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2011-10-30 5:00 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Crystal Coast
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Apologies for not posting my bid number but I see you did an excellent job of locating me which is absolutely amazing in a field of 1800 plus racers.  Considering that I registered for the race under Joseph vice Joe and I post my location as Crystal Coast on BT vice Morehead City for the race, I am really impressed.  By the way, do you have any affiliation with the CIA, NSA, FBI, or IRS?Wink


PS - great costume

2011-10-30 6:01 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Crystal Coast
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Thanks for the feedback and I will start a set of notes with my training log which will include my lessons learned during this season and other races.  On my ride I took two power bars and only consumed one and on the run I only took in water, a little chicken broth at mile 7 and the Chomps.  I was contemplating Heed but never trying it before on a run I did not want to take any chances.  I was a little nervous about the chicken broth but I figured I needed a little sodium.   Concerning the last 3 miles of my run, I will be debating that for a while, fitness vs nutrition.  However, experience is a wise teacher.  My stomach felt "full" during the last part of the run, which I believe was more of a sign that I was taking in to much water.   Now that I think about it I had quit taking the chomps by mile 9/10 thinking that anything after that was not going to help me in the remainder of the race. Hmmmm. 




2011-10-31 1:44 PM
in reply to: #3744584

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
JoeK - 2011-10-30 5:00 PM


Apologies for not posting my bid number but I see you did an excellent job of locating me which is absolutely amazing in a field of 1800 plus racers.  Considering that I registered for the race under Joseph vice Joe and I post my location as Crystal Coast on BT vice Morehead City for the race, I am really impressed.  By the way, do you have any affiliation with the CIA, NSA, FBI, or IRS?Wink


PS - great costume



Congrats on your race.  Don't be disappointed with your time - that always happens - you estimate what your times should be and it NEVER works out that way.

The sight of you covered with powdered sugar would have been amusing - haha

I found you because you said you had done Emerald Isle in 1:26-1:29 - so I just looked up those results - pretty easy.

Congrats again


2011-10-31 1:45 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
I made the paper again (different town).  Another 15" of fame.

(Crosslake - 2011a.jpg)

Crosslake - 2011a.jpg (82KB - 19 downloads)
2011-10-31 8:54 PM
in reply to: #3745869

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Hello there everyone!! I hope you are all doing well.  I am back from my "triathlon break" that I need every fall.  I need to catch up on the threads but I wanted to say hello.

292 days until Ironman Mont Tremblant!!

2011-11-01 8:51 PM
in reply to: #3746431

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Yowzers! You're back!! I had just about given you up for lost, maybe having disappeared on your annual Mount Katahdin solo, or worse -- abducted by a Wendigo. Mercy!

Glad you're well, adn that the countdown for M.T. is fully engaged and operational.

And the new pup -- doing fine?

2011-11-01 8:56 PM
in reply to: #3746431

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

oops, just a double post. tsk, tsk.

Edited by stevebradley 2011-11-01 8:59 PM
2011-11-01 9:14 PM
in reply to: #3745869

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


You're the most hit-and-run famous person I know. How many little recognition blurbs have you recieved in the past year -- three or four or five?

Dressing up for the event seems to have been the rule arather than the exception, and it is just a coincidence that the two (blond in front of you, brunette over your left shoulder) in the photo who aren't in costume both have their heads down? Seemingly in shame for taking the race too seriously and not in the spirit in which it was intended? (I'm not dissing them, as that's how I would do it, too.)

Now.....may I make and observation/suggestion? It might be the angle of the photo, but it looks to me as if you are rotating your trunk quite a bit, and that your right arm is crossing well over the midline of your body. Could this be the case? If so, you are probably losing a fair bit of your forward momentum/motion through that lateral twisting, and it would really be worth your time to focus on keeping your torso facing directly forward, and your arms staying well inside your midline. Make sense?

FWIW, it never ceases to amaze me how many of my race photos show me with my hands and forearms approaching ther midline, which is decidedly not how I train them to behave. I actually focus on that quite a bit on my training runs, "that" being having my hands track in line with my upper arms, which in turn I am aiming to keep close to my body by not allowing my elbows to flare outwards. I have "practiced" that in front of a mirror even, but my race photos tell me clearly that I don't always succeed at it. I'd say that a third of my race photos show my arms too far inside for my i guess when I return to running after this current off-season lull, I'll know what to target in my technique.

ANYHOW, I hope you don't mind the (gentle, i hope) critique.

2011-11-02 7:38 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Crystal Coast
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Mandy...Welcome back.  You snowed in yet?


2011-11-03 3:14 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Howdy everyone! Hope everyone's fall racing is going well! 

Thought I'd stick my head in and see what's up....need to go back and read some posts to make sure I haven't missed any of you breaking records or PRs. 

My plan to complete the White Rock Half Mary in Dallas early December has been put on hold. My long runs were 10 miles and after the 3rd one (I always do my long runs outside because to be on the dreadmill for that long freaks me out - too mind-numbing) my right knee started to swell and had some limited range of motion. Coach said keep on running as long as it didn't hurt - but me being the Doubting Thomas that I am got a second opinion from my orthopedist who promptly sidelined me from any running for at least 10 days to let the swelling go down. That really put my dobber in the dirt because I was really looking forward to putting the last piece of the HIM puzzle together before the end of the year so that my "A" race next year could be a HIM. Anyway, I have a month left to train, but it's not looking good. 

Sooo....I asked the doc what up with my knee and he believes that there isn't any structural damage, but just trauma from repeated pounding on the pavement. My advanced years and extra pounds probably doesn't do much for me on this can I do? I guess I can run on the treadmill and only run on the roads during a race?? 

Speaking of extra pounds, I gained 6 freaking lbs over the summer!

Oh, and also...a high school buddy of mine has got me hooked on mountain biking. I loooooove it!! So much fun and gets that HR up there and keeps it up! Now if I can just get over the sheer terror moments during some of those huge drops onto tree roots and rocks I'll be better - but it does itch that thrill seeking personality of mine.

Anyone got any races coming up?


2011-11-03 8:58 PM
in reply to: #3807445

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
kickitinok - 2011-11-03 4:14 PM



Sooo....I asked the doc what up with my knee and he believes that there isn't any structural damage, but just trauma from repeated pounding on the pavement. My advanced years and extra pounds probably doesn't do much for me on this can I do? I guess I can run on the treadmill and only run on the roads during a race?? 

Anyone got any races coming up?


So... what can I do......  sounds like to me you got a great alternate to running until everything is heeled.  Get on your mountain bike and ride.  Great aerobic exercise, much easier on the knee and you enjoy doing it.

Racing season done for me.  Got lots planned for 2012. 

2011-11-04 7:11 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
Hello Mandy
2011-11-04 7:15 PM
in reply to: #3748059

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

stevebradley - 2011-11-01 9:14 PM  Now.....may I make and observation/suggestion? It might be the angle of the photo, but it looks to me as if you are rotating your trunk quite a bit, and that your right arm is crossing well over the midline of your body. Could this be the case? If so, you are probably losing a fair bit of your forward momentum/motion through that lateral twisting, and it would really be worth your time to focus on keeping your torso facing directly forward, and your arms staying well inside your midline. Make sense? 

Goodness Steve - you are so right.  Wow!  I didn't know I was doing that.  My next run I will pay attention to my form (which I never do) and see if I'm always that bad.

Thank you so much,


2011-11-04 7:19 PM
in reply to: #3807445

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

kickitinok - 2011-11-03 3:14 PM can I do? I guess I can run on the treadmill and only run on the roads during a race?? 

That's what I do.  Because of knee issues I've been told not to run on hard surfaces.  In the summer, I do my bricks on a dirt road not far from my house - I was told dirt is ok to run on.  Rest of the time is on the treadmill - 2 hour runs on the treadmill are not fun.


2011-11-05 7:30 AM
in reply to: #3435045

New user
Swansea, IL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

 Just wanted to drop in to tell everyone, particularly Steve, thanks for all the encouragement and advice over the last 6 months or so.  My season ended with a century ride and 10K in October.  Hitting the weights pretty hard until first of the year when I'm going to start training for my first Oly in May.  The OWS will be the biggest challenge since its about 4X the distance i've been going in the pool.  Also always a challenge to get on the bike due to weather.  Plan to take weekly spinning class and might even dig my trainer out of the garage.  Thanks again and good luck to everybody next year!


2011-11-05 10:32 PM
in reply to: #3807445

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


I am 217% on the side of the ortho guy, as swelling is never anything to mess with. Niggles and wonks and aches and pains are maybe workthroughable, but i always view swelling as let-it-go-down type of situation.

It's odd, though, that he would make a call on at least 10 days without venturing an opinion as to what exactly happened. I mean, usually when there is a time-frame like that it reflects the generally known healing times of a particular injury -- hat's how it's worked for me a few times, anyhow.

S, may I ask, where exactly (or even roughly) is the swelling?

All that aside, however, it is a shame that you got so close to being able to do White Rock. That is often the case with longer running races, though, where all those miles have been put in the bank....and then the body has suffered and rebelled, and evrything has to be put on hold for however long. I've had two marathons quashed within the final week or two before them, and that is a huge letdown.

Now, i'm not necessarrily advocating what I'm abot to say, but if you get back to feeling fine and there is still a week or more left before W.R., you could conceivably run it just to get that experience of what 13.1 feels like. Having done ten, you're maybe a mile from what a lot of people stop their H-M training at, and at that point they rely on race day adrenaline to carry them those final couple of miles. But that's juts a thought, nad needs to be considered in light of how the knee is feeling AND how devastated you will be if you can't do W.R. Realistically, probably both should be high -- like, >95% for how the knee feels, and about >80% for your degree of potential devastation if you have to bail.

As for pavement and treadmills, I don't necessarily buy the concept that "pounding the pavement" is damaging. My understanding is that concrete IS potentially damaging, and by concrete I mean the grey stuff. The purply stuff is supposedly not as damaging, and I guess that is based is minute levels of...."give", perhaps? The drawback i've heard on treadmills is unless they are extremely well-maintained, they can have too much give and cause different problems for joints and the Achilles. Certainly give the 'mill a good try and see how it suits you, but I can't believe that periodic to maybe even frequent forays onto paved surfaces is going to hurt you that much more.

Finally ---- "....really put my dobber in the dirt." ????? That's a new one for me! Care to explain it? (It makes me think of dowsing for a water source, maybe during times of severe drought........or possibly something a bit more prurient! )

2011-11-05 10:40 PM
in reply to: #3821834

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Care to divulge some of those '12 plans. It's NEVER too early for me to start living vicariously through all of you!

2011-11-05 10:52 PM
in reply to: #3834319

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


I haven't recently looked into "cures" for that twisting style you have, but I think it is a relatively easy problem to solve. I'll ferret around in my running booksm, though, and see what I can come up with.

Offhand, though, I think the sloution starts high, as in your arm movement. In efeect, the sloutiion is "right before your eyes", meaning that you want to see your hands as they come forward, and that where you want to see them is always on the outside of your vision.

Another thought is that you could work on keeping your elbows in tight against your body -- just on the verge of rubbing against you ribs. It is much easier to get them swinging towards or actross your midline if the elbows are flaring out from you sides.

Yet another thought is the amount your elbows swing in a back-and-forth arc. I think the further you allow them to swing behind your body, the more momentum they have to carry that swing further to the front -- and if the elbows are flaring, then the direction they will follow when your arms move forward will encourage your arms to swing over your midline. And that will usaully lead to one's body twisting so as to keep up with the arms, in effect. I'm sure that in most cases it's the errant arms that dictate the twisting of the body, rather than vice versa.

But, as I said, i will look into this further and see if what I've just said makes any sense at all, or is just pure and unadulterated hogwash!

2011-11-05 11:06 PM
in reply to: #3834549

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Nice ending to the season, and take thjat 10km staright into the oly in May. And speaking of taking, take the trainer out of the garage and try to get on it a few times weekly throughout the winter. Those sessions don't have to beepic", as in multi-hour ordeals, but just enough to roughly simulate the 40km of the oly. So, nothing really needs to exceed 90 minutes, and lots of shorter (and maybe more intense) sessions would do you lots of good.

As for the swim, most people find that once they hit a certain point in their pool work, the subsequent gains come more quickly. When you say that the oly swim (which is usually about 1500m) is about 4X what you're doing now, then I'm guessing you're at about 16 lengths, which would be 400m. So, you can think about working ever-so-gradually up from there, aiming for maybe 800m by January, and by then you should find it significantly easier to keep adding on the distance.

Bottom-linne advise then is to not get intimidated by the big chunk of a full 1500, but rather view it as lots of smaller bites into that distance. One huge advantage to pools is that they are tailor-made to adding on the incremental distances -- 25m at a time. Perfect! Plus, you really do have lots of time to get to 1500, as -- waaaaaahhhhh!!! -- May is still a full half-year away. WAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!

Finally, congrats on your Cards pulling off the improbable. I was going for the Rangers, and much like the last day of the season when the Red Sox were eliminated, the drama that swirling around thsoe bad results pretty much justified suffering through them. For the cards, of course, that would be Game Six, possibly the most riveting baseball game I have ever seen. Fisk in G6 of '75 was pretty incredible, but this mighta been more so.

However, watch ouit next season --- Theo Epstein is coming into Wrigley to turn the Cubbies around!

Keep in touch, eh?

2011-11-06 7:03 AM
in reply to: #3835254

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

stevebradley - 2011-11-05 11:40 PM JEFF - Care to divulge some of those '12 plans. It's NEVER too early for me to start living vicariously through all of you!


2/5 - Sprint, Superbowl Y Tri (1st Tri that ever did - just a fun one early in the season)

3/24 - HIM, Gator Half (seems to attract a lot of people from out of town)

5/12 - Sprint, Florida International (redemption from last year, only I'm not doing the Olympic distance because of the beach run)

7/14 - Sprint, Englewood (well organize local sprint, going to be a hot one but it's not long)

10/28 - HIM, REV3 (big race in my home town, can't miss that)

Those are the plans anyway.  All of them are local and don't require overnight travel.  Can't wait, will see what happens.

2011-11-06 5:56 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Crystal Coast
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


I'm jealous......a race right outside your doorstep every 2-3 months.  Not sure about a July race in Florida though no matter how short. Sorta like racing in a sauna......



2011-11-06 5:58 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Crystal Coast
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Oopps...Actually that should read Jeff not Steve.......My apologies Jeff.  Sealed

2011-11-06 8:06 PM
in reply to: #3835906

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
JoeK - 2011-11-06 6:56 PM


I'm jealous......a race right outside your doorstep every 2-3 months.  Not sure about a July race in Florida though no matter how short. Sorta like racing in a sauna......




It is nice to have lots of options.  I'm lucky.  Actually outside of Dec, Jan, and Feb it's like multiple races per month.

Indeed, June, July, August and September are hot and humid here.  Honestly the July Sprint doesn't worry me too much.  It will be warm and I'll suffer but the suffering won't last that long.

I am a little worried about the ramp up to the REV3 HIM in October.  I'll be on a 12 week HIM specific preparation training plan for that one.  Which means the training will start in August.  Not ideal but I really want to do the race.


2011-11-09 9:28 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Crystal Coast
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Do any of the races ever get wet suit legal?


2011-11-10 5:54 AM
in reply to: #3835414

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Mighty fine schedule you've got in the works!

As for the HIM and training for it in a bit too much heat........not that I'd know what that's like, of course..........but one approach might be that seeing as how you'll be working on your Base in prep for Gator anyhow, you can feel confident in bailing on some of the more routine workouts during hot August. Actually, given the depth of your race sechedule, you should be in terrific form come August anyhow, and the first part of it might be a good time to dial it back some. Maybe carry on from Englewood as hard as you can until the heat wears you down, and then start juggling some of those early-week workouts of the 12-week HIM plan.

I agree, though, that REV3 must be a must-do for you, so however it can work, make it work! My second IM was about 30 minutes from home, and it was absolutely wonderful to be able to carry on life as normal leading up to it, and then return home after it and sleep in my own bed. While there is lots to recommend doing the bigger (i.e., longer) races at some venue where there are bells and whistles and an excuse to make a huge deal out of it, I think the perfect world would have all the great races a short drive away.

I'm still working on my sched, but as with every year, that'll be a long and circuitous process -- full of twists and turns, advances and retreats, enthusiasms sprouting and then withering. The localish series is always an option, but there are a few downsides to it that make it hard to commit to, or really even look forward to. Sigh.

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