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2009-01-25 3:28 PM
in reply to: #1928000

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

Nole Runner - 2009-01-25 3:14 PM HI All, hope it's warmer where you all are! After a short 30 min spin on my trainer, I'm fed up! I want INSTANT gratification on the bike. Is there a pill I can take to get faster/better/stronger Seriously, can anyone recommend a good video or book for BEGINNER bikers, I could really use some help here. I have ZERO bike background and I want to be good, NOW. Thanks


Oh, dear Nole Runner..  if only a pill could make that happen.  Just as in running.. we need to build a base, so too with biking.

Time in the saddle is the ONLY way to build that endurance, speed, and comfort.  Time..  sorry.. wish I could tell you differently, but without a good base, it is hard to make progress even with all the drills.  I am fighting with that same thing over swimming. 

So give it time.. you won't "notice" the progress - until - alll of a sudden the progress will happen.  A trainer in the cold weather climates is a dream for me.  I am sure it allows you great time in that saddle.  so Stick with it.

You might look up Chris Carmichael in the book store.  He was the coach that worked with Lance Armstrong.  He has some great philosophy on training.  I am sure he has one for biking.  I know he has one for training in general, and one for nutrition for the athlete. 


2009-01-26 11:25 AM
in reply to: #1928000

Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

Nole Runner - 2009-01-25 3:14 PM HI All, hope it's warmer where you all are! After a short 30 min spin on my trainer, I'm fed up! I want INSTANT gratification on the bike. Is there a pill I can take to get faster/better/stronger Seriously, can anyone recommend a good video or book for BEGINNER bikers, I could really use some help here. I have ZERO bike background and I want to be good, NOW. Thanks


Try taking a spin class? Spinervals?'re ipod?...a good movie?..there really isn't much you can do to make it more fun unless you want to move somewhere warm and sunny. I hate the trainor too.

2009-01-26 11:56 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Extreme Veteran
Rochester, MN
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

John, I have to agree 100% with Roxann, (Time In The Saddle) will get you where you want to be.  When I started tris I had no bike/swim background.  I feel last year, my 3rd year of tri training, I finally started to build a base for biking, my individual ride mileage increased and my weekly/monthly totals as well.  Bike training takes a lot of time, get a jump on the trainer now in the off-season.  This year I plan to do more speed work as well.  Improvements will come but they take time.  Remember , it's about the whole journey.   


2009-01-27 12:18 AM
in reply to: #1867684

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Extreme Veteran
Rochester, MN
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

I'm no expert but for the mix/match between training for a longer run like a half mary and tri training I would do like has been posted.  Stick to a run plan, try to fit in the swim/bike on off days.  It wouldn't hurt to replace a short run occasionally with a swim or bike, maybe pick up intensity on a different short run that week.  Definitely try to hit all your long runs.  Post run race, use swim/bike to assist in recovery but don't wait too long to get back into running, just take it easy for bit.  A lot depends on your existing base and how you prioritize your races.  Our nature is to shy away from our weakness, so try not to ignore the discipline that you struggle the most with.  We also tend to over train our strength since that is where we are most comfortable.  All easier said than done.   

This is from someone who doesn't follow a specific plan for tris including my HIM last Sept but did follow a plan for my marathon in Dec.  I did not have that dilemma last fall, as I dropped biking completely, swam maybe 6 times and focused on the marathon training. Since tri season was over in MN I had that luxury.  Now, however I am struggling with marathon training, trying to get some bike/swim training in and juggle my basketball officiating schedule, plus deal with achilles and knee issues.  

2009-01-30 10:27 AM
in reply to: #1867684

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Extreme Veteran
Rochester, MN
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

OK, we're approaching the end of the first month of the year.  We've lost a little momentum in the group thread but we're doing a good job with inspires on each others training blogs.  I thought I'd throw out a few more questions for the group to help stimulate discussion.  

1) How many years have you been training/racing triathlons?

2) Rate the 3 disciplines swim/bike/run in terms of where you place - FOP (front of pack), MOP (middle of pack), BOP (back of pack) or combine FMOP (front of middle of pack), all relative to your age group placing, not overall. 

3) Do the same as #2 for transitions.  Share some of your good transitions tips.  I think transitions are often overlooked.   

4) Training time inhibitors -  other areas in your life which compete for those precious hours we all wish we had more of to use for training.  Family, job, other commitments, hobbies, etc   



2009-01-30 1:26 PM
in reply to: #1937386

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Grand Blanc, MI
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
Ok, I guess I'll go first:

1. Been racing/training for triathlons only 1 year. Prior to that, was a runner only. Really, more of a golfer than a runner! Caught the running bug and have since quit golfing. Haven't lost a single dollar running or broken any clubs either!

2. Swimming: FOP - swam my entire life, competively for several years.
Biking: BOP - no bike experience at all but am working on it.
Running: FMOP - decent (under 8:00/mi) anything under 10 miles.

3. Transitions: not enough experience to judge how I do at them.

4. Training time inhibitors: ahh, where to start, well, here goes:
- Work - self-employed family business owner (50-60 hr. weeks)
- Family - wife and 3 daughters (8, 6, 5)
- Committments - Current golf club President (5-10 hrs/wk), 3rd-4th grade girls basketball coach, daughters swim practice/meets,
- Hobbies - are you kidding me, who has time for hobbies???

2009-01-30 2:18 PM
in reply to: #1937386

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

1) Have only been training for a few months - I've worked out and lifted weights throughout the years, but find this to be nice (having triathlons as a goal for training).

2) Since I have not participated in any events yet, I'm looking forward to finding out how I rate, then continuing to improve from there. 5K to start in a couple weeks (Feb 15th) a Half Marathon in May, and I have a couple sprint Tri's in mind.

3) Not sure on the transitions yet, but I am able to chew gum and walk (most of the time).

4) Training time inhibitors - I Work 45hrs + per week, I'm married with 2 little boys (2 and 4yrs old), who are a lot of fun and keep us busy. Haven't found any real hobbies, I'm guessing playing Wii doesn't count?


Edited by Slickster 2009-01-30 2:18 PM
2009-01-30 3:37 PM
in reply to: #1937935

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

Goodness.. Mike.. tough to answer these....

1) How many years have you been training/racing triathlons?  My entire life I was not into sports or activity much.  As a child I did bicycle - in a very non competetive mode, and I swam a lot - but never developed a true stroke or style, again, mostly just had fun in the water.

Last year, as I got close to my weight loss goals, I started training for a half marathon - WALKING - and a duathlon where I did run my distances.  so, less than 1 year in the training mode, really.

2) Rate the 3 disciplines swim/bike/run in terms of where you place - FOP (front of pack), MOP (middle of pack), BOP (back of pack) or combine FMOP (front of middle of pack), all relative to your age group placing, not overall. 

Swim:  ohhhh goodness.. am wayyyyy BOP!!!  no question about it.

Bike:  FBOP (front of the back of the pack.. not quite mid pack... just got back on a bike last May for the first time in 25years.  feels good, but I have a lot of work to do to get my speed up there.

Run: not sure here... I really am new to running by about 8 -10 months.  I walked most of my races up until last September.  Even walking, though, I was mid pack for my age group and actually, overall... so not bad for a walk.  I am hoping the running kicks me up there a bit.  My best run was at the Duathlon just before foot surgery, and I had sub 11 minute miles.  That is AWESOME for me.  my jog is a bout 12 min miles, and speed walk about 12.5 min miles.

3) Do the same as #2 for transitions.  Share some of your good transitions tips.  I think transitions are often overlooked.   I have only done one set of transistions - at the Du - and I really sucked at them.  Not sure how throwing the swim to bike transition will work.

bike to run - I have shoes to switch out.. that really slows me up.. because I am quite particular about how my foot is set in that shoe.

4) Training time inhibitors -  other areas in your life which compete for those precious hours we all wish we had more of to use for training.  Family, job, other commitments, hobbies, etc    

LOLOL  like John, goodness.... where do I start!!

my biggest inhibitor to training is that I travel for my job.  I am not anywhere near my bike all week - so only have weekends to train on that.  not great for time in the saddle...   swimming is hit or miss on whether the pool at the hotel is doable... and most are so short, you cannot get a rhythm to the strokes to practice.  Strenght training is also hit or miss..  except on weekends.  I think my spouse thinks I am living at the gym sometimes.. because I spend a lot of time there when home on the weekends.

living in cold weather country (as most of us do) makes the running training a little difficult, though I am not opposed to speed work on the treadmill.... I just soooo love long runs outside.


2009-01-31 3:00 PM
in reply to: #1938103

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

Ohhhh my goodness all...  I just went this morning to my first ever running group!  I ran with the St Cloud River Runners.  Even though I am the "turtle", they welcomed me readily.  It was a great time.  Definitely made me get out of bed on a Saturday morning and get it done! 

I plan on heading back to the gym Monday night for the Master's Swim... I can use the help.. and though it is horribly intimidating to me.. I have been welcomed in by all.  Kind of nice to know that this race world is sooooooo kind, and caring over everyone of every level. 

Hope you all are having a great day.


2009-02-01 4:30 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Extreme Veteran
Rochester, MN
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

1) How many years have you been training/racing triathlons? This is year 4 for me.

2) Rate the 3 disciplines swim/bike/run in terms of where you place - FOP (front of pack), MOP (middle of pack), BOP (back of pack) or combine FMOP (front of middle of pack), all relative to your age group placing, not overall.  Swim is BMOP to FBOP, regardless swim is my limiter.  Bike is FMOP and has been steadily improving.  Run is FOP and definitely my strength.   

3) Do the same as #2 for transitions.  Share some of your good transitions tips.  I think transitions are often overlooked.  FOP, I have worked at good transitions and it has paid off.  Some tips, plan your TA layout, practice transitions.  Get some kind of speed laces for your shoes, learn to race w/o socks for run and bike in Sprints and Olys.  Baby powder in bike and run shoes.  Get tri shorts/top so you don't have to change anything.  Here in MN almost all our races are wetsuit legal, practice getting out of the wetsuit.  Peel off on way to T1, step on wesuit to help pull out legs.   

4) Training time inhibitors -  other areas in your life which compete for those precious hours we all wish we had more of to use for training.  Family, job, other commitments, hobbies, etc.  I'm pretty fortunate here, the kids are out of the house and I have a supportive wife.  I work from home with flexible hours but madatory target of 10% overtime.  I can run at lunch, even bike during the day if it fits my schedule and make up the work time later.  My biggest inhibitors are other hobbies, right now I am officiating high school basketball, with games typically 3 x per week.  We almost always work B or JV game followed by varsity.  Generally have to leave around 5pm and back home around 10 so it ties up the whole night.   I fly fish for trout & tie my own flies.  I try to get out fishing 2x per week in the spring, taking time off work to get out during the week and once on the weekends.  I used to golf a lot but training has cut into golf and practice time.  We camp locally but I can workout on those camping trips.  We do go to the BWCA (Boundary Water Canoe Area) a primitive camping area in northern MN.  2 x per year for roughly a week at a time.  Very nice break from the "rat race" and enjoyable down time.   Family and job are not big issues for me, it's the other fun stuff where I have to make time choices.           


2009-02-01 4:34 PM
in reply to: #1939072

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Extreme Veteran
Rochester, MN
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
martymngirl - 2009-01-31 3:00 PM

Ohhhh my goodness all...  I just went this morning to my first ever running group!  I ran with the St Cloud River Runners.  Even though I am the "turtle", they welcomed me readily.  It was a great time.  Definitely made me get out of bed on a Saturday morning and get it done! 

I plan on heading back to the gym Monday night for the Master's Swim... I can use the help.. and though it is horribly intimidating to me.. I have been welcomed in by all.  Kind of nice to know that this race world is sooooooo kind, and caring over everyone of every level. 

Hope you all are having a great day.


I have definitely seen that, too, Roxann.  Whether it is local triathletes involved in our tri club or someone you talk to at a race, almost everyone involved has a welcoming attitude, regardless of their or your abilities.  Sure, there is the rare "bad egg"  but the overwhelming majority are at the opposite extreme. 

It's great you're getting involved in group training, it's also given me some ideas for my next set of group questions.   


Edited by mjewen 2009-02-01 4:37 PM

2009-02-02 10:47 AM
in reply to: #1937386

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St. Cloud, MN
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

1.  This would technically be my 3 tri season.  My first was the summer of 2006 when my Dad and I did a race together (I beat him in the swim and run, but he made up enough time in the bike).  Then last summer I did two races with plans to do more but other stuff got in the way.  This is my first season with a full schedule of races and this is the most I've trained for tris.

2.  As of right now, the swim is my best event, FMOP.  I started out as a runner but I shifted to kayaking during college which is where I think my upper body strength began to develop.  Bike is definitely worst event BOP.  I'm going to really focus on this event this season, including biking to work everyday when the low temp gets into the 40's.  For the run I'd say a solid MOP.  I used to be a really solid runner (PR in 5k 18:06, 3 mile 17:46).  I'm hoping with more base training, my body can remember how fast I used to be.

3. Thanks to lots of tips and advice from my Dad I'm FOP for my transitions.  My first race was laughable, over 2 min.  Since then my other races have gone better and I'm hoping to improve even more.  I think later this summer I want to try a race without a wetsuit and see how much my T1 time improves in relation to how my swim time is affective w/o the suit. 

4.  My biggest inhibitors are my job and my other hobbies.  I work 45hrs + a week in an environment that can be physically demanding sometimes (lots of walking, steps, and very warm temps).  My other hobbies include whitewater kayaking, snowboarding, snow kiting, x-country skiing, snowshoeing, roller blading, and camping.  All of which are still active and healthy, but they don't always help improve my fitness level as it relates to S/B/R.  I live alone with no GF and a very minimal social life so I have lots of time to work with.  I just need to do a better job figuring out where my priorities lie, i.e. what kind of triathlete, kayaker, kiter do I want to be?  How far do I want to take each sport/hobby?  It's tough sometimes when you want to do it all. 

Edited by RedBaron84MN 2009-02-02 10:49 AM
2009-02-02 10:55 AM
in reply to: #1937386

New user

Plainfield, IL
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

1.  I have been training for my triathlon for 1 month

2.  I'm sure I will be  BOP for everything!  I don't have a strength yet!  But I am working on one...haha

3.  I'm just hoping I know what to do in "transitions"

4.  I am not allowing any inhibitors in my life at this time.  My kids obviously come first, but I can always find the time to go to the gym.  The YMCA is open from 5am to 10pm...there is always an hour or so in my day to get there.  I am an RN and have a flexible schedule...I work 4 days a week.  I have a co-worker that has been training with me and that helps. 

2009-02-03 5:00 PM
in reply to: #1937386


Crawfordville, Florida
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

1)  I started September 17th 2008.  It has been an amazing trans formative process from couch potato to where I am now. 

2)  I consider myself BOP for all disciplines right now.  I have so far to go I feel I am just now gaining enough strength to transition from one discipline to another in the same day! I have to say I have never felt stronger or more energetic in all of my life.  After I do a sprint or two I will be able to answer this more confidently.

 3) See #2.  I am all ears for advice.  Heck I don't even know what to wear for a triathlon!

4) There are so many life details that get in the way of training.  I have 5 kids, two in college and 3 at home.  My youngest angels are my 5 yo twin girls and my 7 yo son.  My wife Emily who is not sure what I am doing at my age but I think likes what she see's.  My job takes me to the most amazing places on earth, the US west coast, Alaska and Pacific Islands. I love the travel but it is hard to maintain a routine. Thank goodness for exercise rooms in hotels.  As for hobbies I am a total geek.  Yes ... ham radio.  I don't have elaborate antennas and equipment but I like to listen to different kinds of shortwave broadcasts.  I have no time for the hobby as it eats into my training time.  


2009-02-03 5:09 PM
in reply to: #1867684


Crawfordville, Florida
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

I posted this on my training log and Mike asked if I would post it here.  Good Idea so here goes:


"My running HR mostly resides in the 90%+ range. What can I do to get it down? Am I running too hard? My pace is not very fast." (pace is about 11 min/mile).


I used 220-age to get max rate. Where should I be?  Does it matter?  What is my target "fitness level" for the swim/bike/run and how do I figure it out?  Because I am a geek I have a garmin 305 and use it. It gives a lot of information!  Should I be targeting a specific HR range or forget about it for now and just swim/bike/run? 



2009-02-03 8:40 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Tampa, Florida
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
HI everyone, I know I haven't checked in, in a very long time, didn't realize I'd made it into the group until I started getting your words of encouragement in my log. I tried to catch up on the whole thread, but I'm just going to jump in with the last few questions I remember reading.

I don't train with a HRM, but I'm seriously considering getting one very soon, probably the Polar F11 model since it's waterproof and I love the swim.

I ride a KHS Elite 320, I really don't know anything about bikes, I just bought it on the advice of a friend who owns a local bike shop. He gave me a good deal and takes good care of my bike and offers a lot of support.

I like New Balance running shoes, was wearing the 856, then the 1223 model, then switched to the 1124 I think it is, and I hate them. But I've only been wearing them for 2 weeks or so, so I'm going to give it a little bit longer.

Polyester workout suits are the way to go for women's suits, they hold up much better in the long run for pool lap swimming.

Swimming M-FOP, bike BOP, run BOP. Hoping to at least reach the MOP for bike and run this year, and top of my age group for the swim. As far as transistion, I'll get back to you when I get a few more under my belt.

For transistions, I think one of the biggest things i can do to help myself is get a tri suit so I don't have to worry about what I'm wearing. I'm not comfortable running in my bathing suit, so wearing a trisuit with a sports bra would probably alleviate the wardrobe issues.

Training inhibitors....for me, the major one is my job. I work in the medical field, cardiac cath lab to be specific, which means crazy hours and call. My schedule is literally early until done, Monday through Friday, with call after hours. Sometimes my schedule is very flexible and I get off around lunch, sometimes I work 20 hours in a day and have to get up and go back very early the next day. If I do get paged I have to report ready to work in less than 30 minutes, so outdoor runs and bike rides are out of the question. I do run on the treadmill and take spin class and swim laps, though, but I so much prefer to be outside. My social life can sometimes be a deterrent. I'm 33 and single, and it's hard to say no, when I do get asked out I play volleyball a couple times a week and more often when it gets warmer. It's hard for me to convince myself to go ride my bike on the weekend rather than play a good game of 2's when it's really nice out. I much prefer volleyball to the bike. I'm hoping that if I get better at it, maybe I'll enjoy it more.

Sorry for the long post, glad to be here with you guys.


2009-02-03 8:56 PM
in reply to: #1944018

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
jk809 - 2009-02-03 5:09 PM

I posted this on my training log and Mike asked if I would post it here.  Good Idea so here goes:


"My running HR mostly resides in the 90%+ range. What can I do to get it down? Am I running too hard? My pace is not very fast." (pace is about 11 min/mile).

Wow, Jim.  I am glad you posted this.  That is a bit of my frustration also, and in order to keep my heart rate - and breathing - down, I have to go excrutiatingly SLOW!!  LOL.. but I do have past experience that tells me it WILL get better... a few Fartlek drills and a few tempo runs, and the body will get used to it and settle down a bit.  soon.. you can go faster and still keep the HR down.. in the mean time.. yeah.. I guess you push thru it... at least that is my intent.  Actually, I am doing a bit of the jog/walk to keep from dieing as I get back at it.  Gosh.. take 3 months off to recuperate and you lose a lot of base!!

Any ideas from the rest of you on this??  cause this is my struggle too.



I used 220-age to get max rate. Where should I be?  Does it matter?  What is my target "fitness level" for the swim/bike/run and how do I figure it out?  Because I am a geek I have a garmin 305 and use it. It gives a lot of information!  Should I be targeting a specific HR range or forget about it for now and just swim/bike/run? 



2009-02-04 4:12 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Extreme Veteran
Rochester, MN
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

In case you don't regularly follow the Triathlon Talk forum, check out this thread.

I'd also encourage you to update your BT profile to include your state and then when you sign in your state forum will be listed.  This can be a valuable resource in finding out inside info on tris in your geographic area and connect with triathletes in your area.   

2009-02-04 4:31 PM
in reply to: #1944018

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Extreme Veteran
Rochester, MN
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
jk809 - 2009-02-03 5:09 PM

I posted this on my training log and Mike asked if I would post it here.  Good Idea so here goes:


"My running HR mostly resides in the 90%+ range. What can I do to get it down? Am I running too hard? My pace is not very fast." (pace is about 11 min/mile).


I used 220-age to get max rate. Where should I be?  Does it matter?  What is my target "fitness level" for the swim/bike/run and how do I figure it out?  Because I am a geek I have a garmin 305 and use it. It gives a lot of information!  Should I be targeting a specific HR range or forget about it for now and just swim/bike/run? 



My original reply to Jim was to ask how he determined his HR.  The age formula is not very accurate for most.  I feel you need to develop a fitness base before worrying about HR training.  Remember your max HR or lactate threshhold (LT) differs from sport to sport.  Running >biking>swimming is the norm.  Most don't use HR for swim.  There are some field tests you can do on your own to determine max HR or LT and then formulas based off of the test results to determine your zones. 

Here are a couple of older articles on BT but they do a good job of summarizing HR training, including the tests in part 1.



2009-02-04 6:26 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Extreme Veteran
Rochester, MN
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

OK, the group has been closed and active for a month.  Some have dropped, some are quite active, some are around once in awhile, it's all cool.  It's time for a report card for the first month.  Grade yourself on these categories,  A-F with + - as needed.   If it wasn't a goal, list it as NA.


1. Swim

2. Bike

3. Run

4. Strength

5. Plan

6. Feel

7. Weight

8. Overall


For 5) Plan - stay on plan (not necessarily a formal plan but what you expected to do, even if you're a wing it type)  and for 6) Feel - how do you feel compared to a month ago.  Cut and paste between the lines and add your grades/comments. 



2009-02-04 6:48 PM
in reply to: #1867684

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

1) How many years have you been training/racing triathlons? 2009 will be my 4thyear although the first two years I only did one local sprint. 2007 I did a 2 sprints, and oly and a HIM. 2008 I only did an oly and aquabike at Timberman. (running injury)

2) Rate the 3 disciplines swim/bike/run in terms of where you place - FOP (front of pack), MOP (middle of pack), BOP (back of pack) or combine FMOP (front of middle of pack), all relative to your age group placing, not overall.  Running Im FOP for my age group. I usually can place in the top 5. Swimming Im BMOP. Biking Im BOP..I stink at it

3) Do the same as #2 for transitions.  Share some of your good transitions tips.  I think transitions are often overlooked.   I really don't concern myself with the time I spend in transition. Im not going to win anything so. It is what it is. I usually set my stuff up in the order I am going to use them. I lay out a towel to dry my feet. sometimes I have a tupperware type bucket to rinse sand/dirt off my feet before I put my socks on. I have a transition bag that has an extra pair of swim goggles in it. I also keep my asthma meds and anything I think I'll need for nutrition.

4) Training time inhibitors -  other areas in your life which compete for those precious hours we all wish we had more of to use for training.  Family, job, other commitments, hobbies, etc   .I have three kids and work 30hrs a week. Im pretty busy  with their stuff  but I have free weekends so I log in alot of training hours then then!

2009-02-04 6:54 PM
in reply to: #1946031

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
mjewen - 2009-02-04 7:26 PM

OK, the group has been closed and active for a month.  Some have dropped, some are quite active, some are around once in awhile, it's all cool.  It's time for a report card for the first month.  Grade yourself on these categories,  A-F with + - as needed.   If it wasn't a goal, list it as NA.


1. Swim B...Im only going once a week and doing a 2000yd swim with drills for maintenance right now.

2. Bike C...I hate the trainer what can I say. I should put more time in but I hate it. I try and hop on it once a week for an hour

3. Run A-..Its my primary focus and I try not to miss runs as Im training for my first marathon. I should probably log more weekly mileage but weather hasn't been that great and my training plan doesn't call for it.

4. Strength..A ...I have a workout routine I stick with 3 times a week

5. Plan B..Marathon training plan..Im doing better than what my plan calls for

6. Feel -I feel lazy and fat.. wish winter was over..

7. Weight - B 129..up 5pounds..Im usually good for 10 over the winter..

8. Overall- B


For 5) Plan - stay on plan (not necessarily a formal plan but what you expected to do, even if you're a wing it type)  and for 6) Feel - how do you feel compared to a month ago.  Cut and paste between the lines and add your grades/comments. 



2009-02-04 7:40 PM
in reply to: #1946067

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL
OK, the group has been closed and active for a month.  Some have dropped, some are quite active, some are around once in awhile, it's all cool.  It's time for a report card for the first month.  Grade yourself on these categories,  A-F with + - as needed.   If it wasn't a goal, list it as NA.
1. Swim  D – just keep fighting the water… I have to learn to relax.  This has me quite stressed, and not liking where I am at. 
2. Bike  NA – haven’t started this portion of training yet.  getting some stationary biking in.. but nothing structured
3. Run B+ - I am loving being back at the run part.
4. Strength – C – I need work here, but getting some in – feeling stronger by the day
5. Plan – B+ - I am working a half marathon plan for the most part and throwing in some bike and swim time.  Sticking to it pretty well
6. Feel – A – feeling MUCH better than a month ago.  My foot is feeling strong, and I am feeling more into my plan every day.
7. Weight  - C – not totally happy with where I am.. working on it.
8. Overall – C – I’ve had a tough couple of weeks.   I have really felt very incapable with the swimming..  had me down a lot!
wow, Mike, where do you come up with this??  LOL.. It is great to get me thinking on where I am… man.. it is a good thing it is early in my plan… there is a LOT to work on.
2009-02-04 9:03 PM
in reply to: #1946031

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Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL

1. Swim - probably a B. I really enjoy swimming, something I really haven't done since I was much younger. I'm only doing 2000 meters once a week right now, and will step it up in a couple months.

2. Bike- I'll go with C since I haven't been doing any lately, I love to bike, so once I start I feel I will make gains quickly. Waiting on warmer weather, I'm not much for sitting on a stationary bike.

3. Run- C, running has never been my strength mostly because I've never been focused on it like I am now. In the last few months I've really made great gains in this area, I notice them almost weekly.

4. Strength - B, I've always been strong due to weight-lifting, doing a little less now since I'm using more time mostly running. I'm still doing push-ups, pull-ups, abs, squats and other core stuff.

5. Plan - B - I'm following the 16 week half-marathon training, I think its going well, getting tougher, but has been fairly easy to keep up with.

6. Feel - B - good overall, legs have their days and my shins get sore, but a couple days away from running usually heal them a bit.

7. Weight - A - I have lost about 33 lbs since Oct/Nov, I think I will be just right if I lose about 25 more.

8. Overall - A - I'm really enjoying seeing the gains in the run and swim, and the weight loss doesn't hurt either.  I think my overall attitude has been better since I've  started.


2009-02-05 12:17 AM
in reply to: #1946031


Crawfordville, Florida
Subject: RE: mjewen's group - FULL


1. Swim - C.  I have a long way to go in all the disciplines.  I can swim 200 - 300 yards without a break and it is hard.  Time and travel impact my swimming the most.

2. Bike- C+ We have a 33 mile tour in February on the Island I live called the Chilly Hilly.  I may give myself a B- if I finish without too much pain.  We have a lot of big hills.  That is what makes running so hard too!  This is probably my best of the three.

3. Run - C  Running is improving as I am adding distance and far better than I thought I would be 4 months ago. 

4. Strength - B I can see the changes in me and feel much stronger than when I started. I probably need to add strength training but I will get to it when I am better prepared.

5. Plan -  B- I could do a lot better sticking with the plan.  I am using the beginner plan from the web site.  Travel makes sticking to the type of training difficult so I will run or bike instead of swim when traveling. This is impacting my swimming progress.

6. Feel -  A+ Losing 30 pounds does wonders for the soul.  Transitioning from a long bike ride to a run is something I never thought about doing or thought I could do.  I will never be a couch potato again.

7. Weight - A.  No A plus here.  I want to lose more.  Is that too much to ask?

8. Overall  - C+  I need to improve and work to keep my training going.  No excuses.


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