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2012-05-01 8:23 PM
in reply to: #4184976

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Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed
mattkenken - 2012-05-01 7:27 PM

Hey Jimyak.  Awesome bike ride on April 17th!!  Got to be some kind of world record!  lol

(hope you don't mind us having a little fun with you.  I assume it's a typo.  If not can I have your autograph?)

I did correct it. I am sure that I have not hit the 1000 mile mark including all my rides as a child! But the autograph is still available

2012-05-02 6:13 AM
in reply to: #4184954

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Charlottesville, VA
Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed
mattkenken - 2012-05-01 8:15 PM

Some of you may remember my post from last we about my less than encouraging first ride outside on my "new" bike.  Well my second ride tonight went a little better.

Very smart -- a great way to get comfortable with the bike. Keep up the good work!
2012-05-02 7:50 PM
in reply to: #4183196

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Charlottesville, VA
Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed
richwampler - 2012-05-01 9:22 AM

The race was a real eye-opener and you can read my race report at BT.  

I enjoyed reading the report. Pretty solid run coming off the bike, and your transitions aren't as bad as you suggest. A little practice there and you'll drop :45-1:00 overall. Good work! And I can sympathize with the cold water. I've swum in 53-degree water and it wasn't too much fun!

Ken, any suggestions for a good plan (looking at about 18 weeks and about 8-12hrs per week, heavy on the weekends)??

Over 4 months to go and a marathon background -- you should be able to execute a solid 1/2. As far as plans, I'm not too good a source for a pre-packaged plan. I've been using a coach for years, and she does an awesome job directing me. I would recommend Friel's "Triathlete's Training Bible." It's dense, but it provides plenty of tools to help you develop plans. I'm constantly re-reading it.

 I'm anxious to get back to the US and try some tri's over there.  

What part of the country will you be in when you return?
2012-05-06 5:36 AM
in reply to: #4125768

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Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed

Hey everyone, 

On Sat. i rode the hybrid bike on the road and did a little better on my 17mi route knocking off 3min from last time. Kind of getting on to the effort it takes on hills (hate them) and on switching gears. Before i left i cleaned the sprockets man were they crusty. 

Got my wetsuit and i should have ordered on instinct instead of from the sizing chart. I wish i would have recorded me getting in and out of it and put it on youtube because it was hilarious it was the old "stuffing 10lbs of crap in a 5lb bag" funny. I have always had trouble with things fitting at the thighs and shoulders and this was no different i could barley breath. the water temp at our lake is in the mid 50s and this lake has an unlimited horsepower on boats so i am getting my brother and brother in law to float beside me with their boats as i do some open water swims. 

Looks like the 6 weeks of OT is finally done, no more 11 hour work days.

2012-05-06 7:09 AM
in reply to: #4193047

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Charlottesville, VA
Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed
wrhall2 - 2012-05-06 6:36 AM

Hey everyone, 

On Sat. i rode the hybrid bike on the road and did a little better on my 17mi route knocking off 3min from last time. Kind of getting on to the effort it takes on hills (hate them) and on switching gears.

Good work -- don't be afraid to downshift and take it easy on the hills. Good for training, and good when racing -- working too hard on the hills is a good way to "cook" your legs before the run. The base period Ironman training I'm doing now is based on a low heart rate, so I've got to really back off on the hills. Surprisingly, I'm now going up them faster, with less effort.

Got my wetsuit and i should have ordered on instinct instead of from the sizing chart. I wish i would have recorded me getting in and out of it and put it on youtube because it was hilarious it was the old "stuffing 10lbs of crap in a 5lb bag" funny. I have always had trouble with things fitting at the thighs and shoulders and this was no different i could barley breath.

They are supposed to be tight, after all! ;-) Buy some Body Glide -- very helpful stuff to have. You can also spray the inside of the suit with vegetable-based cooking spray (like PAM). Just don't use Vaseline.

2012-05-06 8:25 AM
in reply to: #4125768

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Ocala, FL
Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed

I think I turned a corner this week.  First, I did my longest swim session to date and felt great the entire time.  2500yds, standard for most but hey, feels good to hit standard.  Also, I did a day with longer intervals and mentally it wasn't a big deal to have a couple hundred yards to go.  I've moved from "omigosh I have ______ left to swiim" to "ok, home stretch, doing good".

Speaking of cooking your legs.  I have a couple loops that take me on this absolutely horrible road at the beginning.  Poor road conditions, not smooth, kind of hilly.  I'm usually feel pretty winded when I turn off of it.  I know it's the road because I feel better at the end of the ride than I do at the end of that road.  I ride it mainly for the resistance/difficulty figuring it'll pay off when I stay on the good roads, or if a course happens to have a bad stretch..... good idea?.......  Anyway, I went out a little after my long swim day and it felt bad, extra effort for average or below average speed.  I figured my body was trying to tell me something so I cut a corner on the ride and cut it a little short.  I purposefully ignored my speedo and rode comfortably.  Turned out I was less than 1mph under my average.  There's probably  lesson in there somewhere.  All in all, good week.

2012-05-06 4:35 PM
in reply to: #4193173

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Charlottesville, VA
Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed
Fokker416 - 2012-05-06 9:25 AM

I think I turned a corner this week.  First, I did my longest swim session to date and felt great the entire time.  2500yds, standard for most but hey, feels good to hit standard.  Also, I did a day with longer intervals and mentally it wasn't a big deal to have a couple hundred yards to go.  I've moved from "omigosh I have ______ left to swiim" to "ok, home stretch, doing good".

That's great -- we live for those days!

Speaking of cooking your legs.  I have a couple loops that take me on this absolutely horrible road at the beginning.  Poor road conditions, not smooth, kind of hilly.  I'm usually feel pretty winded when I turn off of it.  I know it's the road because I feel better at the end of the ride than I do at the end of that road.  I ride it mainly for the resistance/difficulty figuring it'll pay off when I stay on the good roads, or if a course happens to have a bad stretch..... good idea?.......  Anyway, I went out a little after my long swim day and it felt bad, extra effort for average or below average speed.  I figured my body was trying to tell me something so I cut a corner on the ride and cut it a little short.  I purposefully ignored my speedo and rode comfortably.  Turned out I was less than 1mph under my average.  There's probably  lesson in there somewhere.  All in all, good week.

There's nothing wrong with challenging yourself, but within reason. You don't want to always pick out the tough road and hammer on it -- seems counter-intuitive, but it's true. Better to ride steady most of the time, and pick times when you push the envelope. As the old saying goes, you can't ice the cake (speed) if you don't have a cake (base). Your comfortable ride was an interesting illustration of why you don't need to always ride hard.

Great work -- glad to see it coming together for you!

2012-05-06 4:45 PM
in reply to: #4125768

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New user

Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed


I agree ... those days I don't look at my time, usually wind up better.  Something I have learned (whether run or bike), you will get more out of the easier workouts than pushing yourself every time.  If you have a hard part of your consistent ride, every time, at the beginning, you will get used to riding that part, but won't necessarily improve, overall.  Try some rides without that awful road and give your legs a good chance to burn later in the ride (or sometimes, not at all, just get used to a good, comfortable cadence for a while).  

One of the hardest things I have learned is to "throttle back" during most of my workouts and only go hard 1-2 times per week (total, not per discipline).  

Ken, I will dig out my Friel's "Training Bible" and see what can be developed.  Right now I'm having trouble getting motivated to get on the bike, though I find those the most enjoyable workouts.  It looks as if I will be signing up for the Galway 1/2 in Ireland in September.   Just looking at some mid-distance in the meantime (to practice those transitions). 

Everyone, have a good week of enjoyable, productive training (then we'll think about work).

2012-05-06 11:34 PM
in reply to: #4125768


Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed

Coming into this multisport thing with no idea how to train for running or cycling, Friel's book has been a big help.  Last time I checked it's super cheap on amazon, like $6.

I had the same instinct as you, Fokker--do the hard work now and it'll pay off later.  Friel's explanation for why that doesn't always pay off was pretty helpful to me.  He breaks down fitness into specific skills like endurance, speed, strength etc.  He argues that you can't really train all of fitness in one routine, rather you improve one skill at a time.  What you describe, and what I've been guilty of for most of my training, would be similar to trying to train endurance (distance) and power (hills) in the same ride.

I'm just now trying to do one skill at a time, endurance, and I have to admit it makes me a little nervous stepping down my intensity from borderline anaerobic for an entire workout to something I can breathe comfortably for the duration.  It does feel like a bit of a step backwards.  Tonight I did 3.5 miles trying to keep my HR around 135, which required me to do intervals even though I didn't feel like I needed the rest.  It feels like a knock on wood, hope the stimulus was enough to encourage my body to work on improving situation.  Which it is until I get around to doing some fitness testing (who has time for that, really??).

2012-05-07 1:00 AM
in reply to: #4193047

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Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed
wrhall2 - 2012-05-06 5:36 AM

Got my wetsuit and i should have ordered on instinct instead of from the sizing chart. I wish i would have recorded me getting in and out of it and put it on youtube because it was hilarious it was the old "stuffing 10lbs of crap in a 5lb bag" funny. I have always had trouble with things fitting at the thighs and shoulders and this was no different i could barley breath.  

That is funny, But I had the same problem with my suit I ordered the xl and I could not even get it zipped up. It might have looked like trying to put a condom on a beer can or something like that. I sent it back and ordered the xxl. (chest is 48" if I don't breath)

2012-05-07 1:10 AM
in reply to: #4125768

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Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed
Sat. bike ride was great! It was the furthest I have ridden my hybrid, 18+ miles in 1 hour 15. It was a comfortable pace about 14 avg and cadence was 84 avg. At the end of the ride I stopped at the LBS and had a hard time getting my foot out of the cage and had to use the window to hold myself up. I did wake everyone up in the shop. I'm sure they were thinking "look at the crazy old man on the bike". I didn't break the window so all is well.

2012-05-07 7:50 PM
in reply to: #4194172

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Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed


Isn't it great figuring stuff out on the fly, proof that life is a journey and not a destination, being able to laugh at ourselves a little is the only way to enjoy the miscues and it makes the goals we reach a little richer.

2012-05-07 7:55 PM
in reply to: #4125768

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Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed

Hey everyone, 

Went on a good run today, my legs have really strengthened from riding the bike, knocked out a 7:40/and 2-7:50 consecutively my lungs are whats holding me back at this point but still have 3 weeks of training before my race. felt good  

2012-05-08 3:12 AM
in reply to: #4196069

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Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed
wrhall2 - 2012-05-07 7:50 PM


Isn't it great figuring stuff out on the fly, proof that life is a journey and not a destination, being able to laugh at ourselves a little is the only way to enjoy the miscues and it makes the goals we reach a little richer.

If you think about it most of us do something goofy almost every day. I think that I surpass that at times though. You are so right about laughing at ourselves and reaching our goals.

2012-05-08 5:09 AM
in reply to: #4125768

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Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed
I wanted to ask everyone about the kind of running shoes you wear. I have the brooks "Defyance 3"and i bought them at the Sierra Trading Post online, but before i bought them i went to a store and sized up a couple of shoes and felt them out. These shoes retail at 100 bucks and the post had them for 55. They carry lots of brands that are last year or so models. i also got some great running shirts for about 9$ apiece. check it out
2012-05-08 7:02 AM
in reply to: #4196524

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Central VA
Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed
Saucony Guide 4

Bought first pair at a fitting at local running store. Second pair were left over from last years stock on eBay.

2012-05-08 2:54 PM
in reply to: #4196080

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Charlottesville, VA
Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed
wrhall2 - 2012-05-07 8:55 PM

Hey everyone, 

Went on a good run today, my legs have really strengthened from riding the bike, knocked out a 7:40/and 2-7:50 consecutively my lungs are whats holding me back at this point but still have 3 weeks of training before my race. felt good  

Excellent -- glad to hear you're rounding into shape for the race!

2012-05-08 2:56 PM
in reply to: #4196524

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Charlottesville, VA
Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed
wrhall2 - 2012-05-08 6:09 AM

I wanted to ask everyone about the kind of running shoes you wear. I have the brooks "Defyance 3"and i bought them at the Sierra Trading Post online, but before i bought them i went to a store and sized up a couple of shoes and felt them out. These shoes retail at 100 bucks and the post had them for 55. They carry lots of brands that are last year or so models. i also got some great running shirts for about 9$ apiece. check it out

I've always worn Asics. Started years ago in the "2000" series, which is now the "2100" series. Think I'm up to the 2170s now, but don't really keep track anymore. ;-)

2012-05-08 3:02 PM
in reply to: #4198036

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Charlottesville, VA
Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed
Any big plans on tap for this upcoming weekend, folks?

I'll blow my own horn a little. The Kinetic 1/2-IM is this Saturday at Lake Anna State Park, here in Virginia. My 5th 1/2-IM, and I'm hoping I can finish somewhere south of 5:15 (PR is a 5:09 on the same course last year). Haven't done a lot of specific training for this race, since I'm in the base period for IM training (think lots of slow and steady HR zone training).

Still, I'm feeling pretty fit, and the weather looks nice. I'm hoping to execute a smart race and I'll be pretty happy!

2012-05-11 3:03 AM
in reply to: #4125768

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Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed
I went to a local run shop and I tried on about 4-5 different brands last year and ended up with the Brooks Glycerin 8
2012-05-11 5:28 AM
in reply to: #4203915

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Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed


The sierra trading post has them in size 10 for 90$

2012-05-14 7:21 PM
in reply to: #4198054

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Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed

Ken,  I read the race report and it really cool of you to share that stuff with us. The bike mix up was especially entertaining but at least you figured it out and i gotta say if it were me i would have freaked. Also having a good perspective and analysis of the training heading into this is something i can learn from reading these reports that every race is personal and different and to keep that in mind when critiquing  yourself.  Overall everything considered it sounds like you now know what to work on. Thanks for sharing. 

A couple of questions: What did you eat and drink during the race? And  did they start all of you at once in the swim or did you go in waves and during the swim any tips to steering clear of other swimmers?

2012-05-14 7:25 PM
in reply to: #4125768

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Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed

Hi. everyone,

I got the exchange completed with exterra  and this one (a large) fits great, i can breath so tomorrow i am going out Lake Raystown and swim along the shore. Can't wait to try this to see if i feel like a fish. yeah right

2012-05-15 2:03 AM
in reply to: #4209616

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Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed
wrhall2 - 2012-05-14 7:25 PM

Hi. everyone,

I got the exchange completed with exterra  and this one (a large) fits great, i can breath so tomorrow i am going out Lake Raystown and swim along the shore. Can't wait to try this to see if i feel like a fish. yeah right

I am plan on trying my westsuit tomorrow at the Y in the pool. I'll have to rinse it out good. 

2012-05-15 5:35 AM
in reply to: #4125768

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Subject: RE: Ken Nail's Group -- Closed

I have a question for the guys that have raced. What is the best way to get out of your wet suit in T1?


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