BT Development Mentor Program Archives » KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2009-12-24 12:08 AM
in reply to: #2576290

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
lovesreading - 2009-12-23 7:39 PM I did my dawn run. It was grey and cold, hardly inspiring. I did manage to hit my 10min pace goal without checking my watch at all Smile - well, 10:05 anyway, close enuf.

I'm planning to swim and try the Expresso bike tomorrow assuming the gym is still open on Christmas Eve. I didn't think to check... If it's closed, I'll hit the trainer.

My diet survived a staff Christmas dinner out by dividing the meal into 1/3's. Now I've got yummy treats for the next two days Tongue out.... (drooling) I'm down 2.5lb in just over 2 weeks on Weight Watchers. Its doing a good job tweaking the diet to take into account my workouts.

On another note: I've got a nagging lowgrade ache in a muscle right at my right hip. I especially notice it when I wake up. It persisted even through the time off running. It went away after a couple of weeks travelling last month but came back slightly on return so I suspect something about my matress/sleeping position aggravates it. I'm feeling it slightly more after each run. It's not piercing, doesn't hurt more during exercise, just persistant. When I first started running, this area was sore on each hip and that went away. This started up when I started trying to train after runner's knee. When I moved from the elliptical to the treadmill before my knee was ready, both the knee and the hip hurt, so I stopped everything. So, now I'm starting up again and I don't know how cautious to be. Knowing my doctor, if I go to him, I WILL end up in physical therapy. He's conservative and seems to like PT.

Any ideas? I don't know whether to try to weight train and strengthen something (and if so, what?) or whether to stretch or just keep on and hope it'll go away since it's mild painwise. Are there any hip things it could be that mean I'd need to stop soonest?


Hi Cheryl,

I'm sorry to hear about the hip pain.  Exactly where is it?  In 2005, I started to have a constant dull pain in my left hip.  I continued to run, and it got worse.  It ended up being a teeny tiny tear in my hip flexor.  Well, that healed (just from the doc's orders: REST), However, it came back with a vengeance in 2008.  It turns out the scar tissue built up so terribly that it caused severe pain in my hip flexor and sparked ITBS.  My ITBS mainly is in the section by my hip, not my knee.  The only thing that helped me were very expensive ART treatments and now constantly rolling everyday and using the stick.

The point of my story:  Listen to your body!  Sometimes I wonder if I took a few weeks off running when it first started hurting instead of continuing marathon training if it would have nicely healed.  I hope you figure out your solution and that the pain subsides Smile

2009-12-24 9:31 AM
in reply to: #2557497

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New user
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED

hey everyone!  I just got back from my first spinning class in a LONG time.  It kicked my butt!  But it felt great.  I've been in kind of a funk the past few weeks with working out and I feel like I'm back to my old self! Anyway, I'm taking tomorrow off and then doing a circuit training class on Saturday morning. 

Have a wonderful holiday everyone!

Santa is bringing me a new pair of running shoes, I can't wait!

2009-12-25 1:48 AM
in reply to: #2557497

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Hi all -

I tried to sleep in, but the 2 youngest (4 & 6) had other plans.  I made it to the gym for a swim/bike workout (aquabrick?).  I had a nice mid-pool collision - reminded me of race time.  I ended up doing 1550 in 30min then 30min on a "hilly" course on the Expresso trainer.  This time I used my bike shoes and shorts and was much more comfortable - although I felt like a total idiot compared to all the yoga pants in there.

I'm still cooking and getting ready for Xmas.  I've got to figure out how to do a 45min ride on Sunday when I have to choose between taking all 4 kids to Mom and Dad's or my bike.  If they keep whining, it'll be an easy choice!

Out of those two descriptions, it sounds more like the hip flexor tear, not the sciatic nerve description.  How did you find out about the tear?  Nothing really seems to make it suddenly worse, no sudden pains.  It's nearly painfree when sitting.   I can nearly pinpoint it if I press in toward the pelvic bone at the right spot.  Still, its not quite pinpoint, more diffuse so I'm still hoping it's an ache from resuming running and will pass.

Erin - Gonna break in the new shoes on Christmas?

Looks like I might be in Columbus the weekend of the Indoor tri.  My daughter wants me to chaparone her friends at an anime convention at the convention center.  Is that at all convenient to OSU?  I'm thinking of making my price be that she also does the indoor tri.  She's mid swim season and in good enough shape I'm sure she can complete it.  I keep trying to recruit her - I want to be one of those parents shepherding their kids through their first tri.  My 5yo had already done one and is hooked but there are pretty much no opportunities for 6yo out there.

Happy holidays,


2009-12-25 2:30 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Hello everyone, Merry Christmas. Survived the traditional Christmas Eve dinner at my place last night with 7 courses of seafood, fuit and dessert!!Innocent I'm totally exhausted, was hoping to get on the trainer before going to MILs for dinner today but I'm so exhaused, I can't move!! Training postponed until tomorrow then. Wink

Merry Christmas everyone!
2009-12-26 10:03 AM
in reply to: #2557497

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Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Hi everyone! Hope you're all recovering from the holidays and looking forward to New Years. I'm still in Canada and we had freezing rain this morning which means I won't be able to get my run in today. My father-in-law slipped and fell on the ice when taking the trash out so I know that there is no way I can get my run in outside. We're heading back to California tomorrow, looking forward to getting back on the trainer, I miss my bike! Also looking forward to running in temps above freezing. Smile
2009-12-26 5:05 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Hey everyone! I am out of town and have limited computer access. Will be back on it Sunday!

I read some really interesting stuff in some of my journals and study materials I can't wait to post up!

Merry Christmas all!

2009-12-27 11:01 AM
in reply to: #2557497

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Hey group!  I hope everyone is doing well.  I posted to below message in the Tri Talk forum, and thought I'd post it here too.  Any advice is highly welcome!

Hello all.  I need advice or some words of encouragement.  My brother and I went on a 20 mile bike ride on Christmas day.  We had two big climbs, which were challenging for me, but still good.  With the climbs, we then had two two descents.  One was awfully steep and the other was not as bad.  Well, I was petrified with the first steep descent.  I rode my brakes the entire way down, which is not good.  My brother said it was a 12% grade going down, and I'm not sure how steep that is compared to other hills, but it freaked me out!  This fear I have is overwhelming, and I know I need to move past it.  I like climbing hills.  I feel accomplished with each hill climbed, but the descent terrifies me.  I think its going fast, the fear of having to suddenly stop and crash, losing control, etc...

*Back story: When I was 17, I fell off a 60 foot cliff.  I've had an irrational fear of falling and steep hills/cliffs ever since.  For example, I have zero desire to ski and the thought of sitting on a ski lift freaks me out.  This may have something to do with my descent fear on the bike.

What are things I can do to get over this?  Is this fear totally uncommon?  Thoughts?  By the way, I'm registered for Wildflower, so I need to kick this fear ASAP!
2009-12-27 12:02 PM
in reply to: #2578859

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Puerto Aventuras
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
justtrichris - 2009-12-27 11:01 AM Hey group!  I hope everyone is doing well.  I posted to below message in the Tri Talk forum, and thought I'd post it here too.  Any advice is highly welcome!

*Back story: When I was 17, I fell off a 60 foot cliff.  I've had an irrational fear of falling and steep hills/cliffs ever since.  For example, I have zero desire to ski and the thought of sitting on a ski lift freaks me out.  This may have something to do with my descent fear on the bike.

What are things I can do to get over this?  Is this fear totally uncommon?  Thoughts?  By the way, I'm registered for Wildflower, so I need to kick this fear ASAP!

Well, I think that would do it for most of us :-) There is a probably a constant fight between your rational side that tells you that its OK and the irrational side that thinks you will die or get hurt. I think the more hills you do your rational side will take over the other. Just gain confidence by doing lots of smaller hills and increase them as you feel more confident.

You have a great opportunity here, getting over one's fears. Buena suerte,

2009-12-27 1:03 PM
in reply to: #2578859

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
justtrichris - 2009-12-27 11:01 AM

Hey group!  I hope everyone is doing well.  I posted to below message in the Tri Talk forum, and thought I'd post it here too.  Any advice is highly welcome!

Hello all.  I need advice or some words of encouragement.  My brother and I went on a 20 mile bike ride on Christmas day.  We had two big climbs, which were challenging for me, but still good.  With the climbs, we then had two two descents.  One was awfully steep and the other was not as bad.  Well, I was petrified with the first steep descent.  I rode my brakes the entire way down, which is not good.  My brother said it was a 12% grade going down, and I'm not sure how steep that is compared to other hills, but it freaked me out!  This fear I have is overwhelming, and I know I need to move past it.  I like climbing hills.  I feel accomplished with each hill climbed, but the descent terrifies me.  I think its going fast, the fear of having to suddenly stop and crash, losing control, etc...

*Back story: When I was 17, I fell off a 60 foot cliff.  I've had an irrational fear of falling and steep hills/cliffs ever since.  For example, I have zero desire to ski and the thought of sitting on a ski lift freaks me out.  This may have something to do with my descent fear on the bike.

What are things I can do to get over this?  Is this fear totally uncommon?  Thoughts?  By the way, I'm registered for Wildflower, so I need to kick this fear ASAP!

If you fell off a cliff... your fear is not irrational.

I wish I had some tips for going downhills, but I ride my brakes the whole time. I love riding up the hills and hate going down them.

My tires and skinny and my brakes are not all that great.

I use to ride motorcycles at speeds of 110 mph ... no problem.

A bike? 40 mph? Forget it! The difference? One has big fat tires with solid brakes (motorcycle)... the other does not.

Maybe someone who has no fear of flying downhills can chime in.

2009-12-27 1:37 PM
in reply to: #2578967

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
KSH - 2009-12-27 1:03 PM
justtrichris - 2009-12-27 11:01 AMHey group!  I hope everyone is doing well.  I posted to below message in the Tri Talk forum, and thought I'd post it here too.  Any advice is highly welcome!

Hello all.  I need advice or some words of encouragement.  My brother and I went on a 20 mile bike ride on Christmas day.  We had two big climbs, which were challenging for me, but still good.  With the climbs, we then had two two descents.  One was awfully steep and the other was not as bad.  Well, I was petrified with the first steep descent.  I rode my brakes the entire way down, which is not good.  My brother said it was a 12% grade going down, and I'm not sure how steep that is compared to other hills, but it freaked me out!  This fear I have is overwhelming, and I know I need to move past it.  I like climbing hills.  I feel accomplished with each hill climbed, but the descent terrifies me.  I think its going fast, the fear of having to suddenly stop and crash, losing control, etc...

*Back story: When I was 17, I fell off a 60 foot cliff.  I've had an irrational fear of falling and steep hills/cliffs ever since.  For example, I have zero desire to ski and the thought of sitting on a ski lift freaks me out.  This may have something to do with my descent fear on the bike.

What are things I can do to get over this?  Is this fear totally uncommon?  Thoughts?  By the way, I'm registered for Wildflower, so I need to kick this fear ASAP!
If you fell off a cliff... your fear is not irrational. I wish I had some tips for going downhills, but I ride my brakes the whole time. I love riding up the hills and hate going down them. My tires and skinny and my brakes are not all that great. I use to ride motorcycles at speeds of 110 mph ... no problem. A bike? 40 mph? Forget it! The difference? One has big fat tires with solid brakes (motorcycle)... the other does not. Maybe someone who has no fear of flying downhills can chime in. :)
I guess I am the one to chime in about no fear going down hill. I love the free speed and the feeling. I also believe and feel that the faster I go, the more stable I am on the bike. Physics. Think about it, it is really really hard to ride a bike 1mph, you swerve all over the place. At 5, 10, 15mph, you go straighter and straighter with less efort.

I have never fallen off a cliff though, and I can understand how that might change how I feel.

A few ideas come to my mind that you could give a go. Find a group of increasingly steep hills. Start with something that is barely downhill or flat and work up to going as fast as you can down it (pedaling). Then go to the next hill and so forth. Work your way up to the steep one (maybe every couple weeks or so). At some point, you wont be pedaling anymore once they get steeper. Also, as you approach the steeper ones that you have a fear of, walk the hill and get to know the bumps, crevices, and any potential dangers.

Couple that with some bike handling drills so that you become better on the bike and more confident in different situations.

Edited by Big_D 2009-12-27 1:38 PM
2009-12-27 7:25 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Congratulations to everyone who has hung on through the holidays! I know it's hard... but you did it! It's almost over... and 2010 is just around the corner!

Unfortunately... it looks like two in our group have fallen... jtsn and TritoTeach have not logged anything in a good 20 days on their logs.

Hopefully they will return to us after January 1st!

To everyone else... PLEASE KEEP LOGGING YOUR WORKOUTS in your logs! Thanks!

2009-12-27 11:05 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
I think I have an advantage over the holidays... teaching gives me 2 weeks off, my family lives close by, and our weather here is not too shabby in the winter. 

Thanks for the downhill cycling words of encouragement.  I'll be seeking out more in the future.  I'm heading out on the bike tomorrow morning and will build in a few hills. 

By the way, I thought I'd change my picture.  Though I do love my Golden Gate Bridge, I thought my "tough-girl" picture was more fitting  

Have a great night all!
2009-12-27 11:09 PM
in reply to: #2577435

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
lovesreading - 2009-12-24 11:48 PM Hi all -

I tried to sleep in, but the 2 youngest (4 & 6) had other plans. I made it to the gym for a swim/bike workout (aquabrick?). I had a nice mid-pool collision - reminded me of race time. I ended up doing 1550 in 30min then 30min on a "hilly" course on the Expresso trainer. This time I used my bike shoes and shorts and was much more comfortable - although I felt like a total idiot compared to all the yoga pants in there.

I'm still cooking and getting ready for Xmas. I've got to figure out how to do a 45min ride on Sunday when I have to choose between taking all 4 kids to Mom and Dad's or my bike. If they keep whining, it'll be an easy choice!

Out of those two descriptions, it sounds more like the hip flexor tear, not the sciatic nerve description. How did you find out about the tear? Nothing really seems to make it suddenly worse, no sudden pains. It's nearly painfree when sitting. I can nearly pinpoint it if I press in toward the pelvic bone at the right spot. Still, its not quite pinpoint, more diffuse so I'm still hoping it's an ache from resuming running and will pass.

Erin - Gonna break in the new shoes on Christmas?

Looks like I might be in Columbus the weekend of the Indoor tri. My daughter wants me to chaparone her friends at an anime convention at the convention center. Is that at all convenient to OSU? I'm thinking of making my price be that she also does the indoor tri. She's mid swim season and in good enough shape I'm sure she can complete it. I keep trying to recruit her - I want to be one of those parents shepherding their kids through their first tri. My 5yo had already done one and is hooked but there are pretty much no opportunities for 6yo out there.

Happy holidays,


Hi Cheryl,

My doc told me he suspected it was a minor tear.  Years later it was confirmed when my chiropractor found the built up scar tissue.  I could pin pint the exact location.  It didn't move.  I was always in the exact same spot on my hip flexor.  I hope you find your solution!
2009-12-28 11:01 AM
in reply to: #2557497

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
I'm here! Please don't give up on me! I was sick the first two weeks of Dec, then had to get a cortisone shot in my knee and the doc recommended a little time off, and I've spent the last week snowed in at my parents house with no internet and lucky to have power (most neighbors didn't). I've never seen snow drifts quite like these--I'm totally stir crazy, but nothing I can do about it now...I hoping the road will be cleared by tomorrow and I can head home and get back to my regular workouts worth logging--what a crazy month. Anyway, I was still hoping for any advice on a training program. I'm trying to figure out how to incorporate couch to 5k or some run/walk plan with tri training--if I should spend more time on getting back to running or focus more on the other two since I know I can do those more or less and running is going to be a little iffy. Any advice?
2009-12-28 11:12 AM
in reply to: #2557497

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Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Hi team! I'm back in San Francisco after a 15 hour travel day yesterday. I'm excited to be back and getting back into my normal routine. I have today and tomorrow off before going back to work so I plan to get some good workouts in to try to burn off all the holiday food I ate the last week. Planning to ride the trainer today while I watch the Kona broadcast that I DVR'd. I figure it will be great motivation to get back in the swing of things.
2009-12-28 3:13 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Yoga, yeah Yoga.  I am thinking that with my aches and pains of getting old, Yoga might be something to look into.  I am thinking just for general flexibility and movement (I guess there is agility, balance and certain muscle strengthening too).  Also, I think my limited flexibility affects my swim kick being sooo weak compared to my stroke.  So, who does yoga and what are everyone's thoughts and views?

2009-12-28 3:56 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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New user
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Hey everyone! I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday.  I ate way too much but I was really happy to get 3 solid workouts in at home.  As I've mentioned before, my husband and I gave each other gym memberships for christmas and we are going tonight! I'm super excited.  I'm breaking in my new shoes and probably going to do some running on the treadmill.  I'm still very sore from my class on Saturday but it feels good to be sore!

2009-12-28 4:36 PM
in reply to: #2580128

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
TritoTeach - 2009-12-28 11:01 AM

I'm here! Please don't give up on me! I was sick the first two weeks of Dec, then had to get a cortisone shot in my knee and the doc recommended a little time off, and I've spent the last week snowed in at my parents house with no internet and lucky to have power (most neighbors didn't). I've never seen snow drifts quite like these--I'm totally stir crazy, but nothing I can do about it now...I hoping the road will be cleared by tomorrow and I can head home and get back to my regular workouts worth logging--what a crazy month. Anyway, I was still hoping for any advice on a training program. I'm trying to figure out how to incorporate couch to 5k or some run/walk plan with tri training--if I should spend more time on getting back to running or focus more on the other two since I know I can do those more or less and running is going to be a little iffy. Any advice?

WOW what a rough December you have had! I hope your knee is going to be OK!

Bad stuff with the snow.

With your knee, maybe you should focus on the bike and swim through January?

2009-12-28 4:41 PM
in reply to: #2580628

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Big_D - 2009-12-28 3:13 PM

Yoga, yeah Yoga.  I am thinking that with my aches and pains of getting old, Yoga might be something to look into.  I am thinking just for general flexibility and movement (I guess there is agility, balance and certain muscle strengthening too).  Also, I think my limited flexibility affects my swim kick being sooo weak compared to my stroke.  So, who does yoga and what are everyone's thoughts and views?

I gained a lot of flexibility doing yoga for a year many years back. Flexibility is always good. Can't really say it changed my physique at all.

Not sure how much your limited flexibility plays into your swim kick though. It probably does but I'm just not exactly sure how.

While I enjoyed yoga I found it to be very boring. I'm just a high energy kind of girl and didn't get into the whole meditative side of it. Many times I would yawn through a class. I did the power yoga to stay more interested and that helped.

2009-12-28 4:42 PM
in reply to: #2580700

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
erin.kelsey - 2009-12-28 3:56 PM

Hey everyone! I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday.  I ate way too much but I was really happy to get 3 solid workouts in at home.  As I've mentioned before, my husband and I gave each other gym memberships for christmas and we are going tonight! I'm super excited.  I'm breaking in my new shoes and probably going to do some running on the treadmill.  I'm still very sore from my class on Saturday but it feels good to be sore!

Sounds like great gifts you gave each other!

Maybe I asked this before... but you did buy your shoes from a proper running store... right?
2009-12-28 4:43 PM
in reply to: #2580628

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Big_D - 2009-12-28 1:13 PM Yoga, yeah Yoga. I am thinking that with my aches and pains of getting old, Yoga might be something to look into. I am thinking just for general flexibility and movement (I guess there is agility, balance and certain muscle strengthening too). Also, I think my limited flexibility affects my swim kick being sooo weak compared to my stroke. So, who does yoga and what are everyone's thoughts and views?

I LOVED yoga when I stuck with it. However, I am the worst when it comes to sticking with weekly classes.  I've done both Vinyasa and Ashtanga.  I really liked them both.  The one time I tried Bikrim, I thought I was going to pass out from the heat.  Some swear by heated yoga, but I hated it.  I say try out a class or two until you find one that suits your needs.  It definitely helps with flexibility, relaxation, and overall stress.

2009-12-28 5:25 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
I've never enjoyed any yoga classes I've taken, but I LOVE the Yogamazing video podcasts you can download for free from iTunes. Each week or so, they add a different video. They have Yoga for Triathletes, Yoga for Swimmers, Yoga for Runners (my favorite), Yoga for Digestion, Knees, Back, pretty much anything you could ask for. My favorite part is that they are only about 20 minutes. Just short enough to keep my attention and I love the extra stretching I get when I put in the time to be consistent with them--check them out, they're great.
2009-12-29 12:30 AM
in reply to: #2557497

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Hope everyone had a great Christmas weekend! Great job to those who worked out! Almost done with 2009, and I'm a little sad but excited for 2010 and everything I want to accomplish.

On yoga, I love it. I was doing hatha yoga once a week for awhile and I felt that it improved my flexibility and core strength (not saying much b/c I am flexible as a branch) I actually want to get back into doing it weekly again. It's been a month since my last class. About your swim know what I'm going to say.....LOTS OF ONE LEGGED KICKS!

Ok, for my question.....I'm having a really hard time controlling my breathing in this weather. I've been trying to run outside but the cold air is wrecking havoc on my asthma and lungs. It hurts pretty badly and sounds nasty as well. I don't even like running to begin with and I know treadmill running isn't the same as outside. Oh, and I don't like being cold either. Yeah, I sound kinda whiney....sorry.
2009-12-29 10:16 AM
in reply to: #2581364

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
tnguyen1 - 2009-12-29 12:30 AM Hope everyone had a great Christmas weekend! Great job to those who worked out! Almost done with 2009, and I'm a little sad but excited for 2010 and everything I want to accomplish.

On yoga, I love it. I was doing hatha yoga once a week for awhile and I felt that it improved my flexibility and core strength (not saying much b/c I am flexible as a branch) I actually want to get back into doing it weekly again. It's been a month since my last class. About your swim know what I'm going to say.....LOTS OF ONE LEGGED KICKS! :)

Ok, for my question.....I'm having a really hard time controlling my breathing in this weather. I've been trying to run outside but the cold air is wrecking havoc on my asthma and lungs. It hurts pretty badly and sounds nasty as well. I don't even like running to begin with and I know treadmill running isn't the same as outside. Oh, and I don't like being cold either. Yeah, I sound kinda whiney....sorry.

Thanks everyone for the yoga info, I think I will check out some local classes if they fit my whacky schedule, if not, that podcast sounds like it might be right up my alley

One legged kicks, what a way to ruin a good workout. haha.  But I guess since you are game every time for the hill repeats I will play along. ;

Running in cold weather.  I think my thoughts on that are the same as the strength training.  A big part of triathlons to me is enjoying it.  If you have issues running in the cold weather and can hit the treadmill, then do it.  We are pretty lucky in TX that today it is freezing rain, but this weekend might be 60 (making that part up, havent looked at the weather for the weekend).

Edited by Big_D 2009-12-29 10:17 AM
2009-12-29 10:33 AM
in reply to: #2581364

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
tnguyen1 - 2009-12-28 10:30 PM Hope everyone had a great Christmas weekend! Great job to those who worked out! Almost done with 2009, and I'm a little sad but excited for 2010 and everything I want to accomplish.

On yoga, I love it. I was doing hatha yoga once a week for awhile and I felt that it improved my flexibility and core strength (not saying much b/c I am flexible as a branch) I actually want to get back into doing it weekly again. It's been a month since my last class. About your swim know what I'm going to say.....LOTS OF ONE LEGGED KICKS!

Ok, for my question.....I'm having a really hard time controlling my breathing in this weather. I've been trying to run outside but the cold air is wrecking havoc on my asthma and lungs. It hurts pretty badly and sounds nasty as well. I don't even like running to begin with and I know treadmill running isn't the same as outside. Oh, and I don't like being cold either. Yeah, I sound kinda whiney....sorry.

Asthma is annoying.  Running over the past month has been very difficult for me in the "cold" weather.   We don't actually get as cold here as in most parts of the country.  No snow.  No freezing rain.  Yet, the air can get cold, and the wind wreaks havoc with my asthma when trying to run outside. 

I'm just being consistent with using my preventative inhaler morning and night and then am taking one dose of albuterol about 15 minutes before I run.  I actually had my first good run two days ago, and it was still cold out.   For me, consistency with the inhalers and with running  has helped.   It took a while, but it's getting easier.  I'll be much happier when  the average air temp starts creeping up though!  As far as the treadmill goes, if you can do it, go for it!  I lasted 15 whole minutes on the treadmill yesterday and  became bored. 

I hope it gets easier soon.  Asthma sucks!
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