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2012-01-04 11:12 AM
in reply to: #3970214

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Saipan, MP
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
ahutson - 2012-01-04 9:52 AM

Good morning, everybody!

I went to the Y and did 30 min on the bike and did some light lifting. I am trying to wake all the muscles I haven't used in awhile.

I'm going to the pool today to try to and swim for 10-15 minutes straight. I am going to focus on doing short distances well and then getting a little longer. I think that is better than seeing how far I can go but having to doggie paddle to finish! I want to do 2 laps (I train in a 25 yd pool) real solid and build from there.

I am still trying to find a good plan. I like Matt Fitzgerald's website and he does have a lot to choose from but his plans are costly. I will stick with a free plan for now, thanks. Any newbies getting a membership to the BT site? I would like to try Bronze and see how it goes.

Have a healthy day, everyone!

Good morning muscles   Hope they enjoyed the gym!

I am checking out Matt's book from my library.  If it looks like something I'll dip into time after time, then I'd say it's worth buying!  Same with a membership here - seeing how things go for now, giving it a test run, then may want to dive a little deeper into their resources.

2012-01-04 2:06 PM
in reply to: #3969323

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
rsmoylan - 2012-01-03 4:42 PM

controltech01 - 2012-01-03 6:52 PM  My question is: Do you use any rice or soy protein supplements? I don't think I am close to my recommended protein levels. Thanks for any input. Roger

I don't.  I eat plenty of rice and not so much in the way of soy.  My protein source come from quinoa.  It is the perfect food.  And from what I understand is the only non-meat source that provides the full range of essential amino acids.  Olivia, you can correct me if I'm wrong.  Quinoa is a super-food.  

You're absolutely correct about quinoa, Scott.  What's worth pointing out about quinoa offering the full range of amino acids, is it's the only non-meat source of Omega-3s. 

Roger, I do not eat protein supplements and, personally, do not find them necessary.  All the protein one needs is available through diet (e.g. as Scott mentioned quinoa, legumes, other whole grains like millet, etc).  Now, I do say this as non-elite athlete and, like anything, there are exceptions.  However, since you say your energy levels feel good and if you look at Scott and his vegan-based diet while competing, it doesn't sound to me as if you'd need supplementation.

Every single food we eat has protein in varying levels.  There is an almost non-existent protein deficit in the US, hence, why there is no recommended amount of protein on American food labels; there's no need for it.

I'm sure Kate has her 2 cents too. 

2012-01-04 2:35 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

I came across this little nugget today.  It is a basic description of swim workouts and sets.   I was curious how everyone is doing with their swimming.  What do your workouts look like?  

2012-01-04 3:22 PM
in reply to: #3971051

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Saipan, MP
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

oliviacooks - 2012-01-04 3:06 PM
I'm sure Kate has her 2 cents too. 


*grin*  My $0.02 was buried about halfway down the last page   But I can post it again here:


For vegan protein, I still stay away from soy.  There's enough controversy surrounding it that I figure "why bother?"  Plus, I find my sweat is extra stinky after eating soy!  *lol*

I like to use nuts, seeds, sprouts, legumes, and grains - like Scott said quinoa is a complete protein.  But you can gather up your essential amino acids among various food groups - rice and beans is the classic example.  Chia seeds are also a complete protein with good omega fats and fiber; I'm also a fan of hemp seeds.  It has 10g of protein per ounce. Spirulina (a type of seaweed) is also a complete protein.  It's only 2g protein per ounce, but also only 7calories, so these are great for adding to salads or wraps and such!

I have tried several vegan protein powders - usually they're made from pea protein, artichoke, or rice.  I haven't found a favorite yet.

2012-01-04 3:31 PM
in reply to: #3971127

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Saipan, MP
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
rsmoylan - 2012-01-04 3:35 PM

I came across this little nugget today.  It is a basic description of swim workouts and sets.   I was curious how everyone is doing with their swimming.  What do your workouts look like?  

Thanks for this!  I haven't started the swimming yet - waiting for the goggles to come in; and wasn't quite sure where to start.  So this will help! 

2012-01-04 3:56 PM
in reply to: #3971127

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
rsmoylan - 2012-01-04 3:35 PM

I came across this little nugget today.  It is a basic description of swim workouts and sets.   I was curious how everyone is doing with their swimming.  What do your workouts look like?  


My logs are up to date and contain a breakdown of each swim workout I do. I essentially just do as much of the workout that the coach puts together for that day as I can within an hour.

When I started 3 months ago, I was stopping constantly and resorting to my "comfort stroke" which is a not-very-good breast stroke. I'd put in as much of the workout as I could, usually approaching 1600yds in an hour.

Last night I completed all but 2 150yd for a cool down and completed 2550 yds. I still don't keep up with the others when we do sets scheduled to start on a certain mark, but I'm closer and I at least am now using the clock to work each set. I usually have to take one extra break in the midst of the set that the others don't have to take.

I'm pleased with where I've come in 3 months and look forward to finding out where I'll be at the end of this 3 month session that just began.


My kicking is still really holding me back, and I know my inflexible ankles are providing a lot of drag.

I don't have a strong left hand breathe, so I practice that with each warm up set I do. Once I'm into the meat of the workouts, I tend to breathe only on my right. But the left is improving. I still don't have a very good concept of "rhythm". I haven't reached that point where I can just "cruise" for a long time in the pool like I can for a run.

But I'll keep at it. 

2012-01-04 4:02 PM
in reply to: #3971295

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
BernardDogs - 2012-01-04 4:56 PM

I don't have a strong left hand breathe, so I practice that with each warm up set I do. Once I'm into the meat of the workouts, I tend to breathe only on my right. But the left is improving. I still don't have a very good concept of "rhythm". I haven't reached that point where I can just "cruise" for a long time in the pool like I can for a run.

But I'll keep at it. 

I hear you.  I practice my left side breath for warm ups and drills, but when it's go time I invariably resort to right side breathing.  It's worked so far.  At least I know that if I had to breath on my left, I could.  

2012-01-04 4:16 PM
in reply to: #3971240

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Hope everyone is well-


i checked out the link and it was very helpful.  I will try to do some more drills in every workout and some more intervals.  I usually do a warmup of maybe 100 meters, then a main set of 12 x 100 meters with 15 second rest, or do 6 x 200 with a little more rest; then a hundred meters to cool down.  One of the things that i remember when I was learning to swim in a masters group was the use of fins and kickboard.  The coach would have me use fins and a kickboard for recovery between sets.  I have gotten away from fins and the kickboard for recovery  now that i have more arm strength.  I should probably go back to some kicking drills since that is definitely my weakness (or the biggest one).  For people just starting out swimming, I used to use fins alot, so don't be afraid to use them.  they help build leg strength and help your arms when you start to tire.

I am following a 16 week Olympic program that I found on this site so I did 48 mins on the bike.  It was done indoors on a Lifecycle stationary bike mostly at high RPMs (about 95 average) and low resistance.  I have never used one of those bike trainer machines, can anyone explain the pros and cons of them? My hear rate (according to the cycle) was pretty low so I guess i am just building a base now.


I hope to do a half marathon in March or April.  Any problem with me beefing up the runs a little bit to prepare for both (olympic tri and half marathon)?



Pete R


2012-01-04 4:31 PM
in reply to: #3971342

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
pareilly2000 - 2012-01-04 5:16 PM

I am following a 16 week Olympic program that I found on this site so I did 48 mins on the bike.  It was done indoors on a Lifecycle stationary bike mostly at high RPMs (about 95 average) and low resistance.  I have never used one of those bike trainer machines, can anyone explain the pros and cons of them? My hear rate (according to the cycle) was pretty low so I guess i am just building a base now.

 The bike trainer attaches to your bike and provides resistance to the rear tire.  The main pro is that it allows you to train on what you will be racing on.  I have not come across any con for a bike trainer.

I hope to do a half marathon in March or April.  Any problem with me beefing up the runs a little bit to prepare for both (olympic tri and half marathon)?

No problems at all.  As long as you feel good and strong and progress smartly.

2012-01-04 4:59 PM
in reply to: #3971127

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
rsmoylan - 2012-01-04 12:35 PM

I came across this little nugget today.  It is a basic description of swim workouts and sets.   I was curious how everyone is doing with their swimming.  What do your workouts look like?  


This couldn't have come at a better time.  I've never trained for a tri before but have included swimming in my exercise routine on and off for several years.  I usually just go for 40 minutes without stopping and get about 1500 to 1800 yards in. 

I swam at lunch today (1750y in 40m8s) and was thinking that since I can fairly comfortably complete the required Oly distance that I should figure out a way to start increasing my speed.  Got back from the swim and found your link.  Later today I'm going to check some books out at the library including the one by Matt Fitzgerald and see if I can come up with a plan to add some sets and intervals.

Also got out on the road bike yesterday.  13mi in 53 min including a 500 foot elevation climb.

What are your thoughts on adding aero bars to a standard road bike?  Mine is a borrowed Cannondale R400.

Thanks a million.

2012-01-04 5:39 PM
in reply to: #3971411

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
craiger951 - 2012-01-04 5:59 PM

What are your thoughts on adding aero bars to a standard road bike?  Mine is a borrowed Cannondale R400.


If you are fit properly on your bike it can make you faster while giving you another position to ride in.  I had short aero bars on my road bike until I bought a TT bike.  Some people use a "forward facing" seat post.  This will mimic a TT position.  Others, like myself, don't bother with that.  

2012-01-04 6:52 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Ballston Spa, New York
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
I can weigh in on the aero bars on a road bike question as well. Aero bars can help but they are not absolutely necessary. If you are going to add them to your road bike I would make sure you get what they call "shorty" aero bars. Examples would be Vision Mini TT's or Profile Designs T2 DL. The "DL" is a reference to draft legal which is an ITU triathlon race where it is legal to draft off of one another during a race. Drafting is illegal in most all other triathlons. The shorty bars are important because they don't alter the fit of your road bike. If you get aero bars that have you too stretched out or otherwise uncomfortable they really won't help you because you won't be able to maintain that position comfortably for very long. 
2012-01-04 7:54 PM
in reply to: #3971127

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Ballston Spa, New York
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
rsmoylan - 2012-01-04 3:35 PM

I came across this little nugget today.  It is a basic description of swim workouts and sets.   I was curious how everyone is doing with their swimming.  What do your workouts look like?  

My logs are also up to date with most workouts detailed enough to include a breakdown of the various sets. I was working with a swim coach this past fall and will say was the best thing I ever did to improve my swimming. The one major issue for me is improving my kicking. Similar to what Troy had said. I find that if I am kicking correctly my hips are up and my stroke is efficient. The key to maintaing my kick is endurance which is something that I am still working on. My workouts designed by my coach were geared towards improving my kick with various drills and building up my endurance which basically amounted to torturous hard efforts with very little recovery time. My swimming has been on hiatus this past week because I use our local high schools pool which has been closed for winter recess. I will get back into the swing of things soon. 

2012-01-05 5:53 AM
in reply to: #3971689

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
TimX3 - 2012-01-04 8:54 PM

y workouts designed by my coach were geared towards improving my kick with various drills and building up my endurance which basically amounted to torturous hard efforts with very little recovery time.

I've found that this is a critical component to improving endurance in the pool. I'm used to an active recovery jog in between intervals on the track, but the necessary brief recovery time in the pool is brutal. I do find that these are a significant contributor to getting my endurance up.


Today: Good morning, peeps!

Ran an early 6 this morning ... still feeling sluggish with my paces, but I attribute it to Sunday's race and not having raced at all this past fall. I'll swim for an hour after work tonight.

Enjoy your workouts today!!


2012-01-05 7:01 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good morning everyone!  What do you all have planned for today?  I have a bike trainer session tonight.  It will be about 55 min. long and looks like this:

10 min. warm up 70% effort

2 x 15 min @85% 5 min rest @70%

10 cool down

What are you doing to get stronger, faster and healthier?

2012-01-05 7:38 AM
in reply to: #3972163

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

I went and swam for about 30 minutes with a few rests. I am training in a 25 yard pool. My first sprint race is a 400 yd swim so I am going to work towards that as my first goal. I lost track of how many laps I did so I need to focus on that next time. I am going to take 8 pennies and line them up. After each lap, I move one over.

I am going to do a run/walk today. I haven't ran in quite a few years so I don't want to hurt myself. I am also going to go the library and try get fitzgerald's book. The race I am shooting for is 11 weeks away and I am doing at least a 2x program. I will sprinkle some additional sessions in each week. I want to do a light weight lifting program as well. I don't want to bulk up but could be a lilttle leaner...

Have a great day, everyone!

2012-01-05 10:29 AM
in reply to: #3972163

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
rsmoylan - 2012-01-05 5:01 AM

Good morning everyone!  What do you all have planned for today?  

Today is my long bike day.  I plan to ride 80 minutes.  Work permitting I’d love to ride the road bike this afternoon as the weather is sunny and perfect here in CA (sorry cold weather people).  If I can’t get out of work in time it’ll have to be on the indoor bike.  Perhaps if I spent less time on this site researching and learning about this sport I’d get my work done faster.Wink

Have a great and productive day.

2012-01-05 11:26 AM
in reply to: #3972163

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Extreme Veteran
Albany/Saratoga, NY area
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
rsmoylan - 2012-01-05 8:01 AM

Good morning everyone!  What do you all have planned for today?  I have a bike trainer session tonight.  It will be about 55 min. long and looks like this:

10 min. warm up 70% effort

2 x 15 min @85% 5 min rest @70%

10 cool down

What are you doing to get stronger, faster and healthier?



Tonight, I'm swimming 800 yards. Not working on stronger and faster this week but I'm trying to get back on track after a couple of bad weeks. So far, so good. I haven't missed a workout yet this week!

2012-01-05 12:29 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Saipan, MP
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Today I got in the pool for the first time in ages.  I just wanted to enjoy and remind my body of how to swim.  So, it was an embarassingly slow 33 minutes for 750m.  I know some of that was because I was messing with my goggles every lap or two for a while, until I could finally find a semi-comfortable fitting for them... but mostly it was because I'd have to stop and pant!  And I did some very slow laps just to take the time to notice how my form was (not good - much to work on!)

But it's my start!

2012-01-05 12:49 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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New user

Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good morning, everybody!

Yesterday I ran/walked 2.51 miles in 30 min and swam 400m.  And, hiked a bit. 

Today I'm riding the bike. 

First, I'm looking for Matt Fitzgerald's book.  I'd like to get my hands on his training plans and see which would work for me.  I'm absolutely amazed, as a relatively fit person, how difficult I'm finding the swim.  I'm going to look at all the info you shared, Scott, (including that new link about the swim workout which is SUPER helpful to me) along with Fitzgerald's book.

As far as getting faster, stronger, this week and probably next are going to be getting myself adapted to being on schedule; making all three of these things a part of my regular life, while scheduling my first cooking events and finalizing things with my company.  I'm not going to push yet.  I want to learn all I can about how I should be pushing correctly so that when I've got this whole swim/run/bike thing on a Swiss clock and I can improve efficiently and with skill. 

Have a killer day, guys!


2012-01-05 12:50 PM
in reply to: #3972932

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
Veggie Kate - 2012-01-05 10:29 AM

but mostly it was because I'd have to stop and pant!

Hear, hear, Kate!  When I lick this swim, it's going to be sweet, sweet triumph indeed.

2012-01-05 1:44 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Somebody posted this in tri talk today.  Wanted to share.

Remember, the beauty is in the journey!

2012-01-05 2:50 PM
in reply to: #3972792

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Extreme Veteran
Albany/Saratoga, NY area
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
nicoleg - 2012-01-05 12:26 PM
rsmoylan - 2012-01-05 8:01 AM

Good morning everyone!  What do you all have planned for today?  I have a bike trainer session tonight.  It will be about 55 min. long and looks like this:

10 min. warm up 70% effort

2 x 15 min @85% 5 min rest @70%

10 cool down

What are you doing to get stronger, faster and healthier?



Tonight, I'm swimming 800 yards. Not working on stronger and faster this week but I'm trying to get back on track after a couple of bad weeks. So far, so good. I haven't missed a workout yet this week!


I think I spoke too soon. My car broke down and by the time it gets fixed lap time will be over. There's no lap time tomorrow except when I'm at work. I'm hoping I can make up my swim on saturday...

2012-01-05 4:00 PM
in reply to: #3973241

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
nicoleg - 2012-01-05 3:50 PM
nicoleg - 2012-01-05 12:26 PM
rsmoylan - 2012-01-05 8:01 AM

Good morning everyone!  What do you all have planned for today?  I have a bike trainer session tonight.  It will be about 55 min. long and looks like this:

10 min. warm up 70% effort

2 x 15 min @85% 5 min rest @70%

10 cool down

What are you doing to get stronger, faster and healthier?



Tonight, I'm swimming 800 yards. Not working on stronger and faster this week but I'm trying to get back on track after a couple of bad weeks. So far, so good. I haven't missed a workout yet this week!


I think I spoke too soon. My car broke down and by the time it gets fixed lap time will be over. There's no lap time tomorrow except when I'm at work. I'm hoping I can make up my swim on saturday...

Nicole,  Sorry about your car.  How bout a run?

2012-01-05 4:15 PM
in reply to: #3973241

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Saipan, MP
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
nicoleg - 2012-01-05 3:50 PM [

I think I spoke too soon. My car broke down and by the time it gets fixed lap time will be over. There's no lap time tomorrow except when I'm at work. I'm hoping I can make up my swim on saturday...


Awww, bummer   Hope it gets fixed up and you enjoy a great swim on Saturday!!

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