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2010-01-25 10:08 PM
in reply to: #2577093

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Solvang california
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL

There is an elite coach that lives in my town and he has a blog look up his "free training program" on his website----------he has a very detailed swim workout that I may follow once I rejoin a gym with a poolGoogle Coach Chuckie V and to the right margin click on his training plans.


And NO-------not everyone in my town or even California looks like him, in fact he looks very normal currently, I see him at the grocery store all the time. I have never actually approached him, as I am still a "closet triathlete".   on an even MORE side note , Bo Derek lives in my town as well, and it is really weird the few times a year my husband and I go out to dinner , she always is at the same place, which has my husband convinced Bo is stalking him

Back to this chuckie V he and the elite triathletes blog their daily workouts if you need someone to live vicariously thru.


2010-01-26 7:59 PM
in reply to: #2634469

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Orangevale, CA
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
I just watched Chuckie V in the 1993 Kona Ironman.  He was somewhat of a featured athlete on the NBC coverage. 

He finished in something like 8 hrs 40 min.
2010-01-27 1:26 PM
in reply to: #2577093


Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
How is everyone keeping motivated? I have found that having someone to train with once/twice a week gives me an extra push and keeps me interested. Certainly feeling a massive difference with my improved diet too!
Also, I am going to a pilates class for the first time tonight, does anyone think it will be worthwhile? I'll let you know how it goes.........
2010-01-27 2:35 PM
in reply to: #2637902

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
chale - 2010-01-27 1:26 PM

How is everyone keeping motivated? I have found that having someone to train with once/twice a week gives me an extra push and keeps me interested. Certainly feeling a massive difference with my improved diet too!
Also, I am going to a pilates class for the first time tonight, does anyone think it will be worthwhile? I'll let you know how it goes.........

Chris, I am seriously considering some group fun runs for the companionship aspect...definitely for the bike as well when it warms up a bit! I would love a workout partner though. I have NO idea how to find one. Any ideas?

I think you will like Pilates (and feel it too). I am definitely more of a Yoga person, but the disciplines are so similar and borrow from each other, I don't think you can go wrong.

The following is only my opinion, please research and decide for yourself...pursuing triathlon is a bit different than, say Rugby (T, you listening?). In many sports, you have motion on more than one your body is more well rounded (think side to side in soccer or basketball, twisting in tennis, etc). We tend to go in one direction (forward as fast as we can) so keeping an eye on our core strength is a worthwhile "extra." Triathletes famously are prone to low back pain, and since I already have problems with this, I knew going in that I would have to work extra hard on my core to avoid the pain.

Anyway, I like Yoga because it has taught me to stretch much more efficiently (breathe IN to the tight spot, breathe OUT into a deeper stretch, repeat). I also like it because it helps me quiet my mind. And of course, the obvious, is the core workout you get.

Pilates is more movement oriented, and it will seem more like a traditional "abs" type of class. Either one, done regularly, will definitely strengthen your core...(I forgot to mention that in addition to helping avoid low back pain, core strength will also help you maintain better form in all three disciplines too...). Oh, and don't be surprised if there are things you can't do the first few times you go to pilates...some of it is definitely "learned."

Hope that helps! Let us know how you like it. Q
2010-01-28 6:21 AM
in reply to: #2638101


Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL

Pilates is definately a tough work out. Think it will be very could for my core strength and flexibility, a really nice alternative workout. There is a common misconception over here that things like pilates and yoga are for women. The way I feel today, I can assure you it isn't!

Well I found a partner by simply telling someone I was doing a sprint triathlon to help motivate me to get into shape, and asked if he was interested and he snapped my hand off. (he used to be a very good swimmer too, which could be useful!) Then I bumped into a lad I used to play cricket with and he was telling me that his aim this year was to complete a triathlon too, so that kind of fell into place. I would try talking to people in the gym or relatively fit friends and explain your motivations for doing it and they may suprise you! Most people I have talked to fear the swim! Hope that helps. Laughing
2010-01-28 3:42 PM
in reply to: #2577093

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Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL

Hi All, I feel a little differently about motivation for tri's, having played rugby which is a team game and you are reliant of your team mates as much as yourself, I am looking forward to participating in a sport in which I am not reliant on anyone apart from myself, and this excites and motivates me.

This website, its blog, training log and nutrition log all motivate me as I feel very rewarded by reviewing what I have done, ate noted etc and I look forward to working out to put down on here what I have done, and then reviewing how it compares to what I have done in the past. I am a bit of a statto and do like to record my training and analyse it.

I bought the Garmin 310xt which is an excellent bit of kit, and at a pricey £240 I must use it to get  my moneys worth, I am finding that I look forward to strapping it on and recording my sessions (although I do feel a bit self corneous about wearing it in the pool or spinning)

I have a friend who is training for a half ironman, he has only ever done 1 sprint tri before but he is a sporty fit person and will be fine with it. We speak about 3 times a week and talk about what we have done training wise etc and swap ideas etc, this is also a real help. We have not done any training sessions together but do plan to cycle together and he is about 6 months ahead of me with swimming so were going to do some pool time together and hopefully I pick up some tips.

I like to set myself challenges in life and playing rugby was one of them, doing a local 10k race, doing the great south run (10mile race). Tri's have always been on my radar but I never really did anything about it until now and that was because rugby takes up so much time, but I am phasing out of it now and so the time for tri training is no real difference to my rugby time in the past.

I find that telling people what my goals are motivates me because I don’t want to be seen as a person who does not follow through on their word.

If there are any psychologists out there you could probably build up a good profile of me from all of that ! lol !!

2010-01-28 3:44 PM
in reply to: #2577093

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Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
I forgot to add, my wife has found a pilates class round the road from us on tuesday nights and has bought us a matt each, so were off to that next week too and i will let you know my thoughts, being a 6ft 2 15 stone very unflexible beaten up rugby player I am looking forward to this !
2010-01-28 5:35 PM
in reply to: #2577093

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
What motivates me: 

Signing up for a race!!!

Once I sign up I know I have to be commit seriously to my training.  I'm not sure if the motivation is fear or desire to perform well, but either way it certainly helps me be serious about my training!

That being said, I haven't yet signed up for any races this year..... ;(

2010-01-29 3:51 PM
in reply to: #2577093

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Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
I just had to shout  about this guys,  I am really pleased I have done over 100 miles in january so far ! wooo ! thats how far away my dad lives and it takes 2 hours to drive there !! One very happy chap here !
2010-01-29 6:58 PM
in reply to: #2643363

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL

Tiesim - 2010-01-29 3:51 PM I just had to shout  about this guys,  I am really pleased I have done over 100 miles in january so far ! wooo ! thats how far away my dad lives and it takes 2 hours to drive there !! One very happy chap here !

Congratulations!  You've been quite dedicated this month.  Keep it up!



2010-01-29 6:59 PM
in reply to: #2577093

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
Only two days left in January.  Make them good.  Then report back on how your month went!


2010-01-30 3:16 PM
in reply to: #2577093

New user

Solvang california
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
Stressful, chaotic events interrupts my focus to take care of myself--which only leads to more stress. It is a viscious cycle that has really led to unhealthy ways to make the stress go away.

The remainder of this weeks plan got dropped as one of my children developed a respiratory problem leading to two emergency room visits, and arranging for multiple tests with a specialist all keeping up with work in between caring for her, juggling other family schedules. Notice how all of this immediately crosses off the one thing that could keep stress level in control--exercise.

It is now Saturday morning, and my self-destructive events on Friday:

 losing my cool in a meeting full of agency members that were all supposed to be working together  for a large grant  for the economically disadvantaged families that attend  the schools I nurse at, and no one could agree , as usual , when you get such groups together polictial agendas always end up roadblocks----------in short I didn't hold my tongue (I am known to go into "David vs Goliath" mode, and it is never flattering and rarely successful
I followed this up with getting all of the kids to bed  and emptying the refrigerator and washing it down with a couple of beers.

Had I continued the workouts, most likely I would have had healthier outlets for the events of the week, which would have benfitted my family, and definitely would have given me the insight that I cannot change the powers that be alone, and tone down my reactions when I am in a room full of peolple with full time jobs to have meetings that go nowhere.
Anyone who has words that I can glue to I have two more days in January to start over, again. Does any one have any words to remind me to stick with the exercise when the day gets tough? I will glue them to my forhead.  kristen
2010-01-30 7:22 PM
in reply to: #2644637

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Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
Hug and kiss your husband and kids - often.  That always make my dislike for stupid people go away.
2010-01-31 3:10 PM
in reply to: #2644637

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL

I wanted to write to you after reading this but I've been wrangling kids and stuff and just now had a chance!

I am so sorry you had a stressful week...sick kids are the worst because you can't take the suffering away from them!

I just think you're being really tough on yourself and that it would be ok to cut yourself some slack. Who here hasn't blown it completely with food or booze or letting emotions take over on occasion? Plus, so what, you scarfed the fridge and drank a few beers. Not the end of the world lady...just as long as you don't do it Monday thru Sunday, right?

AFA coping strategies, sometimes I think in our world of psychobabble, self help, everyone is "special" in their own way, etc, we forget that some of the basics really really help. Counting to 10, taking a deep breath, physically removing yourself from the situation, even for a minute or two...etc. Nothing earth shattering, just stuff your Grama told you.

Oh, yes, and the hugging the hubby and kiddies works wonders for me too!!!

Feel better and do a little something physical (walk around the block, some stretching, etc) when you can't get a whole workout in and you won't feel so frustrated (at least I don't)...

Next week is going to be a tough one for me...two root canals on the same side of my mouth and darned if they aren't the BIG teeth. Feel free to give me a reciprocal pep talk any time! I guarantee I am going to be b__ching and moaning about how I feel all week. I apologize in advance!

2010-02-01 8:24 PM
in reply to: #2577093

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
January is over.  How'd you do?  How well were you able to juggle family, training, and bad weather?  Any tips for motivating oneself to train when you're getting tugged from all directions and it's freezing outside?

My 2010 triathlon training officially started January 1.  My goals for the month were to meet some run and bike targets, but mainly I wanted to get in the swing of training again.  Overall I'd say that I had a fairly good month!  No business travel, no family emergencies, no school/kid problems (other than the normal teenage girl stuff), nor other activities made for remarkably smooth and uneventful family life plus plenty of time for training!  We had a week of unusually bad weather, and I did miss a couple of days due to being under the weather, but that's pretty much expected this time of year...

I met my cycling mileage goal; it wasn't all that difficult since I had 5 full weekends to get in some longer rides.  I missed my running mileage goal due to a mid-month I switch to the "run less, run faster" philosophy.  It seems to be working and I don't seem to be on the verge of injury (yet?) so I'm going to try continuing with this plan and lower my monthly mileage goal.  If I start getting thos pesky minor running injuries (which wouldn't be a big surprise...) I'll switch to the "run less, run slower" plan for a few weeks...  Swimming was a bit of a bust. I got in 8 swims this month counting the one when I got to the pool 15 minutes before closing.  My total yardage (meterage?) was well lower than I normally do.

February is going to be tougher for training since business travel and business obligations will take up more time.  For now I'm going to assume that I can keep my current riding and running schedule, though maybe substituting some easier stuff when I'm traveling.   And swim at least 10 times (about 25,000 meters) during the month.  We'll see how it goes!

Oh, and I gained about 4 lbs during January after not gaining any over the holidays.  Part of me wants to say it is muscle gain from increased cycling, but part of me knows that extra pizza and desserts may have contributed....


Edited by famelec 2010-02-01 9:36 PM
2010-02-02 9:02 AM
in reply to: #2648840

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Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL

Running goals were met in January, but the swimming lacked.  Sat down last night and took the calendar with the training programs I want to use, and counted backwards from race day on the marathon, and three tri's.  It landed perfectly with February, so I will be kicking it up another notch.  By doing this, I found that I will do two of the tri's the weekend BEFORE I travel to Vegas and Ohio, so hopefully the recovery will be quick so I can get on the plane.  I hate being tight when flying.  The last week of Feb, I have to go to Chgo for work, but have already planned to use the pool.  I'll probably be the only one in it. :-)

Back to running. . . finding that I can move up another level here as well.  Getting faster and stronger to go longer.  That to me is huge. Especially for the long distances I will need later in the year. 


2010-02-02 2:46 PM
in reply to: #2649511

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
Deb C - 2010-02-02 9:02 AM

Running goals were met in January, but the swimming lacked.  Sat down last night and took the calendar with the training programs I want to use, and counted backwards from race day on the marathon, and three tri's.  It landed perfectly with February, so I will be kicking it up another notch.  By doing this, I found that I will do two of the tri's the weekend BEFORE I travel to Vegas and Ohio, so hopefully the recovery will be quick so I can get on the plane.  I hate being tight when flying.  The last week of Feb, I have to go to Chgo for work, but have already planned to use the pool.  I'll probably be the only one in it. :-)

Back to running. . . finding that I can move up another level here as well.  Getting faster and stronger to go longer.  That to me is huge. Especially for the long distances I will need later in the year. 


I did the same thing with my races...plug in and count backwards. Mid Feb for me. Let me know if you want to get together for a run while you're here...I have a car and a jogger and I know how to use them. I would invite you to my gym, but it's a silly place. You're probably better off swimming in the hotel pool. Are you staying downtown or out in the 'burbs?

Have you thought about wearing compression gear on the plane (under your non-superhero clothes of course)? The folks at CW-X suggested it to us if we were traveling to or from a race...

2010-02-02 4:04 PM
in reply to: #2577093

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
Well, I still haven't signed up for any races yet, but I did finally post on my training log the ones I expect to do.  Includes a duathlon coming up in less than 2 weeks.  Yikes!!

My "A" race for the season is an Olympic distance race on Memorial Day (last Monday in May for the UKers)  so my 16 week plan starts next week.   In reality the first four weeks of my plan, which I pretty much make up as I go along, is to just get in as much training as I can.  I'll start focusing my plan more in the last 12 weeks.

Quincy, I think you were the one who suggested something about naked running.  As you may or may not know, the Bay to Breakers race you're doing probably has the largest contingent of naked runners (actually, most of them walk from what I've heard) of any major race in the world.  Gotta love the wackiness of San Francisco.  Is that the reason you're going?


Edited by famelec 2010-02-02 4:07 PM
2010-02-02 8:00 PM
in reply to: #2577093

New user

Solvang california
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL

Quincy we are all waiting for your response to Brian's question about San alot of people just walk the course? I'm starting to wonder if I could actually show up for than one (fully dressed) and run/walk it by that time I should be able to run a 5k so if lots of people are walking it may be worth the drive up. I am trying to get my sister to meet me in SF later in the month for a running clinic for "CHI RUNNING".

I more that met my weight loss goal for January, and at the beginning of the month I did not plan to start this scheduled run program so looking back I managed to train on either running, core or bike at least three days a week, but I did let outside events interfere with planned exercise usually when it was needed the most. So this next month, I do not have any expectation to push goals , but to maintain consistency and to think if training as a reward and not a punishment (in other words, see it as a tool for stress relief not the first thing to skip when the going gets tough. Rewarded myself with a bike computer so I will get off the spin bike and get outside.  kristen

2010-02-02 8:49 PM
in reply to: #2651209

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
abr - 2010-02-02 8:00 PM

Quincy we are all waiting for your response to Brian's question about San alot of people just walk the course? I'm starting to wonder if I could actually show up for than one (fully dressed) and run/walk it by that time I should be able to run a 5k so if lots of people are walking it may be worth the drive up. I am trying to get my sister to meet me in SF later in the month for a running clinic for "CHI RUNNING".

I more that met my weight loss goal for January, and at the beginning of the month I did not plan to start this scheduled run program so looking back I managed to train on either running, core or bike at least three days a week, but I did let outside events interfere with planned exercise usually when it was needed the most. So this next month, I do not have any expectation to push goals , but to maintain consistency and to think if training as a reward and not a punishment (in other words, see it as a tool for stress relief not the first thing to skip when the going gets tough. Rewarded myself with a bike computer so I will get off the spin bike and get outside.  kristen

NAKED?!? Nobody told me that! That's it, I'm not going. Next thing you're going to tell me is people are wearing costumes too.

Hah, not only are there many people who feel the need to run nude (with a hat, of course, can't let the sun get on your FACE), there is a dedicated group of "salmon" who start at the finish line and run backwards, "upstream." THere is also a recreational and competitive "centipede" division. If you want a laugh, go on the website and check out the rules for the centipede divisions...some of those centipedes run FAST too!

DH and I are both "seeded" but I think we'll be starting in the back and running slow so we don't miss the action! I was thinking that if we ran next to the bar float maybe they would let us serve the other runners drinks, seeing as how we will be running as the Amandas (both our Hooters nametags say Amanda)...

FWIW, us running as the Hooters chicks is kinda "racy" here in the Midwest, but I have a feeling we're not even going to register on the weird scale...but it's our thing. We'll take lots of pix...and I'll post a detailed report back here!

If you think you could do it, you always killed me that I grew up in the Bay Area but never got to run in or watch a B2B...
2010-02-02 8:50 PM
in reply to: #2577093

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
Kristen, yes, you could and should walk it...

2010-02-02 8:56 PM
in reply to: #2650813

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
famelec - 2010-02-02 4:04 PM

Well, I still haven't signed up for any races yet, but I did finally post on my training log the ones I expect to do.  Includes a duathlon coming up in less than 2 weeks.  Yikes!!

My "A" race for the season is an Olympic distance race on Memorial Day (last Monday in May for the UKers)  so my 16 week plan starts next week.   In reality the first four weeks of my plan, which I pretty much make up as I go along, is to just get in as much training as I can.  I'll start focusing my plan more in the last 12 weeks.

Quincy, I think you were the one who suggested something about naked running.  As you may or may not know, the Bay to Breakers race you're doing probably has the largest contingent of naked runners (actually, most of them walk from what I've heard) of any major race in the world.  Gotta love the wackiness of San Francisco.  Is that the reason you're going?


Brian, I am not going for the "nakedness" per se, more for the overall wacky environment...DH and I just get a kick out of people watching...but I simply must know...what other races in the world have a dedicated "naked" contingent?

2010-02-02 10:50 PM
in reply to: #2651308

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
quincyf - 2010-02-02 8:50 PM Kristen, yes, you could and should walk it...

You should do it!  It sounds like a crazy fun race!

There's a walkers corral (you can hang with the naked folks!), but it also looks like one of the corrals will have a lot of people on a walk/run plan (under 16 min miles).  I'm sure you can be ready for it by May, either as a run/walk or full run.  I didn't check the course for hills.  No hills in SF, right?

2010-02-02 10:57 PM
in reply to: #2651320

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
quincyf - 2010-02-02 8:56 PM
famelec - 2010-02-02 4:04 PM Well, I still haven't signed up for any races yet, but I did finally post on my training log the ones I expect to do.  Includes a duathlon coming up in less than 2 weeks.  Yikes!!

My "A" race for the season is an Olympic distance race on Memorial Day (last Monday in May for the UKers)  so my 16 week plan starts next week.   In reality the first four weeks of my plan, which I pretty much make up as I go along, is to just get in as much training as I can.  I'll start focusing my plan more in the last 12 weeks.

Quincy, I think you were the one who suggested something about naked running.  As you may or may not know, the Bay to Breakers race you're doing probably has the largest contingent of naked runners (actually, most of them walk from what I've heard) of any major race in the world.  Gotta love the wackiness of San Francisco.  Is that the reason you're going?


Brian, I am not going for the "nakedness" per se, more for the overall wacky environment...DH and I just get a kick out of people watching...but I simply must know...what other races in the world have a dedicated "naked" contingent? Q

I haven't heard of other major events with a large naked contingent.  I wouldn't be surprised if there is something in Europe, maybe Berlin?  Of course, if you're really into these things there are plenty of nude 5k runs in the US, and at least one naked triathlon! 


2010-02-04 3:47 AM
in reply to: #2577093

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Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
Hi All,

Sorry to sidetrack from the nakedness concersations, haha, does anyoe have any advice for me.

I did a 6 mile run last week and a 10 miler yesterday and my calves are incredibly tight and sore, does anyone have any advice on what i can / should be doing both before and after the runs to minimalise this happening as its forcing me tio take a rest day the day after these runs. I have a half marathon on 21/2/10.

I have been riunning 5 - 6 milers twice weekly uptill now and not been this stiff before so not sure whats going on with my legs.

Thanks for all your help guys.

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