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2008-01-03 7:35 PM
in reply to: #1090041

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Thanks everyone for the info and support.  You ladies are great!  I am glad to hear you agree with my feelings on breakfast.  I have tried exercising with less food for breakfast, like say a granola bar, and did find I had less energy to get through the workout.  I vary what I eat from a bowl of healthy cereal, to yogurt, to egg, etc but it does normally work out to be about 200-300 calories.  I don't like how I feel when I don't eat breakfast so I will continue to eat my breakfast but will make sure to eat something after my workouts like I did today and it did keep the famished feeling at bay all day.

I have been wearing my HRM today all day because I wanted to see how many calories I burned in a normal day including my workout.  I put it on this morning at 8am.  I have worn it for 12 hours and I burned 2698 calories.  That does not include the calories burned between now and when I wake up tomorrow morning at 7am.  I also have to keep in mind that I did not sleep well last night and only had 5 hours of sleep.

I know that this number of calories burned varies from day to day and does depend on my training for the day.  Today does include an hour ride on the stationary bike and a little bit of stretching but it is also a typical day activity-wise for me, including vegging on my chair with my laptop or watching TV for a little while.  It just gives me a more concrete number to focus on than the WW points which seems to be causing me to underestimate how much food I should be eating.

What this does tell me is that I definitely don't think I am eating enough.  I am averaging about 1400 calories per day.  My body thinks it is the hard part is making myself eat more partly because it goes against the mentality to cut calories and I will lose weight and more importantly because I am just not hungry for more food.  I will have to make myself eat more, again goes against the WW Core philosopy of eating until you feel satisfied. I do know that I don't want to waste the calories on bad food choices all the time but maybe I should not worry about the handful of M&M's, scoop of lowfat ice cream or other treat every once in a while.  Almonds would be a good way to get some extra calories. 



2008-01-03 7:39 PM
in reply to: #1132315

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Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

That is interesting about the starvation hormones and actually increasing what you eat.  I've been at the same weight for a number of years and eat fairly healthfully.  Maybe I should increase my calories wisely.

That and my other New Years Resolution of cutting back on the occasional glass of wine or beer after work (which I have maintained for 3 days!!)


edited because I can't spell....

Edited by tracyhmcd 2008-01-03 7:40 PM
2008-01-03 7:45 PM
in reply to: #1132326

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Maybe you should keep drinking that drink, heck it is that many more calories you have to eat (lol). 

I was so tired of wearing the chest strap that I finally took off my HRM.  Just in the 45 minutes since I posted and going upstairs to get changed into comfy clothes,  I burned another 90 calories.

That bowl of chocolate covered pretzel ice cream is sounding really good once the kids go to sleep.


2008-01-04 6:48 PM
in reply to: #1090041

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Well, I went to my ww meeting today and am still not sure that it is where I belong anymore.  I only recognized one person who has been gone for a long time and is now back but everyone else who has been there in the past and knows what I have been through are not there anymore.  I guess that after 3 years of meetings it is hard to give it up and maybe I am hanging on because it is familiar or I am afraid of gaining the rest of the weight back, but I don't think that is likely since I have not gained it in 2 years,  why would I gain it now?   I honestly would have preferred being at the gym than sitting in the meeting.  That's what makes me think that I won't regain the weight because exercise and eating well have become part of my lifestyle.  I feel much better when I eat right.  Today was a good reminder since I did not eat well and feel really tired and run down.

Having kept track of my ww points this week also shows me that the points system is not a good indicator for a balanced diet nor does it allow for me to eat enough food.  I think I will keep at the nutrition logs here on BT and keeping track of calories and how they break down carbs/fat/protein.

Go Flyers! (even though they are losing right now 2-0 to the Devils)

Edited by Fechter99 2008-01-04 6:48 PM
2008-01-04 7:57 PM
in reply to: #1090041

Sugar Land, TX
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)
Hey everyone...

Sorry to have disappeared for a few days...My beautiful toddler brought home some killer germs germs from daycare....nothing like being super motivated to train only to be knocked out by a kiddie bug...I dont think I even got out of bed Monday or Tuesday....felt better wednesday and thursday but really tired...This morning I felt great and did a real slow swim and even in put in a few minutes on the treadmill this evening...

Fletcher...I was reading your posts about nutrition and I know you are also on WW....I always use my heart rate monitor so I can acurately figure out how much I am burning.... I eat any activity points over 12 a week. (or over 2 a day)...This is what my WW leader suggested at one of the meetings...(she was preparing for the MS 150 (150 mile bike ride) so she knew about the training....

Anyway it usually means I eat about 200 calories before (I find fruit or a fruit and nut bar works for me) then after I will eat some protein (cheese or even some wheat toast with peanut buter) after.

Anyway after I started eating the calories I burned in the workout...I started losing weight again....(it seemed odd to me that the more I ate the more I lost) Also if you are following the flex plan (points) you might want to try to make over 1/2 of your points come from the core foods...After I lost the first 20 I found that I HAD to make better food choices...not just stay within points...

I am happy to be back and training...

My husband has signed up to be my road crew...he even bout a book on how to maintain my bike (Which I am happy to turn over to him)

2008-01-04 9:45 PM
in reply to: #1134963

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Hi Michele,

Sorry to hear you were under the weather.  I know what that is like.  My kids are bit older but still bring home their share of germs to pass around the house.  Nice to hear your husband has taken an interest in your bike's care.  What book did he buy?  I have to start learning about my bike care because my husband will also be competing in the triathlon so he won't be able to help during the race - besides,  my race they do not permit outside help and I would hate to get disqualified if I have a problem and cannot fix it on my own.

I appreciate the info about the activity points and I will give that a try for a couple of weeks before abandoning the points tracking all together.  Do you also eat your extra 35 points each week?  I do have to say that I eat easily 50% core foods and probably 35%-45% more in other healthy choices like whole wheat bread, granola bars (high fiber, low fat) and lowfat peanut butter (that is except for today when I ate really poorly)  I like the fact that this came from your WW leader who has endurance training and that you had success with it. 

I do know that I have to eat breakfast each morning before I work out and now have to make sure I eat something healthy (fruit, granola bar) on the way home from the gym.


2008-01-05 2:07 PM
in reply to: #1090041

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Hey everyone!

I ran my first race of the year today.  It was cold and windy at the start, but not as bitterly cold as earlier this week (fortunately!).  I did a 10K and finished it in 53:35.  Not a PR, but a respectable start for the year.  I ended up with a second place age group award.

So today I think I'll celebrate a little, probably by taking a nap.


2008-01-05 2:11 PM
in reply to: #1090041

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Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)
Nice job, Cheri!  That's usually how I celebrate a race too - hot tub, then nap.
2008-01-05 6:31 PM
in reply to: #1090041

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Russell, KS
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)
ACK! I have a lot of reading to do. For some reason, I was not getting pinged when this thread was replied to.

I also got my ears pierced today and was told no swimming until they heal. So I guess the next month or so is run and biking only. *sigh*
2008-01-05 6:44 PM
in reply to: #1090041

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Russell, KS
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)
Another question: is it better to run on a treadmill or run on a trail?

The thing I like about the treadmill is that it forces me to keep a certain pace.
2008-01-05 7:43 PM
in reply to: #1136009

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Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

53:35 for 10K - that is an excellent time!

I've signed up for a St. Patrick's Day 5K and definitely hope to get it done in 30 minutes - maybe less.

I think the Flyers are beating the Ottawa Senators Maple Leafs tonite...

Michelle - get better soon.  When you have kids you are subjected to the worst germs.  A few years ago, we all had something called Fifth Disease - flat on our backs (all 4 of us) - for a week

Edited by tracyhmcd 2008-01-05 8:17 PM

2008-01-05 8:54 PM
in reply to: #1136426

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Woohoo,  Flyers won tonight!

Tracy  I had Fifth disease when I was a kid and remember how miserable it was.  I cannot imagine having it as an adult.

2008-01-06 10:52 AM
in reply to: #1135141

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)


When you started eating more of your activity points did you actually see an increase on the scale before the weight started dropping?  I have definitely been eating more, albeit not necessarily all healthy food and am sure the chinese for dinner did not help with water retention but the scale is moving upwards (definitely not the direction it is supposed to be going).  Is that normal since my body does not know what to do with those extra calories right now?  I would just hate to keep eating those extra calories if all it does is cause weight gain.  How long do you think I should give it?

As for my simplefit workout,  if I am going to continue with it and I would really like to do that, I will have to modify it by eliminating the pushups.  They are just killing my shoulder and therefore interfering with my swimming so I decided that I will do pull ups, squats and crunches.  I know it is not the normal trio of exercises but figure it will help work my abs and I will then work all the body parts - upper, abs and lower.  What do you think? 


2008-01-06 12:19 PM
in reply to: #1136527

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Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

I've never met anyone else who has suffered thru Fifth Disease so it's nice to be able to commiserate with someone!

Flames won as well and I have to admit I am paying more attention to the Flyers (Briere!) and Devils (Brodeur and Elias!) than before.  My son keeps me up to date on all of the statistics!

Had an amazing run today - it's one of my favourite shorter runs where just at the half way point I get a glimpse of the Rocky Mtns which always manages to put a smile on my face!



2008-01-06 3:56 PM
in reply to: #1090041

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Hi all!

Heather, good to see you again!  Are you going to start logging your workouts, and/or join the January Challenge for our group?  To answer your question - running outside will keep you more 'honest' with your pace, but I also like to use the treadmill to push pace and get faster.  I think a good mix of both is helpful, but of course neither is necessary.  Running is running!

I just wanted to stop in quick and report results for the first week of the Challenge.

Tracy, Randi, and I are at 100% for week one, and Michele and Cheri are at 75%.  Cheri, I gave you credit for "other" because you had a race   Keep up the good work, gals!!  It's a great start to the year!

Randi, have you tried modifying your position on the push-ups?  I wouldn't get rid of them entirely, but maybe if you do them "girl style" with your knees on the floor, or do them upright against the wall instead of doing them on the floor, in time it will help you gain the muscle you need to fully bring them into your workout.

Edited by maxpixie 2008-01-06 3:57 PM
2008-01-06 5:25 PM
in reply to: #1090041

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Christine,  I have been doing girlie pushups and even tried the ones against the wall.  I have arthritis right in the shoulder joint that has a tendency to irritate the rotator cuff and then mimics rotator cuff injury with all the lovely pain that goes with that.  This time last year I was in physical therapy 3x per week just so I could use my arm again.  Since doing the push ups for the simplefit it is bothering me all the time again. Not really good.

Since the simplefit is the only new thing to my routine,  it leads me to believe it probably is not the best thing for my shoulder.  Unfortunately, I had to give up cardiokick boxing (which I absolutely LOVED) for the same reason.  I also have noticed that my swimming is suffering right now because my shoulder/upper arm does bother with just the motion of the swimming so that is why I thought to give up the push ups but not quit on simple fit completely. 

I am also planning to start using the weight machines again at the Y since those did not bother my shoulder and will let me work those muscles the push ups work but not all at the same time.


2008-01-07 6:48 PM
in reply to: #1090041

Sugar Land, TX
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

I went up 2 pounds the first week, then held steady then droped I would say go up first...also once your body has some extra calories you can (hopefully start buidling muscle too.)

Any type of workout is an appetite suppressant for me so I really have to force the extra calories (my favorit is McDonalds caramel sundae with nuts...mmmmm) but not great as a "healthy choice" I find a fruit smoothie post workout is the easiest.

To join the treadmill outdoor discussion....I prefer outdoor BUT...I have found that on a treadmill I cannot jog for more than 10 minutes (and I'm talking 4.0-4.3mph) but outside I can jog (again slow) for 20+ minutes... so am I cheating outside??

I find that I am the absolute weakest in the run....Cheryl (?) I saw your 10k time and groaned...I dont think I can do a 5k that always seems that I duck out of my runs...any suggestions?

2008-01-07 8:33 PM
in reply to: #1140222

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

mnb3301 - 2008-01-07 6:48 PM To join the treadmill outdoor discussion....I prefer outdoor BUT...I have found that on a treadmill I cannot jog for more than 10 minutes (and I'm talking 4.0-4.3mph) but outside I can jog (again slow) for 20+ minutes... so am I cheating outside?? I find that I am the absolute weakest in the run....Cheryl (?) I saw your 10k time and groaned...I dont think I can do a 5k that always seems that I duck out of my runs...any suggestions?

I really prefer running outdoors.  Christine is right -- you definitely get a better feel for your pace.  And I've never heard of a race using treadmills.   But treadmills definitely have their place.  I'm on a business trip right now, and never feel comfortable running in neighborhoods I don't know (plus at this time of year, the only time I get to run is in the dark). 

You asked for suggestions on how to run better.  The best I can say is that you have to put in the base miles.  Just keep slugging along, and then one day it will click.  Then it gets easier, then you can put in more miles, then it gets easier again.  A wonderful vicious circle!  I find that to be true with biking too.

Believe it or not, I've had more suitcase woes.  This time the airline didn't get me my suitcase until 12 hours after I arrived (better than after my cruise -- I'm still waiting for that one!).  But I still got a chance to run this morning.

Anyone have any good tips on training while traveling?  I have such a hard time.  Work is always so stressful, you have to go out to eat, and time is always at a premium.  So I get up early to use the fitness center, but that means even less sleep.  Suggestions?


2008-01-08 8:09 AM
in reply to: #1090041

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

What Cheri said - there's no substitute for just getting out there and logging the run miles.  You're going to have great, okay, and really awful running days - just ignore the really awful because it usually means you're about to turn the corner and have a really great one!  It's going to keep getting easier, I promise.

Cheri, when I travel, I'll go out to dinner with everyone the first night but after that I beg off early and go work out instead.  Yeah, you end up eating dinner alone, but I kind of like exploring a new city on my own anyway.  I also eat better when I eat alone, no big corporate stuffyheads to scoff at me for ordering a salad w/ dressing on the side, and nobody to encourage dessert or another drink.  Mornings at a hotel fitness center are tough, because *everyone* is in there trying to squeeze in a workout.  Going at dinnertime helps.  Also having fellow athlete coworkers/travelers helps too   Really though, when you get a chance to chat people up, find out if anyone else is a runner so you can plan a run together.  If you check Runnersworld, they have a list of running paths/trails/locations mapped out in most big cities around the country, should be easy to print from the hotel business center

2008-01-08 8:59 PM
in reply to: #1090041

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Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Party crashing the all girls group!!  WOO HOO!!

(sorry...couldn't resist  Have fun ladies and train hard!!

2008-01-09 6:32 PM
in reply to: #1090041

Sugar Land, TX
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)
Just got back from my run (yay)....I always dread the run ...I keep telling myself I can't ...but now I went out and just did it and I loved it...definately more satisfying than the treadmill. I think I just keep psyching myself thats my goal this week is to get 3 runs in.....

Can I appeal to have my 3rd run count as an other for the next 2 weeks... I know me... I will justify ducking out of a run just to do an other....

Love my liking my bike a whole lot more since I got bike shorts (yay padding)...

Hope wvweryone is having a good week c- ya later


2008-01-09 7:24 PM
in reply to: #1090041

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Did you girls see that FLASHER that just came streaking through here?  I think I saw a tattoo of phoenix wings as he went by, I was trying not to look any lower *snerk*

(Bill, you crack me up!!)

Michele, if it motivates you, then sure, I will count your 3rd weekly run as your "other"  

2008-01-09 8:47 PM
in reply to: #1090041

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)


I did see that FLASHER and also had to avert my eyes to avoid seeing something I was not meant to see!  I also figured he was a friend of yours which is why he crashed our group.


I had an off day today and boy did I need it.  I had not realized how run down I was feeling and even had to fight the urge to go to the gym today.  I do have quite a bit planned for tomorrow though - swim, run, pilates or modified simplefit (pullups, crunches, squats) and then some yoga.

I have been feeling a bit down the past few days for various reasons (including PMS for what seems like forever this month since my cycle seems totally messed up and no, I am not pregnant- hey Bill are you still reading, if so that will scare you away from our girl group) and what I think topped it off was finding out my husband will have to go on a business trip (does not go very often and I hate when he is away) but the worst part is that he leaves Monday (which is his birthday) so I don't get to make him a cake and dinner on his birthday and he does not get back until late on Thursday (my birthday - the big 4-0) I think it bothers me more that he won't be home for his birthday than it does for mine. 

If you made it this far,  thanks for reading and letting me vent.

Edited by Fechter99 2008-01-09 8:49 PM
2008-01-10 8:19 AM
in reply to: #1146696

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Randi - I had a really bad month PMS-wise too (run, Bill, run!!)  I felt bloated practically my whole cycle   I think it was brought on by all of the additional salt, calories and booze that I threw in to my body over Xmas...

Taking a day off will likely make you feel better.  This is a time of year when a lot of us feel really crappy because the excitement of the holiday season is over and now it's the beginning of the year.

I hope that you and your husband can celebrate your birthdays together next (?) Thursday and that both of you gets lots of triathlon stuff!  Be careful ; ), when couples are away from each other (and then obviously get back together), then that's when pregnancies *can* happen - that's how our daughter was conceived (still there Bill?)!


PS - couples' massage at a local spa might be a nice idea for joint birthday?

Edited by tracyhmcd 2008-01-10 8:22 AM
2008-01-10 11:56 AM
in reply to: #1090041

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Thanks Tracy.  I am actually feeling MUCH better today and have started spotting (Bill, are you STILL here?) and therefore has eased the blahs and the crampiness.  My cycle has been messed up for the past several months and it is probably a combo of perimenopause and the level of exercise I have been doing.  I definitely needed the day off yesterday and had a great workout - swim, bike,run, pull ups, squats, pilates and yoga!   

I am sure Mike and I will find a way to celebrate our birthdays after he gets home from his trip.I like the massage idea although I don't think Mike will.  I am  not expecting any gifts since we never really just bought each other gifts for our birthdays mostly because it is right after the holidays and we have a hard enough time finding things we really want to receive for the holidays.  It has always been that way with us that when we do decide what we want, we will get it then.  I am sure there are things I need for the triathlon but for now, I am just not sure what else I need so I will take an IOU from him and do the same in return for his birthday.

Trust me when I say we are definitely careful since our boys are 7 and 11, we are DONE with having more kids but you are right,  you just never know but we do everything in our power to prevent the oops.


Edited by Fechter99 2008-01-10 12:01 PM
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