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2010-02-04 1:52 PM
in reply to: #2654189

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I had a good run this morning -- 46 minutes, about 9.4km on the pedestrian path adjacent to the Rideau Canal, so I got to watch and listen to all of the skaters. Nice!

I hope your own run went well. Let me know, okay?

2010-02-04 2:14 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Really liking my newtons. still striking a little on outside of right heel and inside of left heel a little, will get videotaped again when i can.

Swimming is better, still working on breathing.

2 days off, have to attend an uncomfortable funeral.

Hope everyone has a great weekend and go easy on adult beverages during super bowl. (Hoping for colts with a 7 and saints with a 6 at the end of at least 1 quarter
2010-02-04 2:43 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Well, I'm back at it and bucking the system a little bit.  :-)  My training week calls for a lighter load this week, and an Olympic distance race this weekend.  However, it's tough to find an OLY in February, and since, I've done one already, I'm just going to skip that and re-do Week 17 on my plan, as it was pretty high volume. 

Also, I don't really understand the point of an Olympic distance race on the plan.  The prior week, my Saturday called for a 4 hour bike (about 3x an OLY time) followed by a 45 minute brick (just about my time for the run).  Aside from the swim, the distance is actually down, and the intensity of an OLY would be much, much different than that of an IM.  I'm probably just justifying not setting up my own OLY race and doing it.  Oh well. 

Yesterday, 1:15 on the bike with 5x6min @Z4 and 2min recovery.  All in all, a brutal but great ride (for me at least).  Average speed on the trainer was 18.9, which is high for me.  I'm normally content with something in the low 17's.  But, during the intervals, I was up at 21 and 22 mph, so that must have heavily weighted on the averages. 

This AM, back to the swim and run routine.  1-hour swim felt good.  I find that I can't keep count of laps in a 25 meter pool beyond about 10 -15 laps, so I'm going by time at this point.  Which is fine with me.  I'm also not drilling as much as I probably should, but again, in a 25m pool, by the time I get into whatever drill it is, it's time to turn around.  So, I'm just doing long sets and some interval stuff.

Run was great.  1:15 with 10-minutes at Z4 after an hour.  I'm not sure which I like (or dislike) more - speed at the start or speed at the end. 

Need to play catch-up tomorrow so no rest day on Friday, but I got that on Tuesday flying back. 
2010-02-04 2:47 PM
in reply to: #2654056

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-02-04 8:16 AM ANNE - Just the person I wanted to hear from! Actually, what I wanted to do was tell you how the Fitz scedules are set up, as I know you have a system of doing things that works really well for you. He treats Mondays as rest days - never anything on Mondays. I'll do it as a list: Monday -- rest Tuesday -- cycling Wednedsday -- swim and run Thursday -- cycling Friday -- swim and run Saturday -- cycling or bricks Sunday -- swim and run (or rarely swim and brick) And his bricks are always bike/run, never swim/bike or an oddball combo. Does that scheme of things come close to working for you? As for the knee ache you had yesterday, my experience tells me that if it is below the knee on the inside it could be pes anserinus, and on the outside it could be the the popliteal (sp?) tendon. Anyhow, google those to see how they fit with what you were feeling. Pes anserinus is kind of cool, etymologically and structurally. The anserines are the goose family, and pes anserinus refers to what is known as the "goosefoot" tendons -- I think three of them, that bifurcate and resemble a goose's foot. (How's that for a cocktail party chatter topic?!?) When I have soreness on the outside of my knee below the kneecap, it is never all that far down and I worry that it is ITB stuff. But when I have had aches on my pes anserinus, they seem to be far enough down that it is hard to confuse them with anything else. Having said that, though, when I tore my meniscus it was medial, right side, so if my p.a. starts to hurt a bit there, I get all nervous that I've done something terrible to my meniscus again. (I know --- worry, worry, worry.) For me, p.a. is not a deal-breaker, just a soreness or dull ache that goes away with a bit of ice and a bit of rest (like, a day or so). Lemme know! And on my all-consuming topic of USAT points, after my devastating fall from grace yesterday morning I managed to rebound some by late afternoon so I was 51/538, with two below me. I did not dare check it last night before bed, and I haven't looked this morning -- it's a pretty day here, and I don't want to cast a pall over it!


Well the Fitz schedule is sort of opposite of my training days - I'm OK with Monday's as recovery days and the weekends.  (Right now I cycle on Monday's and have Friday's recovery.   Mostly because in the winter we often take off for somewhere on a Friday if we want a long weekend skiing).    In season, I bike Wed/Fri and weekend and I run/swim Tue/Thur and weekend.   Don't really want to change that up.   Would switching those days work?  

Haven't checked the website on the Pes anserinus yet, but feeling good today.   Iced it again early this morning and was on the elliptical a short while ago with no issues at all.  

ON TO THE NEUROMA!         Didn't bother me on the elliptical but once I got off I could feel it and went for a run from home trying 3 different pairs of shoes - with orthotics, without orthotics and with some Superfeet.   Nothing worked!   It absolutely killed me.   Had to run/walk.   Ran till I couldn't stand the pain which was about 2'.    I'm going to google that other kind of neuroma you mentioned, because it has definitely moved over to the toe beside my big toe.   

Was talking to a friend this aft about it and she told me a story about her daughter having foot pain and seeing a sports med doctor who tried 2 or 3 things along with a bone scan and finally prescribed this thing that is shaped like your foot and made out of copper (a hard plate) that you put into your shoe, with or without orthotics.  Anyway, after 2 weeks, her pain totally disappeared and she hasn't had it come back. 

I just got off the phone with an osteopath about this and she said she would investigate the nerve pain stemming from the lower sacrum.    I find it interesting that this has gotten worse in the last 2-3 weeks.   I have been making some huge progress in my hips opening up/realigning, from the Bikram yoga and am wondering if this is causing the flare up.   May just take a few more sessions and as things continue to move, may settle down.   Hoping....   

Glad to hear your standing has improved.   Hope it gets even better. 

Till later,
2010-02-04 2:48 PM
in reply to: #2655382

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-02-04 2:52 PM ANNE - I had a good run this morning -- 46 minutes, about 9.4km on the pedestrian path adjacent to the Rideau Canal, so I got to watch and listen to all of the skaters. Nice! I hope your own run went well. Let me know, okay?

I'm am so envious.    I love the Rideau Canal and I love skating.   Just sent you an update on run.
2010-02-04 4:33 PM
in reply to: #2655440

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Man, it sounds like you are handling the transition between running styles really well. The husband of a member of my other group started with Newtons (Gravity model) after xmas, and is having about the same degree of difficulty I had when I began with them in late '07. There really might be a lot to be said for starting in the Sir Isaac rather than one of their other models, at least based on your seemingly seamless experience so far.

Good on the swimming and breathing........but I hope the funeral is not any more uncomfortable than it needs to be.

As for The Game -- Saints all the way!

2010-02-04 5:13 PM
in reply to: #2655530

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


As usual in responding to your posts -- where to begin?!? This time, i'm just going to scatter-shoot it, jumping around willy-nilly.

You kicked some serious tokhis on that trainer ride - awesome performance! That's a pretty wicked sequence at Z4, but judging from your mph numbers, you nailed it. Those types of workouts are killers, but really, really rewarding. The pain just feels soooo good when it stops, eh?

My guess with the oly is thta it is there to kind of justify that bike workout. And I think it is a fabulous workout leadoing up to an oly, but I'm just not sold on it as part of IM training. A hard-ridden bike leg in and of itself is not too risky, but a workout like the one you described might assume a similar effort on the run, and that's just not prudent enough for my liking. But as I siad to Anne the other day, there's maybe a good reason why these people have written plans and I haven't!

It's at times like this that having a coach pays big dividends. I am NOT advocating that for you, but all I'm saying is that a responsible coach will have been with you since the inception of the plan and juggled things accordingly along the way. Also, a coach would know your history backwards, forwards, and sideways, which would serve to nip a lot of problems in the bud.

Which plan are you using? You may have told me a few times already, but I can't conjure it up right now.

My vote is for speed at the middle, allowing for a decent cool-down. Speed at the beginning is easiest due to freshness, but is also the riskiest - unless there is a good warm-up beforehand. But you had a 5-minute cool-down, anyhow, so that's okay (although 10-15 minutes of c-d would be my picayune vote!) At SG, however, the perfect world would have you being able to tap into some glorious reserve so that you could actually turn it up a few notches for the final mile or so, in which case saving your speed for the end of a workout might be a good dress rehearsal!

Finally, the swim, and an hour of feeling good is --- good! As for the counting of the laps, maybe try counting 8s, and at the end of every 8 press the lap button on your watch. That'll not only allow you to figure out your yardage, but will also let you see how well you're holding it together over the course of xx 200-yard sequences. And then you could get fancy, trying to do three easy and then the fourth one hard, and see how your times worked out for those.

From what I remember of your Malibu swim time, you are probably doing about 3000 meters over the course of a 60 minute swim, so that modified speed set of 3 easy/1 hard would give you about 15 sets of numbers to ogle afterwards -- a swim geek's idea of nirvana!

Finally, I can tell you that drilling in a 50m pool makes about 47X more sense than drilling in 25m (or worse - 25y) -- but then again, so does lopng sets of just plain old regular swimming. If I were King of the Universe, I would mandate 50m pools without exception. Period.

Finally-finally, but an important one (if I may be pompous for a moment ) --
Even though you are playing catch-up tomorrow in lieu of the scheduled rest day, whatever you end up doing, make sure it doesn't compromise what is almost certain to be a key workout (or two) on the weekend. That's a really solid cardinal rule, and ven in general it is best to let lost workouts go. I guess there are two parts to it:
(1) Let lost workouts go, unless the are key workouts, in which case insert them in the place of a workout of lesser value.
(2) If you must do a non-key lost workout, put it somewhere that it doesn't compromise the integrity of the key workout(s).

But, having siad that, I remember that the questionable oly race was there for this weekend, and I think we agree that we're not too sure that that is a key happening. So, JUST THIS ONCE , feel free to play catch-up tomorrow!

2010-02-04 5:25 PM
in reply to: #2655538

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Just quickly for now, as Lynn is due home real soon and I have allowed the house to get a bit unkempt today!

Here is a brief rundown on the runs in the first 8 weeks of the Fitz Level 1 HIM plan:
week #1 -- 30, 35, 40
week #2 -- 30, 35, 40
week #3 -- 53, 40, 45
week #4 -- 30, 35, 10 (this is a brick run off a 45' ride)
week #5 -- 39, 40, 50
week #6 -- 42, 40, 25
week #7 -- 45, 40, 55
week #8 -- 39, 35, 15 (brick run off a 45' ride)

Those oddish numbers in the fist runs of weeks 5, 6, and 8 are correct as written and reflect intervals. Also, each of the middle runs of weeks 5-8 include some strides. Finally, weeks 4 and 8 are Recovery weeks - which is where he typically places his bricks.

I thought you should know that, just becasue his run plan is a bit less demanding than that of the Silver plan. Weekly totals for the first eight weeks of Silver begin at 2:10 and build to 3:00 at week 7 before coming down to 2:00 for week 8, so if you have some concerns about your running, then Fitz might be better for you.

But this is also a case where you can mix 'n' match -- maybe just do the Fitz runs instead of the Silver runs? Let me know what you think about this. Also, I will get to your post per se later, okay?

2010-02-04 6:15 PM
in reply to: #2655826

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-02-04 3:13 PM STEVE - As usual in responding to your posts -- where to begin?!? This time, i'm just going to scatter-shoot it, jumping around willy-nilly. You kicked some serious tokhis on that trainer ride - awesome performance! That's a pretty wicked sequence at Z4, but judging from your mph numbers, you nailed it. Those types of workouts are killers, but really, really rewarding. The pain just feels soooo good when it stops, eh? My guess with the oly is thta it is there to kind of justify that bike workout. And I think it is a fabulous workout leadoing up to an oly, but I'm just not sold on it as part of IM training. A hard-ridden bike leg in and of itself is not too risky, but a workout like the one you described might assume a similar effort on the run, and that's just not prudent enough for my liking. But as I siad to Anne the other day, there's maybe a good reason why these people have written plans and I haven't! It's at times like this that having a coach pays big dividends. I am NOT advocating that for you, but all I'm saying is that a responsible coach will have been with you since the inception of the plan and juggled things accordingly along the way. Also, a coach would know your history backwards, forwards, and sideways, which would serve to nip a lot of problems in the bud. Which plan are you using? You may have told me a few times already, but I can't conjure it up right now. My vote is for speed at the middle, allowing for a decent cool-down. Speed at the beginning is easiest due to freshness, but is also the riskiest - unless there is a good warm-up beforehand. But you had a 5-minute cool-down, anyhow, so that's okay (although 10-15 minutes of c-d would be my picayune vote!) At SG, however, the perfect world would have you being able to tap into some glorious reserve so that you could actually turn it up a few notches for the final mile or so, in which case saving your speed for the end of a workout might be a good dress rehearsal! Finally, the swim, and an hour of feeling good is --- good! As for the counting of the laps, maybe try counting 8s, and at the end of every 8 press the lap button on your watch. That'll not only allow you to figure out your yardage, but will also let you see how well you're holding it together over the course of xx 200-yard sequences. And then you could get fancy, trying to do three easy and then the fourth one hard, and see how your times worked out for those. From what I remember of your Malibu swim time, you are probably doing about 3000 meters over the course of a 60 minute swim, so that modified speed set of 3 easy/1 hard would give you about 15 sets of numbers to ogle afterwards -- a swim geek's idea of nirvana! Finally, I can tell you that drilling in a 50m pool makes about 47X more sense than drilling in 25m (or worse - 25y) -- but then again, so does lopng sets of just plain old regular swimming. If I were King of the Universe, I would mandate 50m pools without exception. Period. Finally-finally, but an important one (if I may be pompous for a moment ) -- Even though you are playing catch-up tomorrow in lieu of the scheduled rest day, whatever you end up doing, make sure it doesn't compromise what is almost certain to be a key workout (or two) on the weekend. That's a really solid cardinal rule, and ven in general it is best to let lost workouts go. I guess there are two parts to it: (1) Let lost workouts go, unless the are key workouts, in which case insert them in the place of a workout of lesser value. (2) If you must do a non-key lost workout, put it somewhere that it doesn't compromise the integrity of the key workout(s). But, having siad that, I remember that the questionable oly race was there for this weekend, and I think we agree that we're not too sure that that is a key happening. So, JUST THIS ONCE , feel free to play catch-up tomorrow!

Thanks Steve,

Definitely understand on the ride intensity.  I'm on the beIRONfit plan (his competitive plan).  While the speed work on that workout was pretty high (about 50%), he keeps the Z4 efforts to under 10% for the entire week (long rides and runs are always Z2).  He moves the Z4 efforts around in the workouts and mixes them up a lot.  For example, today's run was 10 minutes after an hour.  Next run might be 2x5 minutes after a 15 minute warm-up.  But, all in all, I hear and agree, and will back off some of those efforts if I feel my form is staring to fall apart.

Tomorrow should be pretty easy.  45 minute Z2 ride / 30-minute Z2 brick.  Basically, an easy high rpm spin and jog.  I'm PRAYING it doesn't rain too hard on Saturday, as I'd like to do an open water swim and bike, but if it rains too hard, the water isn't really safe to swim in for a few days.  Hopefully, it'll be a light rain and I can swim/bike on Sunday.  I haven't been in the wetsuit for a while.

Lastly, great advice on the lap timing.  You just enabled my next gadget purchase!  I got the hydration system (will install before the next long ride), so now it's a HRM with a lap counter.  Mine is a cheapo one. 
2010-02-04 7:38 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Help needed.  How do I reply to an inspire?  If I click reply, I go to the senders blog - but what do I do then?
Thanks, Denise
2010-02-04 8:01 PM
in reply to: #2656013

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
LadyNorth - 2010-02-04 7:38 PM Hi,

Help needed.  How do I reply to an inspire?  If I click reply, I go to the senders blog - but what do I do then?
Thanks, Denise

DENISE, click on reply and the box should pop up with the quote in it. Just checked, and for some reason, it went to the blog but at the bottom of my computer is a window (or whatever the technical name is) and if I click on that it will bring up the box. 

STEVEA, welcome back. I have family in NO and they say the city is gearing up for the Superbowl. Had to switch around some of the Mardi Gras parades scheduled for that day.

DIANE, can't wait to hear about the new bike. Hope it works out well for you!

ANNE and TRACY, sorry about the neuroma issues. Can only imagine how painful that must be. TRACY, how is you foot feeling after the injection?

STEVEB, when will the USAT stats be finalized? Hopefully soon!

Got a ride in on the trainer this evening, so finally back on the bike ... wasn't too bad!

2010-02-04 8:32 PM
in reply to: #2655839

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-02-04 6:25 PM ANNE - Just quickly for now, as Lynn is due home real soon and I have allowed the house to get a bit unkempt today! Here is a brief rundown on the runs in the first 8 weeks of the Fitz Level 1 HIM plan: week #1 -- 30, 35, 40 week #2 -- 30, 35, 40 week #3 -- 53, 40, 45 week #4 -- 30, 35, 10 (this is a brick run off a 45' ride) week #5 -- 39, 40, 50 week #6 -- 42, 40, 25 week #7 -- 45, 40, 55 week #8 -- 39, 35, 15 (brick run off a 45' ride) Those oddish numbers in the fist runs of weeks 5, 6, and 8 are correct as written and reflect intervals. Also, each of the middle runs of weeks 5-8 include some strides. Finally, weeks 4 and 8 are Recovery weeks - which is where he typically places his bricks. I thought you should know that, just becasue his run plan is a bit less demanding than that of the Silver plan. Weekly totals for the first eight weeks of Silver begin at 2:10 and build to 3:00 at week 7 before coming down to 2:00 for week 8, so if you have some concerns about your running, then Fitz might be better for you. But this is also a case where you can mix 'n' match -- maybe just do the Fitz runs instead of the Silver runs? Let me know what you think about this. Also, I will get to your post per se later, okay?


I think the Fitz run plan would be good for me.   Especially with the trouble I'm having right now.    If I can get this neuromoa under control, I still have 6 weeks to build and get some consistent running in following the Runner's World guidelines.   Last year at this time I was running 20-24km per week OK, with my longest run at 15km.  

I had a good ride, but short (only 14km) on the trainer, early evening.   Best ride so far since I have started back on the trainer, in terms of strength, ease and HR.   No issues with knees or legs.  

Going to ostepath tomorrow morning and see if he can work on the neuroma issue.

Have a great night.

2010-02-04 9:26 PM
in reply to: #2655538

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


On the neuroma front:
My understanding is that Morton's is the name for the one between the 3rd and 4th (middle and "ring"), with Heuter's used for the the one between 2nd and 3rd (index and middle). As for one between 1st and 2nd (thumb and index)......I dunno!

Also an "I dunno!" for me is the copper foot plate. I'm intrigured, but it sure doesn't sound very flexible or "giving". But maybe if used as a "corrective" in non-athletic footwear, it might have merit. Verrrrrrry intriguing!

Have a productive session with he osteopath! Backs seem to work on their own timeframe, agitating about things we are not aware of. It seems to me that almost all lower body injuries can be traced back to a specific happening, or at least attributed to "overuse", but not so with backs. One day, a movement you've executed 17,463 times to no ill effect ends up making you unable to starighten up for four days........and then for no apparent reason, all is well again. Backs -- ain't they just the damnedest things?

2010-02-04 9:34 PM
in reply to: #2656051

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Today was the first time in many days that there weren't multiple shiftings throughout the day -- what is was at 8am is what it was at 5pm. So, MAYBE that means that they are nearing closure, but I've watched this silliness for enough years to know that nothing seems to happen quickly or smoothly in the USAT rankings game. They went to a new system or program that seemed to work much better -- believe it or not. I mean, I could cite a few instances of screwiness, but in general I think the new system is an improvement.

But as races peter out dramatically after October, and then dry up by ??, you'd figure that all '09 races are in the data base and have been crunched and re-crunched. Yet, I wonder if Beach 2 Battleship hs been entered, and that was on about Nov. 7.

Just hangin' on, checking daily to see which way the winds blow!

2010-02-04 9:38 PM
in reply to: #2656168

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


And still nothing on the link to the USAT calendar! There must be an awful lot of people who are getting ornery about this, wanting to sign up for popular races but needing to see the bigger picture before committing to anything. Over at they have lots of stuff on their calendars, but there are still lots of gaps (that is, races i know about but haven't been listed yet).

When USAT gets the calendar up and running, it had better be the Cadillac of calendars!

2010-02-05 6:06 AM
in reply to: #2656156

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-02-04 10:26 PM ANNE - On the neuroma front: My understanding is that Morton's is the name for the one between the 3rd and 4th (middle and "ring"), with Heuter's used for the the one between 2nd and 3rd (index and middle). As for one between 1st and 2nd (thumb and index)......I dunno! Also an "I dunno!" for me is the copper foot plate. I'm intrigured, but it sure doesn't sound very flexible or "giving". But maybe if used as a "corrective" in non-athletic footwear, it might have merit. Verrrrrrry intriguing! Have a productive session with he osteopath! Backs seem to work on their own timeframe, agitating about things we are not aware of. It seems to me that almost all lower body injuries can be traced back to a specific happening, or at least attributed to "overuse", but not so with backs. One day, a movement you've executed 17,463 times to no ill effect ends up making you unable to starighten up for four days........and then for no apparent reason, all is well again. Backs -- ain't they just the damnedest things?

Good Morning,

You are a wealth of information.      Just checked out the website - WOW.    It is great.   Also did some reading on the neuromas and pes anserinus.   Very interesting.     When I read the neuroma info, not much about the symptoms sound so much like me - it only hurts WHEN I am running and stops immediately when I don't run.    I don't have any of the many other symptons they talk about.  It first started when I started to run 5 years ago, but it has always been hit and miss - gone for years at a time.  

Re the osteopath, there isn't anything wrong with my back.   I am feeling great.   Was just grasping at ideas of what might cause it but after reading the info, don't think it would stem from there, but who knows.    The person I talked to yesterday was new to me but I am going to my regular guy today and will see what he thinks.    I like to keep regular maintenance visits with the osteo.   Body works so much better when it is in alignment.    

Back soon,

2010-02-05 7:56 AM
in reply to: #2656156

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-02-04 9:26 PM  Backs seem to work on their own timeframe, agitating about things we are not aware of. It seems to me that almost all lower body injuries can be traced back to a specific happening, or at least attributed to "overuse", but not so with backs. One day, a movement you've executed 17,463 times to no ill effect ends up making you unable to starighten up for four days........and then for no apparent reason, all is well again. Backs -- ain't they just the damnedest things?

I SO know what you're saying about backs.  Happens to my husband a lot.  He'll just bend over a little to pick something up and his back is out - and it's usually 4 days.  Problem is, this is one of the excuses he uses for not excercising.
2010-02-05 8:16 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Good morning all.  Sounds like everyone is doing pretty well with training albeit dealing with some injuries.  Another total newbie question:  What is a "brick" when you are talking about training?

Met with my trainer yesterday.  She is seeing huge improvement in my shoulders, particularly the left which was the worst.  So no upper body strength for a couple of weeks to see if that is the trick.  But I am now back in the pool twice a week with two days of rehab.  But I have some real work to do.  I always breathe on the left which puts more strain on that shoulder so she wants me to move to bilateral breathing on every third breath if possible.  Along with trying to change my form in accordance with the TI method I've got a lot of work to do before I even think about improving on time and distance.  But the pain is so diminished even after a rehab workout with her it was well worth the effort.

And I agree Steve, I am very lucky to have someone who really knows what she is doing and is on top of things.  I spent last night redoing my training schedule to space out the rehab days and swim days so feel like I am finally on my way. 

And my bike box now shows up on UPS tracking!  Will be here Tuesday, already have the new tires for it and will take it directly to the bike shop so perhaps I will have it back by next week at this time.

My trainer had mentioned how hard it was to do the runs after the bike and figured I needed to see what this felt like so on Wednesday I did 15 mins on the stationary bike followed by 10 mins on the treadmill followed by a few laps in the pool.   What surprised me was after the biking my running felt really slow and I ran faster than usual.  I was tired at the end of the 10 minutes on the treadmill but am glad that I tried it.  My training plan calls for a 25% decrease on everything in the fourth week of each month so think I am going to do this once each month during that week and build up the times so my body adjusts to going immediately from one sport to another. 

BTW, I think I have lost my niece in the process.  She doesn't seem to have the discipline to do the training consistently.  BUT my daughter is getting motivated watching me and is considering working on training to do the mini-tri with us in May.  And the woman who is partnering with me on this finally got in the pool on Wednesday.  She is a pretty good swimmer, has tons of upper body strength as a personal trainer, but was afraid to get in the pool after years away from it.  That is now behind her so we can work on drills.

All in all it was a good week here and I am looking forward to my weekend training.  Hope that everyone has a great weekend!

2010-02-05 11:16 AM
in reply to: #2656563

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
FoxfireTX - 2010-02-05 6:16 AM

Good morning all.  Sounds like everyone is doing pretty well with training albeit dealing with some injuries.  Another total newbie question:  What is a "brick" when you are talking about training?

Met with my trainer yesterday.  She is seeing huge improvement in my shoulders, particularly the left which was the worst.  So no upper body strength for a couple of weeks to see if that is the trick.  But I am now back in the pool twice a week with two days of rehab.  But I have some real work to do.  I always breathe on the left which puts more strain on that shoulder so she wants me to move to bilateral breathing on every third breath if possible.  Along with trying to change my form in accordance with the TI method I've got a lot of work to do before I even think about improving on time and distance.  But the pain is so diminished even after a rehab workout with her it was well worth the effort.

And I agree Steve, I am very lucky to have someone who really knows what she is doing and is on top of things.  I spent last night redoing my training schedule to space out the rehab days and swim days so feel like I am finally on my way. 

And my bike box now shows up on UPS tracking!  Will be here Tuesday, already have the new tires for it and will take it directly to the bike shop so perhaps I will have it back by next week at this time.

My trainer had mentioned how hard it was to do the runs after the bike and figured I needed to see what this felt like so on Wednesday I did 15 mins on the stationary bike followed by 10 mins on the treadmill followed by a few laps in the pool.   What surprised me was after the biking my running felt really slow and I ran faster than usual.  I was tired at the end of the 10 minutes on the treadmill but am glad that I tried it.  My training plan calls for a 25% decrease on everything in the fourth week of each month so think I am going to do this once each month during that week and build up the times so my body adjusts to going immediately from one sport to another. 

BTW, I think I have lost my niece in the process.  She doesn't seem to have the discipline to do the training consistently.  BUT my daughter is getting motivated watching me and is considering working on training to do the mini-tri with us in May.  And the woman who is partnering with me on this finally got in the pool on Wednesday.  She is a pretty good swimmer, has tons of upper body strength as a personal trainer, but was afraid to get in the pool after years away from it.  That is now behind her so we can work on drills.

All in all it was a good week here and I am looking forward to my weekend training.  Hope that everyone has a great weekend!

Great news about the shoulder and things improving!  And great news about your daughter.  It's totally narcissistic of me to say, but I have to admit I get a bit of an ego-boost when I realize how few people are able to undertake and then follow through with the type of training that is necessary to do these races.  It gives every training session a real sense of accomplishment. 
2010-02-05 11:36 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
So, looking forward to what should be an interesting weekend.  I'm headed south to San Diego to meet my new niece (niece in law?).  My wife's brother just became a father for the third time, his third daughter.  Poor guy, he's going to be so outnumbered! 

Anyway, I'm frantically searching for detailed routes from San Diego to Los Angeles on  Plan is to drive down early tomorrow morning, spend the day with the family, and then wake up early and ride the bike back home.  Should be an interesting experience, as it will be both my first century ride, and I have no real idea how the route goes.  In theory, I'm supposed to start about 4 hours before my wife starts driving up, and have her pick me up somewhere in Long Beach. 

Giddy with excitement!
2010-02-05 11:36 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Lisa - thanks for the "reply" help

Diane - I'm really excited for you - sounds like things are falling into place.


2010-02-05 11:37 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Lisa - thanks for the "reply" help

Diane - I'm really excited for you - sounds like things are falling into place.

2010-02-05 11:57 AM
in reply to: #2656563

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
FoxfireTX - 2010-02-05 8:16 AM

What is a "brick" when you are talking about training?

My trainer had mentioned how hard it was to do the runs after the bike and figured I needed to see what this felt like so on Wednesday I did 15 mins on the stationary bike followed by 10 mins on the treadmill followed by a few laps in the pool.  

DIANE, unbeknownst to you ... you did a "brick" on Wednesday!!!  Going directly from one discipline to the other, normally the bike to the run.  You should work those into your training so that you get used to that feeling of getting  off the bike and going directly to the run.  Sorry to hear about your niece, but good news about getting your daughter involved! 

STEVEA, sounds like a great plan for the weekend ride. Hope it works out well for you! 

Oh, and definitely can relate to the back pain issue having had two prior back surgeries ... it's no fun!

Edited by lufferly 2010-02-05 12:01 PM
2010-02-05 12:42 PM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

You guys are going to think this is weird.   I went to my osteopath and he worked on the foot.   Said there was tension and no movement in my whole foot.   We talked pros and cons of orthotics and metatarsal pads and he thinks the pads cause more problems than they do help.   He doesn't feel they are really successful at spreading the joints and actually can put more pressure on them.   He told me to try putting cotton baton between 2 toes which will spread the joints and you won't believe this but it is working.  Surprised    Will keep you posted. 

How is your foot feeling Tracey?
2010-02-05 6:25 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Just saw the cotton ball post, and had to smile.  Reminded me that I'd forgotten to mention that I'm now utilizing Voo-doo magic in my training and recovery program.  While in a voo-doo shop in NO, I picked out what I thought was a cool necklace for my wife (little blue and white glass heart). (Yes, we had had a few drinks at this point, and so random purchases of trinkets and additional drinks was well under way!) She in turn picked out a necklace for me that turned out to be a "Milagro" charm. 

This one is of the "praying man", which, per the woman behind the counter can serve as a "full body protection".  Supposedly, they make charms for just legs, or arms, or heads to help ward off injuries on those body parts.  The full body version is supposedly used to represent general prayers and/or overall protection.  She laughed, looked at me and said, "yep, that's what you need right now," and bought the charm. 

I don't feel any less sore or tired, but I'm "drinking the kool-aid" as it were!  LOL.
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