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2009-01-08 8:38 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

That's exactly what I was thinking, too, Anthony.  I think I'll put in for either the run or the swim, and consider it training for the Musselman.  It also sounds really fun.  I think we are going to make a family weekend out of it.

BTW, I checked out the website on that SOS race...that is some crazy stuff!!

2009-01-08 8:40 PM
in reply to: #1896313

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Roadtoad22 - 2009-01-08 8:42 PM

Oh did I mention that I am a moron

 I meant clipless pedals- jezzsh, its been a long week!


Don't worry, we knew what you meant

I did have another thought, though. Most falls occur when you are coming to a stop. The way to avoid this is to ALWAYS do the same thing when you stop. For example, I always clip out my left foot first while it is at 6 o'clock, then move my right foot to 6 o'clock and come to a stop leaning to my left on my left foot. You don't have to do it that way, but however you decide always do it the same way or you might find yourself leaning the wrong way.

Hope that makes sense!


2009-01-08 11:24 PM
in reply to: #1896426

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
kcovert1 - 2009-01-08 9:38 PM

That's exactly what I was thinking, too, Anthony.  I think I'll put in for either the run or the swim, and consider it training for the Musselman.  It also sounds really fun.  I think we are going to make a family weekend out of it.

BTW, I checked out the website on that SOS race...that is some crazy stuff!!

It is a little crazy, but it's a great event in a beautiful part of NY State, and close to my home, so I am really looking forward to doing it someday.


2009-01-09 4:59 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Anthony, thanks for the support with the pedal issues.  I finally figured out that 6 oclock is the right position to kick out!

Kelly,  The sponsorship thing is awesome!  Do part of a relay and call it training.  That way you will be more confident for the mussleman and still get to participate with the sponsorship company- looks good to them I am sure.

I am still trying to plan some time off in the summer to do the Mussleman sprint.


2009-01-09 3:42 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

SmileGot to take the MOTO out for a spin today.  Weather was nice, traffic was light.  I had no probs clipping in or out.  Only did 8 miles, just wanted to see how she handles and what I need to do to be comfortable etc...  It felt pretty good, I rode a route that I usually run- sooo much faster on a bike- it might make running seem like a drag now!

Have a good weekend everyone


2009-01-09 9:06 PM
in reply to: #1898428

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Roadtoad22 - 2009-01-09 4:42 PM

SmileGot to take the MOTO out for a spin today.  Weather was nice, traffic was light.  I had no probs clipping in or out.  Only did 8 miles, just wanted to see how she handles and what I need to do to be comfortable etc...  It felt pretty good, I rode a route that I usually run- sooo much faster on a bike- it might make running seem like a drag now!

Good to see that you got out on your pretty new bike and had a good time with no clipping problems.  Now you just need to get out and ride lots! (for those of you new to BT, "ride lots" is the standard answer when someone asks how to get better on the bike).


2009-01-09 9:18 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

So, what does everyone have on tap for the weekend? Tomorrow, I definitely have to swim and I would also like to get a short ride in. I'll be working tomorrow so I have to be done by 8:30 or so. I would like to ride outside, but the temp is supposed to be in the teens early tomorrow so it may be on the trainer.

Sunday is the first of 4 Orange Runner's Club Winter Series 5K's. I'm in a recovery week in my run training plan so it calls for an easy 4 mile run on Sunday, so I think I will run 1 mile easy for a warmup, and then try to do the 5K around 26:30 which is about 2 minutes slower than my normal 5K race.

Have a good weekend everyone!


2009-01-10 8:05 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

I'm going to try to get an hour in on the spin bike this morning, and then a long(ish) run tomorrow.  It's been really cold here, so hopefully it will warm up a bit before tomorrow!

My bike is at the bike shop getting built. They are supposed to give me a call sometime today, and then I can go get fit on it.

2009-01-10 8:30 AM
in reply to: #1899331

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
kcovert1 - 2009-01-10 9:05 AM

I'm going to try to get an hour in on the spin bike this morning, and then a long(ish) run tomorrow.  It's been really cold here, so hopefully it will warm up a bit before tomorrow!

A little warmth sure would feel nice! I have noticed it geting light a tiny bit earlier which is nice.

My bike is at the bike shop getting built. They are supposed to give me a call sometime today, and then I can go get fit on it.

I'm getting a little anxious for you to get on your new bike, so you must be really looking forward to it!


2009-01-10 8:39 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

I did manage to get in a little training today. It was 13 degrees this morning which is a little too cold for me to ride outside so I dug out the trainer for the first time in a long time. Had a little trouble getting it all set up so I ended up only riding for 15 minutes. Maybe I will hop on sometime this weekend while I am watching the playoffs.

I also got to the Y for a short swim. Although the long layoff has clearly hurt my swim fitness, I swam pretty well and felt very good in the water. The good news is the  Y has changed the schedule a little, and I should be able to swim a couple of times a week during my lunch break.


2009-01-10 1:20 PM
in reply to: #1899364

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
amschrod - 2009-01-10 9:39 AM

I also got to the Y for a short swim. Although the long layoff has clearly hurt my swim fitness, I swam pretty well and felt very good in the water. The good news is the  Y has changed the schedule a little, and I should be able to swim a couple of times a week during my lunch break.

Ahh, back in the swim of things, I see.  It's nice that you didn't feel like you lost anything.  My husband has just started swimming and he was telling me today he can't even swim 100 yds w/out having to take a break.  I'm thinking of checking around and seeing if we can find a coach for an hour or two for both of us.  Just to check in on the stroke and offer some suggestions. (and it would be nice to do it together.)

I got in 60 min. on the spin bike.  I sooo want my new bike!  It's taking much longer than I want it to. 

2009-01-10 4:32 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Sounds like the weekend has been good for some training for you yankees.  I hate to rub it in but it was about 65 here today and sunny.  It was too cold this morning for our planned beginner bike ride ( low 30's- we are so spoiled!) so I was able to get my 10 mile run in  instead.  There was quite a head wind for miles 3-7 but all in all a great day.  I am tired and got some crazy chaffing on my belly- forgot to body gide there- One of these days when I lose more weight I wont have to!  I bought the new copy of triathlete mag- whole beginners section in it.  I also got the Complete Trialthon Book- now just have to find the time to read everything.

 Might go for a short ride tomorrow with my husband if its not raining. 

Kelly, hope you get your bike soon and it's everything you want it to be.

Anthony- conrats on getting to the pool- glad you didnt have too many cobwebs to get out!


2009-01-11 8:32 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Hey everyone! Hope you all had a good weekend. My 5K went well today, and gave me some ideas I want to talk about. Right now I don't have much time because my wife wants me to watch the Golden Globes with her. I'll be back here tomorrow AM, and I will also post a  race report.


2009-01-12 5:48 AM
in reply to: #1899679

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
kcovert1 - 2009-01-10 2:20 PM

Ahh, back in the swim of things, I see.  It's nice that you didn't feel like you lost anything.  My husband has just started swimming and he was telling me today he can't even swim 100 yds w/out having to take a break.  I'm thinking of checking around and seeing if we can find a coach for an hour or two for both of us.  Just to check in on the stroke and offer some suggestions. (and it would be nice to do it together.)

A little coaching sounds good and it would be fun to do together. For now, tell hubby to remember to breathe enough.

I got in 60 min. on the spin bike.  I sooo want my new bike!  It's taking much longer than I want it to.

You must be dying to ride your beautiful new bike!


2009-01-12 5:59 AM
in reply to: #1899947

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Roadtoad22 - 2009-01-10 5:32 PM

Sounds like the weekend has been good for some training for you yankees.  I hate to rub it in but it was about 65 here today and sunny.  It was too cold this morning for our planned beginner bike ride ( low 30's- we are so spoiled!) so I was able to get my 10 mile run in  instead.  There was quite a head wind for miles 3-7 but all in all a great day. 

Nice running, and nice weather! It's not so bad here; it might go all the way up into the 30's tomorrow afternoon

I am tired and got some crazy chaffing on my belly- forgot to body gide there- One of these days when I lose more weight I wont have to!  I bought the new copy of triathlete mag- whole beginners section in it.  I also got the Complete Trialthon Book- now just have to find the time to read everything.

Complete Triathlon is a good book. I hope my book store carries Triathlete mag, because I'd like to check it out.

Anthony- conrats on getting to the pool- glad you didnt have too many cobwebs to get out!

Thank you! It felt great

2009-01-12 7:06 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

So, I had a good time at my 5K yesterday and several thoughts came to me. I should mention that it was at this race back in 2006 that I was talking to a local triathlete and I found out that there are a lot of tri's and they are not all Ironman distance, and there was such a thing as a "sprint" triathlon. Sounded interesting so I thought I would give it a try and here I am! So here's what I was thinking:

  1. I mentioned way back about patience and consistency being key to run training. I started doing this Winter series to help motivate me to train through the winter, so it has helped me train consistently for the past several years. I checked the 2006 results and at the first one I ran a 28:10 going all out and yesterday I ran a 26:24 taking it easy, and I should be close to 24 minutes when I push myself. It may not sound like much, and it took a little while but I am very happy with my improvement.
  2. I may not be very fast, but that doesn't mean I'm not competitive! Around the second mile, two guys that I know are in my age group passed me. I wasn't really racing, but somehow I couldn't let them beat me, so at the next hill I just had to pass them back. I think we all have that competitive streak, or we wouldn't do the things we do.
  3. The race reports on BT are a great feature. Writing a RR helps you evaluate yourself a little better. Thinking about what went well or where you can improve is very helpful. Also, reading other people's RR's from previous years of a race you are going to do can be good preparation for that race.
  4. This is fun stuff! It was great being out there on a beautiful Winter day with all the other athletes!

2009-01-12 12:36 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Hey there everyone

Not much from me this weekend - the famly and I had a weekend away in San Francisco to celebrate my birthday. I got in a couple of rides of the trainer (even one at 6am on my birthday)

Let's see if I can get into some early mornings this week


2009-01-12 7:16 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Ugh, another monday!

Today I decided to only swim instead of my usual spin bike 25 min and swim 25 min.  I tried to focus on my stroke and breathing on my off side a bit and a few other things I have read about.  There were 2 people in the pool when I got there- a first!  I was informed that the pool is infact 20 meters, not the normal 25-(I thought it was even smaller)- and that 88 laps is a mile.  That sounded like  a challenge so I took it.  I did about 10 laps of warm up and working on my stroke a bit then delved into 4x20 laps then 8 laps.  It really wasnt that bad, just boring and I cant count well!  Also, do you guys have any tips for swimming hunger- I was ravenous all morning after I got to work.  I ate a healthy bowl of cereal after my work out but it didnt do much.  I had to snack on trail mix all morning just to be pleasant!  

Tomorrow is speed workout on the track.  The temps are dropping here all week, Gonna be tough to get out of bed at 4:30 for this one!

Happy Birthday, glad you got family time and training in- I am sure its a delicate balance

Kelly, did you get your bike yet?

Anthony- I completely understand your competative drive, I think that's what we all have or else we wouldnt be here.  I normally dont care who I beatbeats me as long as I beat my goal or previous time. Except this one 5k when I could hear the plodding of an old man behind me- you know the sound of someone who breaths super heavy and their legs must be tree trunks.  Well as he plodded by , the back of his shirt said "you've just been passed by Grandpa Dave"- The hell I did!  I had to dig deep inside my oxygen deprived self and pass him right back and NEVER allow that to happen again!  No offense to Grandpa Dave or anything- he was a 76 year old stud- but I couldnt bear the thought of him beating me.Sometimes we all need a kick in the pants, whether its someone in your age group passing you or a Grandpa Dave.  Good luck with the rest of your races. 


2009-01-12 9:02 PM
in reply to: #1903353

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Spokane, Washington
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Roadtoad22 - 2009-01-12 5:16 PM

Also, do you guys have any tips for swimming hunger- I was ravenous all morning after I got to work.  I ate a healthy bowl of cereal after my work out but it didnt do much.  I had to snack on trail mix all morning just to be pleasant!  

Paula, I have the same ravenous hunger after swimming. I've started drinking chocolate milk right when I get done with the swim and that seems to curb the ravenous part. Then I make sure I eat some good protein at the next meal or snack. But sometimes I'm still hungry...

If anyone else has a suggestion, I'd like to hear it too!


2009-01-13 6:44 AM
in reply to: #1902501

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
jpjewels - 2009-01-12 1:36 PM

Hey there everyone

Not much from me this weekend - the famly and I had a weekend away in San Francisco to celebrate my birthday. I got in a couple of rides of the trainer (even one at 6am on my birthday)

Let's see if I can get into some early mornings this week


Well Happy Birthday to you! Sounds like fun. A little trip to SF and you squeezed in a little training as well.


2009-01-13 6:58 AM
in reply to: #1903353

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Roadtoad22 - 2009-01-12 8:16 PM

Ugh, another monday!

Today I decided to only swim instead of my usual spin bike 25 min and swim 25 min.  I tried to focus on my stroke and breathing on my off side a bit and a few other things I have read about.  There were 2 people in the pool when I got there- a first!  I was informed that the pool is infact 20 meters, not the normal 25-(I thought it was even smaller)- and that 88 laps is a mile.  That sounded like  a challenge so I took it.

Congratulations on doing a mile! Always feels good to hit a target like that.

I did about 10 laps of warm up and working on my stroke a bit then delved into 4x20 laps then 8 laps.  It really wasnt that bad, just boring and I cant count well!

You are not the only one. If you search tri talk, you will find that there have been numerous threads about how to count swim laps. Personally, when I am not doing short sets, I just count 10 lengths at a time. Any more than that and I lose track.

Also, do you guys have any tips for swimming hunger- I was ravenous all morning after I got to work.  I ate a healthy bowl of cereal after my work out but it didnt do much.  I had to snack on trail mix all morning just to be pleasant!

Maybe try some almonds along with your cereal. A little protein, good fat, and fiber plus the crunchiness is satisfying. 

Except this one 5k when I could hear the plodding of an old man behind me- you know the sound of someone who breaths super heavy and their legs must be tree trunks.  Well as he plodded by , the back of his shirt said "you've just been passed by Grandpa Dave"- The hell I did!  I had to dig deep inside my oxygen deprived self and pass him right back and NEVER allow that to happen again!  No offense to Grandpa Dave or anything- he was a 76 year old stud- but I couldnt bear the thought of him beating me.Sometimes we all need a kick in the pants, whether its someone in your age group passing you or a Grandpa Dave.

Great stuff! I completely understand not wanting to get passed. 

Good luck with the rest of your races.


2009-01-13 11:29 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

For all the folks that are hungry after swimming - have you tried taking on a little fuel every now and then while swimming. I trained for a specific long distance sponsored swim a few years ago and I found it really helped if I had a sports drink at the pool side and I would sip every 20 or 30 mins. I always take something with me nowadays and drink before during and straight after.

This scheme helps a lot with training but I would have to get used to going without in an open water race


2009-01-13 4:09 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Hey, guys!!

Happy B-day, Julian.  Paula, can you send me some speed??  Joanne, how's the weather these days??

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days.  The real reason is that this is my 100th post and I so wanted it to be my bike pics (I know I'm a goof, you don't have to tell me!!).  But, I'm definitely picking up the bike on Thursday morning.  It's all ready, but the store is closed tomorrow.  I think I will celebrate by buying a trainer, if I can convince my dear husband to lay out just a little more cash!!

I've been having some great swims lately.  I'm on my 3rd week of doing the 1750 yd. beginner workouts (3 swims per week with specific drills), and I really think it's helping.  Yesterday and today I swam a 200 yd. set at the end of the workout and did it in 3:45!! (I'm usually right at 2:00 per 100 yds.)  Granted it's only 200 yards, but after the 4th week, I'm going to do a 1000 yd time trial and see where I am!

Have a great night!

2009-01-13 5:31 PM
in reply to: #1904637

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
jpjewels - 2009-01-13 12:29 PM

For all the folks that are hungry after swimming - have you tried taking on a little fuel every now and then while swimming. I trained for a specific long distance sponsored swim a few years ago and I found it really helped if I had a sports drink at the pool side and I would sip every 20 or 30 mins. I always take something with me nowadays and drink before during and straight after.

That's an interesting idea that I never really thought about. There is an excellent triathlete (Kona qualifier) who I sometimes see in my pool and I'm pretty sure I have seen her with a bottle with some colored liquid in it although I don't know if it was gatorade or something like Nuun (0 calorie electolyte drink). I do most  of my training on an empty stomach, and I don't really get hungry afterwards  so I have no personal experience to go by. Nutrition can vary greatly from person to person, so it can't hurt to try different things to see what works for an individual. That is as long as you try it in training and don't try something new on race day!


2009-01-13 5:40 PM
in reply to: #1905344

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
kcovert1 - 2009-01-13 5:09 PM

Hey, guys!!

Happy B-day, Julian.  Paula, can you send me some speed??  Joanne, how's the weather these days??

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days.  The real reason is that this is my 100th post and I so wanted it to be my bike pics (I know I'm a goof, you don't have to tell me!!).  But, I'm definitely picking up the bike on Thursday morning.

That's going to be like Christmas morning for you.

I think I will celebrate by buying a trainer, if I can convince my dear husband to lay out just a little more cash!!

Sounds like a good idea especially considering the chilly weather we are supposed to get here in NY in the next few days.

I've been having some great swims lately.  I'm on my 3rd week of doing the 1750 yd. beginner workouts (3 swims per week with specific drills), and I really think it's helping.  Yesterday and today I swam a 200 yd. set at the end of the workout and did it in 3:45!!

That is some serious improvement in a short time, and a smoking fast time! I think I will have to look closer at this plan you are doing


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