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2009-01-26 5:35 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
Speaking of OT, i've missed a few workouts lately due to working extra. But, I get to use that extra time during race season. This early in the season I don't think I'm losing any fitness with a day or two missed.

2009-01-26 9:47 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Monmouth, Oregon
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
I've been able to get in most of my workouts in the past few months due to the fact I've needed to lose a bunch of weight. I know the day will come when I lose my mojo and want to take off a couple of training days, but it hasn't happened yet. The point of the story is that we need to start calling each other out if we are missing training days, or at least too many days. SO be warned and please do the same for me when the time comes.
2009-01-26 2:30 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Washington State
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!

GUILTY!!!!! I've missed 5 days in a row. Totally unmotivated and haven't lost my 1 pound a week. I got my trainer last week. Even hooked my bike up to it, but haven't been on it once!! What's with that??

 By the way, when the bike is on the fluid trainer, it leaves a huge black mark from the tires on the trainer. It seems to me that it will wear out my tire incredilbly fast. Any of you die hard bikers know what I'm doing wrong? Like I said, I haven't even been on it more than just to make adjustments.



2009-01-26 4:22 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Monmouth, Oregon
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!

You don't have it on the trainer right. There may be different setting for the legs depending on your size of tire or type of bike. Make sure you have it set up for a road bike and your size tire. What brand is it? or is Fluid Trainer the brand? It should NOT rub the ground and yes it will ruin your tire and you won't get a good work out. Or on the other hand you'll get a great workout because you will literally be rubbing the rubber off your tire and your legs will be really tired. Your ride should closely simulate what it is like on the road.

NO MORE MISSING 5 DAYS IN A ROW!!! You can do it, just think about how good you will feel when you are done with your workouts. Also keep in mind that if you are hitting all of your workouts you'll be able to eat the same amount as you do now and still lose weight.

I am trying to drop weight but I'm addicted to food, which is why I was so overweight in the first place. BUt I adjust my eating to my workouts. IN other words, if I'm going long that week then I allow a little more intake and vice versa. It is kind of my own reward for pushing myself a little more. It has been working for me as I have lost 2-3 pounds a week for a total of 43 pounds so far. I feel great too.
2009-01-27 9:33 AM
in reply to: #1911985

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Monmouth, Oregon
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-reopened for a few more
OK Wes Ironman Louisville is going to be here before you know it. Just think time spent now will lessen the suffering then. I know I have this enduring image of the finish line at Ironman Arizona last year about how some finished looking good and some barely made it across the line. I want to finish strong, although I'll take crawling across the line if thats what it comes to.

Good Luck this week on getting your workouts in, YOU CAN DO IT!!!
2009-01-27 10:54 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
It seems like last week when I hit the registration button for IMKY the day it opened.Time is flying by so fast. I don't care about finish time(within reason)-just want to finish and smile and eat and rest and have a normal life for a while!

2009-01-27 2:29 PM
in reply to: #1931266

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Memphis, TN
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-reopened for a few more

fly_boy68 - 2009-01-27 9:33 AM OK Wes Ironman Louisville is going to be here before you know it. Just think time spent now will lessen the suffering then. I know I have this enduring image of the finish line at Ironman Arizona last year about how some finished looking good and some barely made it across the line. I want to finish strong, although I'll take crawling across the line if thats what it comes to. Good Luck this week on getting your workouts in, YOU CAN DO IT!!!


Started my official training this week.  I will take crawling across though

2009-01-27 5:16 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
Can you drag me while crawling??
2009-01-28 3:00 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
Hey guys and gals,

I'm pleased to report although I havent been blogging much I have most certainly been training!

Have really been teacing loads of fitness classes whilst not tri specific I have definately already seen improvement with my aerobic capacity most significantly in the pool, where i have been pitting my fitness against some local club swimmers who I work with.

I have an unplanned event coming up and have a 1K swim to do as part of team aquathlon event (1k swim and 10K run) my fella has asked me to swim for him as he cant swim that far or so he says! I have been working with him in the gym and now he wants to do some tri!

He is a bloody fast runner though so we could be in with a shout of some kind of prize on the day! ha ha

Is everyone well? I know i have been a bit detached form the group but I'm hoping to now be able to be more involved with posting on the forum as my work IT service now allows access to the website, which is helpfull as I spend to long at work! ha ha

Please guys I would appreciate it if you think of it or have a moment to mesage me at times to get me in the habit of posting and contributing to the group more!

2009-01-29 1:39 PM
in reply to: #1859239

New user

Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
Hey everyone. I just had my first 1000+ yard swim today at 1100 yards. Not bad considering my previous best was 250 which i did on tuesday. Once i pushed past the 200-300 mark it really wasn't bad at all. I could have gone longer but realized I was late for class. Anyways, I'm really happy with that for today!
2009-01-29 3:32 PM
in reply to: #1936012

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Memphis, TN
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!

jpoconne - 2009-01-29 1:39 PM Hey everyone. I just had my first 1000+ yard swim today at 1100 yards. Not bad considering my previous best was 250 which i did on tuesday. Once i pushed past the 200-300 mark it really wasn't bad at all. I could have gone longer but realized I was late for class. Anyways, I'm really happy with that for today!


Way to go!

2009-01-30 2:47 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
good stuff with the swim!

I found it a real mental bonus when you punch through the 300 yard/metre (for us in the UK) feels so good to know you have the distance in you, you must be very pleased with that!

I have been really struggling with my runs at the moment, seems that every time I run, I'm running with a pack too get somewhere for work so never just running for runnings sake, always as way of commuting!

Must juggle teaching/work so I can run wiothout the requirement of a pack!

Hows everyone else getting on then, lots of talk about 70.3 and full ironman races opening for entries I see ( have finally read through all the previous pages)

Hope your all doing well
2009-01-30 3:27 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Monmouth, Oregon
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
I am going to be sidelined for a couple of day. I am having major hip pain in my right hip and it doesn't seem to be getting better. We backed off of the mileage a bit last week to see if that would help and now I am limping all of the time, so I will be a couch potatoe this weekend to see if that helps. I am going to ice, stretch and massage all weekend along with ibuprofen and see where we are at on Monday.

I was doing so well too. Maybe too well as I think I'm having a bit of an overuse problem. I'll let everyone know how its going.
2009-01-30 5:13 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!

good call on backing off-it is still way early in season. Probably your body saying-"easy boy, slow down!!!"

I am the King of overuse injury & over training. I've tried to take a few days off if I feel excessively tired or a nagging pain.

2009-01-31 8:39 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
I'm officially struggling. There are 20 different reasons why (work/family/weather...) but I haven't been able to schedule workouts or do any consistant training all month. I'm going to regroup this weekend and try to come up with a plan that I can stick to. I'll be fine once I get into the groove, I'm just not there right now.

FYI-The hose on a camelbak freezes in under 30 minutes in 17 degree temps with 3 degree wind chill.

Greg- I hope you recover quickly.

2009-01-31 9:23 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Monmouth, Oregon
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!

I noticed you don't have any events scheduled until May. Are there any runs or events you can do in your area before May? Mentally, if I have an event that is coming up I get my workouts in because I want to do well at my event. Just a suggestion.

Good luck on getting your workouts in. Hope it goes well.

2009-01-31 1:10 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!

First double digit mileage run of the year today. Knees did fine, but my right foot decided to hurt. Once I get one thing healed, it's another!!! Headed to climb Mt. Chehea on the bike tomorrow with two buddies training for IMFL. I can't believe they talked me into it. 20 miles of climbing to the top & then down hill back to the vehicle. I will die.

I will post ride events tomorrow evening if I can move by then!!!!

2009-01-31 2:50 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Monmouth, Oregon
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
They have mountains in Alabama? I never knew...
2009-01-31 7:56 PM
in reply to: #1938742

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Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
fly_boy68 - 2009-01-31 9:23 AM


I noticed you don't have any events scheduled until May. Are there any runs or events you can do in your area before May? Mentally, if I have an event that is coming up I get my workouts in because I want to do well at my event. Just a suggestion.

Good luck on getting your workouts in. Hope it goes well.

Thanks Greg, that's good advice. I'll see what I can come up with in March or early April.
2009-02-01 4:23 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
5800 ft of climbing over 41 miles-I am dead Cry
2009-02-02 11:04 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
I cycled my 25 miles today in the snow!!

Was teacing a class in a local town and whilst on my way back to my gaff it started snowing, fortunately I didnt have a camlebak to freeze but it would of if I'd had one!

Wind chill with snow made for frosty fingers but wa actualy very pleasent experience cycling in snow!

I wander if I'll run tom?

Good on all you guys who are getting out and getting it done, sorry to hear about the niggles and twinges unfortunately all apr tof the package of tri, but like opie has said good work on easing off and getting your self set up for some R and R!

also good advice re planing an event to help you find the will to set your training regime, makes it so much easier, especially with wroking your dates back and setting target distances or total numbers of sessiona to have completed etc

2009-02-02 5:05 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Monmouth, Oregon
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
Had massage today, saw physicat therapist/coach who did some poking and prodding. It looks like little to no running for the next few days but will try to swim again tonight. I feel much better after massage and loosening up of the back/hip muscles. Need to stretch more frequent and take it more serious. Hopefully it will all go away soon California is coming soon.

2009-02-03 9:16 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!

Don't push it, let it heal. I went into Florida 70.3 injured last year. Not a pleasant experience (13.1 mile death march). We've still got plenty of time til that first weekend in April.

I'll be spending the next two days inside with sick daughter. Hello trainer Surprised

2009-02-03 9:34 AM
in reply to: #1859239

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Monmouth, Oregon
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
Ricky thanks for the donation!!

I am doing a fund raiser for the Challenged Athletes Foundation Operation Rebound. The funds go to injured men and women of our armed forces. Check out my webpage if you get a chance.

You'll probably have to cut and paste the link into your browser to get it to come up.

2009-02-03 7:18 PM
in reply to: #1859239

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Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Opiejoe's Group-closed & staying on page one!!
Duncan - Glad to hear you got home o.k. in the snow. I heard they got 10 inches in London. It must have been a mess. It's tough enough here when we get that much and we're supposed to be ready for it.

Ricky/Greg - Take care of yourselves. We're all looking to you guys for inspiration.

I'm trying to decide what to do and would value any input. It really isn't fit to ride the bike outside until late March. There aren't any tri's in my area until mid-April. There is a marathon in the town where I live in early April. Not much time, but there is no pressure to do anything but finish. I'm thinking I can run 4 days a week, swim 2 days and get still get some time on the bike trainer in the basement (I hate the bike trainer). This gets me through the winter with a good cardio base and is much easier to get into consistant training.

Option #2 is find a half-marathon in the same time frame and force myself to do more time in the pool and on the bike trainer (did I mention I hate the trainer?). This will make me toughen up mentally and probably help my tri performance overall but it will not be much fun.



Edited by reid15 2009-02-03 7:31 PM
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