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2009-02-16 10:01 PM
in reply to: #1964335

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Mountain bike

That's great Mike.  my very own MTB is a circa 1996 Specialized Rockhopper - I guess it was as a decent bike when it came out.  No suspension at all, but rocksolid and great for riding near the beach or just cruising around with the kids and wife.  It is so heavy that everyone in the family ride beats me at the sprint (LOL).

Now its time to get your dose of mud.  The best part is when you actually enjoy the bike ride for being fun, not for being fast.

2009-02-17 6:24 AM
in reply to: #1965608

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mountain bike
Am I the only one without a MTB? Guess so, don't really see myself getting one though I"m kind of a pavement person. But who knows. Mike I forgot to answer a question on what a fitting would cost. If you have a relationship with a local bike shop you might get a discount, but I think without purchasing a bike you should expect to spend $75-100 dollars. And congratulations on being selected as Coach of your marathon group, a nice honor I'm sure.
2009-02-17 7:05 AM
in reply to: #1965757

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Mountain bike

Thanks Roy.  Now I am going through the frustrating process of a) trying to pull control of the down-and-in training activities from the group organizer (a non-runner); and b) trying to boil down the USA Fit training methodology so I can explain it to the pace group coaches (not easy, USA Fit doesn't publish a word about its methods...other than they are "tried and tested".  But I refuse to let this group go through another poorly-organized season like we went through last year...even though I was just a pace group coach, the lack of professionalism at the top was embarrassing.

Headed for a show-down...


By the way, I bought a Tyr kickboard yesterday, a board was recommended by the HS coach I met with last week, to help with my kick drills.  I need to work on not pointing my toes, as my calves get cramps after about 200m of free sprints.

Edited by wildcat83 2009-02-17 7:07 AM
2009-02-17 8:18 AM
in reply to: #1965608

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Mountain bike
TrkHilo2k - 2009-02-16 10:01 PM

Now its time to get your dose of mud.  The best part is when you actually enjoy the bike ride for being fun, not for being fast.

That is the great thing about MTB.  It is FUN!!!  I have a few friends that treat every ride like it's a crit race, but for the most part we have a great group of riders that like to hit the trails then have some beers.  I use my MTB for hill intervals.  One of the trails here is 8 miles of single track all enclosed within one half square mile with over 1k feet of climbs.  Not real technical, but your lungs are screaming when you're done.  Nothing like having to pick your line up a 200 foot climb with rocks sticking up as much as a foot the entire way and keep those pedals spinning. 

2009-02-17 8:26 AM
in reply to: #1965784

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mountain bike
wildcat83 - 2009-02-17 8:05 AM

Thanks Roy.  Now I am going through the frustrating process of a) trying to pull control of the down-and-in training activities from the group organizer (a non-runner); and b) trying to boil down the USA Fit training methodology so I can explain it to the pace group coaches (not easy, USA Fit doesn't publish a word about its methods...other than they are "tried and tested".  But I refuse to let this group go through another poorly-organized season like we went through last year...even though I was just a pace group coach, the lack of professionalism at the top was embarrassing.

Headed for a show-down...


By the way, I bought a Tyr kickboard yesterday, a board was recommended by the HS coach I met with last week, to help with my kick drills.  I need to work on not pointing my toes, as my calves get cramps after about 200m of free sprints.

You can still and should point your toes, you need to maintain your streamline body posture as well as possible.  Probably some association with the amount of running you have done too. Just work on relaxation of your ankles so the foot hinges like is should with the kick motion as the water resistance will do the work for you. If you have ever seen an underwater shot of a duck, look how easily the webbed foot moves, thats kind of what your trying to acheive. Have you had the mother of all cramps yet in the calf? It sucks if you have. Or simply don't try to kick as much, I know we mentioned your kick and you felt you had a pretty natural kick motion, maybe try to back off your kick to a two beat rythym just for balance and you probably won't have as much of an issue. If you were racing 100's then you would absolutely need a strong kick, but since in triathlon your swimming distances of 1/4 and up you can save your legs and not kick as much.  When relaxing the ankles be careful as not to let them get in a 90degree angle, your putting on the breaks in this position, when you do your pull sets and using the pull bouy check your feet and you'll find that your in a pretty relaxed state. And if you are kicking when wearing your fins this(cramps) is a commom problem due to the foot angle pretty much being locked into place.

As I mentioned in an earlier blog, my tendancies when working with tri folks is to not emphasize the kick to much. If they have a natural kick and its not causing any aerobic issues for them I'll leave it alone. If someone isn't a good kicker I try to make sure there is some kick for balance but other than that I don't worry about it to much. Its the opposite for our age group swimmers we kick alot. 

Just some thoughts.

2009-02-17 2:05 PM
in reply to: #1965891

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Mountain bike

I've had the major calf cramps a couple of times in the past when running--whoa, man, but it stops you in mid-stride but quick.  Knot like a tennis ball, could barely walk.  So I am mindful of that feeling when it starts to "grip" when I am swimming.  Last week, I did the last 20m or so of my 50m sprints dragging dead legs because both calves had threatened cramps (good upper body work!).  I've noticed that when I'm not really pushing it, I tend to relax and slow down my kick beat, but when I do sprints, I need to figure out how to disengage my kick count from my arm rotations, or at least slow down my kick.  I rarely use the fins, so it isn't from that. 

I think I get much more out of good stroke and body technique than I ever will out of a stronger kick, so I will focus on that part and not let "better" be the enemy of "good enough" on the kick!

2009-02-17 9:27 PM
in reply to: #1964100

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Brazoria County
Subject: Time trial

Roy, I'm not sure just what percentage exertion I should be giving during a time trial, but I did 500m after warming up tonight, what I think was probably about 85% effort, 500m at 9:15 time, 1:51 pace.

Calves were good, I concentrated on slowing down my kick and keeping feet relaxed.  I could have gone another couple hundred at same pace.


So, what is a good indicator of where I am right now--the 500m with some reserve left in the tank, a 100m all-out...?  I know I can do a 1:25 100m, but don't know for sure what that tells me.

Edited by wildcat83 2009-02-18 6:00 AM
2009-02-18 6:38 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Mike it looks like your assesment on kicking is correct, don't worry about it to much, keep the ankles relaxed and you'll be fine. On your TT swim, the current 500 you did the other night at 85% is a good start. If you want do it again this weekend if you feel like spending the energy before your marathon. But if not we'll go with that time use it as your base time to start with and then we'll do it again in about 3 weeks. What you are looking for is your ability to maintain your splits during a swim just like running or biking. You don't want to see a major drop-off over the duration of the swim. Looks like you where you want to be.

Your first 100 should be swum strong, then the remaining 100's should all have pretty much the same split time, with maybe the last 100 being a few seconds faster than 100's 2-4. If you can do this then it is a good TT, even if the 100s fall off it is good information and it can help direct the training to be done. There will always be a fatigue factor, but we are looking to minimize the drop off of time during the swim.

I did a TT the other night did not intend to wasn't even going to do one until this weekend, but somehow after about 50 yards of a what was going to be a set of 400/s I decided what the heck. So I did 9:17, this is about 25 seconds off my best that was actually a 500 split from a 1000TT last April. So I have some work to do.

We're just looking for base information here on this first one, then we'll see what happens on the next one. But the intent is to swim these hard should be 90% or better, and you should probably have a HR at the end in the upper 150's to low 160s. This would be about what you are lookin for in an event. If it is much higher thats fine, but can you transition that into a good bike ride, it not umcommon to see a spike in HR on the transition run to the bike, so you have to swim in control much the way you'll approach the event.


2009-02-18 9:12 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Two more discussion topics: 

First, I was watching Ironman Malaysia on YouTube last night.  Apparantly this is a non-wetsuit race.  However, I noticed people pulling off their one piece tri suits after the swim to expose another tri-suit.  Were these non-buoyant speed suits they were wearing over their race clothes or what?

Second, Bike frame size.  If you ride a 56 cm road frame, does that automatically mean you will ride a 56cm tri frame?  Is it possible to fit to a smaller tri frame because of the geometry?  I am asking, because the fitting I received indicated a smaller tri frame.  I have really long legs in relation to my torso, so I can afford to have the shorter top tube length. 

Just need some feedback.  

2009-02-18 7:21 PM
in reply to: #1968132

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Hey Steven,

Yes the suits over the tri suit is the specialty speed suits that are allowed,a small degree of bouyancy is allowed in these suits, but nothing like a wetsuit. Its one of those issues where if it is helping a little and if your trying to get on a podium, and everyone is wearing one, you go to go with it.

Frame, I ride a 58cm road bike and a 56cm tri bike per the fitting, so I do think your  fitting appears to be normal. I'm pretty equal top and bottom, but the 56 is a nice fit.

Almost all discussions I've read in regards to frame size on tri bikes is that most feel it is always the best choice to go with a size smaller.

2009-02-18 9:17 PM
in reply to: #1967884

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

I can virtually guarantee that my 100's from the time trial (other than the final 100m) were not more than 2-4 seconds different from each other--I was in that kind of a glide, just like when I run.  I learned some time ago how to slow down my breathing on the run when I would realize that I might've gone out too fast, and I am finding that swimming is no just have to stay in control, or regain control as the case may be, and not start to panic breathe.  MY last 100 was probably 6-10 seconds faster, because I knew the finish was in sight and was feeling my first 400m was probably about a 1:53 pace, with the final 100m at 1:43 or so.

I ran some 3:00 minute intervals tonight as part of my taper, ran about 7:05-10 pace, and even after the last one (6:53 pace) my heartrate was only 156, so I felt pretty good.  The swim is no different--it stays right around 145, so I clearly am not topping out (on a 50m sprint, I do top 150 bpm), but never go over mid-150s.

Personally, I think this is a good assessment of me after swimming 3 weeks--it is the fastest 500m I've ever swam (swum?).  I know I can do more, but I'd like to leave some room for improvement in a few weeks! :-)  Crazy, but the swim went from my weakest event to the one I am enjoying the most in just three weeks--way to go, coach!

I need to start focusing on the bike, figure out some drills, workouts, like on the swim, so I can expect to carry 20+ mph on a sprint distance in a couple of months (am averaging 16-17 on 20-30 mile rides now).

2009-02-19 6:25 AM
in reply to: #1969754

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
wildcat83 - 2009-02-18 10:17 PM

I can virtually guarantee that my 100's from the time trial (other than the final 100m) were not more than 2-4 seconds different from each other--I was in that kind of a glide, just like when I run.  I learned some time ago how to slow down my breathing on the run when I would realize that I might've gone out too fast, and I am finding that swimming is no just have to stay in control, or regain control as the case may be, and not start to panic breathe.  MY last 100 was probably 6-10 seconds faster, because I knew the finish was in sight and was feeling my first 400m was probably about a 1:53 pace, with the final 100m at 1:43 or so.

I ran some 3:00 minute intervals tonight as part of my taper, ran about 7:05-10 pace, and even after the last one (6:53 pace) my heartrate was only 156, so I felt pretty good.  The swim is no different--it stays right around 145, so I clearly am not topping out (on a 50m sprint, I do top 150 bpm), but never go over mid-150s.

Personally, I think this is a good assessment of me after swimming 3 weeks--it is the fastest 500m I've ever swam (swum?).  I know I can do more, but I'd like to leave some room for improvement in a few weeks! :-)  Crazy, but the swim went from my weakest event to the one I am enjoying the most in just three weeks--way to go, coach! THanks.

I need to start focusing on the bike, figure out some drills, workouts, like on the swim, so I can expect to carry 20+ mph on a sprint distance in a couple of months (am averaging 16-17 on 20-30 mile rides now).

You are gaining and excellent perspective of how things are going to work, and holding your split times from 100-100 is perfect. Way to go!!!!

After your marathon your time will open up a bit and you can spend more time on the bike, just ride. For sprint distance events 10-15 mile bike segments if you are doing 25-40 mile rides that is perfect. I know on the south side of Houston its flat, but if there is somewhere you can get in some hills thats some of the best work you can do. Maybe west past Katy I know it starts to get into some rolling terrain.

2009-02-19 8:12 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

These are the items I am looking at purchasing in the VERY near future.  Please review the list and provide input on if you feel it is worth it and what products you have experience with:

1) wetsuit:  my target race is "wetsuit required"

2) HR monitor/cyclocomputer/running computer:  Polar S725X is the model I'm looking at because it has a two bike system and I have no cyclocomputer at this time.  $270 on ebay right now. 

3) speedsuit for pool swims

4) water bottle belt

5) running visor/hat- all my hats are just baseball caps that don't breathe at all.  Would prefer a visor or mesh back hat "Andy Roddick" style if you've seen him play recently.

Anything else you see as "essential" equipment that I should consider in addition to or in lieu of the above items?  Does anyone have/use a TT helmet?

2009-02-19 12:25 PM
in reply to: #1970070

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
aesophs - 2009-02-19 9:12 AM

1) wetsuit:  my target race is "wetsuit required"

2) HR monitor/cyclocomputer/running computer:  Polar S725X is the model I'm looking at because it has a two bike system and I have no cyclocomputer at this time.  $270 on ebay right now. 

3) speedsuit for pool swims

4) water bottle belt

5) running visor/hat- all my hats are just baseball caps that don't breathe at all.  Would prefer a visor or mesh back hat "Andy Roddick" style if you've seen him play recently.

Anything else you see as "essential" equipment that I should consider in addition to or in lieu of the above items?  Does anyone have/use a TT helmet?


1) Wetsuits, range from $140-600.00, quality of neoprene and how the panels are built into the suit. Full body is the way to go, in Florida since we only race 1-2 events per year that are wetsuit legal. You see alot of the sleeveless suits. Water temps are usually just barely wetsuit legal. Plus there are some other amenities that go with the suits, like the gripper on the underside of the forearm, more water  capture so easier to swim. The higher priced suits have it, lesser not so much. I have an Xterra sleeveless entry level suit it works just fine for me. Some suits to look at blue seventy, zoot, 2xu, promotion, usat has a suit that they are offering discounts to if you are a member, you will need to be to race. Also I looked at suit a couple of weeks ago, Synergy I believe, even tried it on, it was nice but the water grip area on the arm was like wearing a scoop shovel on each arm unbelievable. And its legal. So you have a lot of choice, it is best to try them on and get in the water to make sure you get the best fit.

2) Recommended, you can use them for a lot. I only use mine on selected occasions. I tend to get a little anal about looking at HR instead of doing the training. I find the best use for me is on the bike during an event, it really helps me maintain control of speed which I set based on HR. I like to maintain 158-162 I find thats my comfort zone and keeps me around  a speed I'll feel I'll be able to run with, I have a basic Polar HR monitor the one your looking at has a lot of features to utilize.

3) I don't think there will any help to you for just training.

4) If your training area doesn't have accessible water fountains, then definitely you need to get something. I use an ampiphod belt with a single 20oz unit, fuel belt, also has similar container. There are multi-container untis as well. Since you are looking to go IM'ing next year you might as well start using one to train with you'll be able to start experimenting on nutrition while on your runs. I've got mine with me anything over 3 miles for outdoor run.

5) Hats/visors to me a necessity to some not. There are lots to choose from, I have a couple one is sweatvac, you can look them up online. Another one I don't know the brand, I'll check it at the house, its lighter than the sweatvac but both work the same to keep the head cool once there wet. Not wet still hot. But they work.

6)TT helmet, I don't use one I don't think my aero position is good enough to get any real advantage from them. I tend to look down, probably to much. I've read that some recommend a aero helmet before wheels. So a definit performance enhancer here. BUT, Craig Alexander won Kona with a standard bike helmet .

Wheels if you havne't already looked will be a big expense. Ebay is probably the best place to look for used wheels and even deals on new wheels.

It looks like your close on getting all of the essentials.

Edited by tri/tbay 2009-02-19 12:28 PM
2009-02-19 1:03 PM
in reply to: #1970070

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

These are the items I am looking at purchasing in the VERY near future.  Please review the list and provide input on if you feel it is worth it and what products you have experience with:

1) wetsuit:  my target race is "wetsuit required"

I just bought a Promotion Afterburner full suit, $270 shipped.  It is very comfortable, has forearm and shin ribs, and interchangeable thigh neoprene pads, also has some color and flair to it.

2) HR monitor/cyclocomputer/running computer:  Polar S725X is the model I'm looking at because it has a two bike system and I have no cyclocomputer at this time.  $270 on ebay right now. 

I use the Garmin 205 (no heart rate), but the 305 on sale for $145 for the next day, does.  They have a running and a biking mode, so I just strap it on my handlebar when biking and it works fine--no cadence though.

3) speedsuit for pool swims

I wear jammers...not to be confused with "jammies"!

4) water bottle belt

I love my Nathan Speedbalt 4-pack.

5) running visor/hat- all my hats are just baseball caps that don't breathe at all.  Would prefer a visor or mesh back hat "Andy Roddick" style if you've seen him play recently.

Lots of good dri-fit running caps, with ventilation out there.  Me, I only wear do-rags--keeps the sweat out of my eyes, lots of colors to choose from.  I like the HeadSweats, though.

Anything else you see as "essential" equipment that I should consider in addition to or in lieu of the above items?  Does anyone have/use a TT helmet?

Good running socks are vital, I pay $12-14/pair, they last a long time, and worth every penny.  I like the Asics Kayano anatomically correct socks. is a great place to get them, and they charge 0 shipping fees and no tax.

Edited by wildcat83 2009-02-19 1:04 PM
2009-02-19 2:26 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed


I don't wear socks in my running shoes.  Never have.  And yes, my shoes smell terrible. 

2009-02-19 2:30 PM
in reply to: #1971279

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
I don't either during short races or during a tri, but do for long races (half/full marathons)...and my shoes stink just as bad as yours, I am sure!
2009-02-20 9:02 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Thanks for all of your input on my product list!!  It will help a lot when shopping for new stuff.  Man I love new stuff.

I have a milestone to report:  This morning I went for a run OUTSIDE.  It was about 12 degrees and snowing, but it was that really nice light snow that just falls from the sky rather than blows like ice chunks into your skin.  It was really cool when running under the street lights and watching it fall, otherwise you couldn't see it, you could just feel it hitting your face.  I had a four inch beard-cicle when I finished.

The route I took is called 3 Parks.  It is an in town loop that takes you through, get this, three parks.  I ran it EVERY MONDAY FOR FIVE YEARS when running track in college.  It was the middle distance crew's long miles for the week.  It is 6.3 miles.  I finished in 51 minutes.  I was pretty happy with that as I wanted to keep this aerobic and easy.  Considering I started running 5 weeks ago, I felt 8 minute pace for an easy run wasn't bad.  I realize I will be racing that distance at a goal of 6:15-30, but these are base miles.  The 1200M repeats are scheduled for April. 

Picking up the tri bike this weekend and GOOD NEWS:  They ran out of the 105 equipped bikes and I was upgraded to a Dura-Ace equipped Giant Trinity Alliance A0!!  I'm thinking of screen printing this bike shop's name on my tri suit just to say thanks.  :-)  Haha.  Happy training this weekend!!  I am swearing off the computer til at least late Sunday night.  Way too much to do. 

2009-02-20 3:49 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
I have to post this so I get my "25 posts" green star.  I was envious of Mike's, so I had to get my own.  Hopefully they don't mean "meaningful posts."
2009-02-20 3:50 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!  Do you see it there?  Oh, it is beautiful.
2009-02-20 6:11 PM
in reply to: #1973629

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Brazoria County
Subject: Star

Youdaman, Steven!

Roy, maybe my swim workout today gives you some idea of where I am at--I still don't know how to gauge fitness in the pool, but I sure felt good today!

See notes on my training log, but here are my splits from a mile swim today:

500 yds      9:40     1:56 pace
1000 yds    8:34     1:43 pace
1500 yds    9:27     1:53 pace

1760 yds    32:41   1:51 pace       pulse at finish was about 145

2009-02-20 6:34 PM
in reply to: #1973860

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Star
wildcat83 - 2009-02-20 7:11 PM

Youdaman, Steven!

Roy, maybe my swim workout today gives you some idea of where I am at--I still don't know how to gauge fitness in the pool, but I sure felt good today!

See notes on my training log, but here are my splits from a mile swim today:

500 yds      9:40     1:56 pace
1000 yds    8:34     1:43 pace
1500 yds    9:27     1:53 pace

1760 yds    32:41   1:51 pace       pulse at finish was about 145

This looks great Mike, HR rate is really good maybe even reflects that you can pick it up little. But like you stated in an earlier post lets not peak to soon, but continue to build on what you have started. After you Marathon lets up the yardage to 2000-2500. This is a very sufficient yardage for doing sprints and getting ready for an Olympic distance. I"ll put a workout out for you. But your are doing great, how did you feel during the middle 500 at the 1:43 pace?

Keep up the great efforts, and have a great weekend. I have got to go Gainesville Fl. tomorrow for a swim meet. I'll talk to you all on Monday.

I'm going for 100

Edited by tri/tbay 2009-02-20 6:36 PM
2009-02-20 6:51 PM
in reply to: #1973885

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Star

I felt fine in the middle 500, really didn't realize I had picked it up a notch.  Copy all on the "peaking too early", but I wanted to just see what I had in me.

I definitely feel like I can pick it up, I'm still learning what that means though!

2009-02-20 7:08 PM
in reply to: #1973918

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Star
wildcat83 - 2009-02-20 7:51 PM

I felt fine in the middle 500, really didn't realize I had picked it up a notch.  Copy all on the "peaking too early", but I wanted to just see what I had in me.

I definitely feel like I can pick it up, I'm still learning what that means!

We are going to let your HR give you the answer in the coming training. You are making a nice progression, and the adaptation that is coinciding with it will require an increase in yardage, not a lot though. And we'll begin to work into increasing the HR during the workouts.


2009-02-21 7:18 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Whew!  I finally made it home after 3 weeks of travel, sorry coach, was way too tired to get up this AM from my own and cozy little bed.  This week I will be posting some workouts.

To the rest of the crew, keep it up and keep tri-ing.  Great to see we're still motivating and inquiring, qhich means we're all intrested and willing to sweat for the big prize.

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