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2010-01-27 10:07 AM
in reply to: #2637120

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Yes, they do recommend all their athletes do their training with power.  I actually just got a power meter on Monday which I'm really pumped about.  They're really expensive, but I was luckily enough to buy a used one of a friend and got a great deal.  A lot of coaches consider it almost to be cheating when racing because it gives you the ability to know exactly how hard you should be going at all times (wattage wise) during the race once you've done the appropriate testing.

I've only done 1 ride with it so far, but I'm doing a time trial on Saturday which will really test what I can do power wise.

2010-02-01 8:16 AM
in reply to: #2637211

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Prairie Village, KS
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED

Hey guys and gals, it has been quiet on the forum for the last couple of days so I figured I would give everyone an update.

I have successfully finished my 1st 2 weeks of HIM training and am still alive.  I also have not missed a workout.  A couple things I have noticed over the last 2 weeks:

 - my swimming is probably stronger than I thought it would be at this point
 - Jorge's winter maintenance program (what I did of it) has helped, but I still have a LONG way to go on the bike
 - I need to focus on not going too hard on my runs so as not to contribute to any injuries (shin splints), especially at this stage of the process
 - The Garmin 305 I purchased has really helped to pace myself
 - I am not as exhausted as I thought I would be, but I am definitely sleeping more than I used to

We 3 started this morning with an easy 40 minute run with the wife bright and early.  I am very excited to continue on this path with the ultimate test being June 6th.

I hope everyone is well and sticking to their training plans.  Be well.

2010-02-01 9:17 PM
in reply to: #2646888

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Port Moody
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
nice work Matt. I work so much different when in a structured program.How are you liking the Garmin, its awesome huh ! I love mine.
How was your TT Colin, how about the Power meter?
Training is going good, another 60 min  session tonight on the trainer. Can't wait for the weather to change, I'm soft though, I would rather do a session on the trainer than drag the bike outside eve nthough it's not that cold out just damp and wet, I don't like damp and wet.
Hows everyone else doing?

, train well train hard
2010-02-01 9:18 PM
in reply to: #2646888

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Port Moody
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
nice work Matt. I work so much different when in a structured program.How are you liking the Garmin, its awesome huh ! I love mine.
How was your TT Colin, how about the Power meter?
Training is going good, another 60 min  session tonight on the trainer. Can't wait for the weather to change, I'm soft though, I would rather do a session on the trainer than drag the bike outside eve nthough it's not that cold out just damp and wet, I don't like damp and wet.
Hows everyone else doing?

, train well train hard
2010-02-01 9:18 PM
in reply to: #2646888

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Port Moody
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
nice work Matt. I work so much different when in a structured program.How are you liking the Garmin, its awesome huh ! I love mine.
How was your TT Colin, how about the Power meter?
Training is going good, another 60 min  session tonight on the trainer. Can't wait for the weather to change, I'm soft though, I would rather do a session on the trainer than drag the bike outside eve nthough it's not that cold out just damp and wet, I don't like damp and wet.
Hows everyone else doing?

, train well train hard
2010-02-01 9:18 PM
in reply to: #2646888

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Port Moody
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
nice work Matt. I work so much different when in a structured program.How are you liking the Garmin, its awesome huh ! I love mine.
How was your TT Colin, how about the Power meter?
Training is going good, another 60 min  session tonight on the trainer. Can't wait for the weather to change, I'm soft though, I would rather do a session on the trainer than drag the bike outside eve nthough it's not that cold out just damp and wet, I don't like damp and wet.
Hows everyone else doing?

, train well train hard

2010-02-02 8:32 AM
in reply to: #2648936

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Thanks for the update Matt, that is terrific news!!!  Keep up the great work.

I had a disappointing weekend.  I was signed up to do a time trial race at a local brewery, but did get to race because they were running 2 hours behind.  My heat was supposed to start at 9pm, which is pretty late for a race as in, but I didn't feel like waiting around for 3 hours (got there around 7:30) and my girlfriend had to work in the morning.  On the bright side, it was a cool event to check out.
2010-02-02 8:53 AM
in reply to: #2648936

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Great work from you too Dave! 

Liked I mentioned above, I was really bummed about not getting to race in the TT.  However, since I didn't get to do it, I woke up Sunday morning and did my own 20 min TT, which did go pretty well.  My average power wattage for the 20 minutes was 312.  Normally I wouldn't recommend doing this, but yesterday morning I did a 5 minute power test and averaged 404 because I needed to do these two tests to get some important calculations.  Based off this, I know I should be able to average about 243 watts for an hour and can do some longer projections. 

To see a video of the what the TT was like, check out:

That is the website for my new triathlon team a friend and I are forming.  I made the site so let me know what you think!

Edited by hockeyhands 2010-02-02 8:53 AM
2010-02-03 10:03 AM
in reply to: #2575024

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
2010-02-03 11:34 AM
in reply to: #2575024

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Franklin, VA
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED

Hi everybody!

I’m new here.  Colin has been helping me outside of this mentor group.  I think he decided that it would be easier to help me if I joined, so he invited me.  Thanks Colin! 

Name:  My name is Skip and my username is skiplong. 

Story:  I have not yet done any triathlons, but I have signed up to do my first Sprint on May 23rd.  The need, desire and opportunity have come together for me to take the leap into this crazy lifestyle and give it a try.  I’ve never competed in high school or college sports.  Well, I did track a couple years in high school so I could put it on my college application.  But I’ve always enjoyed being active.  I grew up hiking all through the Appalachian Mountains, spent some time in the Army and became fit and mean, have done well with weight lifting, have done some rock climbing, and for a while in Huntington Beach, CA I got into mountain biking and surfing.  I also love backpacking and will jump at any opportunity to do so.  So, though I enjoy being active, I will admit that I was less active than I should have been and have managed to put on plenty of pounds.  I moved to eastern VA recently where it’s very flat, so no more mountain biking.  I had been toying with the idea of triathlon for years, and now it’s time! 

Status:  I’ve been married to the same wonderful girl and love of my life for almost 14 years and have no kids.  (Our two dogs and one cat are enough for now!

Current Training:  I started training back in September, 2009 by walking around the block at my apartment.  Since then I have built up.  My current goal is to try to train five times per week.  I have a short loop run (2.9 miles) and a long loop run (4.0 miles).  At my current weight of 260 (down from 275) I don’t run more than twice per week.  It’s just too tough on my joints and legs.  I intend to stay injury free!  I have built my swimming to 1000+ yard sessions and am having some trouble deciding which direction to go to further my swim training.  I have had to mostly bike on a stationery bike as the weather has only allowed me to bike outside (on my new Christmas present) once.  (No comments from the vast majority of this group on how easy I have it!)

2010 Races:  As stated, I signed up for my first Sprint in May.  I want to do an additional Sprint in July and maybe, just maybe, finish my season with an Oly in September.  I may be able to do some other pickup local races if available—5K’s and short bike stuff. 

Weightloss:  Yes.  I’m at 260, down from 275.  My long term goal is 225.  (My next short term goal is 250 by tax day.)  Extra long term I don’t know how low I want to go.  My LBM is about 180 lbs, so getting below 200 is a major reach goal right now.  So I’m going to stay focused on 225 and adjust as necessary when I get there. 

Ok, that’s my story and I’m sticking with it.  Thanks again, Colin, for your help and the invitation to join your mentor group.  I’m very happy to be aboard!

2010-02-03 9:22 PM
in reply to: #2575024

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Extreme Veteran
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hey guys,

I haven't posted on here in a while, but things have been crazy busy.  The good news is that I got a teaching job for the rest of the year, but the bad news is that between teaching all day and working my other full-time job at night, I haven't had much time for training.  I still get out and run on weekends and try to get some strength in through the week, but definitely not enough.  I hope to only have to keep up the two-job schedule for this month, and maybe some of March, which will free up my schedule just in time to do a couple of short road races and start to really get ready for tri season.  I said before that I have never repeated a race distance, racing from 5k all the way up to a full marathon, with both a Sprint and Oly... well, this year, I plan to repeat EVERY race distance, except for the marathon.  It will be more than twice the number of races I've ever done in a year... but the most I've done is 4, so it's not really much of a challenge   Now, I just need to make sure that I PR each race (which again, shouldn't be too much of a challenge)

2010-02-03 11:02 PM
in reply to: #2652188

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED

hockeyhands - 2010-02-03 7:03 AM Hi Everyone,

Dave, I know you'll be interested in this...I just read a great article by Endurance Nation and the best way to get faster.  I recommend everyone take a look at this article when they have a chance:


Hi Colin,

Thanks for sharing our article with your group! Part III is almost done, currently stuck behind some writer's block for a week or two...but I'll get it done!

One poster described a confusion about training with heart rate vs power. Yes, we do recommend that athletes train with power if they have means to purchase a powermeter and the right gadget-friendly personality to make the headspace investment in learning how to use one. But one of the first things I ask athletes training with heart rate is "do you have fancy race wheels, especially a rear wheel or disk?" If the answer is yes, I recommend they at least sell the back wheel, maybe the front, to help finance a powermeter. In our experience, the powermeter is simply a better investment than race wheels.

That said, it's a pretty simple manner to translate/apply the lessons of power training to heart rate based training. For example, I could write a cycling workout like this:

2 x 20' @ 95-100%/Zone 4/Hard, where:

  • 95-100% is guidance for power athletes. Ride at 95-100% of your Functional Threshold Power (FTP), determined by a time trial.
  • Zone 4 is your Zone 4 heart rate, as a percentage of your Lactate Threshold Heart Rate (LTHR), determined during that same time trial above.
  • Hard is...the perceived exertion that the interval is "hard."

Three different tools (power, heart rate, perceived exertion), same workout, nearly the same results accomplished.

Thanks again,

2010-02-04 9:57 AM
in reply to: #2653742

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hi Jason,

Congratulations on the new job, that's terrific!  But you're telling me you can't find time to get your training in when you're working 2 full time jobs??? LOL, I'm impressed you're getting any time workouts in!  In all seriousness, just get what you can in at this point.  If you could maintain your current fitness level until you get back to just 1 job, I would say that would be a success.  The good thing is we still should have enough time to get you rocking for the season assuming you get some more free time next month.

In the meantime, best of luck managing everything. 
2010-02-04 10:04 AM
in reply to: #2652485

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Welcome Skip!

I'm really glad you decided to join and thanks for spending the time to give us a detailed profile on where you're at and where you want to be.  It sounds like you've really made some great progress already.  We've got a great group of people on here and we're all working together to try to help one another reach our goals.  Feel free to post any questions you have or just give us some updates on your training (preferably at least weekly).

Welcome once again Skip.  Hopefully we'll have to down to 225 in no time!
2010-02-04 10:15 AM
in reply to: #2653865

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hi Rich!

First off, I have to just say WOW!  Not to kiss your butt too much, but I'm a huge fan and I had to do a double take when I saw you posted on here.  It is truly an honor!

That was some excellent information and was very helpful.  I certainly understand what you're saying about trading in a disc wheel for a power meter.  I'm really excited to now be training with power, but your heart rate training information is great especially considering I do not believe anyone else in the group has a power meter.

I'm really looking forward to part III.  You must keep yourself pretty busy with all the great articles/videos etc you do!

Thanks so much Rich!!!

Edited by hockeyhands 2010-02-04 10:16 AM
2010-02-04 1:23 PM
in reply to: #2654579

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Port Moody
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED

Colin and Rich,
firts off thanks Colin for the link to the Endurance Nation stuff, great read very insightful. I spent most of yesterday and last night trying to digest it all.
Rich, thanks for responding to the thread we posted. I think I am the guy your refering to regarding HR and power. I do not have the fancy race wheels on my bike and as much as I would like to get a power meter it won't happent this season. Thanks for the reply regarding RPE/POWER AND LTH. I am trying to train most of the time in RPE and LTH  and it seems to help me with my training and my approach to training.
Thanks again

2010-02-04 3:49 PM
in reply to: #2575024

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Franklin, VA
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
OK Colin (et al.)
If I remember correctly from scanning through the posts here, you're thinking of/planning to become a swim coach.  So here's a swim related question for you.

I have my swim endurance up so that I can swim 1,000+ yards for a workout.  I swim it all at once in a relatively slow crawl.  So I feel I'm covered for my Sprint races.  (Especially since my first sprint has a little 300 yard pool swim.)  But I want to make my swim better.
Right now I'm torn between two trains of thought.  First is the method in which I do things like use the kick board and pull buoys etc. to increase my endurance and hopefully make my form better also.  Then there is the Total Immersion method which, unless I am mistaken, focusses solely on making your form as efficient as possible.
I'm sure I could benefit from either method, but they seem mutually exclusive.  What are your thoughts, advice and experiences?

2010-02-05 10:45 AM
in reply to: #2655653

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hi Skip,

That's great question and my guess my answer is a little bit of both.  Let me start off by saying that I am aware of Total Immersion and their methods for the most part, but I'm not exactly sure how they want you to execute that.  You ultimate goal should definitely to become as efficient as possible by having proper form and reducing drag/keeping your entire level.  Pull buoys and technique drills with definitely help you with your efficiency.  The three drills I would recommend for now are the finger tip, catch up drill, and pull buoy (no kicking at all).  Let me know if you are not familiar with any of these drills  Since you need to save your legs for the ride and run, it is important to minimize kicking.

If I could only give you one piece of advice it would be to focus on your reach and extending your arms at the end of each stroke.  Once your hand enters the water, it is very important to extend your arm out as far as possible and holding for a millisecond or two.  While working on this, you should be extending out so much that you can feel the stretch in your lats/back.  This will really improve your streamline position.

Let me know if you need any clarifications on this.
2010-02-07 2:09 PM
in reply to: #2575024

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Extreme Veteran
Huntington Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Sorry I've been quiet lately.  I just wrote a blog post I thought I'd re-post here...

Hope everyone is kicking butt on their training.

Taking The Plunge

Superbowl Sunday is my traditional day to sit down and register for a few races. Well, it's a tradition now anyway. Because last year is the first time I did it, and I've just now registered for the San Diego International Triathlon in June.

Maybe I should actually call it a trend now and then next year if I continue the practice I can officially call it a tradition. But I digress.

Last year on Superbowl Sunday I ran an annual local 5K. It was my first race since coming back from the land of the obese. It was my best 5K time ever at about 26 minutes (I had only managed 27 minutes and some change five years earlier). I was pumped on the race but I was also left a little empty since it was over so quickly - after all, I had put in many, many hours to get ready. So that afternoon I signed up for a sprint triathlon. I figured triathlons where longer, and it would satiate my desire for a better return on training investment. By the way I didn't own a bike other than a beach cruiser last February.

So in July of last year, after sorting out my equipment deficiencies, I did my first sprint race and then competed in two others by October. The races where awesome and great (and of course longer), but as far as satiating anything, it proved only a temporary fix.

This morning I went down to the race to watch, since I failed to register this year before it sold out. I then got myself pumped up by proxy. As I drove home, I decided that I was going to register for an international distance race in June, and I just pressed "send" on my registration. San Diego International is a 1K swim, 30k bike, and a 10k run, so a little more than double the distance of the sprints I've done. I've actually been thinking about doing this particular race since late last year, but this morning the decision was made. Or rather I should say it was made for me. Watching the runners go by this morning was both thrilling and inspiring.

I'm not too worried about the bike or the run. I am, however, worried about the swim. I've been regularly swimming this distance as a long set in my pool workouts, but as I've mentioned before, I could currently crawl it faster, possibly with both arms tied behind my back.

So I'm really going to have to work on my swimming. Maybe the fact that I am now committed to the longer swim will be what I need to find that extra focus. And then of course I'll need to work on putting these longer distances all together.

Anyway, wish me luck if you could. I'll spend a little time later today analyzing some new training plans to adjust accordingly going forward. But right now, since I missed the real race this morning, I think I'll go run a private 5K and see if I can PR.

2010-02-07 2:35 PM
in reply to: #2657011

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Franklin, VA
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hey Colin,
I researched the three drills you suggested on Youtube.  Then, yesterday, I did the finger tip drag for my entire 1,000 yards.  When I first started it threw a huge monkey wrench into what I had been doing.  It was almost as if I was starting to swim all over again.  By about half way I was starting to get in the groove a little and was able to breathe again.  By the time I was done, I could see how it is really something that is going to help me.  So thanks for the suggestions!  I'm going to keep at the finger tip thing and then add in the other drills you suggested as I progress.  Right now I'm thinking that I'll do my normal 1,000 yards with the finger tip drag, then maybe I'll add in some additional laps and do the catch up or pull buoy drills.  Who knows, maybe one day I'll actually look like a swimmer!
Thanks for the suggestions and feel free to keep 'em coming!
2010-02-08 12:18 PM
in reply to: #2659903

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Great to hear from you Patrick and what a great post!!!  That is terrific news!  Congratulations on signing up and best of luck!

Definitely take a look at the training programs, but it sounds to me like the "Olympic - Swim Focused - 16 Week" would be great for you.  I actually have one of the guys I teach in my triathlon swimming class getting started on this program.  Either way, let me know if you have any questions about anything or would like any advice.

It really pumps me and motivates me when I hear about people, especially you guys, talking their training/goals to the next level.

2010-02-08 2:28 PM
in reply to: #2659931

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hi Skip,

Glad to hear you checked youtube.  Youtube is a terrific tool, especially for swimming.  Glad to see you really like the finger trip drill.  A lot of people do resort to the figure tip drill when they get tired or feel their form starting to flip.  However, it is just a drill and it is not something you'd want to doing all of the time.  Ideally you want to do a drill for a 100-300 yards, maybe 500 at the most, and then go back to your normal stroke.  Hopefully your regular stroke will feel more comfortable and have better form after doing the drill.  There are lots of variations, but I usually sets of 500 with 100 finger tip, 50 regular, 100 catch up drill, 50 normal, 100 bull buoy, then finish with 100 normal.  Feel free to modify or reduce the amounts of each. 

Give the catch drill a shot.  It will really help your stroke.  However, you will probably have a hard time with it at first because it can be a hard drill for new swimmers. 

Keep up the great work!  If you stick with it and I promise we'll turn you into a swimmer!
2010-02-08 2:42 PM
in reply to: #2575024

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to give my weekly update.  Overall, I had a terrific week!

Overall, my training went pretty well.  However, I had to cut my long ride shoot on Sunday because of a hockey tournament I played in over the weekend, but it was well worth it.  Over the weekend I played in a tournament called Roy's cup and its actually a benefit for a girl that passed away from cancer a few years ago.  The tournament is played at a home made rink in a guy's backyard in Londerry, NH.  Here are some pics of the rink!  The rink and the whole setup is absolutely amazing!  They have food, beer, heated locker rooms, and the whole 9.  We ended up wining it all and it was well worth the "tri" training I missed out on.

I'm also very happy to announce that my new bike came in.  I ordered in about 4 months ago and have I have been EAGERLY awaiting its arrive.  I got a new Trek Equinox TTX 9.5 and its just beautiful!  It allows me to get into a much more aggressive aero position than my road bike so I'm really planning to put up some killer bike splits this season.  Pics coming soon.

That's about it for me.  How's everything going with everyone else? 
2010-02-08 10:49 PM
in reply to: #2575024

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Extreme Veteran
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hey everyone!  It looks like the end is in sight.  I plan on keeping up the two jobs until March 5th, at which time I will cut back to 1, which will open up some time for training.  Now, I have a question.  I plan on running road races in March, April, and May (to start) before my duathlon in June.  Each of these races offers a 5k or 10k, and I would like to do 2 of one distance and 1 of the other.  Are there any suggestions out there for which 5k(s) and which 10k(s) I should do?  Oh, and the du in June is a Sprint, so 5k run, 20k bike, 2.5k run.   
2010-02-10 12:34 PM
in reply to: #2662625

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hey Jason,

Glad to hear you've got the work issue in order.  Just keep plugging away and hopefully things will be back to normal before you know it.

That is an interesting question.  I would recommend doing a 5K in March and then the 10Ks in both April and May.  Since you haven't been able to train as much as you would like, the 5K will be a good distance for you while you're getting back into it.  After that, you can build yourself up to the 10K and then ideally go faster in the second 10K.  I do not see any reason to really taper and do the 5K race in May as you should be building towards the du anyway.  Sound like a plan?
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