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2011-01-12 11:39 AM
in reply to: #3294782

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Central Oregon
Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - FULL!
That is a great time on your mile! I'm looking forward to the swim clinic I signed up for in Feb. so I can get some help...

Five of my favorite songs to listen to while working out:

God is Good by Regina Bell
Praise in the House by Deitrick Haddon
That's the Way that the World Goes Round by Miranda Lambert
Johnny B. Goode by Chuck Berry
Blood, Sweat and Tears by Whiskey Rodeo

I'm thankful for an iPod that holds more than 5 songs! Cool

2011-01-12 12:35 PM
in reply to: #3260767

Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - FULL!

With the 1/2 in New Orleans coming up for a few of us, race day nutrition is something I've been trying to work on.   What is everyone else trying, thinking, hoping to do for race day nutrition.

Even though its not as crazy for a sprint/OLY, anyone else thinking about or have questions on race day fueling?

For me, trying to decide if I want to live on whats provided or take my own goodies is first.  Mike had the great idea of asking the RD(race director) what they would have, they did finally post it, but he had the list early for everyone.

2011-01-12 1:01 PM
in reply to: #3294186

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - FULL!
CliffK110 - 2011-01-12 8:14 AM Sorry I havent put in any feedback recently.  Its been very busy for me.  Ive tried to catch up on the posts and here is my quick input.  
For me sleep is very important.  It is a necessity for recovering from strenuous workouts, and I need the rest going in to my next work day.  I have done a complete overhaul of my diet, and now that I am eating much better, I have found that I have extra energy to push me through the day. 
I appreciate the goal idea.  I have never thought about so many different ways to set a goal for one race.  As it gets closer to April 17th, I will need to start putting together my personal goals.  I completed my first complete pool mile yesterday in about 31 minutes.  I know its not a real mile, but I am happy with the accomplishment.  Its cold here in Mobile right now, so I have to ride the trainer or do spinning classes for my biking.  I could be a little ahead of where I am now, but the plan is in place. 
Im currently in the market for a wetsuit and I was wondering if any of you have one you like the most?

Last question (please hold your applause)-  what are your favorite songs to listen to while working out?
my top 5:  waka waka- shakira
                dog days are over- florence and the machine
                no love- eminem
                like glue- sean paul
                start me up- rolling stones

That is a great time for a mile.  I'm no where close to that but happy I can swim a mile after where I started :-).

I have used an Xterra Vortex 3 full wet suit for several races and I'm happy with it.  I just bought a sleeveless Vortex 3 as well but haven't tried it out yet.  I'll answer the song question tonight, I'm off to another meeting.
2011-01-12 2:39 PM
in reply to: #3260767

Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - FULL!
Thanks for the tips on swimming and the link to utube!  I watched several today and am thinking how I will fit them into my schedule.  I am a list freak and have to know what I am doing before I get in the pool (because I am a newbie  

Great job Cliff!!

I don't like listening to anything while running.  When I did my couch to 5K I down loaded Carli's tracks she has a website and it was a mix of today's good upbeat music.  She also told you when to run and when to stop.  I can't stand to listen to anything now, its really weird because I love music.  (although I can't have music in my car either since I have kids, maybe they make enough noise I just enjoy the peace and quite)Tongue out

When I ride my stationary bike I have to put my computer on the holder and watch a movie with ear phones.  I might try the music though, I haven't really tried that yet.

2011-01-12 5:42 PM
in reply to: #3260767

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - FULL!
RE wetsuits, I can tell you that the xterra customer service is phenomenal - i initially bought a full-sleeve vortex3, had problems w/ it in my 1st outing, and they went out of their way to help me find a well-fitting suit. at one point i literally had 4 different wetsuits in my house! even trying them out in the pool was OK with xterra, and returning the rejects was painless & cost me nothing. Can't say enough good things about their customer service & willingness to work with me.

unfortunately, this suit has turned out to not be the suit for me (long story there), so if anyone wants a barely used women's large sleeveless vortex3, i'm looking to sell it.....!

2011-01-12 6:59 PM
in reply to: #3260767

Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - FULL!
Thanks Marla for the info, I had heard the same from other people.  There Vendetta suit looks cool but  pretty pricey(about the only though)

2011-01-12 7:56 PM
in reply to: #3260767

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Subject: Earplugs
I´m having trouble with my earplug.  I've tried everything to keep them in but they continue to come out.  When I get water in my ears I always get ear infections.  I'm trying to find a solution.
2011-01-12 8:33 PM
in reply to: #3295005

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - FULL!
bigr82 - 2011-01-12 12:35 PM

With the 1/2 in New Orleans coming up for a few of us, race day nutrition is something I've been trying to work on.   What is everyone else trying, thinking, hoping to do for race day nutrition.

Even though its not as crazy for a sprint/OLY, anyone else thinking about or have questions on race day fueling?

For me, trying to decide if I want to live on whats provided or take my own goodies is first.  Mike had the great idea of asking the RD(race director) what they would have, they did finally post it, but he had the list early for everyone.

My race day nutrition thoughts.  Like all this stuff, everyone is different and it depends on the conditions.  These all assume you eat a good breakfast a few hours before the race.  Practice your nutrition before you race.

Sprint Tri - usually nothing needed but it's nice to have a drink of water on the bike, so I bring one bottle of water on the bike.  If it is hot out, I'll take a drink on the run too.  Be careful, you can get cramps if you drink really cold water on the run when it is really hot out.

Oly Tri - A GU 10 minutes before the race and another 20-30 minutes in to the bike.  Probably one more GU 20 minutes in to the run.  Two bottles of water on the bike.  If it's hot, one Gatorade and one water.  Water or Gatorade on the run.  Both are fine but practice it before race day.

HIM Tri - I'm still dialing this one in, but here is where I'm at to date.  I'm calculating about what I'll burn, then knowing that the body stores about 2000 calories I can determine about what I need to take in.  Then I will practice various methods of getting these calories before race day.  I got these numbers from a coach here on BT.

Swim - 100Cal/400m = 530 calories for 1.2 miles
Bike - .35Cal/kgkm * 1kg/2.2lbs * 1.609km/mi = .26Cal/lbs mi  = 2330 calories for moving 160 pounds 56 miles
Run - 1Cal/kgkm * 1kg/2.2lbs * 1.609km/mi = .73Cal/lbs mi = 1530 calories for moving 160 pounds 13.1 miles

I've read that you should replace 30 to 50% of the bike calories so 800 to 1150 or about 300 calories per hour for me. 
I've also read you should replace 30% of the run calories expended so about 500 calories for me (250 per hour or so).

Both of those goals are going to be tough for me so I'm going to start experimenting soon.

2011-01-12 8:40 PM
in reply to: #3296005

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Earplugs
_T2_ - 2011-01-12 7:56 PM I´m having trouble with my earplug.  I've tried everything to keep them in but they continue to come out.  When I get water in my ears I always get ear infections.  I'm trying to find a solution.

What kind of ear plugs are you using?  I tried three kinds until I found ones that fit well.  I use Mack's AquaBlock (the purple ones) and they work well for me.  Before that I tried wax, they fell out.  Before that, I tried MAck's Ear Seals and they didn't fit me well.

Try some different ones out until you find what fits your ears.  You can speed it up by going to a store with a decent selections and buying 3 or 4 types.
2011-01-12 9:02 PM
in reply to: #3294186

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - FULL!
CliffK110 - 2011-01-12 8:14 AM
Last question (please hold your applause)-  what are your favorite songs to listen to while working out?
my top 5:  waka waka- shakira
                dog days are over- florence and the machine
                no love- eminem
                like glue- sean paul
                start me up- rolling stones

Currently for me I would say.  These change regularly though.

Alive - Pearl Jam (I really like the Live on Two Legs cd and the original Ten cd)
Indestructible - Disturbed (I'm not a Disturbed fan, but I wish I was Indestructible when I was running farther than my ability).
Welcome To The Jungle - Guns N' Roses
Cherub Rock - The Smashing Pumpkins
Have You Seen Me Lately - Counting Crows (not really an inspirational work out song, but it's one of my favorites for a few reasons.  I like a lot of Counting Crows stuff besides this song).

I'll check out the others people listed.  I'm always looking for new stuff so anyone that hasn't listed their songs, go ahead. 
2011-01-12 9:07 PM
in reply to: #3295005

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Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - FULL!
bigr82 - 2011-01-12 12:35 PM

With the 1/2 in New Orleans coming up for a few of us, race day nutrition is something I've been trying to work on.   What is everyone else trying, thinking, hoping to do for race day nutrition.

Even though its not as crazy for a sprint/OLY, anyone else thinking about or have questions on race day fueling?

For me, trying to decide if I want to live on whats provided or take my own goodies is first.  Mike had the great idea of asking the RD(race director) what they would have, they did finally post it, but he had the list early for everyone.

My coach has me using Infinit Nutrition. That is all I am supposed to drink on race day in NOLA. It provides calories, protein, and everything I will need the day of the event. You can check it out at:


2011-01-12 9:14 PM
in reply to: #3260767

Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - FULL!
Listened to Pandora AC/DC station while cycling today, I must say it was awesome!  
2011-01-12 9:25 PM
in reply to: #3296102

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Subject: RE: Earplugs
I tried silicone.  Thanks for the suggestion. Can you suggest goggles?  Mine are about to fall apart.
2011-01-12 10:03 PM
in reply to: #3296181

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Earplugs
_T2_ - 2011-01-12 9:25 PM I tried silicone.  Thanks for the suggestion. Can you suggest goggles?  Mine are about to fall apart.

I really like my Aqua Sphere Kaiman goggles.  They are a bit wider than my Speedo Vanquisher 2's (also nice).  The Speedo's fit in the eye sockets, the Kaiman's fit around the eyes.  Again, everyone is different so if you can go to a store with a good selection (like Sport's Authority around here), you can try some on.  I have a pair of clear goggles for the pool, and tinted ones for open water swimming. 

Funny goggle story.  One trick in Tri's is to put your goggles, ear plugs and swim cap in your hand when stripping your wet suit, then when you pull the sleeve over your hand (as you are running into T1) you let go and the goggles, cap and ear plugs should stay in your wet suit sleeve.  After a tri Ryan and I did we were collecting our stuff and Ryan said someone stole his goggles.  I said, didn't you do the wetsuit/sleeve trick?  He said yes, so I checked my wetsuit and mine were gone too.  I guess they fell out running up a steep hill from the lake to T1 :-).   I also have at least one spare pair now in case I'm racing in back to back weekends.
2011-01-13 7:49 AM
in reply to: #3260767

Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - FULL!
I have used different styles of TYR and  Aqua Sphere goggles, I really like the one piece strap you get on the Aqua Sphere.  Everyone seems to like the  Aqua Sphere Kaiman goggles, which I did as well, but they didnt last but a month or so.  I still have the same pair of TYR goggles I started with last year(other than the pair that someone stole hahaha)

For OWS(open water swims)  I went to the TYR  mask style goggle.  Its not a full mask, but its lager than your normal goggles and only has one seal(not one for each eye).  I decided to try them after hearing stories of people having there goggles knocked off.  Seems like all they offer is mirrored as well, haven't found a clear.  I've loved them, they might be a little less water aero and look funny but work awesome.
2011-01-13 10:12 AM
in reply to: #3296087

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Central Oregon
Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - FULL!
ransick - 2011-01-12 6:33 PM

My race day nutrition thoughts.  Like all this stuff, everyone is different and it depends on the conditions.  These all assume you eat a good breakfast a few hours before the race.  Practice your nutrition before you race.

Sprint Tri - usually nothing needed but it's nice to have a drink of water on the bike, so I bring one bottle of water on the bike.  If it is hot out, I'll take a drink on the run too.  Be careful, you can get cramps if you drink really cold water on the run when it is really hot out.

Oly Tri - A GU 10 minutes before the race and another 20-30 minutes in to the bike.  Probably one more GU 20 minutes in to the run.  Two bottles of water on the bike.  If it's hot, one Gatorade and one water.  Water or Gatorade on the run.  Both are fine but practice it before race day.

HIM Tri - I'm still dialing this one in, but here is where I'm at to date.  I'm calculating about what I'll burn, then knowing that the body stores about 2000 calories I can determine about what I need to take in.  Then I will practice various methods of getting these calories before race day.  I got these numbers from a coach here on BT.

Swim - 100Cal/400m = 530 calories for 1.2 miles
Bike - .35Cal/kgkm * 1kg/2.2lbs * 1.609km/mi = .26Cal/lbs mi  = 2330 calories for moving 160 pounds 56 miles
Run - 1Cal/kgkm * 1kg/2.2lbs * 1.609km/mi = .73Cal/lbs mi = 1530 calories for moving 160 pounds 13.1 miles

I've read that you should replace 30 to 50% of the bike calories so 800 to 1150 or about 300 calories per hour for me. 
I've also read you should replace 30% of the run calories expended so about 500 calories for me (250 per hour or so).

Both of those goals are going to be tough for me so I'm going to start experimenting soon.

Do you ever use Shot Bloks? Is there any advantage to those over gels on the bike?

The only basis I have to start from is what worked for me for my marathons, usually gel, bloks, gel. I am wondering if it's the same for a tri.

Jennifer- I looked up the nutrition website that you shared, very interesting, thanks for letting us know there is that option.

I really appreciate everyone taking the time to share about their gear! I'm on a budget and I was just wondering where you all think the best prices are for everything, goggles, swimsuits, wetsuits, gels, etc.

Also, I can get a speedo at costco right now for 20.00. Should I buy another suit? I don't know how fast they wear out. TIA

Edited by Brightbow 2011-01-13 10:15 AM

2011-01-13 11:27 AM
in reply to: #3260767

Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - FULL!

I am glad I don’t have to do anything different with my diet for a sprit tri because I don’t have time think about that.  When I get into an exercise groove I tend to stay away from high fat foods including fast food.  I eat more soups and salads and I do track what I have eaten and try to stay between 1200 and 1500 cal mostly protein, then carbs then fat. 


As far as race day I was just planning on high protein with maybe a piece of toast then water for my cycle portion and nothing for my 5k run.  After the race I plan on my protein drink. 



Also on my swim last night I though ‘Hey ear plugs would be a great idea’ and you all were talking about them! 


I did practice my breathing and did my drills with a board in front of me.  That helped because it gave me a break on the swimming part and I could concentrate on the technique. 

2011-01-13 12:27 PM
in reply to: #3296938

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - FULL!
Brightbow - 2011-01-13 10:12 AM
Do you ever use Shot Bloks? Is there any advantage to those over gels on the bike?

The only basis I have to start from is what worked for me for my marathons, usually gel, bloks, gel. I am wondering if it's the same for a tri.

Jennifer- I looked up the nutrition website that you shared, very interesting, thanks for letting us know there is that option.

I really appreciate everyone taking the time to share about their gear! I'm on a budget and I was just wondering where you all think the best prices are for everything, goggles, swimsuits, wetsuits, gels, etc.

Also, I can get a speedo at costco right now for 20.00. Should I buy another suit? I don't know how fast they wear out. TIA

I have used Shot Bloks and GU Chomps and like both of them.  In my opinion, the benefit of them is the consistency is a lot better than gels.  You can also grab/squeeze exactly how many you want.

As for deals, check out the clearance section of tri and swim related sites like and  Sometimes you can get lucky. 

I can't answer if you should buy a suit at Costco or not ($20 sounds like a good price though) but I will mention that swim wear lasts a lot longer in chlorine than tri wear.  I personally wear Speedo Endurance Jammers and they have lasted about a year and a half so far.
2011-01-13 3:01 PM
in reply to: #3260767

Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - FULL! has been great for anything I have ordered, great customer service.  I think Mike and I would agree that some places like Target, Costco, etc has stuff pretty close to high end competitors for much less.

I've used the Chops for bike portions before, but when they get hot, they get pretty sticky.
2011-01-13 3:42 PM
in reply to: #3260767

New user

Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - FULL!
For my long bike rides, I have been using Vital Amino. Its a powder that I mix in to my water and it helps keep me going.  Ive been using it for a couple of weeks now and I can definitely tell a difference.  Im trying to find something that i can eat while on my bike and/or run right now that I can take.  I just cant seem to stomach the jels.  I have tried that sports jelly beans and they are ok, but not great.  I have seen some people tape snickers bars to their bikes for a quick sugar rush.  Havent tried that yet, but Im thinking about that.

As for goggles, I like my speedo goggles.  They are quite comfortable around the eyes and I have good vision with them.  I have them in tinted for open water and clear for the pool. 

Since I am new to the tri scene, I hate to say what works and doesn't.  So take what I say with a grain of salt.

2011-01-13 9:56 PM
in reply to: #3297262

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - FULL!
paygilr - 2011-01-13 11:27 AM

As far as race day I was just planning on high protein with maybe a piece of toast then water for my cycle portion and nothing for my 5k run.  After the race I plan on my protein drink. 

I'm not a nutrition expert but pre-race/workout I go for carbs.  Post race/workout I go for protein and carbs.  The key is to practice your race day nutrition during you harder workouts.

2011-01-13 10:28 PM
in reply to: #3294186

New user

Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - FULL!
Hey guys, its been a weird week since Atlanta has been iced in for several days now. I finally got out of the house today - everything has been closed so my plan to start swimming and cycling again this week have been thrown off. I have found a sprint that I plan to sign up for that will be the last weekend in April, so hopefully 15 weeks of training will be enough.

I'm going to have to check out the goggles that everyone recommended as I still need a pair.

On the topic of gear, I've also been looking at getting a Garmin Forerunner 305. I've seen a lot of good reviews on them, but I'm curious to know if anyone has any experience with it or another gps/heart rate monitor model?

As far as music, right now I've been listening to these songs a lot:
Muse - Knights of Cydonia
Jimmy Eat World - My Best Theory
Broken Bells - High Road
Foo Fighters - Best of You
2011-01-13 10:36 PM
in reply to: #3298665

New user

Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - FULL!
ransick - 2011-01-13 10:56 PM 

I'm not a nutrition expert but pre-race/workout I go for carbs.  Post race/workout I go for protein and carbs.  The key is to practice your race day nutrition during you harder workouts.

To piggy back on your comment, I'm by no means an expert either, but I recently attend a nutrition seminar held by a local running group, and the dietitian said exactly the same thing, and also said that too much protein prior to a workout/race gives many people gastro problems during them.

Edited by rad110 2011-01-13 10:41 PM
2011-01-13 10:54 PM
in reply to: #3298702

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - FULL!
rad110 - 2011-01-13 10:28 PM Hey guys, its been a weird week since Atlanta has been iced in for several days now. I finally got out of the house today - everything has been closed so my plan to start swimming and cycling again this week have been thrown off. I have found a sprint that I plan to sign up for that will be the last weekend in April, so hopefully 15 weeks of training will be enough.

I'm going to have to check out the goggles that everyone recommended as I still need a pair.

On the topic of gear, I've also been looking at getting a Garmin Forerunner 305. I've seen a lot of good reviews on them, but I'm curious to know if anyone has any experience with it or another gps/heart rate monitor model?

As far as music, right now I've been listening to these songs a lot:
Muse - Knights of Cydonia
Jimmy Eat World - My Best Theory
Broken Bells - High Road
Foo Fighters - Best of You

Regarding the Garmins, I don't have one, but the people I know that do really like them.
2011-01-14 5:20 AM
in reply to: #3260767

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: Ryan and Mike's beginner group - FULL!
(nice to see the thread again - i lost it for a couple of days!)

RE the garmins, i got a garmin 305 in november and like it. it's not waterproof, which sucks, but i really like it otherwise. i hate running, so really like knowing my pace, and how far i've gone, and how much is left, and then looking at the data afterwards.

FWIW, my hands down favorite running song is Aerosmith's Dream On. Little Feat's Oh Atlanta, and Allman Brother's Sweet Home Alabama (yes, a theme) rank behind that.
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