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2007-03-10 5:07 PM
in reply to: #633210

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Roeland Park
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL
I just thought I would drop by and tell you about my great day today!

First off, I ran a 4 mile race this morning at my fastest mile times yet! 4 miles = 35:18!

Check out my race report!

Secondly, today was such a fantastic day (weatherwise SUNNY and 61), I took my new bike for a spin.

10 Things I learned today:

1. Shifting is an art. I managed to derail the chain three times.
2. Speed is addictive.
3. I dislike the cages for my shoes.
4. My bike's name is Trixie. She's a tricky gal. Albeit, all she did was roll
her eyes and laugh at me everytime the chain would come off. Her quote of
the day, "Boy, you are in some serious need of some common sense. I'm no
wham bam, thank you ma'am kinda bike. I like speed, and better
hang on!"
5. Need to buy a water bottle cage and a pack to hold my keys and phone.
6. Sweatshirts create drag. You should have seen Trixie's face when I put on
my "cycling" shirt. She laughed so hard, she pee'd.
7. The "maxi pad" thing in the cycling shorts are sweet and very comfy!
8. I have alot of work ahead of me.
9. Gravity is so much harder to deal with outside of the gym.
10. I can't wait for my first tri, this is going to be sweet!

I hope everyone's training is going well! The weather is starting to cooperate for a few of us, but spring will be upon us soon!

2007-03-11 7:10 PM
in reply to: #633210

New user
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL
Hey all,

I really botched my training this week -- just was a bad week personally, no excuses!

So, I thought about what I think is reasonable for me to accomplish for the remainder of the month (it's going to be a bit tricky since I'm going to be on vacation in Vegas most of next week). That said, here's what I came up with:

Running (transfering over last months goals):

6 miles in 60 minutes AND
2 miles in 16 minutes or less

Go swimming twice before my master's swim class starts on the 26th. From there on out, the classes are Mon - Thur (an hour a day), and I am plan on making at least 3 days a week.

Do at least 2 rides that are 10 miles.
Get to 5 miles in 20 minutes.

No junk food during the week (I'm taking baby steps on this) -- but the 4 days in Vegas I'll give myself a break.

Weigh myself and adjust from there -- this probably sounds dumb, but I never weigh myself other than when they tell me at the doctor's office. It's been the same for the past few years, and I think it's probably around the same, but I should probably buy a scale and find out!
2007-03-17 6:37 PM
in reply to: #719168

New user
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL
Well so far the month of March has been pretty good to me. I turned 30 on the 7th and managed to take some time off to watch the ACC tournament and focus on training. The weather has begun to cooperate and I found the most amazing running route around the national mall. I am thinking of storing one of my bikes at the office so I can ride at lunch time. Training really seems to be going well, although I did learn a valuable lesson on Tuesday about over training. I am realize I am going to have to move my swim workouts to a day where I either run or bike, trying to do it the same day I have boxing and lift weights isn't such a good idea.

I have even managed to at least walk on days where work prevents me from getting in the kind of workout I want. Hopefully everyone else is having as much fun as I am. My 5k is next weekend, and I am so excited.
2007-03-21 1:03 PM
in reply to: #633210

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Roeland Park
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL
Happy belated Birthday joy! So, how's 30 so far? Mine is coming up fast!
2007-03-25 3:47 PM
in reply to: #731846

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Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL
30 has been amazing and Saturday was the BEST DAY EVER . I completed my first 5k, and I am so hooked. The day started off on a very challenging note. All the major streets into DC were blocked for the National Marathon. I ended up driving all around our nation's capital before I was able to sneak into the city via Georgetown. I got to the race 15 minutes after it started, but I wasn't the only one. Many of us from VA were late and I wonder how many people just gave up and went home. The weather was rainy and chilly, but I was a woman on a mission. I was going to finish what I started.

The first half of the race was all down hill, so I had to work to conserve energy for the way back. The other runners and walkers were really supportive. There was a lot of cheering and clapping for others. I finished the first mile in about 9 minutes (new record for me), my knee started to ache on the way to the finish, so I had to walk a bit. I did have enough energy to finish strong. The volunteers who helped me get checked in cheered really loudly for me when I crossed the finish line. I am definitely going to do this race again next year.

The best part was impressing my brother with the fact that I actually did this. Two years ago he told my mom that he was worried about me because I had put on a lot of weight. Now he doesn't worry as much (I managed to drop 40 lbs) and he has replaced my Grandma as my biggest cheerleader. When I told him that I wanted to shave a bit more time off for my triathlon he told me I could do it no problem.

When I decided that my 30th year was going to be the year I was going to accomplish some of the things I kept saying I wanted to do, a small part of me never really believed I could pull it off. I had gotten used to putting off what I wanted to do so I could do things that others wanted me to do. Now I am a believer, and for the first time in my life I really feel like an athlete. Doing this on my terms makes it so much sweeter. With my first goal checked off, I realize that it is okay to take care of me first, it actually makes me a better person.

I have to also thank you guys and gals for keeping me honest. Reading about what everyone is doing and the lessons learned has made me even more determined. You inspire me to work harder and to expect more of myself. Joining this group has got to be one of the best decisions I have ever made.
2007-03-26 9:57 AM
in reply to: #633210

New user
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL
Hey everyone -- hope you are all are doing well. I am back from vacation, and ready to get back at it. I went running the day after I got home, and although it seemed a bit tough, it felt good to be back to the gym (never thought I'd say that!)

Joy -- Happy belated birthday and a huge congratulations to you on your race! You did awesome, and I am so happy for you!! I was never an athlete when I was younger, and I know that feeling of completing your first race and thinking . . "Wow, I really did it -- I'm actually a runner!!" You have every reason to be proud of yourself. Nobody got you to this point but YOU -- and you did great! Here's to a wonderful 30th year!

Warmer weather is here, and I'm excited to get out on my bike. I decided I'm going to try and make do with the bike I have -- for now. I am really having a hard time with the stationary bikes; it is hard for me to stay on them for more than 20 minutes. I get really bored. So . . . hopefully being able to get outside will help with my biking.

Have a great week all!


2007-03-26 8:54 PM
in reply to: #633210

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Roeland Park
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL
Okay...all I have to say is WOW!!!

For those who don't know, I spent the weekend in St. Louis @ a Total Immersion Clinic. Again, WOW! I bought the book last year and I wasn't really understanding the text as much, but great information. So, I bought the DVD last fall. I'm a visual learner, it made 10000x more sense watching that.

Now, fast forward to this weekend. Trying to apply some of those principles was very easy. HOWEVER, it also makes you understand everything and I mean E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G that you do wrong. We got video taped, which was great and very humbling at the same time.

Here is what I learned about myself:

1. I am dense. No, I'm not stupid, I've got alot of muscle mass.

2. Density has a tendancy to sink. I am not a true "sinker", but the TI coach said I was an "almost sinker". That means I have bouancy, it just takes a bit more practice to balance better.

3. I have a VERY weak kick. I thought I was kicking just fine, but boy, did I find out very fast that's why I've been so damn tired swimming. I've been trying to keep myself afloat with my legs and arms that I waste way too much energy. Its no wonder I'm so f@#$&ing tired after one lap.

4. I am NOT flexible. I have issues getting my arm in position and keeping it there in a relaxed postion without having to strain.

Now, here's the best part about the whole weekend. All of those 4 things above, can be improved with time!! Yeah!!

Our first day we swam 25 yards and they filmed us. I swam 25 yds in 20 strokes. On Sunday, I swam 25 yards in 13 strokes!! Now that's great! I did have issues with balance and had to sit in Sweet Spot a couple of times.

It has been suggested to me that I get some fins to help with my kick, until I can get my balace good. I can't wait to go grab some to get working on that.

So, for our coaches Hap Gentry and John Beaty, I thank you both sooo much.

2007-04-02 7:50 PM
in reply to: #633210

New user
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL
Ok, today I freaked out a bit because I realized just how little I truly know about triathlons. Training for the actual biking, swimming, and running is a piece of cake. What worries me are the transitions and other things I should probably know but don't. So I came up with a list of questions and hopefully someone here can answer them. Maybe then I won't keep thinking that I have signed myself up for something I won't be prepared to handle.

Questions to bring me out of the forest of ignorance:

1. For my event, Irongirls Columbia Triathlon (, wetsuits are not allowed for the swim. I am assuming I should just wear my regular swimsuit, but once I am out of the water, am I supposed to just change in the tranistion area into some tri-specific clothing?

2. What actually happens in the transition areas, and how long should I spend in each one?

3. To supplement my training, is it better to pruchase the training program sponsored by the race or is joining a local triathlon club enough?

4. Can I actually pull this off, or am I crazy for trying?

Please help me!!!
2007-04-03 7:49 AM
in reply to: #633210

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Roeland Park
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL
Happy April everyone!! Yeah for my new decade! Woot! The big 3-0 was yesterday and I still feel normal...Thank god!

Good luck with your first race joy. Its coming up fast! I'm freaking out a bit and mine isn't until June! Good questions.

Where the heck did March go?? I hope everyone is gearing up for their seasons.

Training hard and have fun!
2007-04-03 3:33 PM
in reply to: #746757

Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL
Hey guys!

Congrats on your Birthday...the big 3-0! I just had one as well and turned 27. Joy...I'm sure you can do it! I volunteered at a Marathon on Sunday and to see the different types of people finish that was AWESOME! If they can do a marathon...then we can do it sprint tri!

Keep up the good work everyone.
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