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2011-01-21 3:30 PM
in reply to: #3314012

New user

Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Hi Neil

This info is priceless.  Thanks for taking the time to organise this for us.  Will print it off and digest it further.  Thanks for making triathlon a safer sport than golf !!


2011-01-21 8:43 PM
in reply to: #3313878

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Have you tried stretching the shin muscle at the end of your runs (and other times).  I had shin problems years ago and since I started to stretch this muscle I've haven't had a single problem since.  To stretch it put one foot behind as though you are going to stretch your calves or achilles.  Instead of putting your foot flat on the ground point your foot toes downward and put your toes down on the ground.  This should elongate the shin muscle.  Then pull your leg forward a little keeping your toes in the same just enough to stretch the muscle a little more.
Hopefully this is a good enough description for you to get the gist of it.  Give it a go and let me know if it works for you.

2011-01-22 3:13 AM
in reply to: #3314096

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Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
gazaboy - 2011-01-21 9:30 PM Hi Neil

This info is priceless.  Thanks for taking the time to organise this for us.  Will print it off and digest it further.  Thanks for making triathlon a safer sport than golf !!

No problem Gary I hope it gives some guidance on the bike, run or golf course!!
2011-01-22 3:14 AM
in reply to: #3314586

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Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Rayqsmith - 2011-01-22 2:43 AM Neil,
Have you tried stretching the shin muscle at the end of your runs (and other times).  I had shin problems years ago and since I started to stretch this muscle I've haven't had a single problem since.  To stretch it put one foot behind as though you are going to stretch your calves or achilles.  Instead of putting your foot flat on the ground point your foot toes downward and put your toes down on the ground.  This should elongate the shin muscle.  Then pull your leg forward a little keeping your toes in the same just enough to stretch the muscle a little more.
Hopefully this is a good enough description for you to get the gist of it.  Give it a go and let me know if it works for you.

Great thanks Ray will give it a try
2011-01-22 9:39 AM
in reply to: #3314825

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Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
njc65 - 2011-01-22 9:14 AM
Rayqsmith - 2011-01-22 2:43 AM Neil,
Have you tried stretching the shin muscle at the end of your runs (and other times).  I had shin problems years ago and since I started to stretch this muscle I've haven't had a single problem since.  To stretch it put one foot behind as though you are going to stretch your calves or achilles.  Instead of putting your foot flat on the ground point your foot toes downward and put your toes down on the ground.  This should elongate the shin muscle.  Then pull your leg forward a little keeping your toes in the same just enough to stretch the muscle a little more.
Hopefully this is a good enough description for you to get the gist of it.  Give it a go and let me know if it works for you.

Great thanks Ray will give it a try
good stretch on them today Ray, had a 6 mile run with no problems, thank you again
2011-01-22 9:43 AM
in reply to: #3257876

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Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Another couple of things on recovery following on from the note yesterday. I use a product called Rego from Science in Sport (SIS) which works well, I also use a low fat chocolate milkshake type thing called Mars Recovery, not sure if its a global product. I also sit in a pair of compression tights, dont worry I'm not promoting cross dressing, but hey live and live, which helps the legs recover after a hard or long session.

2011-01-22 11:59 AM
in reply to: #3315022

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Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Glad to hear you had a pain free run.  I've always wondered since why standard leg stretches include every other leg muscle but the shin.  
2011-01-23 3:49 AM
in reply to: #3257876

New user

Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Hey Ray,

Just saw your post on stationary bikes from the other day and I agree 100%. I'm only training for an olympic so right now my biking time is minimal, but even 25 minutes on a stationary bike feels like nonsense. I can't wait for it to warm up in Japan so I can get out on the road...

I have some bad news in that the tri I was planning in June has turned out to be a HIM. I recieved some erronious information from a local ultra marathon runner saying that it was an Olympic, so imagine my surprise when I went on the website to sign up yesterday and saw HIM...*Sigh* But I'm already 3 weeks deep in training, so it looks like I will be hunting for an Olympic within driving distance.

How is everyone's training this week? Thanks so much for the nutrition info Neil, I printed it out so my last few weeks of training I can sleep with it under my pillow!

2011-01-23 3:53 AM
in reply to: #3315964

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Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED

By the way, unfortunatly I skipped two training days last week after an all nighter for a friend birthday >_<

But you're only 22 years old in Japan once right?

2011-01-23 9:15 AM
in reply to: #3257876

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Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Training has really sucked for me for the last week and a half.  My grandmother passed on the 19th.  I was very motivated before it happened, but since the motivation has really been off and on.  I was hoping to get some workouts in while I was in Maine with my family (10 hour drive from where I live), but that was unrealistic.  I traveled for work right after getting back and am now fighting a cold (which is really much better today only slightly congested).

My body is just tired, but I know that if I get to the gym I'll have a lot more energy!  It's just getting the energy to go the gym!  I'm really glad that I'm on this website and in this mentoring group because it makes me feel a little more accountable to work out.  I know a lot of you are working through the same issues and still getting up and working out.

On that note, going to head to the gym for a long bike ride and some strength training!  Thanks for letting me be part of the group!
2011-01-23 9:18 AM
in reply to: #3307858

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Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
I find stationary bikes incredibly uncomfortable as well... I have to keep shifting my position in order to make it bearable!

2011-01-23 9:20 AM
in reply to: #3307965

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Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Thanks Lorna and Neil.  I'm trying to cut down on the sweets without cutting them out totally... I think being reasonable with food all around is one of my biggest difficulties.  I need to eat smaller portion sizes of everything.  I'm concentrating on stopping when I'm full as well as eating better/bigger meals in the morning.
2011-01-23 12:10 PM
in reply to: #3315965

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Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
timbell88 - 2011-01-23 9:53 AM

By the way, unfortunatly I skipped two training days last week after an all nighter for a friend birthday >_<

But you're only 22 years old in Japan once right?

Top man, just put it down to planning your nutrition strategy! lol
2011-01-23 12:14 PM
in reply to: #3316144

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Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
nickgn71 - 2011-01-23 3:15 PM Training has really sucked for me for the last week and a half.  My grandmother passed on the 19th.  I was very motivated before it happened, but since the motivation has really been off and on.  I was hoping to get some workouts in while I was in Maine with my family (10 hour drive from where I live), but that was unrealistic.  I traveled for work right after getting back and am now fighting a cold (which is really much better today only slightly congested).

My body is just tired, but I know that if I get to the gym I'll have a lot more energy!  It's just getting the energy to go the gym!  I'm really glad that I'm on this website and in this mentoring group because it makes me feel a little more accountable to work out.  I know a lot of you are working through the same issues and still getting up and working out.

On that note, going to head to the gym for a long bike ride and some strength training!  Thanks for letting me be part of the group!
Hey nicole good to see you posting again, i really hope all is as well as it can be. Just ease your way back in, don't try and hit the same level as you were at prior to your grandmother passing away, your body and mind have been through a lot. So nice and gently to begin with, make sure you hear me?! x
2011-01-23 12:16 PM
in reply to: #3316151

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Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
nickgn71 - 2011-01-23 3:20 PM Thanks Lorna and Neil.  I'm trying to cut down on the sweets without cutting them out totally... I think being reasonable with food all around is one of my biggest difficulties.  I need to eat smaller portion sizes of everything.  I'm concentrating on stopping when I'm full as well as eating better/bigger meals in the morning.
Eating little and often is a good rule of thumb nicole, i think your strategy of stopping well full is a good starting point but hey nothing wrong with a blow out now and then, my big mexican last night was fantastic!
2011-01-23 12:30 PM
in reply to: #3316336

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED

Ok folks I thought I'd throw an idea out there with a monthly 'goal challenge'.  The idea is to post a challenge for the month, and then report back weekly (either by posting, or letting me know), in hopes that if we all keep each other 'accountable', we will do better meeting our goals. Remember the only person you are challenging is yourself and it needs to compliment training.

It could be anything that helps, from weight loss goals ("I will lose 5 pounds this month"), to mileage (or meter) goals ("I will swim at least 5,000 meters this month"), to frequency goals ("I will do a core workout at least 10 times this month").  It can be anything, really. 

If you are interested, let's hear some goals!  To kick us off, my goal is swim based, my least favourite discipline. I commit to swim 3 times each week, 2 of which will be lunchtime 1000 metre sessions and the 3rd will be 2 weeks of 1500m for my long swim and then 2 weeks of 1800m to build up the endurance.

The idea is to help keep us all motivated.  If you want to post two goals, that's good, but let's keep it to a maximum of two per person. If there is interest, we can start in February, so you have some time to come up with realistic but challenging goals.  We'll start on February 1st.

What do you think gang?

2011-01-23 1:23 PM
in reply to: #3316144

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Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Hi Nicole,  it can be hard when you're dealt some rough cards.  Hopefully you have someone you can talk to, to help you through your grandmother's passing.  Keep on doing what you are able to do in the knowledge that its all the little bits that will add up, specially if you are recovering from a cold as well.  Gary
2011-01-23 1:43 PM
in reply to: #3257876

New user

Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Hi Nicole, firstly a big huge hug right at yah. You really have been through a rough time. I admire you so much for sticking to your goals. You have had a lot to deal with, and your personnel stuff may have had to take a back seat for a time while you prioritise your family, but that's what makes you a good person. Maybe now it is time to put yourself first for a bit, refocus on your goals, rejig your workout plan to allow for your time away, then just hit it as hard as you can manage right now.This is not a one month quick fix, it's a start on a new outlook on life, there will be huge obstacles in our ways, but it will all be worth it when you cross that finishing line with your grandmother in your heart.We are thinking of you, lorna
2011-01-23 1:50 PM
in reply to: #3257876

New user

Subject: Gone and done it!!!
Oh help, I have gone and entered my first sprint triathlon, guess now I've spent some money there is no going back.I decided I had to commit as I had an awful workout on friday, did everything I planned to do, ticked all the boxes, but felt that my heart wasn't in it, just going through the motions. So I decided it was time to commit, and spend some money. Surprise! Had an amazing workout ( for me!!) tonight. Felt like i really pushed myself, just shows how much is in your mind. I now have a defined number of swims/runs/bikes until I have to get my body round the course, that really does hit home.Good luck to you all, hope you all have a great week. Lorna
2011-01-23 3:00 PM
in reply to: #3316458

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Subject: RE: Gone and done it!!!
Lorna -

I did the same thing on January 5th.  I knew that if I didn't actually sign up for an event, I wouldn't dedicate myself to my workouts.  Not looking like a fool when the race comes around is a HUGE motivator for me!

2011-01-23 3:02 PM
in reply to: #3316356

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED

I think this is a great idea.  I'll think about short term goals over the next few days. One will be something to do with the bike.
Good luck on your swim goal.

2011-01-23 3:08 PM
in reply to: #3316144

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Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED

I didn't really take it easy today, but I love biking (even on a stationary bike).  Tomorrow, I will definitely be a lot slower than today.  Running is not a strength of mine and I haven't gone swimming in more than a week.  I was thinking about just starting all over again on the couch to sprint training, but I really don't need to with the biking portion of it...


Thanks   I think exercising is part of what I need to do to take care of myself.  It seems to help my stress level a lot.
2011-01-23 3:09 PM
in reply to: #3316449

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Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Thanks Lorna
2011-01-23 3:14 PM
in reply to: #3316144

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Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Hi Nicole,
Sorry to hear about your grandmother.  I went through a similar thing last year and had little motivation to do anything for a while.   
I'm pleased to hear you had a good day today.  Hopefully you won't suffer much tomorrow.  Remember to stretch.
2011-01-23 4:23 PM
in reply to: #3257876

New user

Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Hey Nicole, good to see you back! I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother, you guys are in my thoughts.

My goal seems silly, but I don't take stretching seriously enough. So my goal will be two stretching sessions a day, in the morning and at night. Even as I'm typing this I'm thinking ugh...

I better go get started, have a great day everyone!
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