weather is supposed to be decent there.

Iam swimming tomorrow too!

Have a great weekend everyone!

2010-02-06 5:00 PM
in reply to: #2579668

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Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
I decided to run on the treadmill this morning so I programmed a hill run for 45 min. and maintained a pace of 10:00 min per mile. I was smoked when done since the climbing was anywhere from 1-4% grade. I think my distance was about 4.5 miles or so. Does anyone else use the treadmill to train? I am wondering if I need to stay away from it and run outside. Thoughts?

Hope everyone is well.


Edited by dwarner63 2010-02-06 5:02 PM

2010-02-07 12:46 AM
in reply to: #2579668

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The Netherlands
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Hey David, 

I have used the treadmill too - especially given the weather we had here. I don't particularly like it, so I use it mostly to do some exercises related to speed. I never go above 5 km (3 miles), but I try to do this at speeds that I normally do not reach outside. 

nice weekend, H. 

2010-02-07 5:33 AM
in reply to: #2579668

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Good Day,

Swim meet this weekend so not much going to happen as to training, did get in 7 mile run Sat. AM, maybe a trainer ride after getting home this afternoon. David nothing wrong or inferior about running on a treadmill, I probably go about a 50-50 indoor to outdoor run percentage. Especially here in the summers my workout time is the afternoons, no way to run outside unless its at 8:00 at night. That doesn't work for me. I've done a 7 mile run on a treadmill, never again. I'll go up to 6 miles, its a great way to do a speed workout w/intervals, or just know your at a controlled pace. Plus I think its easier on the legs than outdoors all of the time. So don't hesitate if it fits into your workout plans.

2010-02-07 11:59 AM
in reply to: #2579668

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Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Need some advice on swim workouts. Really struggling with breathing and getting through 50m front crawl without having to rest.
What am I doing wrong? I know it's down to having to do the distance and just getting it. Breaststroke isn't a problem.

Any workouts I can do to get me up to being able to swim 400m front crawl, it's really starting to get to me!

Meanwhile..... having a slow start to training. Getting back out running and just spinning classes at the moment. My other sport is taking over a large amount of the time on and off the ice - but I knew it would until April. Plus work has been really busy.

Excuses over - really glad to see everyone is getting some good training in.
2010-02-08 7:34 AM
in reply to: #2579668

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The Netherlands
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Hey David, 

Surely Roy will help you there, surely you can do it. Don't get over guilty about not getting all the training that you wish you could, cause with the weather we had, it was really difficult and as for work, for as long as we are not professional athletes, we had to do what we have to do. So, think that you have done all you could do, and that's great!

Swimming for me tonight, H.  
2010-02-08 4:15 PM
in reply to: #2579668

New user
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Hi All -

Yes, I think 5 miles is a good limit for the treadmill. I think I will use it for interval training. Thanks Herve / Roy for the encouragment and advice.

Andy - I do not know how comfortable you are with technique, but I found that as I became more confident with swimming the breathing became easier and I was able to swim farther and farther.  For me, I need to continue with practicing my efficieny in the water and breathing from both sides. For some reason I am not as comfortable breathing from my non dominant side. Did you see the animated video / website Roy posted earlier? Hang in there and do not get discouraged. Yes, it is frustrating, but as with my biking weakness I keep plugging away, building strength and endurance.

My wife ran the Kaiser-Permante San Francisco 1/2 marathon yesterday and the weather was awesome! She made it under 2 hours, which is huge for her! I did not run and was her support. We are both signed up for the San Diego Rock and Roll Marathon in June! YIKES! It will be my first full marathon.

I hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy during training.

Herve - I spent over an hours cleaning my bike chain / sprockets and stuff! I never realized how nasty raod grime and all have on parts. How do I know when the chain is worn? By the way, my front sprocket is a 52-40-30 and I have 9 rings on my cassette. Is this a good configuration?



2010-02-09 6:59 AM
in reply to: #2659776

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

andrew.robbins - 2010-02-07 12:59 PM Help! Need some advice on swim workouts. Really struggling with breathing and getting through 50m front crawl without having to rest. What am I doing wrong?

Hello Andrew good to hear from you, did you get a chance to look at the website, take a look it should help and give you something to work on. Breathing is always a challenge,most likely you are holding onto your breath to long and then when you need to breath it is very difficult to exhale and inhale. Make sure you are letting air out as you stroke so when it is time for a breath your lungs are empty or near and you can inhale at the proper time. Take is slow and work on your breath timing and as you get more comfortable you'll begin to find it easier to increase distance. Also pay particular attention to the elbow postition needed for good freestyle.

David it is not uncommon to struggle on the non dominant side, the timing feels wrong and most likely is wrong. I do the same, its just the way it is when swimming is picked up later in life, same as Andrew work on it when you are doing your warm up, use fins if you have them so you only have to think about the rotation and breath, then work it into your workout from time to time it will begin to get easier. But with that said for me I'll always be  a one side breather I think, but its nice to be able to go the other way if you should need to.

Last night a new swimmer came we had him bi-lateral breathing in one session, its easier when there young and there is no dominant side they just do it.


2010-02-09 12:19 PM
in reply to: #2579668

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The Netherlands
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Hello Everyone, 

I've been sick a couple of days, we are sharing a little stomach virus in the family (I had it, my daughter had it, today my son) as always, my wife is the strongest of us all and she takes care of us 3. So little training done.

David, 52-40-30 is somewhat uncommon (normally it's 52,39,32). But, it's almost a standard triple combination. 52 might be a be short on flat if you are powerful, but it allows for speeds over 40km/h (+/- 25 miles per hours) at 90RPM, the 40 is likely similar to a 39 for climbing, and a 30 is really a low gear, you'd normally use that only for really steep gradients but then again it depends on your cycling style. You should be able to face any type of profile with this. Concerning your chain, two questions to ask yourself: how many miles (km) did you do with it? do you have issues shifting up and down, or derail frequently? (on the first one, I personally change my chain after 3 seasons that's about 15.000km (9.000 miles), the second can be caused by your front or back derailleurs that need a bit of realignment but also by a chain which is wearing down. If you're going to change chain, the Shimano is cross-compatible with pretty much anything, otherwise you'll have to fit what you have on your bike. The SRAM have a quick link mechanism which is rather easy to install. Hope it helps. 

Good news for me, I got a sponsorship contract offer from BlueSeventy! I would join Chrissy Wellington (with a somewhat different contract - I still need to pay something) can't be in better company. I'm really excited about that one, so I'm now thinking about getting the new Axis wetsuit or the Helix for the sake of it. Don't ask me how I did this, it remains a mystery to me that they are considering sponsoring me, but I enjoy every part of it. 

Good evening, Herve 

2010-02-09 5:06 PM
in reply to: #2579668

New user
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Hi all -

Roy - thanks for the swim tips and I do practice a bit each time I swim so I am hoping to get more relaxed with the breathing.

Herve - Wow! Congrats on the sponsorship. And, thanks for the advice on the sprocket and chain. I really do not know how many miles are on the chain as I purchased the bike new. I think it is a 2005 model and I use it all last year. No shifting issues or chain coming off as of yet. I was cleaning the chain and sprockets and noticed some sag in the chain so that is why I asked. I should probably consider having it replaced.

Happy training all!


2010-02-09 10:05 PM
in reply to: #2579668


Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Hey everyone! I've been totally slammed with school work in the past couple weeks but things are mellowing out so I'll be able to update more often.

I opted out of the half marathon because I wasnt recovering as quickly as I had hoped, which isnt too much of a surprise. I'm still trying to feel out how well my body is adapting to training, so I havent commited to any events yet. However there's a sprint series close to home starting in June so I'm definatly taking part in that when the time comes. Until then I'n trying not to push myself too hard in my build phase.

Congrats Herve!!! Thats very exciting :D. I cant wait to hear how your season will turn out!


2010-02-10 3:17 PM
in reply to: #2579668

New user
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Greetings all -

I had a real good swim last night. I swam a 1/2 mile non stop then swam a 1/4 mile with the hand paddles. I felt really strong and just was in my groove. I did practice the alternate breathing during a 2 lap warm up, but found that when I started swimming I breathed from my dominant side.

Today is a 9 mile slow run. Actually, my spouse talked me into it, but we will pace out and back at 11 or 12 min miles. No jack rabbit running here!

I plan on a long bike tomorrow should the weather hold out!

Hope everyone is doing well and training hard!


2010-02-11 10:05 AM
in reply to: #2579668

New user
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Hi everyone -

Had a real decent run yesterday. Total was 9.04 miles and time was 1:26:27 so just under 10 min pace.  I carried some water and 2 GUs. I had a GU at about mile 6 and the water was nice to have with me. I was not too sore last night so that is another good sign.

Hope eveyone is doing well!

2010-02-11 11:05 AM
in reply to: #2579668

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Hi Gang,

Looks like everyone is getting along pretty well. Sorry Alice you didn't get to sign up for the run, but you'll have plenty of opporutnities in the future. So keep working on your milage/distances and be prepared for a good summer. You have a great opportunity to be able to swim in the 50meter pool there at UF, it will be a great help in building swim endurance.

Herve thats pretty cool, you obviously have some qualities blue seventy was looking for, so have fun and enjoy.

David, if you can do that distance and no issues, recovery is easy thats a good sign. Keep it up.

I don't know about you all's weather but I'm about over the cold stuff we are having in Fl. this year. But what are we to do, find the time and get out there and do it.

Have a good day.

Also David change the chain, if thats the bike you are going to be riding you don't want a chain snapping as your cranking up a hill and ruining the day.

Edited by tri/tbay 2010-02-11 11:08 AM
2010-02-12 11:53 AM
in reply to: #2579668

New user
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Hi all -

I decided to swim early this morning as I have a long bike ride planned for this afternoon. I swam .50 miles blind and practiced sighting. I felt very comfortable in the water and swimming blind is challenging, but I am getting more confident in being able to sight properly. If anyone has any tips let me know, but I try to keep my eyes just above the water line and not life my head too far out in order to avoid straining my neck. I sight after about 5-6 strokes then go back to normal stroke / breathing.

I swam a bit farther with the paddles after the sighting drills. Good news is I feel strong, not tired and really confident. Now I need to figure out some freestyle drills to do. Help!

Roy - Yes, I think a new chain is in order and will check it out today. I doubt it would be too hard to take on this task as a shop would likely charge me plenty. Do you do your o wn maintenance?

It's Friday folks so prepare for a good weekend of training!


2010-02-15 8:08 PM
in reply to: #2579668

New user
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Greetings everyone -

Since there are no posts this weekend I guess everyone is out training! Hooray! I swam this morning and ran another long run this afternoon. I am tired now and should sleep good tonight. Temperatures here are in 70s and the sun is really nice.


2010-02-16 1:33 AM
in reply to: #2579668

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The Netherlands
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Hi everyone, 

I'm going to Japan next week for work, so I'm trying to pack this week with some high volume training cause I won't do much next week. I can now see my improvement on swimming, on Monday I have group training and since we have breaks and swim all 4 styles, we normally never go over 1.200m in 45 min, but this week I did 1.450 finishing with a Sprint in the last 50, and I had plenty of speed left in me. So, that feels great.

One question, a runner friend of mine tells me that it's better to have the treadmill at a small incline to avoid injuries, ever heard anything like that?

Have a good week, H. 

2010-02-16 4:22 AM
in reply to: #2579668

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Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Hi All,

Checked out the swimsmooth website - and it seems to be making a difference although slow.
Concentrating on slow strokes and ensuring I exhale completley problem is I still feel that I am gasping when taking a breath - just have to work through it and get loads of practice in. Swam twice this week and plan to swim each morning.

Question - as I swim in the morning (7:15am in the pool) what do people recommend for nutrion before hand. Usually a banana and some water is all I can manage. It takes me 25 mins to drive to the pool.

Running is going well - being running with a couple of friends building up to a 5km this week - aiming to go under 30mins for the first time. Not top speed I know but my fastest tri 5km last year was 31:34.
We have something in the UK called SportRelief, where people run 1,3 or 6 miles. So signed up for the 3 mile in March. Always feel better when I have some events lined up.

Spinning classes is taking up the bike aspect, however turbo trainer is now installed in the garage. Weather has been cold, wet and snowing here so oppurtunities to get out are limited.

First race is April 25th, with my first A race of the season on the 16th May. May is my hometown tri which I haven't done before - should I make a new race my A race? It's a flat cycle and run so want to try and set a standard for the season.

2010-02-16 6:40 AM
in reply to: #2579668

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

ohioguzimas(spelling) Herve and the rest of you. Went to Tokyo in 1992 for two weeks loved it, very humid but a great time. Played golf for two weeks, quite different about how they go about it there. But anyway, good to hear from you all, David I do only basic maintenance on my bike but I do as much as I can. You can buy a tool that will remove the masterlink pin if you want to do your own chain. I used to build up my own stock cars back a fews years ago I always figured I could build a bike, probably will give it a go some day. Herve I've never heard about incline to prevent injury, but most recommend to simulate road conditions to run at a 1% incline. I usually don't never remember.

Andrew Olympic curling is up pretty soon, kind of enjoy watching it when its on. Neat strategies. Just keep your swimming smooth and easy until it becomes more comfortable. Try not to gasp and breath, I'm sure this is more of engrained reaction. Try just bobbing(vertically) up and down slowly on the side of the pool where you breath as your head comes up and quickly down blow out, this will help with the timing.

Andrew you can have multiple "A" races throughout a season, so if it looks like you do more races later in the summer pick another event you would like to target. Pick one thats of similar distance to your other A race, can give you some good idea on how your training is going and how you have improved.

Had a pretty good weekend, got in a great 7 mile tempo run 8:45's/mile on Saturday. Didn't intend to do it that way but got off to a good start I could tell I was running well so I just kept it up. Wanted to get in a longer ride on Sunday but the weather still is not right for Florida, so cut it short only got in 25 miles but a good ride non the less.

Have a great day everyone.

2010-02-16 5:01 PM
in reply to: #2579668


Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Big news! I went on my first group ride.. and got dropped in the first 5 miles, haha! It was supposed to be a 30 miler but I cut it short to 20. I'm definatly going out again next Sunday and see if I can hang on for a bit longer. I figure I'll just keep going and maybe one day I'll be able to stick with them. I've only gone on about 3 rides in the past year, so I'm definatly out of my cycling form. We'll see how long it takes

2010-02-16 7:34 PM
in reply to: #2676163

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Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

blahblahblalice - 2010-02-16 6:01 PM

Big news! I went on my first group ride.. and got dropped in the first 5 miles, haha! It was supposed to be a 30 miler but I cut it short to 20. I'm definatly going out again next Sunday and see if I can hang on for a bit longer. I figure I'll just keep going and maybe one day I'll be able to stick with them. I've only gone on about 3 rides in the past year, so I'm definatly out of my cycling form. We'll see how long it takes

Well I know how that feels, a couple of summers ago I went to on a group ride there were two groups I went with the B group, I made it about 5 miles and out the back door I went. Luckily there was a rider I saw take a different turn than the group I followed him, because I would have gotten big time lost out where we were riding north of Tampa. Keep it up Alice and be careful, learn the ways of the rode and have some fun. What time did you ride, Sunday was really cold in the early morning?

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