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2010-05-27 10:54 PM
in reply to: #2770120

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Subject: RE: Melindy's Mentor Group--CLOSED!
Anyways...thats enough post padding by me for tonight! Bedtime! Hope to see you all around here tomorrow!

2010-05-29 6:14 AM
in reply to: #2770120

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Subject: RE: Melindy's Mentor Group--CLOSED!
Hi Guys,
Sorry for being awol but still been choked with the cold so had nothing to say.
I've got my run/bike race tomorrow so thats going to hurt given the lack of training !!
13mile offroad followed by 18 mile road bike section.
had a small panic thhis morning, i need to rack my bike this afternoon so went to check the bike bike over...... and the front tube died as I tried pumping it up !!
Fitted the spare tube so will need to buy another one later...

Qotd 1.
I started tri mainly due to the lure of these godly IM types Wink , ultimate ambition would to do a full IM .... Also due to the 'bad' influence of a group of triathletes on the UK Runners World forum.
The Pirate Ship of Fools (PSOF) , recognisable worldwide due to the yellow kit with a black skull'n'crossbones on it.
They are all nuts and have proved that you can go from a couch potato that cant swim or run and dont own a bike to finishing an IM in 9 months !!
if you have some time their website is worth a look Cool

Qotd 2.
I ride a used 2005 Focus Varido which I bought two years ago, 3 ring chainset and a 10speed cassette (and I am still useless at hills !! )

I'll report back tomorrow after my 'race' and hope to take some photos along the way.

Be Good Innocent

Edited by adbru 2010-05-29 6:17 AM
2010-05-31 7:41 AM
in reply to: #2770120

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Subject: RE: Melindy's Mentor Group--CLOSED!
Hi Guys,

'interesting' day yesterday.
up at 06:00 to travel to the race, got to register by 08:30 then use provided buses to take you to the start of the 13 mile hill run.
However we had horrendous rain over the weekend and the hill was deemed to dangerous, poor visability and streams in full spate so instead we got a 9 mile road run to get to the bike changeover point (net uphill !).
Weird start, no timings just get off the bus and start when your ready !!

Had planned to run/walk the hill run due to having the cold but instead started slow and steady and managed to maintain 10min/mile for the whole run so well pleased with that bit Cool

Then came the 18 mile bike which I wasnt looking forward to.
did the first lumpy 4 miles not too badly but then got the first of many cramp attacks in my calfs.
(note to self, in future take a couple of mins to stretch !!)
Had to stop on a small incline to stretch a calf then couldnt clip back in !
Got going but knew the 'hill of pain' was coming up so just got off at the bottom and started walking (in cleats! ) up the hill. probably 75% of people were walking up here ....

At the top of the hill was a damsel in distress, she had a puncture and no pump so I stopped and changed the tube for her Innocent  (cost me about 15 mins as I am useless at bike stuff ! Embarassed )
Then continued on the bike and fought my way through many calf cramps to the finish.

Considering I was not fit or prepared I really enjoyed the day, will be back next year to
a) do the 13 mile hill run,
b) tackle the 'hill of pain' without walking Tongue out

Just shows what you can do even when unwell, so no more excuses and back into training tomorrow !

take care
2010-05-31 11:52 AM
in reply to: #2770120

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Subject: RE: Melindy's Mentor Group--CLOSED!
Hey guys! Had a not-so-awesome olympic yesterday. My race report is under "Subaru Shawnigan Lake Olympic" in the race reports section of the site if you want to check it out. Between getting a bit sick and the cold didn't do so well. Oh well. Kind of tired/stiff today. Onwards to the next tri.
2010-05-31 11:53 AM
in reply to: #2891799

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Subject: RE: Melindy's Mentor Group--CLOSED!
adbru - 2010-05-31 6:41 AM Hi Guys,

'interesting' day yesterday.
up at 06:00 to travel to the race, got to register by 08:30 then use provided buses to take you to the start of the 13 mile hill run.
However we had horrendous rain over the weekend and the hill was deemed to dangerous, poor visability and streams in full spate so instead we got a 9 mile road run to get to the bike changeover point (net uphill !).
Weird start, no timings just get off the bus and start when your ready !!

Had planned to run/walk the hill run due to having the cold but instead started slow and steady and managed to maintain 10min/mile for the whole run so well pleased with that bit Cool

Then came the 18 mile bike which I wasnt looking forward to.
did the first lumpy 4 miles not too badly but then got the first of many cramp attacks in my calfs.
(note to self, in future take a couple of mins to stretch !!)
Had to stop on a small incline to stretch a calf then couldnt clip back in !
Got going but knew the 'hill of pain' was coming up so just got off at the bottom and started walking (in cleats! ) up the hill. probably 75% of people were walking up here ....

At the top of the hill was a damsel in distress, she had a puncture and no pump so I stopped and changed the tube for her Innocent  (cost me about 15 mins as I am useless at bike stuff ! Embarassed )
Then continued on the bike and fought my way through many calf cramps to the finish.

Considering I was not fit or prepared I really enjoyed the day, will be back next year to
a) do the 13 mile hill run,
b) tackle the 'hill of pain' without walking Tongue out

Just shows what you can do even when unwell, so no more excuses and back into training tomorrow !

take care

Great job Adrian! Way to stick it out!
2010-06-01 3:20 PM
in reply to: #2770120

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Subject: RE: Melindy's Mentor Group--CLOSED!
hey mel,

just read your report, sorry you had a hard day but its all relative...... i would be delighted with a sub-3 Oly anyday !!!

25 mins for the swim + t1 is something i can only dream about Embarassed

I am around 3mins/100m so about 45mins just for a 1500m swim.... so need to improve lots.
Aim is to get down to 2mins/100m.

onwards and upwards Wink

2010-06-02 1:21 AM
in reply to: #2770120

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Melindy's Mentor Group--CLOSED!
pretty quiet around here. it will pick upLaughing

Q1: there was a sprint in my area and i decided to tri - not that much of practicing and it showed - swimming ok (ex-swimmer), biking mountain bike that 20k pretty easy, running, well running is a bit too much to say, more like crawling... then i found this site and next race was wayyyy better. and practiced.

Q2: i ride trek 1400 w/shimano 105 all through. good basic bike.
2010-06-02 1:23 AM
in reply to: #2770120

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Melindy's Mentor Group--CLOSED!
just did a nice 45' morning ride in heat (took my boy to pre-school and detoured) and now i'm getting ready for brazilian ju-jitsu class.
2010-06-02 2:11 PM
in reply to: #2894871

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Subject: RE: Melindy's Mentor Group--CLOSED!
adbru - 2010-06-01 2:20 PM hey mel,

just read your report, sorry you had a hard day but its all relative...... i would be delighted with a sub-3 Oly anyday !!!

25 mins for the swim + t1 is something i can only dream about Embarassed

I am around 3mins/100m so about 45mins just for a 1500m swim.... so need to improve lots.
Aim is to get down to 2mins/100m.

onwards and upwards Wink

Ya pretty much...on being onwards. haha.

Swimming is just one of those sports you have to stick it to and get the time spent in the water learning how to be more effective. Bad technique will unfortunately always hold you back! Don't worry, you will get there!
2010-06-02 4:32 PM
in reply to: #2770120

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Subject: RE: Melindy's Mentor Group--CLOSED!
Well going to the gym to do a recovery session and some stretching. My gluteus medius has been giving me some troubles lately. Been doing to strengthening and stretching! *hope it feels better!

Hope everyone has had a good start to the week!
2010-06-03 4:30 PM
in reply to: #2770120

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Melindy's Mentor Group--CLOSED!
squash and jazz today. squash at the marina club and jazz gig at upstrairs/downstairs in the evening. not the best gig...

2010-06-03 5:33 PM
in reply to: #2770120

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Subject: RE: Melindy's Mentor Group--CLOSED!

Well my supervisor from Edmonton came in today to assess everything...looks like I'm in for a few long days at the lab throughout the summer...wooo...? haha.

Did a short swim and going to be doing a little bit of a bike and some core/physio tonight! We will see how it goes!

2010-06-04 2:28 PM
in reply to: #2770120

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Subject: RE: Melindy's Mentor Group--CLOSED!

Get to leave super early at work because we arn't doing anything and I'm more or less done what I decided to do I will be going to search for some compression gear I think!! :D Yay!

Did a short 5km run on the treadmill this morning just to get a run in and see what my glut muscle was going to do...I can't really feel any pain anymore (yay?--knock on wood) so hopefully it has resolved itself...*crossed fingers.

Have a good weekend of training everyone! I have a long bike to get through tomorrow 70km or so and a run/swim on Sunday!

2010-06-05 3:40 PM
in reply to: #2770120

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Subject: RE: Melindy's Mentor Group--CLOSED!
first swim for ages tonight, 1km in 30mins.
I am now officialy bushed now !!

did a 16.2 bike on thursday, its a loop near my house which I want to do in under an hour but only managed 1:02 Cry

Also did some unusual cross-training on friday, I was helping at the stables where my daughter has her horse and I ended up getting taken out on a ride  (nb I have only been on a horse twice before).
This ended up as a walk/trot and Canter !!  I have some sore bits that I didnt know could get sore !!

run safe folks
2010-06-07 10:09 AM
in reply to: #2770120

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Melindy's Mentor Group--CLOSED!

I have been MIA too. Sorry about that. Dealing with personal issues at the moment and my lack of training isn't helping either.

Saturday though my friend drove us to West Seattle where we swam @ Colman Pool.  50 meters salt water. Utter bliss.  I got the worse sunburn though on my back.  I am an idiot. I forget sometimes I have pasty white Scottish skin, but you know what, it was worth it!


I was supposed to do a triathlon this coming weekend but had to cancel that due to lack of funds and the fact my washing machine just broke.  I haven't been training enough anyway these days.


This is where I swam.  This weekends weather so far looks warm and sunny (I just bought factor 100+!!!!!!) so I am heading back there for a swim/bike.  Can't wait for the weekend! WOHOO!


Hope everyone else is well! Anyone got any races coming up soon?  My next one isn't until July.  Actually in July I have a race every weekend! Woah.


2010-06-07 10:12 AM
in reply to: #2770120

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Subject: RE: Melindy's Mentor Group--CLOSED!
Hi Guys,

Mel, how did the 70k bike go ??

Did a 5.4 mile loop at work today, not feeling fit so decided to push it and see how unfit i had become.
Nearly killed myself but managed 45 mins (8:20min/mile).

Best I've managed so far was 42mins so not to far away :-)
Will try it again tomorrow and then bike on wed/thurs.

..... Its gone quiet on here again.....


2010-06-07 11:04 AM
in reply to: #2770120

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Subject: RE: Melindy's Mentor Group--CLOSED!
The 70km was alright. Was a bit tired after. haha. Definately picked the hilly route to do it on too...the best part about the hilly route: descending at 60+km/h..wooooooo...yaaaaaa....Only one hill was steep enough/long enough...I figure its fun enough for me to climb the sucker in order to be able to come down it? haha
2010-06-07 11:39 AM
in reply to: #2905000

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Subject: RE: Melindy's Mentor Group--CLOSED!
Triathlynne - 2010-06-07 9:09 AM

I have been MIA too. Sorry about that. Dealing with personal issues at the moment and my lack of training isn't helping either.

Saturday though my friend drove us to West Seattle where we swam @ Colman Pool.  50 meters salt water. Utter bliss.  I got the worse sunburn though on my back.  I am an idiot. I forget sometimes I have pasty white Scottish skin, but you know what, it was worth it!


I was supposed to do a triathlon this coming weekend but had to cancel that due to lack of funds and the fact my washing machine just broke.  I haven't been training enough anyway these days.


This is where I swam.  This weekends weather so far looks warm and sunny (I just bought factor 100+!!!!!!) so I am heading back there for a swim/bike.  Can't wait for the weekend! WOHOO!


Hope everyone else is well! Anyone got any races coming up soon?  My next one isn't until July.  Actually in July I have a race every weekend! Woah.


Tis okay! Glad to see you are still training though! Sometimes it gets hard to fit it in when other things are going on! Hope the sunburn isn't too bad! I got one on my back on Sat while biking--my jersey had ridden up and I have a little strip the got burnt! Oh well!
2010-06-07 4:11 PM
in reply to: #2770120

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Melindy's Mentor Group--CLOSED!

It's pretty bad.  It's swollen now.  I feel SO STUPID!

2010-06-08 5:01 PM
in reply to: #2770120

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Melindy's Mentor Group--CLOSED!
I have a surprise mini-triathlon on thursday! nice and simple, 300m swim, 15k bike ride and 5k run. it's pretty hot here, though... not as bad as kuwait, though - yesterday they had 47c with quepoint minus 2!!! veeeery dry.
2010-06-08 5:06 PM
in reply to: #2906422

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Melindy's Mentor Group--CLOSED!
Triathlynne - 2010-06-08 1:11 AM

It's pretty bad.  It's swollen now.  I feel SO STUPID!

we were diving with couple of friends in Sardinia, Italy some years ago in midsummer (coming from Finland's spring, not too warm) and first day of diving friend of mine was without shirt for a bit too long. He suffered the whole 10 days a tremendus amount when he dressed up to his wetsuit... blistards in the back... outch

2010-06-09 8:07 AM
in reply to: #2909366

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Melindy's Mentor Group--CLOSED!

antti asu - 2010-06-08 3:06 PM
Triathlynne - 2010-06-08 1:11 AM

It's pretty bad.  It's swollen now.  I feel SO STUPID!

we were diving with couple of friends in Sardinia, Italy some years ago in midsummer (coming from Finland's spring, not too warm) and first day of diving friend of mine was without shirt for a bit too long. He suffered the whole 10 days a tremendus amount when he dressed up to his wetsuit... blistards in the back... outch


Ouch!  That must have been miserable. I have suffered many a bad sunburn while on holiday too.   Went and bought myself factor 50 yesterday, the weekend here looks wonderful, highs near 80 so I'm heading back to the pool and gonna take my bike next time. You can ride from the pool all the way around to another spot called Alki Beach.  Lovely place to just sit and chill and hang out with a coffee.  I cannot wait.

2010-06-10 1:08 PM
in reply to: #2770120

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Subject: RE: Melindy's Mentor Group--CLOSED!
Hi guys,

Hope the sunburn is healing !

Did my 5.4mile loop again on tuesday, pushed it quite hard and got 44mins so heading in the right direction Laughing
Ended up horseriding for an hour yesterday morning, once again got some unusual sore bits Embarassed

Went out for a bike ride with the boss at lunchtime (that way its ok to be late lol),
Did a 14 mile hilly route and averaged 14.2mph, happy with that as the first half had 800ft of climb in 3 miles !!
Somehow the downhill on the other side didnt make up for the pain during the climb !!

Hope to do another bike tomorrow, last night shift tonight then 6 days off Cool

How Victoria looking just now ??Its now almost 3 years since we were there Cry
Need to get back again, if you get the chance the 'hornet racing' up at the speedway is a good laugh.

Serious question (sorry), I know some others are planning a 70.3 around september time.... What level is your training at ?
I havent looked at my plan now for around 6 weeks and am just 'winging it'!
aim is to 'cycle lots, swim lots and run a bit' ..... not very scientific lol.

run safe

2010-06-10 3:44 PM
in reply to: #2770120

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Subject: RE: Melindy's Mentor Group--CLOSED!
Vic is good! The weather has finally sort of smartened up...we've actually had sun!

In the middle of an experiment right now...
2010-06-10 5:42 PM
in reply to: #2770120

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Melindy's Mentor Group--CLOSED!

Melindy, I am registered for the Victoria 1/2. Not sure if I mentioned that or not.

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