BT Development Mentor Program Archives » crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now Rss Feed  
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2008-12-28 10:48 PM
in reply to: #1875058

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
crea0029 - 2008-12-28 8:23 PM

Okay... I am going to attempt this... bare with me. Please let me know if ANYTHING is wrong with these. I am not sure if the code or the boxes will post so just copy what you want to your log. If you have any issues just ask. I do have them labeled above the code/boxes. You need to copy the whole thing code for the box you want or the whole box itself for it to work.



Pink background


Crea0029/Etknowles’s Mentor Group

Pam- crea0029

Kathryn- katod

Cath- cathcan

Karen- kew

Lisa- lufferly

Helen- HelenR

Emerson- etknowles

Amy- amy mutz

Amy- abud7373

Cheri- Sledge


Blue Stars


Crea0029/ Etknowles’s Mentor Group

Pam- crea0029

Kathryn- katod

Cath- cathcan

Karen- kew

Lisa- lufferly

Helen- HelenR

Emerson- etknowles

Amy- amy mutz

Amy- abud7373

Cheri- Sledge


Pink Stars


Crea0029/ Etknowles’s Mentor Group

Pam- crea0029

Kathryn- katod

Cath- cathcan

Karen- kew

Lisa- lufferly

Helen- HelenR

Emerson- etknowles

Amy- amy mutz

Amy- abud7373

Cheri- Sledge



Edited by etknowles 2008-12-28 10:52 PM

2008-12-28 10:55 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

I tried to make them the squares smaller and then delete what I had done and nothing seemed to work... so I am left with a quote with nothing on it... ignore the above...

Since dropping some weight is important to many in the group, I will share the process of getting from 185 to 148 and staying there.. I started in the spring of '05.  It is a lifestyle, not a diet.  Diets are deprivation and that defies our personalities, lifestyles can last a very long time... like forever...   More to come, EK

Edited by etknowles 2008-12-28 10:55 PM
2008-12-28 11:31 PM
in reply to: #1875157

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
etknowles - 2008-12-28 10:55 PM

I tried to make them the squares smaller and then delete what I had done and nothing seemed to work... so I am left with a quote with nothing on it... ignore the above...

Since dropping some weight is important to many in the group, I will share the process of getting from 185 to 148 and staying there.. I started in the spring of '05.  It is a lifestyle, not a diet.  Diets are deprivation and that defies our personalities, lifestyles can last a very long time... like forever...   More to come, EK

Emerson - I do know you need to hit quote and then copy the code that you see, try that.
2008-12-29 9:57 AM
in reply to: #1874977

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now
crea0029 - 2008-12-28 8:42 PM

I've been thinking about how to handle the nutrition/weight loss goals everyone is setting.  First things first, I would really like a list of the things you know you are doing bad ie eating too much, chocolaholic, not getting your veggies and fruits, those kinds of naughties.  Then I want to also know what you are doing well.  When I get responses from everyone (this is for everyone because everyone can eat better!) I will complete a list and we can go from there.  The best answers will be the simple ones, like those I mentioned and any others you can come up with. 

I guess the best way to describe what I do badly is that I'm a lazy cook.  I go for the simplest things to fix for dinner, which of course ends up being a lot of packaged and/or frozen foods.  I'm sure the nutritional value is seriously lacking, but it is easy and saves a lot of time!  I typically don't get home from work/working out until 7 or so, and only have a couple of hours before I need to get to bed.  I don't want to spend a lot of that precious time cooking, so I head for the freezer.

On the good side, I usually bring my breakfast and lunch with me to work, so I'm not tempted to go out and splurge.  We do have some crazy people in the office, though, that feel it is their responsibility to feed us -- they bring in the worst stuff! 

2008-12-29 1:10 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
So, how has everyone's day been? I got off to a good start this morning with a 2 mile run, 1 hour of water aerobics, and a 500 yard swim. And it felt really good! 'll be taking advantage of being off the entire week to get a little jump start on things. It's a gorgeous day outside, so maybe I'll get some yard work in. My 28 year old niece just sent me a message that she is thinking about doing the Little Rock Marathon/Half in March. I wonder if she was hinting at me?
2008-12-29 1:14 PM
in reply to: #1875157

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
etknowles - 2008-12-28 10:55 PM

I tried to make them the squares smaller and then delete what I had done and nothing seemed to work... so I am left with a quote with nothing on it... ignore the above...

Since dropping some weight is important to many in the group, I will share the process of getting from 185 to 148 and staying there.. I started in the spring of '05.  It is a lifestyle, not a diet.  Diets are deprivation and that defies our personalities, lifestyles can last a very long time... like forever...   More to come, EK

Okay... I am going to have to forward the size issues of the boxes on to higher sources.  I do not know how to do it myself.  As for copying them.  You need to highlight the whole thing from very top to very bottom, actually probably the space before and after them and then go into your goals and paste it.  Let me know about more questions.

2008-12-29 4:28 PM
in reply to: #1876103

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
YAHOO, the blind pig found the turnip.... I got the box posted... Now, off to an afternoon run... back later...  EK
2008-12-29 5:31 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
OK, I can't figure out how to get that box to post. For some reason, I'm not picking up the codes I guess, because it just gives me a list of names. ARGHH! I need remedial computer training.
2008-12-29 7:02 PM
in reply to: #1857670

Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

Hello gang!! Was able to add 'the box' to my profile- thanks for organizing that- sure makes it simpler!

Lousy trng day,  as as a Chrsitmas gift ... received a cold from my daughter ( ha ha..)- anyway-  started on some antibiotics- should be good in a couple days. The time off should give me an oppurtunity to formulate some goals.  

Hope everyone i doing well!!


(ps- weather has warmed up to +4 deg C ( or about 37 deg F)- snow has melted away---- (for now!)

2008-12-29 8:56 PM
in reply to: #1876641

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
HelenR - 2008-12-29 6:02 PM

Hello gang!! Was able to add 'the box' to my profile- thanks for organizing that- sure makes it simpler!

Lousy trng day,  as as a Chrsitmas gift ... received a cold from my daughter ( ha ha..)- anyway-  started on some antibiotics- should be good in a couple days. The time off should give me an oppurtunity to formulate some goals.  

Hope everyone i doing well!!


(ps- weather has warmed up to +4 deg C ( or about 37 deg F)- snow has melted away---- (for now!)

Sorry to hear about the cold.  At Thanksgiving, by sister-in-law brought the flu to dinner... we all were down for the count the next coupld of days with a killer bug... families were meant to share things but not sickness.  Somehow it just goes with the program...

Hope you get better, Emerson


2008-12-29 8:58 PM
in reply to: #1876527

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

lufferly - 2008-12-29 4:31 PM OK, I can't figure out how to get that box to post. For some reason, I'm not picking up the codes I guess, because it just gives me a list of names. ARGHH! I need remedial computer training.

This is when you need a good 20 year old... get one of your kids to help.  I am sure they will get it right just fine.  Being over 50 in this computer age can be a challenge, I am with you on that one...

2008-12-29 9:12 PM
in reply to: #1876527

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
lufferly - 2008-12-29 5:31 PM

OK, I can't figure out how to get that box to post. For some reason, I'm not picking up the codes I guess, because it just gives me a list of names. ARGHH! I need remedial computer training.

Ok, Lisa I sent you a message, look in you inbox, highlight the entire formula, copy and then paste in your goals, let me know if that works.

2008-12-29 9:14 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
If you want to make the box smaller, you will find in the formula that the font is 14pt, I changed mine to 10pt and that took care of it.

2008-12-30 8:41 AM
in reply to: #1857670

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

Any early risers in this group?  I get up early nearly every morning, but this morning was tough.  I guess maybe because I didn't have to get up early for a few days last week.  What a luxury, being able to sleep in!

Anyway, the reason I ask is that I was wondering what everyone's training schedule is like.  I find that if I don't get out in the morning, quite often my day gets gobbled up by other obligations and I never get around to working out.  I'm going to have to conquer that problem in order to follow this training plan though.

2008-12-30 8:54 AM
in reply to: #1877486

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
Sledge - 2008-12-30 8:41 AM

Any early risers in this group?  I get up early nearly every morning, but this morning was tough.  I guess maybe because I didn't have to get up early for a few days last week.  What a luxury, being able to sleep in!

Anyway, the reason I ask is that I was wondering what everyone's training schedule is like.  I find that if I don't get out in the morning, quite often my day gets gobbled up by other obligations and I never get around to working out.  I'm going to have to conquer that problem in order to follow this training plan though.

I am an early riser and like to get my bike or run in the am, but usually it is hard in the winter months, one because it is dark until 7:00 and the other is it is sooooo cold, so my best bet is to get run a bit later in the am and then do either swims, classes or bikes in the late afternoon at the YMCA. Is it summer yet?????

Amy IN
2008-12-30 10:28 AM
in reply to: #1877503

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British Columbia
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
I'm also an early riser (start work at 8:00 am). I will get up at 4:30 or 5:00 am depending on what I will be doing. I'm finding it really difficult right now to get the running and swimming in. They don't plow the side streets here so it is difficult to get the car out at times and the roads are just too icy to be running in the morning or evenings. I guess everybody is in the same boat because there are long waits at the community centre for the treadmills and elliptical trainers. Any suggestions?? Might just have to stick to the trainer for now until the roads clear up (whenever that will be). Expecting more snow later this week and on the weekend.

2008-12-30 1:44 PM
in reply to: #1877715

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

kew - 2008-12-30 10:28 AM I'm also an early riser (start work at 8:00 am). I will get up at 4:30 or 5:00 am depending on what I will be doing. I'm finding it really difficult right now to get the running and swimming in. They don't plow the side streets here so it is difficult to get the car out at times and the roads are just too icy to be running in the morning or evenings. I guess everybody is in the same boat because there are long waits at the community centre for the treadmills and elliptical trainers. Any suggestions?? Might just have to stick to the trainer for now until the roads clear up (whenever that will be). Expecting more snow later this week and on the weekend.

I get up at 5 every morning, and I used to be out running by 5:30 or so.  But a couple of months ago we had a bear (!) in the neighborhood, so now I wait until the sun comes up before venturing out.  Fortunately I can flex my hours at work, and now I show up by 8.

It's hard to find daylight to bike -- I guess I'm going to have to drag out the trainer.

2008-12-30 4:13 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
Like I told my other group, if anyone is on facebook my name is Amy Neufelder Mutz is you want to add me.

Edited by amy mutz 2008-12-30 4:13 PM
2008-12-30 5:55 PM
in reply to: #1878366

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

I am also on face book -- Emerson T Knowles. 

Amy, I looked for you and could not find you???  Please find me and we can connect that way... back later... Emerson

2008-12-30 6:18 PM
in reply to: #1878506

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British Columbia
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
I'm also on facebook...Karen Waterberg
2008-12-30 6:23 PM
in reply to: #1857670

Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

Me as well- Helen Robertson



2008-12-30 8:49 PM
in reply to: #1878537

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

Glad to see you both sent me friend requests... Pam is on too and I am sure she will jump in soon...  Karen noted from my photo from today's ride (on my training log) that the weather here is pretty nice... I will say that anyone is welcome to come on down to Tucson....    The winter here is passible....

We've been known to have a good party....

Edited by etknowles 2008-12-30 8:50 PM
2008-12-30 9:16 PM
in reply to: #1875688

Extreme Veteran
El Cajon, Ca
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now
Sledge - 2008-12-29 7:57 AM

crea0029 - 2008-12-28 8:42 PM

I've been thinking about how to handle the nutrition/weight loss goals everyone is setting.  First things first, I would really like a list of the things you know you are doing bad ie eating too much, chocolaholic, not getting your veggies and fruits, those kinds of naughties.  Then I want to also know what you are doing well.  When I get responses from everyone (this is for everyone because everyone can eat better!) I will complete a list and we can go from there.  The best answers will be the simple ones, like those I mentioned and any others you can come up with. 

I guess the best way to describe what I do badly is that I'm a lazy cook.  I go for the simplest things to fix for dinner, which of course ends up being a lot of packaged and/or frozen foods.  I'm sure the nutritional value is seriously lacking, but it is easy and saves a lot of time!  I typically don't get home from work/working out until 7 or so, and only have a couple of hours before I need to get to bed.  I don't want to spend a lot of that precious time cooking, so I head for the freezer.

On the good side, I usually bring my breakfast and lunch with me to work, so I'm not tempted to go out and splurge.  We do have some crazy people in the office, though, that feel it is their responsibility to feed us -- they bring in the worst stuff! 

I am in the same boat with the easy foods. Frozen pizza and mac and cheese are a staple around here. My problem is, my hubby is only home for dinner three nights a week, so it gets easy to fall into the habit of eating easy food. Also, the kids are at the age that they do not want to venture out and try anything new.

As for good habits, when I plan menus ahead and do the shopping, we eat pretty well. I just hate cooking for me when I know the kids will not eat it and DH is at work.

2008-12-30 9:18 PM
in reply to: #1857670

Extreme Veteran
El Cajon, Ca
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
Me too on Facebook Amy U. Cox

2008-12-30 9:22 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

I think that Kathryn (katod) may be in Michigan and off line for a few days...

As to weight loss, I have a lifestyle program that has worked very well for me...  I will start a write up after work tomorrow or on Thursday... year end is pretty crammed for us...  Work has been very stressful....

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