Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!mjh1975 - 2011-12-16 6:09 AM TriAya - 2011-12-15 4:04 PM mjh1975 - 2011-12-16 5:58 AM never crush your kids dreams no matter how old your kids are.  Well ... it kinda depends on the what the dream is ... but what brought that on? converation that I had today with my dad.............. Oh noes. Well, you're also old enough to know that parents aren't always right. They may have more power to push our buttons, including the dream-crusher one, than anyone else, but they aren't always right. You did just make me grateful for something. As (truly horrifyingly) dysfunctional as our family is, my parents never discouraged me from any dream I wanted to follow, even when I was considering becoming a nun or single missionary lady. In fact, my father still brings that up every chance he gets. Well, I guess most dads would be fine with their precious little daughters being that way ... forever ... hahaha! My mom also didn't think much of my wanting to become a hit (wo)man. She said, "I'll pretend I never heard that and don't involve me in anything." |