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2008-02-21 7:41 AM
in reply to: #1224772

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full
cchapman3 - 2008-02-20 7:18 PM


     Good luck with the race.  I have used a saying over the years in the military and it is " If you fail to plan then you plan to fail" and it looks like you have a solid plan in place.  I will have to say that I am horrible when it comes to planning out my endurance events as I never thought of it as a requirement.  Since I have done a couple of long bike rides I have definitely worked out a nutrition plan for the bike but have not done as much planning for the run.  Hydration on the run never seems to be a problem as I try to take in fluids, water or a  sports drink, every 10 minutes or so depending on my sweat rate but I have never worked nutrition into my run.  Definitely something that I am going to work on in the future.  Is this a necessity for an Olympic distance as I will definitely fuel up and hydrate on the bike portion?  Just curious as I don't see it as a necessity on the shorter Sprint events as I am finished in less than 90 minutes normally.  Thanks for any advice that you have.

Very good question Chip,

The longer the race the bigger nutrition is a factor. A rule of thumb for me is if your out there more than 1.5 hours, you probably should be taking in some nutrition. Think about it, you are burning calories at x rate and you need to replenish them to keep your energy level up. I need to brush up my notes on this and get a little more precise but a general answer for your olympic race is that you should be able to take the nutrition you need for the run on the bike. My general thought would be to take something about 20 minutes into the bike and something else in the last 15 minutes of the bike.

The Olympic Distance race will not be as challenging as the half ironman, you are now talking about being out there over 5 hours, (6 for me) thats a whole dfferent challenge, figuring out what nutrition works for you. You have to work out what works for you both from the energy side and from the stomach side. My first half ironman I had a stomach disaster on the run (6 bathroom stops). I took to many gue's and my stomach revolted. Since then for half iron I take solid food on the bike (banana's if they are on course, rice krispy squares, fig newtons work for me). Some folks go with a complete liquid diet (perpeteum, accelerade, infinit) and others uses power bars and the like. I don't like the liquid as its a logistics pain. You can only carry so much on the bike and mixing while riding doesn't work for me. Once I get to the run, I then mix in gels and shot blocks and kinda go with how I am feeling.

What are you currently doing on your long bikes?

Here is a link to my 2006 half iron race report where I put in my nutrition notes, one thing that my wife taught me and I need to relearn is calculating the number of calories and carbohydrates that you need to replace each hour.

Edited by Manatee Express 2008-02-21 7:48 AM

2008-02-21 4:10 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full

Wow, Ken's race plan is very detailed.  I'm more of a flakey kinda girl, I guess, flying by the seat of my pants.  I do always calculate the time needed to reach my goal, and when I'm running my splits are usually pretty consistent (so this isn't a bad way for me to figure out what I need to do to achieve my goal). 

I train (or try to train) based on HR, but racing?  I've never even tried to keep my HR down during a race.  In fact, I just went back and checked my average HR on my last three races, and it ranged from 163-169, which is zone 4 for me.  Do you think that is an issue?  I never felt like I couldn't finish any of the races, and actually got PRs in two of them.   

2008-02-22 5:48 AM
in reply to: #1226803

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full

First, don't change anything about how you race a 5k or a 10k. You have something that very few of us have and thats a monster run base. You ran over 800 miles last year and I think you have been doing that volume for a long time. If you went and looked at 100 peoples logs on BT you wouldn't find 10 who had that kinda mileage. Now you got me curious though, do you know how many miles you have run in the last 5 years? Anyway back to original question

In your half marathon experience, do you know the time and HR difference between your first half of the race and the second half. If you are significantly slower that you may want to look at pacing strategy for half ironman, if not maybe you don't need to change a thing. I am attaching a link to a thread on this topic to help you understand better your sitiuation.

The fourth poster on the thread (ammine) is one that I think has a lot of application to you especially as it comes to running. The poster is a tri coach and a very good athlete and he talks about the topic a good bit. His name is Jorge and I think his answer apllies to you a good bit. I think Jorge was top 10 in the half iron world last year and guess what, you ran more miles than he did Check it out and let me know what you think.

As you progress in distance at triathlon, I think you may want to consider this further but for sprint tri's I don't see you ever having an issue with managing HR. You are probably okay on Olympic, but as you get closer to a race of that distance, we can look at doing some race simulation bricks to get a better feel.

I think for newer folks understanding HR is more important because of the run base. Bike base is great but it doesn't transfer to run. Run is so much more physically demanding and I have seen over and over where the bike base monster guys, blow up more often than the folks with the monster run base. The reason I put alot of weight on managing HR especially for those new to the sport is finishing the race is there biggest priority. You on the other hand are a Podium Girl!

I gotta feeling this is gonna raise more question!

Edited by Manatee Express 2008-02-22 5:53 AM
2008-02-22 1:14 PM
in reply to: #1227731

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full


That link was very interesting, and thanks for pointing me that way.  I totally agree with Jorge's philosopy (understanding what your body can do and what sort of pace you can maintain for the length of the race).  But certainly that comes with experience, and that experience (for me) came from racing, not training.  It's always amazing to me how much faster I can run during a race, rather than a training run.  Perhaps that's because I allow myself lattitude during training that I don't allow during a race.

I think I will continue my pace-based racing for now.  I especially don't want to make changes in the near term, then fall apart during the HM next week.  But now I do understand better where you are coming from, on keeping an eye on HR during a race (and planning for it).  And I agree that when I'm getting ready for Oly tri, I need to reconsider this philosopy.

As an aside, I haven't really kept track of my miles per year, but I'd be willing to bet that at least for the last three years (since my first HM) I've been putting in that kind of mileage.  I honestly didn't realize that was a "monster run base".   But I did what you suggested and looked at some logs, and I guess I have been over-doing it.   Now if I could just get that kind of base for running and swimming, I might have something going...

And did you see that Jorge has logged 80 miles more than me this year already, and it's just February?  Hmmm... 


2008-02-22 3:03 PM
in reply to: #1228933

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full
I didn't say you were over doing the run base. Run base is the most important and will get you the furtherest. If your not getting injuries, you are doing the right thing.
2008-02-22 3:06 PM
in reply to: #1229383

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full

Manatee Express - 2008-02-22 3:03 PM I didn't say you were over doing the run base. Run base is the most important and will get you the furtherest. If your not getting injuries, you are doing the right thing.

I know -- I was just joking, and I guess it didn't go over very well...  I just wish I had the time to do better in the other areas.

2008-02-22 5:31 PM
in reply to: #1229393

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full
Wouldn't it be cool if you could just move base fitness from one discipline to the other.
2008-02-25 8:41 AM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full
Weekly Recap

2 swims 4900 yards
1 bike 13 miles
2 runs, 16 miles

total training time 5:35

Weather and travel kinda got in the way and I had more taper than was necessary. I gotta get moving on my biking miles. Biking will comeback as its my best discipline, but I need to get it moving.

Race was very good for me. My pace and HR were slightly better than I expected and I was pleased with the results. Ankle pain kicked in hard at mile 10 but that is normal. What was different is that I had so much left in me at this point and it was disappointing not to be able to use it.

The Half Marathon distance is my biggest barometer on where my overall fitness is and I am happy with that. I raced at 199 pounds and I still need to drop about 10 more pounds before the Half Iron Man in May.

How was ya'lls week!
2008-02-25 9:32 AM
in reply to: #1116072

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full

My training last week was mostly consumed by running, with a few bikes thrown in for good measure.  No swimming, as usual. 

5 runs, 28+ miles, including some intervals and speedwork

3 bike, 46+ miles (but only one was outdoors -- come on daylight savings time!)

I'm looking forward to next week, after the HM on Sunday.  I'd like to get more balance in my workouts, and plan to start a training plan that does just that.  Doesn't mean that I won't keep running because I love to start out my day that way, but perhaps I'll cut back on the distance and up my biking (and add some swimming?).

Does everyone know that there is a bike challenge next month?  I think I'm going to join.

2008-02-25 9:52 AM
in reply to: #1233418

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full

Manatee Express - 2008-02-25 8:41 AM Race was very good for me. My pace and HR were slightly better than I expected and I was pleased with the results. Ankle pain kicked in hard at mile 10 but that is normal. What was different is that I had so much left in me at this point and it was disappointing not to be able to use it.


If your ankle had felt better, would you have modified your race plan during the race?  I'm trying to figure out how this works.  If you push harder than what you had planned, how do you know how far to push?  Or am I being dense (or over thinking this)?

Edited by Sledge 2008-02-25 9:52 AM
2008-02-25 10:58 AM
in reply to: #1233622

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full


If your ankle had felt better, would you have modified your race plan during the race?  I'm trying to figure out how this works.  If you push harder than what you had planned, how do you know how far to push?  Or am I being dense (or over thinking this)?

Your not overthinking at all.

First, I know the ankle is gonna become a probem at some point in a half marathon. I can usually work through the pain with only 1 tough mile but yesterday the pain was sharper and I couldn't find a way to improve it. I felt so good for the first 8 miles, I was thinking I might could get a 2:15 but when the pain finally hit, I couldn't accelerate the pace at the end. My plan had the last 5k as my fastest and I couldn't get past the pain to do that. Throughout the last 5k I was adjusting my stride and foot placement, trying to find a tweak that would make the pain tolerable. I never really found it.

As far as knowing how far to push, I think its alot of gut and experience that tells you. Conditions were perfect and I felt great so I accelerated my HR a little earlier than originally planned, but not a great deal.

Race your race this week like you have in the past, but get your mile splits so we can look at it next week.

2008-02-25 1:59 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full

Got my new Garmin for Christmas, so getting the splits will not be a problem anymore.  However, analyzing the results will be scary...

Can you tell I'm nervous?

2008-02-25 5:34 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full
I was just thinking you might be nervous after the last half marathon you did. Didn't you PR by 10 minutes or some amazing #. Don't get hung up in the #'s while your running, just capture them and we will all have fun analyzing them.

I am in your neck of the woods for a food show tonite and I saw the most amazing thing on the way in. I was driving in to Ft Walton on 98 watching a military plane land (C130 or something of that bulk) and I noticed there were cyclist riding on what looked to be the runway area. Am I crazy, hallacinating, or what? How do you get clearance to ride bikes in that area? Whats the scoop?
2008-02-26 5:27 AM
in reply to: #1234807

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full

Manatee Express - 2008-02-25 5:34 PM I was just thinking you might be nervous after the last half marathon you did. Didn't you PR by 10 minutes or some amazing #. Don't get hung up in the #'s while your running, just capture them and we will all have fun analyzing them. I am in your neck of the woods for a food show tonite and I saw the most amazing thing on the way in. I was driving in to Ft Walton on 98 watching a military plane land (C130 or something of that bulk) and I noticed there were cyclist riding on what looked to be the runway area. Am I crazy, hallacinating, or what? How do you get clearance to ride bikes in that area? Whats the scoop?

I did PR -- by 7 minutes.  And I don't expect to do it again.  But I do want to finish in under 2 hours, and that is making me nervous too.  I just need to have a good day.

You must have seen the runway at Hurlburt Field.  There is a road that goes around it, and that's where the cyclists probably were.  It's a little deceiving to look at from 98, but the riders probably weren't on the runway at all.

I work at Eglin (another base in the area, just north of the bay), and we are not allowed to ride on the main road that goes by the runways but it's because of traffic, not because of the aircraft.  However, there is a less-traveled road around the back side of the runways that I used to ride all the time, but a few months ago they decided we couldn't ride on that one either because of some explosives work that is done there.  Big uproar in the biking community, pointing out how Eglin is supposed to be so athlete-friendly yet they go and do something like this.  Now people can't ride their bikes to get to work, or even do any long rides on the base at all.  Eglin's solution was to provide a map of a cleared 5-mile ride -- can you believe it?  5 miles hardly seems worth it!  I do all of my riding off base now.

Excuse the rant...

2008-03-01 6:40 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full
I think I need some big goals this month!

23,000 swim
350 BIGGG Bike
55 Run
2008-03-02 6:56 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full

So Ken, I'd like to try to analyze my race.  I was consistent until I had to stop, and believe I could have held that pace if I wasn't under extreme duress.   So my pace was good (for me), and very typical of my longer races.  However, you see that my HR was high (but no higher than my other recent races, and I had done well in those).  Do you see an issue?

So then there are the post stop miles.  I actually was doing a test, although I didn't put this in my race report.  I decided that I needed to work on how to hydrate, so I stopped several times for water.  Actually, the first time I grabbed gatorade, gulped it and choked!  And I was past the water station, so now I'm stuck tasting this gunk for awhile.  then I grabbed water at the next station, but choked and ended up walking for awhile.  My stomach hurt!  But I decided to try it one last time, and didn't have any better luck.  How do you get past the stomach thing?  Or does it not bother you?

I know it was a mistake to try the water during a race.  I need to grasp the concept during training first, and not experiment during a race.  But it turns out that whatever I did had no effect on my standings in the race.  The woman who finished first in my age group beat my by 14 minutes!!!!!  I feel so inept.


2008-03-02 7:01 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full
Ya'll check out Cheri's race report. 2 hour half marathon and that was with a pit stop.

Here is a link:
2008-03-02 7:10 PM
in reply to: #1247690

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full

I will see what I can glean from the report. I have a question for you on your HR. What is your HR typically in a 5K? I would like to compare it.

By the way, very impressive 2nd in that big of a race. I expect that the start was probably crowed and you didn't seem to have a problem with it.

2008-03-02 7:25 PM
in reply to: #1247725

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full

Manatee Express - 2008-03-02 7:10 PM Cheri, I will see what I can glean from the report. I have a question for you on your HR. What is your HR typically in a 5K? I would like to compare it. By the way, very impressive 2nd in that big of a race. I expect that the start was probably crowed and you didn't seem to have a problem with it.

My HR in a 5K race is very similar to what I had today.  In my 5K PR last November it was 169.  I ran another 5K in December (but I was sick), and my HR avg was 164.  During training it's lower.

The start was crowded, but I lined up with the 8 minute/mile pace.  It took me 40 seconds to cross the start line, which was the difference between the race time being over 2 hours and my run time being under 2 hours.  And I was very happy to get second.

2008-03-02 8:38 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full

Give me a day to digest this. I have some thoughts I just need to work through them in my mind.
2008-03-02 8:44 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full
Weekly recap

Tough race last Sunday and I took off monday and tuesday to recover. I usually like to do a recovery ride after a race but couldn't fit a bike ride in on Monday.

I did each sport 2 times this week and was very happy to get 2 good bike ride's in. Both runs were not very strong but the second one was after a good bike effort so no worries.

Swim 5000 yards
Bike 64 miles
Run 6,9 miles

March is a bike focus month for me. I am shooting for at least 350 miles and hope to get in 3 rides a week. Can't slack up on the run either.

How was your week?

2008-03-03 9:33 PM
in reply to: #1247690

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full
Sledge - 2008-03-02 6:56 PM

So Ken, I'd like to try to analyze my race.  I was consistent until I had to stop, and believe I could have held that pace if I wasn't under extreme duress.   So my pace was good (for me), and very typical of my longer races.  However, you see that my HR was high (but no higher than my other recent races, and I had done well in those).  Do you see an issue?

So then there are the post stop miles.  I actually was doing a test, although I didn't put this in my race report.  I decided that I needed to work on how to hydrate, so I stopped several times for water.  Actually, the first time I grabbed gatorade, gulped it and choked!  And I was past the water station, so now I'm stuck tasting this gunk for awhile.  then I grabbed water at the next station, but choked and ended up walking for awhile.  My stomach hurt!  But I decided to try it one last time, and didn't have any better luck.  How do you get past the stomach thing?  Or does it not bother you?

I know it was a mistake to try the water during a race.  I need to grasp the concept during training first, and not experiment during a race.  But it turns out that whatever I did had no effect on my standings in the race.  The woman who finished first in my age group beat my by 14 minutes!!!!!  I feel so inept.


Okay, I am gonna give this a shot. I am gonna make some observations and I want you to validate and I will follow up some more. I am leary in overanalyzing because I don't won't to create limits for you that aren't really valid. Again, your run base is so solid, its hard for me to question what you can do.

o Your pace in your PR race was 8:40 but we don't have any splits to compare from that race.

o We also don't have mile hr's in other races, only an overll average.

o Yesterday your pace was 8:40 for the first 7 miles and then you had the potty stop and after that you couldn't get back to that pace the rest of the way.

o I threw out the split for the potty mile and your pace for the last 5.1 was 9:24.

The questions in my mind are did the potty stop break your pace and slow you down or did the early pace wear you down and even if you hadn't stopped your pace would have dropped. That extra variable really makes this tricky.

Are those observations valid and are those the questions we are evaluating?

I wish I had a simple solution on the water thing. Do you have tha same problem on a regular run or is it just when racing? Have you ever tried to run with a sport bottle with a cap?

2008-03-04 11:14 AM
in reply to: #1250470

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full


Thanks for giving this a try!   I'm going to try to answer each of your bullets:  

o Your pace in your PR race was 8:40 but we don't have any splits to compare from that race. -- It is true that I don't have any official splits.  However, I entertained myself during that run in November by doing the math in my head, and every mile was sub-9 minutes.

o We also don't have mile hr's in other races, only an overll average.  -- also correct.  I just got my Garmin for Christmas, so I was using a cheapo HR monitor before that. 

o Yesterday your pace was 8:40 for the first 7 miles and then you had the potty stop and after that you couldn't get back to that pace the rest of the way.  -- isn't that amazing?  It sure is to me, that my pace was identical to my PR pace last November.  And yes, I just couldn't seem to get it back together again.  Perhaps my body was telling me that it thought it was done because I did stop? 

o I threw out the split for the potty mile and your pace for the last 5.1 was 9:24. -- yes, although mile 9 was 9:08, not too far off from mile 1 (8:55).  I don't remember exactly when I started the water experiment, but it may have been mile 10.  So perhaps I could have gotten it back again if I hadn't decided to experiment.

The questions in my mind are did the potty stop break your pace and slow you down or did the early pace wear you down and even if you hadn't stopped your pace would have dropped. That extra variable really makes this tricky.  -- I suppose it could have been either way.  I don't feel as if I was well prepared for this race as I was in November because I was gone most of January.  I spent half of February getting back to normal.  So the pace could have been too taxing.  However, I didn't feel like I was dropping my pace at all (and the numbers stand by that).  I guess I'm coming around to thinking that the stop really did affect my race.

Are those observations valid and are those the questions we are evaluating? -- definitely

I wish I had a simple solution on the water thing. Do you have tha same problem on a regular run or is it just when racing? Have you ever tried to run with a sport bottle with a cap? -- I have never tried to drink during run training (believe it or not!).  I'm definitely going to start and figure out a way to make it work.  I'm afraid that some day I'll be in a race where I completely fall apart because of hydration problems.  I'm going to try a couple of things -- putting water on my course and carrying it with me.  I'll also try different containers and see what works.

I apologize to everyone else in this group.  I'm sure this a boring post, and all of this potty talk is probably driving you mad.

Thanks Ken, I appreciate whatever observations you give.  I made some poor decisions during my race, so I know I need to toughen up mentally.  I'm thankful that I still made my goal despite these errors and experiments.


2008-03-04 1:38 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full
Everybody loves potty stories!!!
2008-03-05 7:52 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full
As races are right around the corner, I think this thread can be helpful for you guys!
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