BT Development Mentor Program Archives » ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2013-08-18 6:20 AM
in reply to: strikyr

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Well I was planning to head out for a long ride and do some hilly loops but the rain is on the way today so I may just stay local and try and get my 100 to 112 in closer to home. If it does rain at least I'll be able to take it in and finish up indoors if I have to. I'm still planning 100 to 112 mile ride and a 4 to 6 mile run. I'll be heading out soon enough, I got up late today so it will be a little bit of a late start for me but I'll get this in today for sure.

2013-08-18 8:08 AM
in reply to: strikyr

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Holy canolli!!! Warren' bike split is KILLER!!! 23.6 MPH at the 30 mile split! I hope he is coming in as the first AG'er again!
2013-08-18 8:12 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Wowsa, Wowsa, WARREN!!!   He's showing no fear today!   Yay!!
2013-08-18 9:35 AM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Wow nice ride Warren! Congrats
2013-08-18 10:46 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by DirkP

Originally posted by bswcpa

Sweet ride, DEREK!   What aero bag do you have?   I can't quite read the name from the picture.  

TONY - What other reason is there to get to an IM several days before the race besides getting comfortable in your surroundings?   I know most folks do it - arrive on Wednesday or Thursday before a Sunday race.   Are all those days necessary or is it a personal choice?    Is your family coming?  I'm not sure I can ask my family to take that many days off school/work next year but want to be prepared.  

That is a sweet set of wheels!  The Cervelo bikes always look amazing to me.

I am kind of interested in how long everyone will spend at the IM venues as well.  I am not sure what Lis will feel like next year for my trip to.................

..................Wisconsin, if we spend several days in Madison.  I may have to figure out how to make a week of it and try to get to Lake Michigan fro a few days.  That would be the closest we would get to the ocean (which is Lisa's favorite vacation spot) for a more "normal" vacation.

Did I read this correctly???? Wisconsin . We went up on thursday morning last year, I felt I needed time to soak it all in and try to relax. For me next time we probably won't go up until Friday night or early saturday for me There was too much down time and racing tends to make me crazy nervous. If I would have stayed home I could have occupied myself with other things.

You are always welcome to come stay at our house, we are close to Chicago, and Milwaukee and about 10 blocks from lake Michigan so Lisa can enjoy too!! Plus we are about 2 hrs from Madison we also have some great parks not to far away. Gosh listen to me I should be on the Wisconsin tourism board lol
2013-08-18 11:09 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Derek love your bike!! Looking forward to hearing your results!
Brenda that is awesome that you are the halfway point for Dirk
Tony have a great ride today I hope it doesn't rain before you get it in.

I am still not sure if we are heading yo to Madison lat Saturday or really early Sunday. My daughter might still come with Maria and I and she works till 3 on sat. I will let you know as soon as I get a yes or no from Amanda.

So.... The Brewer game was interesting, I almost got in a fight. We were leaving the game and Maria and i had started back to the cars before everyone else and some guy came up behind Maria and grabbed her in a not appropriate place. I freakin lost it, and got in his face, he backed down but this girl he was with started up with me and then another guy they were with got in my face and says go ahead and hit me you f'n b and I will sue you......I was like what???? Unfortunately a little alcohol and my temper got the best of me....and I ended up running my mouth, but Maria grabbed me and pulled me away. It was not pretty but I will defend anyone when someone is inappropriate.

2013-08-18 2:57 PM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by bswcpa Wowsa, Wowsa, WARREN!!!   He's showing no fear today!   Yay!!


2013-08-18 3:44 PM
in reply to: trigal38

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Well race is done. Really a learning experience as it was my first Oly. End up with and average swim, hammered the bike and suffered though the run. Ended up walking a few times after the 4mi point, however I was able to hold off a few people that I wanted to beat. The poor run (~54min) was due to a few factors I think, too hard on the bike, off on the nutrition, and most of all, the lack if training I've had the past few weeks. All in all it ended up being about a 2:32:30. Don't have the final time or splits yet, between garmin problems, and the race not being chip timed, I'm still waiting for the times to be posted. Ill have full RR done up soon so you guys can help me figure out what to improve on for my race in three weeks.

Looks like Warren was out there killing the bike, hope he hangs on.
2013-08-18 3:44 PM
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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Double post.

Edited by BigDaddyD79 2013-08-18 3:45 PM
2013-08-18 3:57 PM
in reply to: trigal38

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

My body is screaming at me to relent!!  I have ridden 146 miles in 2 day and run 19 miles in three days (Fri. and today) and my legs are shot.  It's also a cumulative of the past 2 weeks that's working on me too.  I have been wanting to nail some heavy, long bikes for most of the summer and now was the best time for me to get some long rides in.  Over the past 15 days I have been trying to keep my cycling as high as I can without taking anything more away from the family stuff going on, and there has been plenty. 

My 2 weeks' totals are 350+ miles of riding and 60+ miles of running and I've had 3 forced days away from any training at all.  Those days have been forced because I had to change brakes and a starter on Laiken's car and took one day off after I demolished myself trying to beat Jeff in Indy.

I plan to cook myself for one more week and dial things back only slightly before we head to Florida for a long weekend over the Labor day holiday.  I am planning another century+ next Saturday before pulling back to and getting ready to ride with Jeff in TN on the way down to Fla.  I figure he's going to trash me on some Tennessee hills so that I never forget my love for the flat lands of northern Indiana.

2013-08-18 6:48 PM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by BigDaddyD79 Well race is done. Really a learning experience as it was my first Oly. End up with and average swim, hammered the bike and suffered though the run. Ended up walking a few times after the 4mi point, however I was able to hold off a few people that I wanted to beat. The poor run (~54min) was due to a few factors I think, too hard on the bike, off on the nutrition, and most of all, the lack if training I've had the past few weeks. All in all it ended up being about a 2:32:30. Don't have the final time or splits yet, between garmin problems, and the race not being chip timed, I'm still waiting for the times to be posted. Ill have full RR done up soon so you guys can help me figure out what to improve on for my race in three weeks. Looks like Warren was out there killing the bike, hope he hangs on.

I'll check the RR once it's up but I wonder about nutrition. 

How many calories did you take and where? 

Ideally, during the race you should get all of your calories on the bike.  I would take a gel about 15-20 minutes before the race starts and then feed off the bike.  If you take calories on the run they are unlikely to hit your system during your run and it's just empty calories at that point.

Try to outline the plan you used  in your RR or post it in the forum.

2013-08-18 6:59 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Ya, I took two gels on the bike, one at 10k, one at 30k, I had another in my suit that I planned to take on the run. About 4.5k into the run I passed a water station and thought about taking the gel. I didn't and about 2k later I knew I should have. Totally no energy. I walked a few times for 30 sec. Then tried running again, I finally took the gel at the next water station and walked/ran/walked some more. A couple of minutes after the gel I was able to get running again and run out the last 1.5k or so. Was it mental, could have been, I'm sure my run fitness/too hard on the bike, played into it as well. As soon as I have the accurate times ill post them with all the juicy details of what I ate that day etc.
2013-08-18 7:27 PM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by bswcpa

Glad you're feeling better, JOANNE!   Sounds like you have a fun day planned.   We'll be traveling to IMWI on Saturday morn.   Depending on traffic around Chicago we should get in between 1:00 and 2:00.   We're staying at Lake Farm Campground - site 5.  We'll set up camp then hop on our bikes (weather permitting) and ride into Madison, check out the race site and figure where we have to be in the morn.    When will you be there?    I'm pretty sure TONY will be there already. 

Sent DIRK a text of my address so I may see him at his halfway turn today.   It's absolutely a perfect morning for a ride here in Indiana.

Enjoy your Saturday EVERYONE

so my daughter finally said she would come up to volunteer i thought we could just see if they need her help.....I think I twisted her arm, anyway I wasn't thinking ahead and there is nothing available for camping so I guess we are coming up early Sunday morning.
2013-08-18 7:37 PM
in reply to: Jo63

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Derek congratulations on your race! I am looking forward to your RR.
Dirk wow you are so ready for an IM. Iam impressed with the amount of riding and running.

I did the spin class yesterday which was really fun but I recall somewhere someone saying spin isn't so great for tri-bike training, if that is correct could you explain why? I felt like I got a pretty good workout. Followed that up of an hr of personal training, some guy actually came up to my trainer and said he was impressed with how hard I work gotta say that felt kinda good.
2013-08-18 7:59 PM
in reply to: Jo63

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Warren congrats on defending the title at Timberman! You killed it on the bike today! You must have been riding with no fear as the 30 mile split was awesome.

Derek congrats on a good finish today at your Oly. That is a really good time and even though things didn't all go as expected you still did very well and the good thing is you know that you could have done better. I'm looking forward to hearing all about it in the RR.

JoAnne sorry to hear about the incident at the Breweres game but glad to hear nothing came of it. I'm looking forward to seeing both you and Brenda in Madison. I won't see you until Sunday then but you will know where to find me :-)

Dirk sounds like you have been making up for the lost time with your training and I don't blame you for taking advantage of the opportunity while you can do it. The long rides you've been doing now are going to set you up nicely for when you officially start your IM training.
2013-08-18 8:02 PM
in reply to: Jo63

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by Jo63

Derek congratulations on your race! I am looking forward to your RR.
Dirk wow you are so ready for an IM. Iam impressed with the amount of riding and running.

I did the spin class yesterday which was really fun but I recall somewhere someone saying spin isn't so great for tri-bike training, if that is correct could you explain why? I felt like I got a pretty good workout. Followed that up of an hr of personal training, some guy actually came up to my trainer and said he was impressed with how hard I work gotta say that felt kinda good.

I would bet Jeff would disagree with that JoAnne. I'm not sure if Tracy would agree either as I thought she teaches spin classes.

2013-08-18 8:04 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Quick update on my race. I'll do a full RR later. My splits make it look like I fell apart (23.6 for first 30 miles and 19.7 for the last 25), but that's really a function of the course. All the hills (for Dirk- hills are where a road tilts up or down) are on the first and last 13 miles, so the last 25 is over half hills and the first 30 is less as a percentage. And it's also and out and back and the wind is always in your face after the turnaround. I also had a few interesting moments over the last half.

I did actually negative split the bike in terms of power. Our would it be positive split for power? Higher watts on the second half is what I'm saying. I also had no fear at all on race day - I hit 48.5 on the biggest downhill. I also had a very eventful last 15 miles. First with about 15 miles to go I dropped the chain near the top of one of the worst hills. It wedged in pretty good, so it took a few moments to dislodge it, then I could not possibly clip in and keep pedaling up, so I had to go down a bit and do some re-climbing. Then with about 6 1/2 miles to go I ran into a car. Not going too fast, but enough to dent his side. He took a right turn in front of me right through a cop telling him to stop. He (the cop) was PISSED. I thought the cop was gonna pull his gun and shoot the guy. Then a few miles later my right aero bar screws broke off, so I lost my right pad. Then at the finish I came in too hot, hit the brakes and skidded on the dirt path runway, and when I reached the carpet the front wheel caught and I did a full somersault over the bike, but protected the bike the whole way (not so much my knee and nose - maybe I'll post a pic).

But, I did have a great ride nonetheless. Our swimmer kicked serious butt this year, and we gave our runner enough of a lead to bring it home again. So we are relay champs again!

Edited by wbayek 2013-08-18 9:11 PM
2013-08-18 8:12 PM
in reply to: wbayek

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by wbayek
Then at the finish I came in too hot, hit the brakes and skidded on the dirt path runway, and when I reached the carpet the front wheel caught and I did a full somersault over the bike, but protected the bike the whole way (not so much my knee and nose - maybe I'll post a pic).

Pics or it didn't happen! Now that's a RR I can't wait to read.
2013-08-18 8:16 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
It was interesting workout for me today. I got my century ride in today and did 112 miles and followed it up by a 5 mile run. The bike was split into two rides. I did the first 53 miles outdoors in 3:09. It was overcast and windy out. I was trying to beat the rain that was being forecast so I stayed close to home to do the ride. It started raining so I needed to stop home to replace bottles and decided to just take it indoors. I didn't want to chance anything happening being 3 weeks out from my race.

Well I set up on the trainer and it stops raining but by then I just didn't feel like stopping and heading out so I did 59 miles in 3:27 on the trainer. It really wasn't that bad. So overall I did 112 miles in 6:36 at IM pace. I was slow outdoors because I was riding in a residential area and I do have to slow a bit in certain areas plus the wind always slows me down. I tried to keep my IM pace as well, same on the trainer. I did a much better job with my nutrition as well today. In fact it might have been the best of the 3 rides I've done so far. I was tired when I got off the bike and didn't feel that good initially but when I got ready to run I started feeling better.

In fact I felt great on the run and I thought I had a great 5 mile run. I started nice and slow within my expected IM pace but I really started moving faster than I've been training for, I've been in the 11-12 mpm range and here I am running in the low 10's and my HR was within my targeted range. I was like man I better back it down and I tried but I ran a good portion in the 10-11 mpm range. I felt that good today. After I finished I know I could have kept running. The most amazing part of all this is afterwards I felt great. I mean I didn't even feel like I trained for 7:30 and did 117 miles! That totally blows my mind! I may feel like garbage tomorrow but I even now I feel no worse than if I had run a few miles today. I thinking this is the closest I'll ever be to feel like Superman!
2013-08-18 8:57 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Warren that is crazy....can not wait for the full report, I am happy to hear you are ok it sure could have been worse, and way toat you conquer the hill issue

Tony awesome ride and run you are gonna do great in Madison.

Edited by Jo63 2013-08-18 9:05 PM
2013-08-18 9:15 PM
in reply to: Jo63

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Tony, that's an awesome day. Breakthrough workouts are always a blast. Great job. And to spend that much time on the trainer is crazy.

2013-08-18 9:43 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by strikyr
Originally posted by Jo63 Derek congratulations on your race! I am looking forward to your RR. Dirk wow you are so ready for an IM. Iam impressed with the amount of riding and running. I did the spin class yesterday which was really fun but I recall somewhere someone saying spin isn't so great for tri-bike training, if that is correct could you explain why? I felt like I got a pretty good workout. Followed that up of an hr of personal training, some guy actually came up to my trainer and said he was impressed with how hard I work gotta say that felt kinda good.
I would bet Jeff would disagree with that JoAnne. I'm not sure if Tracy would agree either as I thought she teaches spin classes.

I think maybe you are thinking of a particular spin class I described one time where we did a bunch of hovers and jump ups and stuff like that.

2013-08-18 9:47 PM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by BigDaddyD79 Well race is done. Really a learning experience as it was my first Oly. End up with and average swim, hammered the bike and suffered though the run. Ended up walking a few times after the 4mi point, however I was able to hold off a few people that I wanted to beat. The poor run (~54min) was due to a few factors I think, too hard on the bike, off on the nutrition, and most of all, the lack if training I've had the past few weeks. All in all it ended up being about a 2:32:30. Don't have the final time or splits yet, between garmin problems, and the race not being chip timed, I'm still waiting for the times to be posted. Ill have full RR done up soon so you guys can help me figure out what to improve on for my race in three weeks. Looks like Warren was out there killing the bike, hope he hangs on.

Don't be too hard on yourself. I would rejoice with a time like that! But we wouldn't be Junkies if we settled right?!

2013-08-18 9:50 PM
in reply to: wbayek

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by wbayek

Tony, that's an awesome day. Breakthrough workouts are always a blast. Great job. And to spend that much time on the trainer is crazy.

Warren my workout was very uneventful compared to your bike leg at Timberman. That was crazy! I hope you're alright and I'm glad to hear the bike is alright as well. Last year you had the seat incident and this year you topped it by hitting a car and flying off the bike in separate incidents! I admire you for putting yourself in harms way for the sake of charity. I couldn't help but laugh when I read about the cop too. And yes the 25 minute swim is what the pros do, unbelievable.
2013-08-18 9:52 PM
in reply to: wbayek

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by wbayek Quick update on my race. I'll do a full RR later. My splits make it look like I fell apart (23.6 for first 30 miles and 19.7 for the last 25), but that's really a function of the course. All the hills (for Dirk- hills are where a road tilts up or down) are on the first and last 13 miles, so the last 25 is over half hills and the first 30 is less as a percentage. And it's also and out and back and the wind is always in your face after the turnaround. I also had a few interesting moments over the last half. I did actually negative split the bike in terms of power. Our would it be positive split for power? Higher watts on the second half is what I'm saying. I also had no fear at all on race day - I hit 48.5 on the biggest downhill. I also had a very eventful last 15 miles. First with about 15 miles to go I dropped the chain near the top of one of the worst hills. It wedged in pretty good, so it took a few moments to dislodge it, then I could not possibly clip in and keep pedaling up, so I had to go down a bit and do some re-climbing. Then with about 6 1/2 miles to go I ran into a car. Not going too fast, but enough to dent his side. He took a right turn in front of me right through a cop telling him to stop. He (the cop) was PISSED. I thought the cop was gonna pull his gun and shoot the guy. Then a few miles later my right aero bar screws broke off, so I lost my right pad. Then at the finish I came in too hot, hit the brakes and skidded on the dirt path runway, and when I reached the carpet the front wheel caught and I did a full somersault over the bike, but protected the bike the whole way (not so much my knee and nose - maybe I'll post a pic). But, I did have a great ride nonetheless. Our swimmer kicked serious butt this year, and we gave our runner enough of a lead to bring it home again. So we are relay champs again!

OMG, I am laughing so hard right now. I'm going to stop writing race reports because I'm afraid Warren is taking notes from me! Oh wait, I have not had a cop almost pull a gun on anyone or somersault over the bike. I'll work on that for my next race .

Seriously though, congratulations to your entire team! That is excellent.

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