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2007-05-31 1:07 PM
in reply to: #800275

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Extreme Veteran
Charlotte NC
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
So my first sprint tri is a little over a week away and i was wondering what kind of taper i should do? thanks for the help!

2007-05-31 6:48 PM
in reply to: #800275

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Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
I actually asked the same question of Danny last week.  His suggestion for a Sprint race was around 2 days I believe.  Before I asked, I did my own taper... 5 days...and it was too long.  I felt like I kind of lost my edge and there was no additional recovery being done after those first few days. 
2007-05-31 6:50 PM
in reply to: #800275

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Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL

Here is a copy of the post to/from Danny about Taper:

bubba76819 - 2007-05-24 7:17 PM

Hey Danny,

Good to hear some good news! Got a question for you..

How much and how far should I taper for a race? I'm doing 6-8 sprints this season, including an Xterra race or two, maybe 1 or 2 Olympic races. I've kind of been building week after week, then just cutting way down... you can see my logs... but I never really know how much or how far ahead...and then I always just jump right back in the day after my races.

Any ideas on this?

So here's my take.....

For sprints, I would say that you need to be getting two days of good rest before the race. Three for an Olympic. This may allow for some very light exercising to get some blood in the muscles, but you want to keep it very minimal. The other issue is sleep. Two extra full nights of sleep will always make TON of difference on race day.

With sprints and olympic distance, it is tempting to go full bore right up to race day, allow yourself to not be fully rested, because you know you can "muscle" through the distance. Anything over 2 hours will start to expose the shortcomings of this approach.

As far as post race recovery time....I like to rest/swim the 2 days after a race. The swimming is a good way to stretch out the legs again without overdoing it. Again, the recovery time will be even more of an issue after a more demanding effort/distance.

From your comment above, you may be racing as many as 12 times this year. I'd suggest picking which are your "A" races and prepare accordingly. You can treat the others a training days and dial in technique, nutrition, and other. I would defintely structure my season around the A races and go from there.

You have a very heavy training regimen, and at some point need t think about preservation throughout the race season (not overtaxing yourself, allowing for some good diversions/cross training, avoiding injuries, and holding back just alittle when it makes sense, in order to perform at your highest during your A races).



Edited by bubba76819 2007-05-31 6:51 PM
2007-05-31 7:56 PM
in reply to: #800275

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Extreme Veteran
Charlotte NC
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
ahhhh thanks bubba!
2007-06-01 9:10 AM
in reply to: #822575

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL

NoSit - 2007-05-30 11:26 AM I'm a little jealous of you guys! At least I get to do a mini-sprint with my sister this Saturday, if all goes well, so it's not so bad! Have a great ride/run! Trish

Hi Trish,

So you have a mini-sprint this Sat, and also another race next week?
   From your list of short-term goals:
                        (June 9, 2007: TBF Racing Tri-for-Fun (sprint)

Is the race this weekend an organized event or a fun, trainig session with your sister?
Will the two of you be going at one or the other's pace? taking it easy? socialising? or trying to beat each other into defeat ?????


2007-06-01 9:25 AM
in reply to: #824336

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL

mutri - 2007-05-31 11:07 AM Hi! So my first sprint tri is a little over a week away and i was wondering what kind of taper i should do? thanks for the help! Josh

Hi Josh,

I'm a liitle confused....probably since I have been a little absent the last week...

Did you race a Spring on Memorial day?  or was that a dry-run for the 9th?


2007-06-01 9:38 AM
in reply to: #800275

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL


Few different things....

1) Congrats on the swimming progress!  Sounds like the ear plugs are helping...any more dizzyness?
2) Congrats on the new wetsuit.  What kind did you get?
3) Bummer on hte foot injury and the 6-10 week running restriction.  What happened to your foot?  Can you use the elliptical or do any water jogging?
4) Bummer on missing the June 9th Mud Run...I understand being disappointed by that (missing my A race this month).
5) Are you going to be able to make it for the bike ride on Sun with myself, Carol, and maybe Bubba?

2007-06-01 9:52 AM
in reply to: #800275

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL

It's been a little too quiet in here......

Between holidays, work schedules, school, families, training time, and life in seems that our group has been keeping pretty busy.

There are at least 2 people racing in the next week (Trish, Josh).  Let's give them alot of support and encouragement!!

We have a couple of people with injury/medical stuff going on (Gary/myself) and will miss races this month - SUCKS!

And we have others who are tearing it up in their training and some that need a little time to be shy here.....  

So, I hope you're all having a great week, have a good weekend lined up, and hope that we can all get some good training also!


2007-06-01 10:04 AM
in reply to: #800275

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL

Danny's Mentor Group
(official thread)

BT NameReal Name
dhyte Danny Hyte
Gary C
Carol Essex
Ron Stern
Trish Price
Josh Cowdy
Ron Selvage

Edited by dhyte 2007-06-01 10:35 AM
2007-06-01 10:23 AM
in reply to: #800275

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Extreme Veteran
Charlotte NC
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
Hi danny, Memorial day was merely a practice for the real deal next saturday...i cant even begin to tell you how excited i am keeeeeeeeeep up the good work guys!!!
2007-06-01 4:51 PM
in reply to: #800275

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Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL

Hey Danny,

I was "told" by my adoring wife that we have a Cub Scout picnic on Sunday at 1:00 in Carlsbad, so it doesn't look like I'll be able to join you guys.  I'll probably swim in La Jolla early like 8 or 9 though if anyone wants to join me.   

2007-06-02 1:49 PM
in reply to: #800275

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Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
Any takers on the Open Water swim in La Jolla tomorrow morning?  If so, let me know here or PM me and we can exchange phone numbers or something to arrange a meeting time/place. 
2007-06-02 6:26 PM
in reply to: #825351

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Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
Hey Danny,

It was just a training session on next week's course. We socialized and got to know the course a little. I tried to keep up with her on the cycling, she with me on the swim and run, so there was a little bit of competition, but nothing deadly! I'm feeling well rested and ready to go!

Have a great ride tomorrow, thanks for checking in,

2007-06-02 6:33 PM
in reply to: #800275

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Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
While I'm here ...

I'm wondering what to do about pre-race hydration. Some say to start hydrating the week before your race, but what does that mean, exactly? I already sip pretty constantly during the day, about 2-3 liters between my commute and desk time, plus more ont he couch at home and about 1/4 liter at night. Do I increase this? I don't think I have time for the bathroom breaks!

2007-06-04 12:27 AM
in reply to: #800275

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San Diego CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
Hey Danny, I enjoyed the ride today - thanks for all the great race tips. I tried to register online for the SD International tri, but could not. The good news is that I think Nytro has 100 "tickets" for sale this week, and I plan on snagging one of them! Did you run today? Have a peace-filled evening!
2007-06-04 6:27 PM
in reply to: #825434

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Corona, California
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL

Hey Danny,

1-The earplugs are working great. No dizzy spells at all. Thanks for the help.

2-I picked up a 2XU wetsuit, got it at Nytro. Didn't no what I was missing.

3- Long story short, Plantar Faciitis, and being I'm 6'4" and 231 lbs, murder on the feet.

4-I discouraged over a 10K, but I can't imagine your disappointment. All that training for an IM, and it's out the window. 

2007-06-05 10:09 AM
in reply to: #800275

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New user

Los Alamos, NM
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL

I have a question about cycling. When I am sitting up on the bike, I have no problem pedaling in a circle and getting power on the upstroke. But when I get in the aero position, I can't seem to generate any force pulling up. Is this normal, or do you thing I might not have the bike adjusted right?

Good luck with your surgery in a couple days. You are in my prayers.


2007-06-05 10:42 AM
in reply to: #800275

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Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL

Hey Ron,

Try moving your saddle forward a bit, and try moving your cleats back further on your shoes so the pedal isn't so much under the ball of your foot, but a bit on the instep side.   Also, the more time you spend in that aero position, the more you'll adapt and build those hip flexors that drive you. 

2007-06-05 1:30 PM
in reply to: #800275

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Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL

x2 on the time in the aero position. It takes some getting used to. I found a really good drill in one of Joe Friel's books for working on this: focus on driving your foot straight throught the top half of the stroke; think of a clock face with the rearmost pedal position at 9 and the foremost at 3 and try to push your toes straight from 9-3 for 10-12 revs, then back off and pedal normally for about 5 minutes. Repeat to exhaustion (you'll be surprised how quickly that happens!). Do this only on a straight, flat stretch of road or your trainer! Definitely not on hills (up or down). Another one is to pedal for 1 minute using ONLY the upstroke to drive, not even gravity on the downstroke, then pedal normally for a few minutes to recover, then repeat.

Good luck,
2007-06-05 11:12 PM
in reply to: #800275

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New user

Los Alamos, NM
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
Trish and Bubba,

Thanks for the advice. I will try those drills you suggested Trish, sometime this week.

Tonight our local triathlon club, The Triatomics, held their weekly time trial. I adjusted my cleats like you suggested Bubba, and it felt a lot better. I will look at the seat later, but I did not think right before a timed event was the best time to adjust it. I managed to reduce my time from last week by 1 minute and 30 sec (from 25:25 to 23:54). I have never biked before, so I don't know what type of terrain most people ride on, but this course is 5 miles long and climbs 1000 ft (over 350 ft in the first mile). It kills me to ride, but it sure is fun coming back.

Thanks again for the input.

2007-06-06 5:50 PM
in reply to: #831532

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Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
Nice improvement Ron! That's a whopper of a course compared to what I ride most of the time. The only 'climbs' I see are due to wind and railroad/highway overpasses! Keep improving and have fun with those drills (your quads will BURN).


2007-06-07 1:50 AM
in reply to: #800275

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Corona, California
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL

Hey Danny,

Hope you have been feeling well.

A couple questions:

1) Swimming - I have been doing the "Beginner Swim Workout" provided by Kevin Koskella. What are your thouughts about that workout? Would you suggest a diffrent workout plan to get to 3000-4000 yds?

2)  Calorie Intake - I know calorie intake depends upon couple things- workout intensity & size. I seem to be dragging quite abit. I really thinks it's related to the amount of calories I eat, or lack thereof. I'm 6'4" and 232 lbs. Do you have any suggestions? 

2007-06-07 2:05 PM
in reply to: #800275

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San Diego CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
YIKES!! I'M IN!!!!!
The San Diego International Triathlon (June 24) was full by the time I finally decided to try my first Olympic distance. I spent the entire morning sitting outside Nytro for a chance to get one of the last 100 entries. After receiving my number, we had to wait another hour for the race officials to show up and actually sign up. Plunked my cash down, hyperventilated, and Oly here I come!
2007-06-07 7:15 PM
in reply to: #834515

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Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
Awesome, Carol! You're gonna have a great time. I'm totally impressed you're moving up so early! Only 3 weeks, though!

I'm racing Saturday, my first sprint in 15 years and I'm hoping I just have that smile on at the end (well, I'll have some clothes on, too, of course!). If anyone else is racing - GOOD LUCK!

I hope the surgery went well, Danny, have a relaxing weekend.

See you all Saturday night or Sunday am for my race report!

2007-06-08 8:38 AM
in reply to: #834515

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Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
So is that like "Oly Cannoli" , sorry couldn't resist.
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