BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it hard! Rss Feed  
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2008-01-04 11:38 PM
in reply to: #1099933

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE:mp3's and safety
Regarding the mp3 and music while we're out there ... I wore my player on a long walk with the dog tonight and I was thinking about your/our comments about safety and something occured to me:
As a police dispatcher, I am very well trained and experienced in having two earpieces; my radio earpiece in my left ear to communicate with the police officers on the street, and my right ear 'open' to hear the telephone, the calltakers on the floor, the 911 calls, etc. I frequently have two ears going at once, so to speak.
Since I've gotten the player I run (or walk the dog) with only one earpod in and never have any trouble hearing my surroundings in the other ear (at least so far) ... do I have a special skill, or does anyone else run with just the one earpod? This is seeming to work very well for me so far, although it is my ultimate nightmare to be hit by a car while cycling (no mp3 while cycling, I can assure you!).


2008-01-05 10:33 AM
in reply to: #1135312

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Subject: RE:mp3's and safety

I'm glad that you guys are careful out there and that TR is specially trained in one ear listening...LOL. See, I'm not all that motivated by music...I don't even own an MP3 player or buy many CDs. I have my favourite bands but otherwise I'm that much of a music junkie. I even let my trial XM subscription in the car expire although I enjoyed the variety. I guess it's just not my thing.

Nutrition tracking...maybe I should answer my own questions, huh? I use Diet & Exercise Assistant on my pda and sync it to my desktop. I've had it for years and it's been so handy in meal planning and being sure that I have enough energy or enough workout time to burn off that chocolate sundae!

Well, since I missed my wake-up call for my tri club group cycling at 7am - how insane...especially during the winter! Anyway, this afternoon, I'll go lift, then snag a spin bike with a tv to watch the Canada-Sweden game. I don't have cable so I think that I'm smart by planning to bike and watch the game at the same time.

Happy Saturday!

Edited by marina 2008-01-05 10:33 AM
2008-01-05 6:49 PM
in reply to: #1135312

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2008-01-06 12:24 AM
in reply to: #1099933

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South Pasadena, CA
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it!
Hey everyone I am back from my trip. Glad to see all the great posts! Well I am going to start the "Agressive Couch to 5K - 4 Months Program" on Monday. I will be updating my info as I go along. I can't wait to get started with this wonderful group of people!
2008-01-06 8:45 AM
in reply to: #1099933

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it!
Good morning everyone! I tell you, 0430 on a Sunday should be illegal. I am so not a morning person.

I have officially registered for the Shawnigan Lake Sprint Triathlon, May 25... I'm excited as my somewhat defunct triathlon club is coached by LifeSport coaches, so I'm eager to do them proud. Good group of people, and they always put on a good race. Last year I volunteered at the event so I am familiar with the course, I think it'll be a good challenge for me.

My spin class starts up again tomorrow night, I'm looking forward to getting back into it. I miss my bike, is that normal? haha ... tomorrow plan to spend a few hours doing some bike maintenance, make sure everything is good to go. The poor thing needs some much-needed attention, she hasn't been ridden since mid-November.

Hope everyone enjoys their Sunday ...

2008-01-07 7:35 AM
in reply to: #1099933

Peabody MA
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it!
Hi All.

General Question. Now I am not that into computers but I did see on Jenni4 training log that she has a link to this thread group on her goal section. How did you do that Jenni? I'm tired of going from my log to the forum section then search for our group, then click on our group then.....well maybe you get the idea. Any input to this would be greatly appreciated!

Up at 4:30 and to the gym for 5:30. I did weights this morning. Just general machine work. Felt good and it really sets me up for a good mood!

Anyways y'all have a great day!


2008-01-07 8:02 AM
in reply to: #1138289

Subject: ...
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2008-01-07 9:19 AM
in reply to: #1099933

Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it!

Good to see you back, Paul!

Jim...up and at em early I see...yikes. I draw the line at 5:30 wake-up times, and I've always thought of myself as a morning person!

TR...wtg on registering for your first race! Having that date "in stone" will offer more motivation to get you out training. Miss the bike? I miss mine sometimes, but during the winter, riding on the trainer is the first thing that I'd skip.

Happy Monday! 

2008-01-07 9:21 AM
in reply to: #1099933



Share a goal for this week, something that you plan to do everyday, that poses somewhat of a challenge for you so we can offer support for you. Anyone who goes seven for seven receives bragging rights.

Marina's Challenge: Stay away from the chocolate, cookies and donuts and whatever other sweet temptations that get put under my nose.

2008-01-07 10:14 AM
in reply to: #1099933

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Kickin it hard!

Run 3 times this week, 2 spins, 2 strength sessions, 1 yoga session... something every day, even if it's an easy run or a light yoga class. Just get out there and get moving.
2008-01-07 11:48 AM
in reply to: #1099933

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Kickin it hard!

Jenn's Challenge This Week:

Meditate Everyday; No Soda this Week
They go together because I will need mental fortitude to resist soda.

Music- Well, I was catching up on some of the posts. I love music, I played in the band all through middle school and high school, and now I'm learning to play the guitar. I think the trick is to be observant and not have you're music too loud if you're listening in both ears. I run on a runner's/walker's train or in my neighborhood which is outside city limits so there's not a lot of traffic. I just make sure that I go out in non peak hours and am observant. I write parking tickets on campus which has me dodging cars and students in a hurry so I'm kinda used to it.

I love the idea of a weight watching challenge, Marina. I'm not using weight watchers or anything. Just trying to eat more fruits and veggies and cut out the bad stuff like soda. I'd like to cut back on my refined sugar intake too.  

Thanks, bopper for explaining the link cut and paste. Also if anyone wants to add html code to their goals such as a weight tracker: under control panel go to your goals and click on the html button below where you can change the font and add your code.

Next week I hope to officially register for my first triathlon. There's something wrong with the web site so I'm going to contact the webmaster and see what's up. Classes also start back up next week which includes Tai Chi class and patrolling the parking lots and my planned 7:30 swims before class. Can't wait!


2008-01-07 12:39 PM
in reply to: #1099933

New user

Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Kickin it hard!
There are some great "weekly" goals out there! Great job.

My goal is to train every day this week. I have issues when that alarm goes off at 5 am and with it being colder outside than in my nice warm bed. I seem to hit the alarm. Not this week!

Have a great day.
2008-01-07 12:51 PM
in reply to: #1099933

Peabody MA
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Kickin it hard!

Well for goals this week.....I'm am going to try to eat better. Although I got a great workout over the weekend I ate like crap. And I ate tooooooo much. I do like to eat!  Chips and ales! I'll try to post my  eating in my training blog. Good Luck to all.



2008-01-07 11:38 PM
in reply to: #1099933

British Columbia
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Kickin it hard!

Hello everyone.

I know I've been alittle quiet as of late.Sorry.

I signed uo for a masters swim class and started tonight.

It was not what I was expecting!!!

I was worried about being able to swim for more then 5 minutes never mind an hour!

It was hard but man did that ever feel great.I'm doing two one hour sessions a night for five weeks

If anyone is looking to get into the pool its a tough but good way to start.

Starting to click.

Good luck everyone.

2008-01-08 8:40 AM
in reply to: #1099933

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Kickin it hard!

Interesting, Swim Class. I was actually thinking about signing up for a swim lesson to get some evaluation and pointers on my stroke.


Day 1 of the week challenge was successful, no soda and almost 13 minutes of meditation. 

2008-01-08 9:56 AM
in reply to: #1099933

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Kickin it hard!
I need to get my butt back in the pool, I'm ashamed to admit this that I haven't gone in about 3 months! ... but I'm hoping it all comes back to me ... Ian - great job on the Master's class! I swam with one last year and it was invaluable. Enjoy! Jenn - I also hired a swim coach on the side, to help me one-on-one mostly just with my confidence in the water, and that too was invaluable. It's worth every penny!
This year it's a financial issue, I'm forced to do most of my workouts on my own.

2008-01-08 11:09 AM
in reply to: #1141562

Subject: ...
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2008-01-08 12:28 PM
in reply to: #1099933

Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Kickin it hard!
I'm working once a week with a coach over the next 2 months and swimming with the masters too.  I hadn't done any serious swimming since last October when the marathon training took over. Yesterday was my first time with the masters at lunch and my shoulders (should be pulling using my lats - I learnt that this morning), core and forearms feel it today.

Goalwise for the week, I'm one for one so far too!
2008-01-08 9:39 PM
in reply to: #1099933

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: life is AWESOME!
OK ... swimming aside - I MUST change the subject!

I've just found out I've been accepted to my yoga teacher training!!! ... omg I am SO excited! ... I have wanted to become a yoga teacher for a looong long time, but it's a lot of work and a lot of time ... so I applied to a class that starts in September (yup, they're that hard to get in to and fill up that fast) and I was accepted! YAY for me! ... I'll be done my current schooling in June and plan to launch my nutritional consulting business June/July - my teacher training fits in so perfectly!

I'm so excited, I just had to share with the group. !

2008-01-09 6:50 AM
in reply to: #1099933

Peabody MA
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Kickin it hard!

Congrats! I am truly happy for you!


2008-01-09 8:31 AM
in reply to: #1144109

New user

Subject: RE: life is AWESOME!
congrats SpiritFire. That is so AWESOME. What a compliment to your nutrition business too (soon to be).

I just completed my first spinning class. I have to! It was exhausting but fun all at the same time. I can't wait to go next Wednesday.


Goals for the week-train everyday- have completed three days of it

2008-01-09 8:36 AM
in reply to: #1099933

Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Kickin it hard!

Yikes...had my first group trainer session last night...kicked my butt!

Have a hockey game tonight and will do some strength training as well. 

What's everyone up to today? 

2008-01-09 9:51 AM
in reply to: #1099933

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Kickin it hard!
Well today other than still floating on my cloud of happines ... I'm contemplating a run if the weather cooperates - and spin class tonight!
Today is the house cleaning/groceries/laundry/get ready to go back to work tomorrow kind of day.
2008-01-09 2:26 PM
in reply to: #1099933

British Columbia
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Kickin it hard!

Hey everyone.

I took last night off,back to the Masters swim class tonight and a possible bike ride.

I'm still feeling Mondays swim class on my upper body it should be an interesting night.


2008-01-09 3:32 PM
in reply to: #1144109

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: life is AWESOME!
Congrats! I've always wanted to do that too, but I just can't do right now with my regular class schedule. good Luck!
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it hard! Rss Feed  
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