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2011-01-21 12:13 PM
in reply to: #3312774

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Apex, NC
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Speed intervals - ran short of time and did 6x instead of 8x.  4 min on, 2min walk.  That last minute definitely required focus on form!  Loved the intervals - great way to pass time on the 'mill.  Next time, I might try even shorter, faster ones - say, 3 on, 1.5 off at 7:30. Ha!

Weekly challenge - If I read Emily's post right, I think she's proposing a weekly goal that we ALL do.  I love it.  I also love the idea of different challenges (nutrition - eat veggies 5x a day! or strength or workout frequency or try something new).  We could take turns setting each week's challenge.  Doesn't have to be manditory.    I vote Emily comes up with next week's challenge since it was her idea!


Edited by jlahoward 2011-01-21 12:16 PM

2011-01-21 12:25 PM
in reply to: #3313617

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

Good job on your intervals, Jennifer! 

You could also do ascending or descending intervals.  The bike workout we've been doing at home has 2 sets of descending intervals where the fast and slow intervals are the same length of time but they go down every set:  2:00 hard; 2:00 easy; 1:45 hard; 1:45 easy; etc.   It would be a lot of button-pressing to do that on the treadmill, but it does make the time fly by.

Oh, I didn't realize Emily meant a group goal.  Either way sounds good to me! Emily, what say you?

2011-01-21 12:26 PM
in reply to: #3313617

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
While I thought they were talking about individual goals/challenges, I like the idea of a group challenge very much indeed.
2011-01-21 1:58 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Extreme Veteran
Marietta, GA
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

FlyGirl - Don't forget to check out the websites for, USAT, and Competitor magazine for race listings.

So... I sucked it up and ordered my fatgirl swimsuit just now. (That'd be a suit that I can squeeze into post-pregnancy. Does that count as a weekly challenge??)  I'm hoping to only need it for a month or two before going down to the next size, but I wouldn't put a wager on it for all you betting folks. 

Edited by emlavigne 2011-01-21 1:59 PM
2011-01-21 2:16 PM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Swimsuit shopping ALWAYS counts as a weekly goal.  There are very few things less enjoyable.  I seriously think that I'd rather clean up baby puke than try on suits. 

Jennifer - nice job on the sprints.  I've found that they're a good way to make the time go faster.  And they will make you faster. 
2011-01-21 8:05 PM
in reply to: #3313910

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Apex, NC
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
You get bonus points for off-season suit shopping.  Kudos.  You'll be turning heads in no time!


2011-01-21 8:13 PM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
I was intending a group goal yes...though individual goals are great too! Wow, veggies 5x a day would be hard!!! I think a good goal to start with would be hydration. I was going to wait until Sunday because that is the logical start/end to a week, but I don't think it can hurt to start early for the first one.

Weekly Challenge #1: Hydration!
2 Cups Breakfast
1 Cup between Breakfast/Lunch
2 Cups Lunch
1 Cup between Lunch/Dinner
2 Cups Dinner
8 Cups Total!
Plus adequate hydration for workouts, so liquids before and after, and if the workout exceeds 45-60 minutes, drink on the go.

Everyone needs different water intake, so adjust accordingly! 
Feel free to comment with any changes,
2011-01-22 10:25 AM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
So, I scuttled swimming yesterday in favor of family night, but I have room in the day for it today. I think I should probably consider doing that on a regular basis, as I foresee similar decisions in my future!

I've been working on the courage to join a Masters swim team here in town. I hear they're pretty nice, but the last group I tried to get into was so snotty when I inquired about joining that I never even considered Masters again. Only problem with this group is that they meet M-Thurs from 5:30-6:30 PM. That's right after work during the dinner hour, and part of the time block during which my family "owns" me. My partner doesn't seem opposed and in fact connected me with this group (he used to do triathlons ...even did IM in Kona some years back), but I still am concerned about it. Do all of you have/belong to Masters teams? If you don't, what sort of coaching or program do you use to develop your swimming?

I've been swimming my whole life; I was born on an island and lived on coasts/islands/peninsulas my whole life, with one exception while I was in grad school. I did scuba diving as a child and was certified as a lifeguard in college. All of this was before children and a sedentary lifestyle that crept up as I got older. So, I can swim really well and love to but most of my swimming was not as disciplined as this needs to be.

Wow! Long post.
2011-01-22 10:39 AM
in reply to: #3265665

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
I couldn't find this thread - did we drop off completely?  I'm bumping us back up again to page 1!

I like a group goal, and hydration is a great one to start with.  I'm pretty good about drinking throughout the day when I'm at work, it's the weekends where I struggle.  This will be good!

For those of you that are logging calories on your blog, and the lifestyle totals, where do you go to do that?  I've searched all over and I'm obviously missing it.
2011-01-22 12:54 PM
in reply to: #3315092

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
calluna - 2011-01-22 11:25 AM  Do all of you have/belong to Masters teams? If you don't, what sort of coaching or program do you use to develop your swimming?

I do masters because I don't have the discipline to go to the pool and workout by myself (unless it is a short "taper" workout).  Our local club is VERY accepting of a variety of swimmers including someone who cannot seem to swim 25 yds freestyle (just "breaststroke) but they welcome her and try to give her pointers.  Every place is different though and it just depends on the people.  Steph is pretty self-discipline so she pulls workouts from the internet, sometimes modifies them slightly, and goes to the pool and actually does them.

You also don't have to swim every day.  I usually only swim 2, maybe 3, times per week so in reality, you're missing out on a couple of family dinners and not every weeknight.

A group hydration goal, eh?  That would definitely be a challenge for me but would probably be one of the smartest challenges I could take on since I either don't drink anything or I drink something with tons of sugar.  Just don't forget that too much water (and no electrolytes to balance it out) can be a bad thing. 
2011-01-22 7:49 PM
in reply to: #3315104

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Karen it's under the settings. If you go to the Training Log settings and then the Log defaults it gives you the chance to input the info so it can figure the calories.

I love the idea of a group goal in addition to our personal goals. I could really use the hydration challenge too. I've been drinking way to much coffee and not enough water.

Swimming, I'm not that great I just learned how to swim with my face in the water about 2 years ago. It's funny in the tri's I've done I seem to do ok in the open water swim and while I keep thinking about some kind of swim instructions I've not really looked around too much. I've not seen any masters swims in my area but maybe I just haven't looked hard enough. Speaking of swimming though, today I went to the rec center to do my swim and about 1/2 way through my swim my lips started feeling funny and my lungs felt funny. I decided to cut my swim a little short and asked on my way out if they changed the chemicals or something. I was told that the chemicals were out of whack and that it wasn't dangerous but some people reacted different to it. They were in the process of recirculating the water or something. Seems to me they could have warned us about it.

Edited by julta 2011-01-22 7:58 PM

2011-01-22 8:01 PM
in reply to: #3315092

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Subject: Squad swimming
calluna - 2011-01-22 10:25 AM

Do all of you have/belong to Masters teams? If you don't, what sort of coaching or program do you use to develop your swimming?

I train with a triathlon group and they have coached sessions 3 mornings and 2 evenings a week. I am, like you, a good swimmer. But my head is not so disciplined. I find when I swim by myself, I often convince myself I've had enough after a km or so. But in a coached session, I don't have any choice. We usually do around 2km per session. That plus the fact that our coaches vary it up and there is a bit of social interaction and friendly competition really makes the sessions go so much quicker and more pleasantly.
So I would definitely recommend squad if you can somehow make it work around your other commitments!
Otherwise there a couple of websites that have training programmes- I'd have to have a look around. Best idea is to go to the pool with a set programme in mind that you won't let yourself deviate from!

Good luck!

2011-01-22 8:09 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Thanks Julie, I think I got that set up now (where you enter in height, weight, age, activity level right?), but must now be missing adding the calories burned during activity when I log my workouts.  I see calories on other peoples workouts, right next to the time / distance / pace / calories.  Where do you enter that?  Or is it pulled from Garmin?  I upload my Garmin but never see calories.  I don't see on the log workouts.  (Sorry I'm so clueless, I'm usually pretty good at figuring things out, but not this.)
2011-01-23 6:26 AM
in reply to: #3315092

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
calluna - 2011-01-22 11:25 AM Do all of you have/belong to Masters teams? If you don't, what sort of coaching or program do you use to develop your swimming?

I pull workouts from Coach Sara's website (for Free!) and do them once a week. 

She does a Masters team with workouts at least 3x a week.  They are good workouts and make me work harder than if I were just doing my usual stuff.  I only do the Wednesday speed workouts and I don't use any of the flippers or other stuff.  Like Jennifer's run intervals, the planned workout makes the hour go faster than if I were just doing my own thing. 

Last year I convinced a couple of friends to do the workouts with me and that helped a LOT because we were not as likely to skip and having someone there who wasn't slacking made us work harder and we were able to race each other, which was fun.  I haven't convinced anyone to get to the pool that early this year, though.

On the days I don't do Coach Sara, I just do a straight swim or sets of 500 free because I'm too lazy to count higher than 20.  Those swims didn't seem to help with my speed after a certain point, but they do help my endurance a lot. 

I like the hydration challenge.  I have been working on that forever but haven't managed to do it so maybe the new plan will work better than what I've been doing (1 cup of water at meals and 2 cups between each).
2011-01-23 7:12 AM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Well Karen my only other suggestion is under nutrtion settings. Is calories checked? I don't really know how it appeared on mine I was just messing with settings and there it was. Sorry I'm not a lot of help. I am not however entering it myself, and I know it's not from my Garmin because I don't use that for the swim.
2011-01-23 8:49 AM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
100% fan of group goal -  I like hydration goal
100 % fan of masters swim - I have no idea how people motivate otherwise
new weekly personal goal - no wine during the week (Sundays still count as the weekend).

2011-01-23 11:16 AM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: thanks for swimming thoughts
Thanks for the thoughts on swimming! And the link - I love good resources. I will still go check out the local Masters group, I think, but I'm a lot happier to find solid online resources if I'm not fully comfortable with the swimming group. Yesterday when I was swimming I found the woman in the lane with me is a triathlete (of two years) and she works out with several other people as the weather gets warmer. It's a small world... I know how to find her again and may. It was a good day at the pool and of course the boys had fun.

- found a place to run inside, but don't like it. May look for a treadmill on Craigslist.
- 7 cups of water yesterday. I was close!

New personal goal for this week:
- increase stretching times after workouts.

Edited by calluna 2011-01-23 12:06 PM
2011-01-23 5:24 PM
in reply to: #3315092

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Extreme Veteran
Marietta, GA
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

Calluna - don't let the first bad experience prevent you from trying out a new group. I've been to 3 different masters groups in GA and each has its own personality of people.  The dinner time swim is definitely an issue.   When I couldn't do masters due to time or money, I used the BT swim instructions for bronze members. It's adequate enough to get you to the finish line (and to the bike!). The key is to not cheat yourself in the workout by going to easy or quitting too soon.  Good luck!

2011-01-23 5:26 PM
in reply to: #3316123

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Extreme Veteran
Marietta, GA
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

elizabethk - 2011-01-23 9:49 AMnew weekly personal goal - no wine during the week (Sundays still count as the weekend).

No wine? What??? Why else do we work out so hard??

2011-01-23 6:39 PM
in reply to: #3316751

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
emlavigne - 2011-01-23 6:26 PM

elizabethk - 2011-01-23 9:49 AMnew weekly personal goal - no wine during the week (Sundays still count as the weekend).

No wine? What??? Why else do we work out so hard??

Beer only during the week!  Wink

Here is the chart with last week's goals.  Please report back how you did and if you have any new goals other than the hydration challenge.

NameBT UsernameJan 17 goal
Beckyaureuaget back to workouts
Elenaemlavigneregular workout habit
Elizabethelizabethk3 days physical therapy
Heathercallunafigure out somewhere to run
Juliejulta2 swims
Karenkaren26.2stretching or strength training
Katiecrazyalaskian2 bikes, 3 runs
Mareemareelouise2x each swim, bike, run
Stephmrs. brown_dog_usportion control
??flygirlwagsfri swim, sat run, sun bike

On the portion control - I didn't do very well.  I did OK at breakfast, good at lunch, but I blew it at dinner nearly every day.  So, instead of feeling deprived all of the time and still not meeting the goal, I'm going to start logging my food (UGH!) and concentrate on eating more low-density whole foods.  That means swapping my beloved cereal for some egg whites (or regular eggs) and veggies a few days a week.  The eggs are actually pretty good and if you dump some leftovers in them, they are downright tasty and an easy way to add a serving of veggies.

I'm also going to do the hydration challenge.  Because I sweat a LOT, 64 ounces is a good number for me.  DH would float away if he drank that much water, but I find that my ligaments are happier and my face is clearer if I drink that much so that is my goal.  Since I crave salt all of the time anyway, I will not need to worry about running out of electrolytes.
2011-01-23 7:09 PM
in reply to: #3316877

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
I did so-so with my goal this week of getting back to working out.  On the plus side I did some activity every day this week but on the down side I did mostly short runs and did not follow my training schedule (which included biking and swimming).  Hopefully I can follow my schedule this week.

I like the hydration challenge because it is one thing I am actually good at.  :-)  Here are some tips to get us through the week:

1.  Bring a bottle or container of some sort to work or carry it with you at home.  Having a bottle by your side will remind you to sip it regularly all day long.  Pretty soon you'll just be mindlessly reaching for it.

2.  Make it a point to take a stretch break every hour or two.  Get up from your desk and walk to the water cooler to refill your bottle.

3.  Bring some lemon with you (or those Crystal Light packets) to give your water some flavor.  

Make sure you're able to use the restroom regularly.  If your job or daily activities don't permit frequent bathroom breaks you might want to think about building up slowly.  Also stop your increased water intake around dinner time and just drink regularly from then on otherwise you'll have to get up during the night.

Good luck! 

2011-01-23 7:50 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
I did not do good on my weekly goal at all!  I started with adding strength training, ended up too sore from yoga, swapped for extra stretching/yoga session, and did not do that.  I did well on everything else, swim (missed one), bike & run, but the stretching is just something I always seem to skip.

So, for this week I'm going to continue with the same goal in the hopes that I achieve.  And the hydration goal for sure.  Like Steph, I sweat like a crazy woman and need to replenish.  I try to avoid salt except a little added to my eggs in the morning, but I think my electorlytes are ok during the winter.
2011-01-23 8:06 PM
in reply to: #3316877

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Subject: Last weeks goals
Hi everyone,

I came close last week on my goals, but not quite. Missed one bike session. I did do one extra swim, but it was only small sodoesn't really count. I don't have any excuses, but will try and make it this week. We have a Public Holiday on Wednesday for Australia Day, so that should help!

Hey, I've been having some strange soreness up on my hips- I was hoping someone might know what I was talking about and have some ideas on stretches. It first happened after my Saturday run, and its sore again today after this morning's swim. Its like a soreness and stiffness right where you put your hands when you put your hands on your hips. I've not experienced this before. Any ideas?

Take care all,

2011-01-23 8:40 PM
in reply to: #3317036

New user

Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Last weeks goals
mareelouise - 2011-01-23 8:06 PM Hi everyone, I came close last week on my goals, but not quite. Missed one bike session. I did do one extra swim, but it was only small sodoesn't really count. I don't have any excuses, but will try and make it this week. We have a Public Holiday on Wednesday for Australia Day, so that should help! Hey, I've been having some strange soreness up on my hips- I was hoping someone might know what I was talking about and have some ideas on stretches. It first happened after my Saturday run, and its sore again today after this morning's swim. Its like a soreness and stiffness right where you put your hands when you put your hands on your hips. I've not experienced this before. Any ideas? Take care all, Maree

I am NO EXPERT at all but my hip pain is IT Band related.  I've used a chiropractor and stretching to help heal mine. 

My goals for the week: I don't plan to exercise much this week because of a half marathon next Sunday.  Plus, my kids are both sick so I won't be able to take them to the gym to swim or bike.  So, I plan to try to develop a stretching program and use portion control (I eat a lot when stressed and I am stressed right now). 
2011-01-23 9:20 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Please add portion control and no eating junk after 7pm!  If I'm late working out, eating a healthy dinner (salad or protein shake) after 7pm is ok, but no more ice cream, M&M's, jelly bellies, etc.!  The madness must stop!!!
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