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2009-06-16 11:58 AM
in reply to: #2081807

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Subject: RE: Allenh's Group - CLOSED
Where is everyone?  Seems like our group is down to 4 people.

My training has been here and there, nothing consistent.   I have decided to do fewer races this year and focus on a longer triathlon.  Instead of doing the Charleston Tri Series I have decided to do an Olympic distance on Kiawah Island.  It's only $60 and is about 14 weeks away. Plenty of time to get back on a good schedule and get the most out of my money.  I am still going to do the 5k series. 

Anyone know of a good Olympic training program? 

2009-06-16 6:03 PM
in reply to: #2081807

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: Allenh's Group - CLOSED
'Sup guys.  We have been quiet, haven't we?

Been training very regularly but I do have a trip to Vegas this week-end.  Hoping to get in one nice run and one good swim so I don't expect to slack *that* much.  Gonna eat whatever I want.

Karl, I'm going all sprint myself until things cool off in October.  Been working on higher intensity at short distances which fits nicely for sprint distance.  I think you need to be able to swim strong, hammer the bike hard for 30 minutes and then run close to your 5K pace.  Speedwork is where its at.  For me I know my bike is already strongish and my swim is what it is, so I'm trying to focus on shorter, faster run training to better my sprint time. 
2009-06-16 6:45 PM
in reply to: #2081807

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Subject: RE: Allenh's Group - CLOSED
master the short, with speed and efficiency gaining confidence,  then conquer the long with stength and grace....good deal! GETTING FASTER, SMARTER, STRONGER AND CONFIDENT.
2009-06-16 6:48 PM
in reply to: #2081807

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Subject: RE: Allenh's Group - CLOSED
2009-06-17 10:07 AM
in reply to: #2081807

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Roxborough Park
Subject: RE: Allenh's Group - CLOSED
We have been a bit quiet.  Here's some random info from me - I decided to join a running group yesterday (first run is today).  It's supposed to be casual as they call it a drinking group with a running problem but I'm still a little bit apprehensive because I'm really slow.  They have a short loop for the slow ones and a long loop for the fast ones, but my best time for a short run is 9:45 per mile.  I'm hoping there is at least someone slow planning on showing up- I'm somewhat terrified of showing up to find a group of guys looking to run 5 miles at a sub 7 pace.  I'm easily intimidated if I'm the worst at something.  BOP is fine, DFL- not fine.

How many of you participate in organized group workouts?
2009-06-17 10:26 AM
in reply to: #2081807

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: Allenh's Group - CLOSED
I have a semi-regular ride on Tuesdays and Fridays, with a few other guys.  It's an early 5:30 start and usually goes 20-30 miles at a pretty good pace.  Two of the guys were Cat 3 riders so I'm just happy to keep up.  I used to be part of a regular Saturday AM swim group, but it gets spotty when the ocean is rough.  It's just getting back up to speed now.  I've never joined a run group for the same reasons you mentioned but now I'm thinking I should suck it up.  Riding with strong roadies has made me a good cyclist quickly.  As hard as it will be for me to keep up, I bet running with other runners would improve my run leg considerably.

2009-06-18 8:03 AM
in reply to: #2081807

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Roxborough Park
Subject: RE: Allenh's Group - CLOSED
I went running with my group last night and I think I found one of the best running groups in Colorado.  They have a neat loop that they run that allows for the slow ones to go about 3 miles and the fast ones to go about 6. 

The best part though is after the run- it starts and stops at a pub near a University (University of Denver) and the owner serves up free food and beer after the run.  When I saw that I assumed appetizer snack type food... not so much.  There was an enormous (and endless) grilled chicken salad with all kinds of veggies and greens (no iceberg here!) and the owner was a super nice guy.  I think there would've been pizza if we had wanted more to eat- we'll have to see next time.

There were only 5 of us- 2 fast guys and 3 slow girls, but apparently they get up to 20 or 30 people at once regularly in the summer.  I guess there are some other run groups in Denver that get up to 300 people per run (yowza!) but I think this one is the greatest. 

If any of you are in Denver for a Wednesday night run, let me know and I'll show you where to go .  Oh, and Pete- like you said with your cycling group, I ran my fastest 3 miles last night (still slow, but fast for me) so I'd say go for it.  If you look around you'll probably be able to find a good group that caters to those of us who aren't as fast (you're faster than me).  I found these guys on 
2009-06-18 4:38 PM
in reply to: #2081807

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: Allenh's Group - CLOSED
Sounds like a great experience.  I've got to try the same thing.

I'm off for Las Vegas tomorrow AM.  I don't have any training planned which will make it my first rest day in about 3 weeks.  Gonna try to fit in one run and one swim and do my best not to eat and drink everything in sight. 
2009-06-23 9:20 AM
in reply to: #2081807

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: Allenh's Group - CLOSED
Hey folks, I'm back from Sin City.  I was fortunate to fit in a run and a couple swims.  The Wynn hotel has a long pool with a 80+ yard center lane that was great for drills.  You had to get there early because it was mobbed after 10AM.  I got in one 5 mile run, from my hotel South on The Strip to the MGM and back.  At 7AM for every person out there with a coffee there was another person out with a beer.  For every runner I saw there was another person puking in a garbage can.  Actually, I saw a few people with running belts and quite a few more running with a water bottle.  Bringing water on my run would have been smart.  Here in Florida, with our high humidity, I comeback from runs drenched in sweat.  Out there in the desert I came back almost dry.  Fun little week-end but now I gotta jump back in to my routine.  Gonna register today for a race in 3 weeks.
2009-06-23 10:25 AM
in reply to: #2081807

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Roxborough Park
Subject: RE: Allenh's Group - CLOSED
Sounds like fun Pete.  Way to go for sticking to your plan even though you weren't at home
2009-06-25 2:49 PM
in reply to: #2081807

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Subject: RE: Allenh's Group - CLOSED
Hey everyone! Sorry I've been gone for so long, I just got back from a CRUISE! It was great and so much fun. But don't worry, I kept the eating under control and kept the runs coming in. I actually ran my fastest 10k by 2 minutes! I have a sprint tri in 2 weeks and an olympic in 4, so I have to start training heavy again! and I have to check out that thing, it sounds very interesting. And great job to everyone over their accomplishments over the past couple weeks. I'm very proud of everyone!

2009-07-08 1:20 PM
in reply to: #2081807

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Subject: RE: Allenh's Group - CLOSED
Everyone is so quiet! I hope it's because you are all so busy racing!!!
2009-07-09 8:48 PM
in reply to: #2081807

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: Allenh's Group - CLOSED
Hey guys,

Training's going well and I have some new developments.  JUst got my bike fit yesterday and it was an interesting experience.  I'll try to go in to the details later; I'm packing now for a long week-end with the family in Orlando.  Check my log for some info. 

I'm also considering doing a 70.3 in November with my buddy. Gotta mull it over this week-end.  It's a big step up.  Was planning on doing another sprint in 2 Sundays but just learned they moved the venue.  I need to check out the new course before I commit.  Two other sprints I wanna try and hit in August too.

Planning on training in Orland.  Runs & swims and I might strength train if the hotel has a decent fitness center.

Have a good week-end everyone.
2009-07-15 8:09 PM
in reply to: #2081807

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: Allenh's Group - CLOSED
So I did get one good training day in Orlando, but it's been bupkis since then.  Sleeping like crazy except for last nite when I had a sick kid and spent the whole nite up.  Slept from 6AM to 10AM and then off to work.  I'll be back to normal tomorrow when we have our swim group meet at 6:30 AM.  I'll probably run over and back.  The swim is a leisurely 1.4 miles.

I signed up for a half-iron just moments ago.  I wasn't really planning on doing one this year but my main training buddy signed up and his son is doing the oli distance that day too.  My wife has been encouraging me to take the challenge on so I know I have her support for when my training weeks will get a little hairy.  It's good to have a buddy to train with too.  I'm not planning on racing it, but on trying to finish the distance competently.  I hope I can keep that in mind on race day.

2009-07-17 12:47 AM
in reply to: #2288243

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Subject: RE: Allenh's Group - CLOSED
pete i'm so impressed with how far you have come, you keep doing more and more and that is showing a lot of character and determination. I am very proud. great job!
2009-07-17 2:33 PM
in reply to: #2081807

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Subject: RE: Allenh's Group - CLOSED
Did a 5k race last week and my time was 21:43.  I have a feeling it was a little under 5k Distance but it looks like running longer distances has been helping. 

Training was cut back Wednesday because I strained my back wakeboarding.  I have done it before, just need to take it easy and recover.  Should be fine by the end of the weekend and will hopefully be able to do a long ride Sunday morning.  Just got a new seat (Adamo Race) that I need to try out.  Hopefully it will make the 40 mile rides just a little more enjoyable.

2009-07-17 3:20 PM
in reply to: #2081807

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: Allenh's Group - CLOSED
Wow Karl, that's 7-flats for a 5K. My goal for the next year is to get down to a 25 minute 5k. I think I'll make progress as I continue to get lighter. Speaking of weight, how is trying to gain weight going?
2009-07-20 11:14 AM
in reply to: #2081807

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Subject: RE: Allenh's Group - CLOSED
They started selling Fat Tire in South Carolina in June, since then keeping weight on hasn't been a problem. 
2009-07-24 8:59 PM
in reply to: #2296045

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Subject: RE: Allenh's Group - CLOSED
Im very impressed with all the progress you have made karl! keep it up!
2009-07-27 7:34 PM
in reply to: #2081807

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: Allenh's Group - CLOSED
I'm getting my butt kicked right now.  My HIM plan calls for 10 hours of run/bike/swim this week as part of an early "build" phase.  Throw the 1-1.5 hours of strength training I try to do and my plate is more than full.  Got off to a good start yesterday with a 2+ hour ride and managed to do some strength training this AM along with a 20 minute run.  Just came back from a 5 miler tonite to get a jump on the required run training.  87 degrees here at 7pm so I really felt a bit sapped on the run, but better now that I've had chocolate milk and a nice, cool shower.  Gonna have a guilt-free beer and slice of pizza too. 

I think I'm feeling pretty good aside from a little muscle soreness.  I'm sleeping like a log too.  Training is hard work and I can't believe I have 14 more weeks of this volume.  In the end though I know it will all make for a better, more fun race day.
2009-08-11 1:03 PM
in reply to: #2081807

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: Allenh's Group - CLOSED
Looks like the mentor groups are over.  Have a great rest of the season everyone!

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