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2007-01-04 2:42 PM
in reply to: #625451

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Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL
Jeff -- great news on getting in the pool!

Jeff and Jason, re flip turns. My advice is, if you are not good at them already, don't bother. They definitely require more energy (and holding your breath longer), so it's not an effective use of your oxygen etc. For me, I am a fast and strong turner, but when training endurance/distance I prefer the LCM simply because as Jason points out, I have to swim more and push off less.

Jason re drills. If you did 4 x 25 with short rests in between (10-15 seconds), that is a lot like swimming 4 laps without stopping, but better because the recovery allows you to relax the muscles briefly and so your technique is fresher when you start again. The idea is that you'd use the short rests to speed up on the next one, whereas if you swim it straight you're probably slowing down as you tire. So, a set of 4 x 25 would be an okay drill in addition to whatever else you're doing, or to replace 4 laps.

Jason re logging. At first I logged walking and running together into one run workout, but then I decided I wanted to keep better track of how much time I actually RAN, so I log them separately using the "sport" feature at the bottom of the log. I live in the hills and usually walk back up after a run to stretch/cool down, so I tend to have long walk times.

Jeff re earplugs. I find a cap is good enough to keep my ears dry. And no HRM yet, so I'll be interested in hearing how you resolve the LT issue.

Gina: how is your cold? I hope it clears up soon! Can you at least go for a walk?

Donato: Is your wife doing the Lifecycle ride, too? It seems at least she is a rider, lucky you! Does she tri?

2007-01-04 5:56 PM
in reply to: #625451

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Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL
Thanks for your advice Gail. I kind of figured that about the flip turns but wasn't sure. I bought some ear plugs on the advice of my doctor, but I always feel like they are about to fall out, which gets annoying. I'll just use them until I lose them and then go from there.
2007-01-04 7:10 PM
in reply to: #625451

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Extreme Veteran
Bay Area- California
Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL
Hey All!

Jeff: I have the Garmin 305, but have yet to use it. Sorry I can't contribute to your question.

Gail & all: I'm feeling much better today. It was my first full day of rest since coming down with this cold and my sinuses are still painful, but at least I can breathe! Tomorrow morning I will attempt an early am run, and hopefully get a swim and bike session this weekend so by Monday my HIM training plan should begin!!!!

Here's my question: I need to get a safety light for riding in the dark since I want to do most of my training in the wee hours of the morning before hubby goes to work. I just put clip on aero bars on my bike and I can't see how there is room for a light to be mounted. Do any of you have a light mount with your aeros? Should I just try to find a sturdy head lamp?
2007-01-05 9:42 AM
in reply to: #625451

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL
Great discussions we have going here.

Jon: I too have modified my run to have a quicker turnover and be lighter on my feet. Richard is correct that increased speed comes from turnover X stride length. I wonder if turnover rate is similar biomechanically as spinning (vs. mashing) on the bike (i.e. it engages slow twitch muscles more). I'd work on turnover before lengthening stride. If you work on stride length, be careful not to overstride and end up with a strong heelstrike. Better to lengthen stride by having a stronger pushoff on the backend of your stride.

Jason: Hey, good job on registering for your tri. That's one step towards becoming a triathlete. Good luck with the job op in Martinez.

Jeff: Never done LT testing on a treadmill, but I wouldn't be surprised if you have different LTs on a treadmill vs. running outside. Good job getting into the pool for a swim. I don't use earplugs except in very cold water (prevents headache/dizzyness), but I also don't do flip turns either.

Gail: Hope your recovery continues well. Cool of you to post challenges for us. Of course, I need to find a new pool to swim in this season... My wife is still on the fence about the AIDS's the whole fundraising thing. I've actually already met my minimum already, so I'm trying to see if we can register as a team so that any excess I have over my minimum goes towards our team fundraising goal. She runs and bikes, but doesn't swim so she doesn't tri yet. We've talked about lessons and such, so maybe this year.

Gina: I haven't been in a pool either for a couple months, but I did do a New Year's day swim in Aquatic Park with the GGTC. That was a bit cold (52 degrees in the water). My feet, hands, and mouth were so numb. Good luck with the preschool stuff. I hear some of that can be pretty competitive in the bay area. What else do you need to get your Garmin 305 going? I bought my wife a 204 for christmas and she's loving it. I'm sure you'll love all the data your 305 gives you about your workouts. I don't keep a light mounted on my aerobars. I actually use a small cateye from Sports Basement on my helmet. These small lights can't really do much to light up the road though if it's really dark. I use it more to make sure oncoming and turning cars see me.

You probably could put a computer mount on like one of these and mount your light on that if you wanted.

Richard: Looks like with your swim volume in your workouts, you should be fine to swim the distance in your tri. Two more weeks!

me: I went to a sports doctor yesterday because of my foot. How cool to go to a sports doctor and have them understand how your workouts and training are a priority. She couldn't find anything obviously wrong with my foot, but because I have a race in 2 weeks, she was able to get approval for an MRI which I have today.
2007-01-05 12:21 PM
in reply to: #625451

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Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL

Well I've decided I'm going to use my last hard run on the treadmill as my LT test and calculate from there. I ran for about 33 minutes and don't think my legs would have gone any faster on the tread without me falling off. That must be my max.....

Gina - I don't have a light on my bike now. I used to have one on my old set up, but they were old Scott bars that clipped on and the ends were connected, so there was a place to put a clamp. I'm not sure what I would do now as that piece isn't there and my shifters are on my bar ends. Good question, sorry I can't help.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

2007-01-05 12:34 PM
in reply to: #625451

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Davis, California
Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL

Thanks for the advice everybody.  Donato, you're absolutely right, there is some great discussion going on here.  I definitely feel like I chose the right group!

2007-01-05 3:57 PM
in reply to: #625451

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL

In the most recent Triathlete magazine they had an article about determining your LT for the run and bike. Here is what it says,
"To perform the test you must find a track. Warm up adequately... Once Warm begin your test which consists of a three mile run at your 5K race pace effort. This is a very hard run, but it should be done at a pace that is sustainable. Attempt to run at a pace that allows you to even-split each mile. As you run through the mile markers have someone record your run splits as well as your heart rate. At the end of the test, take your avg heart rate to determine your appoximate LT, plus or minus 5 beats per minute. Note, however that if you ran a poorly paced effort and each mile split is more than 15 seconds apart your results won't be accurate and you'll need to redo the test later."

They mentioned a couple times running it on a track but it shouldn't make any difference if you run it on a treadmill. In fact I would assume it would be better since your mile splits would be similar.

Hope this helps you


2007-01-05 4:09 PM
in reply to: #643276

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL

Thanks for correcting my information on turnover rate and the harms of lengthing the stride too much. In my email this morning I got an article on this topic written by Peter Pfitzinger. Here is the link.

This group is GREAT!! Not only on giving advice but also the inspirations in the training logs. Heck we are on our 4th page already!!! way to go yall!!

2007-01-05 4:33 PM
in reply to: #625451

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Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL

Richard, thanks for taking  the time to do that, I really appreciate it. It sounds very familiar with what Mike Ricci talks about in his posts and on his website. That's why I'm going to use the run I talked about earlier. I was running about as fast as I could on the tread to get my HR up and then to keep it at what I thought was Z2. Afterwards when I found out it was different, I thought since I went all out (because i couldn't go any faster safely) I'd use it as my Tread LT. Who knows, I could be wrong.

I'm in agreement, we have a good group with different strengths and goals but it would appear nobody is afraid to participate. Very cool!

2007-01-05 4:50 PM
in reply to: #625667

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - OPEN

How much time do the doctors estimate that you will be sidelined before you can resume running/biking/swimming?? Will this surgery once healed allow you to run faster and be painfree or will you always be hampered by it??

I saw that you went for a short walk today!! good job

2007-01-05 7:04 PM
in reply to: #625451

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Extreme Veteran
Bay Area- California
Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL
Ok, so I think I just might go to REI tomorrow and investigate their assortment of bike lights, and after my scary run in the pitch black this morning I will be picking up a blinking light and neon vest, and another pepper spray won't hurt. I wish I could run with a gun holstered to me like my twin does on Montana ( 1. for bears 2. for potential kidnappers on country roads 3. it's totally legal there!) but pepper spray will have to suffice.

Donato: hoping to hear your MRI shows a perfectly healthy foot and the pain was just a weird fluke thing.

Happy start to the weekend you all! I'm kicking my weekend off with Thai food, yeehaw, ahem, I mean Sawasdee Kha!

Edited by ginac007 2007-01-05 7:07 PM

2007-01-06 10:18 AM
in reply to: #625451

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Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL
Richard, my doctor said not to swim till the stitches are out to avoid infection, and running/biking will probably be a bit later (the muscle is sliced open, but the skin over it is sewn closed), but I don't think anyone expected me to be doing so well. Or at least, I didn't expect it! I am concerned about clipping in to the pedals (well, clipping out -- the twist will pull on the open muscle), but I have another 10 days before I can even think about it, and I'm sure by then I'll be less worried.

This surgery has a great success rate for unlimited activity afterwards. There are a lot of reports of people completing IMs within a year post-op, so clearly those people were back in training pretty quick (of course they were also probably way more fit to begin with, but still).

I got this diagnosis shortly after I ran my first one-mile TT/marker (our tri club had a great series of free track workouts before the club nationals) at 8:54. So I am optimistic that I'll be able to run faster and more than one mile without having to stop. As soon as I get the stitches out, I will set up a race calendar for the year. At least I plan to run the "Kaiser Permanente" LATriathlon in September with my sports doctor. Maybe we can be the sponsor spokesmen! (Last year they featured one of my tri-club teammates and his Kaiser doctor)
2007-01-06 10:31 AM
in reply to: #625451

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL
Jeff: Have fun in San Diego!

Jon: Just sayin' 'hi'. If you update your training blog, we'll all be happy to comment and give encouragement.

Gail: Great that you can walk w/o crutches already. We're very glad to hear that your recovery is going well.

Gina: Good job and getting out there for your run. There are always a million reasons not to, but you got out there. And, yes, we're all watching and holding you accountable Have fun shopping for lights. With all that pepper spray, I hope I don't accidentally run into you in the dark and you mistake me for a bear

Richard: Looks like you're getting your swimming, biking and your running. Great job. Timely posting of the link to the article given our ongoing discussion here. Thanks for posting.

Jason: Hope your feeling better rested. Did you get out on the bike yet? Personally, i can't stand working out indoors and always prefer to be outside, but then again we also have the luxury of having mild winters relative to most parts of the country.

me: MRI didn't show any fractures, but she did say it could be too small to show up so we'll have to wait and see. She did prescribe PT for me and also to go see a podiatrist to get orthotics made since I have very flat feet (I've been using Sole moldable orthotics for years). Since I have a green light, i'll run today, but assume I'll have pain. Not sure what all this means yet for my half mary in Cabo in 2 weeks because of the pain and because my running volume has been so light in the last month.

Edited by enginerd 2007-01-06 10:39 AM
2007-01-06 2:15 PM
in reply to: #644633

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Davis, California
Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL

Donato, I take my bike in for the tuneup tomorrow.  When I get it back I will start riding outside when I can, maybe even commuting on it.  But right now I work 7-5, so whether I ride before or after work it is dark and you would be surprised how cold the desert gets when it's dark; below 30 last night at my house.  As far as my runs, I need to find a way to get out and do it.  Right now the runs seem to fall on days I either swim or lift weights also, so it's just a lot easier to jump on the treadmill which is right there under the same roof.  Maybe I'll try and run first thing in the morning with my gym bag already in my car, then jump in the car and head to the gym ....anybody else have any thoughts on this?  Keep in mind I would like to try to keep training in the morning before work so that this takes as little time as possible from my family time.

2007-01-07 9:41 AM
in reply to: #625451

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL
Hey a quick question for yall.

Do yall know how to change the font size, color, bold, italics etc in the forum and in logs?


2007-01-07 10:55 AM
in reply to: #645227

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL
rjl171 - 2007-01-07 7:41 AM

Hey a quick question for yall.

Do yall know how to change the font size, color, bold, italics etc in the forum and in logs?



the forum supports html tags. so, for example, to bold something you use the bold tag <b> at the beggining of whatever you want to and then then with a </b> to show the end of where you want to bold. example here

this text is in bold

using the <h3> tag, you get:


2007-01-08 12:25 PM
in reply to: #645227

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Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL

rjl171 - 2007-01-07 7:41 AM Hey a quick question for yall. Do yall know how to change the font size, color, bold, italics etc in the forum and in logs? Thanks Richard

Hey Richard. If you go into your Training Log and then click on the Control Panel area it takes you to a screen and about 1/2 way down is a box which says:

Use rich edit box when composing messages?

Click that to yes and then when you are in your blog or posting a "Word" like control panel will be at the top of where your writing. It will give you all kinds of options.

I hope this helps.


2007-01-08 1:15 PM
in reply to: #644633

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL
Hey guys! Since I have been inactive for over a week I just wanted to let you know that I am back in full swing. Work has been really hectic and with the New Year and an unplanned trip to Oakland I have simply not had much time to workout.

I just recently joined a local triathlon club ( and they offer a masters swim class that I will try. My first master’s class will be on Tuesday. I am a bit nervous and starting to feel a bit intimidated.


Thanks for finding that article. It goes along the same line as the DVD I watched.


Do you have any more workouts for us?

In peace,
2007-01-08 5:42 PM
in reply to: #646414

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Extreme Veteran
Bay Area- California
Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL
CaptainQuiche - 2007-01-08 11:15 AM


Do you have any more workouts for us?

That's a question for Gail!
2007-01-09 11:11 AM
in reply to: #646414

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Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL

Great news about joining a club, Jon!  I love mine.  Let me know how the masters swim goes.


Here's my drill for the week -- it's on the bike this time. 

Pedal with one foot unclipped, high cadence in a light gear, for 30-60 seconds.  Focus on smooth pedaling to eliminate any dead spot in the circle.  Do 2-4 sets, each leg, with rest interval of 1-3 minutes.


2007-01-09 3:00 PM
in reply to: #647780

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL
Wetsuit question. I am looking into getting a wetsuit. I started doing some research and got showered with information. Information overload! Then it hit me, why not ask my friends at BT? So here is my question. For those of you that have one, what do you like and what do you not like about your wetsuit?

In peace,

2007-01-09 3:41 PM
in reply to: #625451

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Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL

Jon - I'm no expert, but here's my two cents. I've swam in two different kinds of wetsuits (not to mention growing up surfing and wearing many different kinds of those......) and I would guess the most important thing is fit. You should try on as many as you can to see what feels right. I swam my first Tri in my friends Quinta Roo and it was really nice. I then went and bought a used Orca which I've used a few times for some OWS and I like it just as much. Each one "rubs" me in different places, but once I figure that out and use the Body Glide I'm good to go. So my tips would be to try on a few different ones and then get some body glide. I'm sure having an unlimited supply of funds wouldn't hurt either......


2007-01-09 6:39 PM
in reply to: #648223

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL

Thanks for the input. This is probably a really stupid question but by trying a suit do you mean just trying it on in the store or actually swim in it? I don’t know where I would go to swim in one.

In peace,
2007-01-10 12:48 AM
in reply to: #625451

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Extreme Veteran
Bay Area- California
Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL

I rented a wetsuit for my first tri, and I may just rent another one for my next, if there is a different brand at the store cause I want the one I do end up buying to be just right. I'm very interested in the DeSoto two piece so I can customize it for my curvy lower half and my skinny itty bitty upper half. Might just be the ticket. Your local tri shop should have suits to rent. Also, one of the online wetsuit dealers have suits to rent. Google it and you should find it. Most times when you rent you are able to apply the rental if you decide to purchase from them.
2007-01-10 10:56 AM
in reply to: #625451

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Davis, California
Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL

Alright, new question:  when should I weight train? 

Here's my schedule as of right now (I work Tuesday - Saturday):

Tuesday:  swim & run

Wednesdays:  swim & weights; chest, back & triceps

Thursdays:  bike, alternating with bricks

Friday:  rest

Saturday:  run & weights; legs, shoulders & biceps

Sunday:  swim & bike

Monday: rest

Sundays are the problem, by the time I get on the bike I don't have much left in my legs. This is mainly from weight training the day before, not so much from swimming.  Should I just push through?  Monday is a rest day.  Or do I need to alter my training schedule or the way I lift?

Thanks everybody

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