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2014-05-28 9:32 PM
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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
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Subject: RE: It's Friday! What's your plan?

Sunday morning I got in the pool and did a 4,200 yard TT followed by a 56 mile ride.  It has taken a couple thousand miles but I am finally getting comfortable on my tri-bike and I am REALLY happy to report I was able to stay down in aero the entire ride.  58.4 miles in just under three hours.  Now if I could just get my run to a respectable pace . . .

Then had a family and friend BBQ in the afternoon to thoroughly negate all the calories burned in the morning!  The ribs were worth all the guilt.

Edited by k9car363 2014-05-28 9:33 PM

2014-05-28 9:45 PM
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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
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Subject: RE: It's Friday! What's your plan?

Originally posted by JREDFLY Hi Guys, This is jredlfy (James), I PM'd Steve last week to let him know I am in. I couldn't find the old thread to post the grid to but I think we all know who the winner of the coveted black dog mug will be.

Yep!  Unless someone lost 100+ pounds and worked out 1,000+ minutes since the last update!

Congrats Judi.  You certainly raised the bar on workout time!

Welcome back James!

Edited by k9car363 2014-05-28 9:47 PM
2014-05-28 10:00 PM
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Hingham, MA
Subject: RE: It's Friday! What's your plan?
Originally posted by k9car363

Originally posted by JREDFLY Hi Guys, This is jredlfy (James), I PM'd Steve last week to let him know I am in. I couldn't find the old thread to post the grid to but I think we all know who the winner of the coveted black dog mug will be.

Yep!  Unless someone lost 100+ pounds and worked out 1,000+ minutes since the last update!

Congrats Judi.  You certainly raised the bar on workout time!

Welcome back James!


YES - Judi you are the grand prize winner of the coveted Black Dog Mug!

PM me your address and I will send it out to you.

Congrats! You are truly an inspiration. GREAT JOB!!!


Edited by JREDFLY 2014-05-28 10:03 PM

(Black Dog Mug.jpg)

Black Dog Mug.jpg (4KB - 5 downloads)
2014-05-28 10:12 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: It's Friday! What's your plan?

Originally posted by lutzman
Originally posted by Mountaindan

Looking forward to some open water swims in a few weeks although after being in a warm pool for the last several months those cold Maine lakes are going to be a shock to the system, might need to buy a full wet suit, I've used a sleeveless for several years now.


Dan--I've considered sleeveless. As the lakes warm up here in Washington State later in the summer, I feel like I'm too warm in my full. But then everything I read says full sleeved wetsuits are faster than sleeveless, so I'm reluctant to pull the trigger and change. Since I'm a crappy swimmer I need every advantage I can get!


At various times I have used a full wetsuit, a sleeveless, and what was known as a 'shorty' (don't know if they even still make those).  The shorty was a wetsuit made specifically for surfing - it was sleeveless and went down to mid-thigh.

My opinion is if it is cold enough for a wetsuit, it is cold enough for a FULL wetsuit.  A sleeveless, while you do have a bit more mobility in the arms, is a little slower for a couple reasons.  a) you have less buoyancy, and b) a sleeveless tends to allow water in and acts as a small parachute.

If I am using a wetsuit, I am using a full.  As to overheating, I would subtract 5 degrees from whatever minimum wetsuit allowed temp is set before I use a wetsuit (i.e. if the RD says wetsuits are legal below 70 I would not use one unless the water was below 65).  I would rather be a bit chilly then risk overheating.

2014-05-28 10:16 PM
in reply to: wsummerhill

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Indianapolis, Indiana
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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Masters Focus Triathlete Forum--OPEN!

Originally posted by wsummerhill

and am planning on doing IM Louisville in 3 months. EEEK! 

I know!  Right?

Glad to see you back Wendy.

2014-05-28 10:18 PM
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Hingham, MA
Subject: RE: It's Friday! What's your plan?
Originally posted by Mountaindan

Nice race James, Congrats on a great finish!
I might have to consider this one next year, whats the name of it?


It is called "Run to Remember" for fallen police officers.

The BAA (same people that operate the Boston Marathon - so there are world class runners there) has another half marathon in the fall that goes through a bunch of parks they call the emerald necklace that gets a big turn out too.

Edited by JREDFLY 2014-05-28 10:41 PM

2014-05-28 10:46 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
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Subject: RE: Attitude is everything

Originally posted by lutzman

Good Tuesday morning everyone! Ok, my rant of the week is on training attitude....or at least the mental aspects of approaching training with the right mindset . . .



I think we have had this discussion each of the past three "seasons."  My personal belief is that success in athletics is 90% mental and 10% physical.  That is not to say you don't have to put in the work - you do!  But doing the work is absolutely pointless if your mental attitude is not in the right place.  Case in point - back when I was swimming there was one pool where I ALWAYS had a great meet - Belmont Shores Olympic Swim Stadium in Long Beach, CA.  There was also one pool where I ALWAYS had bad days - East Los Angeles City College in Los Angeles, CA.  They were both 50 meter pools, both had great lane lines and wonderful wave and wake control - both pools had gutters that you could quite literally climb in to.  On paper, East LA was actually the better pool as it was a bit deeper and was about 25 years newer.  My training volume and time was identical prior to meets at both pools.  There was one significant difference however, I believed I swam faster at Belmont than I did at East LA.  In the Belmont Shores pool I consistently PR'd when I swam, I won a CIF championship (high school), and  I was on an American Record setting 400 meter Medley Relay team, to name a couple things.  At East LA City College, I think I swam in 12 events and was disqualified in 8 of them for being stupid.  In the events I wasn't DQ'd in, I had terrible times.  My attitude and mental state before competition at those venues became a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Too say the least, that was a HUGE learning experience for me.

Mental state and attitude is EVERYTHING in athletics!

2014-05-29 12:42 AM
in reply to: DJP_19

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: Test drove the wetsuit tonght
Originally posted by DJP_19

Hi all,

With my first Sprint tri coming up on Sunday, I did a quick assessment of my readiness for this new adventure. While I felt fairly comfortable about doing the bike and run segments, I'm a new swimmer, so I'm not yet confident in my abilities in the swim. This has been weighing on me a bit as time ticked by, so I decided to skip my morning pool workout today and this evening I packed up my gear and drive an hour to meet a friend at the race site to take advantage of the practice swim sessions in the lake. I'm glad I did.

This was my first wetsuit swim (holy cow, it REALLY floats!!) and completed the swim course with only minor technical difficulties. Of course I had some issues, such as water filled goggles, siting and directional challenges as well as several gulps of fresh Connecticut pond water during the swim, but I survived. Now I"m MUCH less worried about completing the swim without using up all the gas in my tank. (Thanks, Scott!)

Once out of the water, we did a quick change and hit the bike course at an easy pace. I thoroughly enjoyed the bike part of the workout. We also rode the bikes through most of the run course, so now there will be fewer unknowns on race day.


Sounds like you should be ready for Sunday Dave, looking forward to hearing how it goes.
I love OWS so much more than the pool, it does offer some challenges, but I enjoy finding a good stroke and just being able to swim in my own little world, of course when the seas are rough some days it just becomes survival, but I still enjoy that.

2014-05-29 12:45 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: It's Friday! What's your plan?
Originally posted by k9car363

Sunday morning I got in the pool and did a 4,200 yard TT followed by a 56 mile ride.  It has taken a couple thousand miles but I am finally getting comfortable on my tri-bike and I am REALLY happy to report I was able to stay down in aero the entire ride.  58.4 miles in just under three hours.  Now if I could just get my run to a respectable pace . . .

Then had a family and friend BBQ in the afternoon to thoroughly negate all the calories burned in the morning!  The ribs were worth all the guilt.

Awesome workout Scott! I think you earned the right to some good food!
2014-05-29 4:22 PM
in reply to: DJP_19

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Test drove the wetsuit tonght

Sounds like you're ready. All I can say is enjoy the ride. I haven't been at triathlon very long myself. My first race (sprint tri) was about four years ago next week. I didn't really think I would be nervous, but I looked at my HR monitor while just before the start and my HR was 115...and I hadn't done anything except stand around and watch the first waves go off. But it's just a great memory now.

You only get your "first" tri one time. So my advice is focus on enjoying every bit of the experience. Forget the time, don't get worried in the transitions. Look around, you'll be right in the thick of it!

Have a great day on Sunday and give us the full report.



Originally posted by DJP_19

Hi all,

With my first Sprint tri coming up on Sunday, I did a quick assessment of my readiness for this new adventure. While I felt fairly comfortable about doing the bike and run segments, I'm a new swimmer, so I'm not yet confident in my abilities in the swim. This has been weighing on me a bit as time ticked by, so I decided to skip my morning pool workout today and this evening I packed up my gear and drive an hour to meet a friend at the race site to take advantage of the practice swim sessions in the lake. I'm glad I did.

This was my first wetsuit swim (holy cow, it REALLY floats!!) and completed the swim course with only minor technical difficulties. Of course I had some issues, such as water filled goggles, siting and directional challenges as well as several gulps of fresh Connecticut pond water during the swim, but I survived. Now I"m MUCH less worried about completing the swim without using up all the gas in my tank. (Thanks, Scott!)

Once out of the water, we did a quick change and hit the bike course at an easy pace. I thoroughly enjoyed the bike part of the workout. We also rode the bikes through most of the run course, so now there will be fewer unknowns on race day.


2014-05-29 4:26 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: It's Friday! What's your plan?
Originally posted by k9car363

Sunday morning I got in the pool and did a 4,200 yard TT followed by a 56 mile ride.  It has taken a couple thousand miles but I am finally getting comfortable on my tri-bike and I am REALLY happy to report I was able to stay down in aero the entire ride.  58.4 miles in just under three hours.  Now if I could just get my run to a respectable pace . . .

Then had a family and friend BBQ in the afternoon to thoroughly negate all the calories burned in the morning!  The ribs were worth all the guilt.

Holy cow, Scott--You've been holding out on us. A 58+ mile ride in sub-three is a fantastic training effort. You've made huge progress. Nice earned that Saturday Bar-b-que!


2014-05-29 9:02 PM
in reply to: JREDFLY

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: It's Friday! What's your plan?

Originally posted by JREDFLY

My first half marathon went surprisingly well. I was just hoping to finish under 2:30 and I actually finished at 2:15.

Wow!  Great time James.  I will say again, I will trade you some swim speed for some run speed!  Excellent race report!.

2014-05-29 9:14 PM
in reply to: charlotte hobbs

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Indianapolis, Indiana
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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Masters Focus Triathlete Forum--OPEN!

Originally posted by charlotte hobbs

I started a new training plan today with the goal of completing a sprint triathlon in June, July, August and October. The training distances seem quite short. For example, run today is only 1.7 miles. Given my extreme inconsistency, would you recommend just completing the short distances that are within the BT custom plan or would you recommend starting at longer distances? thanks for any advice.

Hi Charlotte -

Consistency trumps distance.  You may want to consider writing your own plan with appropriate distances.  But regardless of what distances you do - consistency, consistency, consistency.  Missing one workout is really not that big a deal, missing two workouts over a couple weeks probably isn't that big a deal, but when you start regularly missing workouts, you are sabotaging your training.  Back when I was swimming, my coach use to tell us all the time, "If you miss one workout, it will take seven days of working out to get back to where you were."  Not improve, just get back to where you were before you missed a workout.  I am not sure if that directly applies to age group athletes, but the point is clear, missing workouts will cause a serious setback.  Better to create a plan that you KNOW you can stick to than have a plan that you HOPE you can stick to.

Just my humble two cents.

2014-05-29 9:26 PM
in reply to: EchoLkScott

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
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Subject: RE: How to start running again after calf injury?

Originally posted by EchoLkScott Do you guys do any sort of strength/weight training?

Here is my plan.

1. Do the strength training he recommended.

2. If no pain, this coming weekend I'll do maybe 10 minutes of run/walk (30sec/1min) on grass. The injury seems to be aggravated by jarring on the hard trail, so I'm hoping grass will have less jarring.

3. If no pain, on subsequent walk/runs I'll progress very slowly to more run/walk cycles and running for longer periods of time. Any thoughts or suggestions?

Scott I.

Hi Scott,

Glad to hear you went to the Doctor.  Now that you KNOW what is going on, I would follow the doctors instructions absolutely to the letter.  A couple years ago, I had a blood clot in my leg.  The doctor gave pretty specific instructions on returning to working out, etc.  Of course, I knew better and accelerated the program.  All I managed to do was add about 6 weeks to the recovery time.  Enough said about following doctors orders!

Yes, I strength train three times a week, all year long.  I do a full body workout however it is weighted toward core work.  I generally do low weights and high reps to avoid bulking up.  Doing strength work is a hot topic among triathletes.  There are those that say, "NO WAY do I do strength work, I only have time to do S/B/R."  And then there are those that argue strength training is good.  I think it comes down to this, how can being stronger NOT be beneficial?

2014-05-29 9:31 PM
in reply to: Mountaindan

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Attitude is everything

Originally posted by Mountaindan

As you can see it was another hot one here.

Hey Dan,

113 degrees qualifies as hot!  That only served to remind me that summertime temperatures are looming over the horizon.  We typically get up to 105-110 during July and August and we always seem to have a week or two or ridiculous heat, up in the 112-115 range.  Oh how I wish it was October!

2014-05-30 12:49 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: Attitude is everything
Originally posted by k9car363

Originally posted by Mountaindan

As you can see it was another hot one here.

Hey Dan,

113 degrees qualifies as hot!  That only served to remind me that summertime temperatures are looming over the horizon.  We typically get up to 105-110 during July and August and we always seem to have a week or two or ridiculous heat, up in the 112-115 range.  Oh how I wish it was October!

Scott, it's never fun training in those temps. Fortunately I'll be back in Maine in a few weeks and I'll probably be whining about it being too cold then but will take the cool over the heat anytime!

So now it's your turn to stay as cool as possible.

2014-05-30 10:27 AM
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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Masters Focus Triathlete Forum--OPEN!
Originally posted by Beach_Gurlz

Hoping there's still room for another grey/master's beginner! Using your template, thanks btw:

NAME: Beach_Gurlz / Beach

STORY: Swam in high school and again after college in Masters. Did open water in SoCal in my 20's, thought the 3 miler was boring but not exhausting (not so now). Discovered couch to 5k last year, along with free weights - consider myself more of a lifter than a runner but I can pick them up and put them down in an orderly fashion. Joined an open water group a month or so ago and get 1 or 2 ocean swims a week, each about a mile. I'm slow, would love to be faster but more interested in being successful than a little faster.

I am a neophyte on the bike and run, slow in all three.

CURRENT TRAINING: Using the BT 16 week 3x balanced plan, started yesterday, dutifully posted my training record.

Recent Races-- Silicon Valley Turkey Trot (11/13), PG Love Run (2/14) - finished without embarrassing myself.

THIS YEAR'S PLANNED RACES: Mermaid Tri, Capitola October, sprint (600 m swim, 11.5 bike, 2.5 run)


You're in the club, Beach Gurlz! Should we call you Beach, Ms. Gurlz or something else.


Edited by lutzman 2014-05-30 10:28 AM
2014-05-30 5:10 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: Friday Again....Already!
So, I know Dave is venturing out for his first Sprint Tri on Sunday....good luck, Dave! Anyone else racing out there this weekend?

For me it's the start of a taper weekend. I kind of already started my taper due to business travel (read no workouts Wed, Thurs, Fri). I was supposed to workout today, but a series of cancelled flights screwed me over. I was due home last night but won't get home until after 6 this evening. But, I'll get some good sessions in over the weekend. I'll do a solid two hours on the bike tomorrow, followed by a five mile run and then a swim. Sunday I'll do a recovery run and maybe another short swim as well.

After this weekend, I'll just have short, intense workouts to keep fresh and leave for Boise on Thursday for the 70.3. Remember...attitude is everything (learn from my mistakes)!

Have a great weekend everybody. Train safe.

2014-05-31 5:28 AM
in reply to: lutzman

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Spencer, New York
Subject: RE: Friday Again....Already!
This is the first of 3 consecutive race weekends:today a 5k; next week a set of 3 cycling races; the following week first tri of the season. ( My first A races is 2 weeks after that.) What was I thinking?
This is my 4th year doing this particular 5k. I've improved each year, but my hope for today is just not to be slower than last year's 28:12. My times are still being impacted by my long rehabilitation from my injury last fall.
I just looked at the course map for the road race part of the cycling next week. There is a triangular part that is repeated 3 times. That makes 9 very sharp turns, less than 90 degrees. Since it is Senior Games, the competitors are all 50+, men & women mixed. I know I won't be near the speedy 50's, but hopefully will ride near the 60, 70, & 80 year olds. The race will require some intelligence, strategy, and care to avoid getting hung up at those turns (or worse, crashing!). I have zero experience in cycling racing. Fortunately, the field is not huge.
If all you 50-somethings would like the experience of being the young ones in a competition, or the inspiration of racing against some very tough competitors up into their 80's, check out your local Senior Games. The races held in each state this year are qualifiers for the nationals in 2015 in Minneapolis.
2014-05-31 7:34 AM
in reply to: ok2try

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Friday Again....Already!
Originally posted by ok2try

This is the first of 3 consecutive race weekends:today a 5k; next week a set of 3 cycling races; the following week first tri of the season. ( My first A races is 2 weeks after that.) What was I thinking?
This is my 4th year doing this particular 5k. I've improved each year, but my hope for today is just not to be slower than last year's 28:12. My times are still being impacted by my long rehabilitation from my injury last fall.
I just looked at the course map for the road race part of the cycling next week. There is a triangular part that is repeated 3 times. That makes 9 very sharp turns, less than 90 degrees. Since it is Senior Games, the competitors are all 50+, men & women mixed. I know I won't be near the speedy 50's, but hopefully will ride near the 60, 70, & 80 year olds. The race will require some intelligence, strategy, and care to avoid getting hung up at those turns (or worse, crashing!). I have zero experience in cycling racing. Fortunately, the field is not huge.
If all you 50-somethings would like the experience of being the young ones in a competition, or the inspiration of racing against some very tough competitors up into their 80's, check out your local Senior Games. The races held in each state this year are qualifiers for the nationals in 2015 in Minneapolis.

A+ to you for guts Deborah. I've thought about entering a bike race but haven't had the nerve to pull the trigger. There is a local crit race here that has a Cat 5 race I could enter but my fear of crashing combined with not wanting to experience complete failure has kept me on the sidelines.

Plus you've got an aggressive race schedule on top of that. Good luck with the races. Post up your race report so we can learn from your experience.

Good luck!

2014-05-31 9:03 AM
in reply to: ok2try

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Friday Again....Already!
Originally posted by ok2try

If all you 50-somethings would like the experience of being the young ones in a competition, or the inspiration of racing against some very tough competitors up into their 80's, check out your local Senior Games. The races held in each state this year are qualifiers for the nationals in 2015 in Minneapolis.

My aunt (75 now) has been doing them for years and loves them (in tennis). I was just visiting her last weekend and decided I'd give them a try this year. Unfortunately, when I got home and looked up the qualifying for Minneapolis, they were already over in Virginia. Anyway, definitely on my radar (now)!

Have you seen the documentary on the senior games athletes? Came out a year or two ago... I forget the name now, but it got some good press.

Good luck with your upcoming races!


2014-05-31 10:45 AM
in reply to: lutzman

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Monterey, California
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Masters Focus Triathlete Forum--OPEN!

I go by Beach though some folks call me BG or BeachGurlz, whatever works.
2014-05-31 1:53 PM
in reply to: ok2try

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Newport News
Subject: RE: Friday Again....Already!

I start a "Tri" week next week with an Olympic Aqua Bike followed bay a 1mile ocean swim and then a sprint triathlon. We had the Seniors here in Virginia two weeks ago. Ended qualifying for the nationals in all my swim events as well as in the 20k road bike a surprise for me.

Good luck
2014-05-31 2:39 PM
in reply to: EchoLkScott

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Subject: RE: How to start running again after calf injury?
Thanks for all the suggestions and encouragement.

I started my rehab plan today with a 10 minute walk/run on the grass at a local soccer field. It was only a couple minutes of slow running, but it felt good. No pain and no sign of swelling.

So far so good!

2014-05-31 2:53 PM
in reply to: tkatzhyman

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Monterey, California
Subject: RE: Friday Again....Already!
Originally posted by tkatzhyman

  • ..Ended qualifying for the nationals in all my swim events as well as in the 20k road bike a surprise for me.

  • Congratulations - that's fantastic!
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