BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Closed Rss Feed  
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2011-01-01 3:09 PM
in reply to: #3271304

Greenville, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Closed
Thanks Eric.

2011-01-01 3:18 PM
in reply to: #3256514

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Closed

I too am going to kick the soda habit as of 2011. 90 minutes on the bike trainer while watching a movie for the first day of  the New Year.

2011-01-01 5:46 PM
in reply to: #3271321

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Closed
29m 45s1100.00 yards02m 42s /100 yards 

afternoon swim

Spinning Class50m 

Sport comments: New years day spin...

2011-01-02 11:06 AM
in reply to: #3256514

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Closed
Short run with Brewer this morning, then went skiing. Trails still not in the best condition after the rain. 
2011-01-02 4:07 PM
in reply to: #3256514

Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Closed
Busy weekend so no training till tonight and tomorrow morning. Happy late new year. Still no soda, and I have a great headache.
2011-01-02 5:57 PM
in reply to: #3256514

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Closed
I was hoping to get some snowshoeing in but the warm weather melted all the snow so I got a mini @ home duathlon in today.

2011-01-02 7:46 PM
in reply to: #3256514

New user

Subject: Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to our Team.

Just to let you know a little bit about myself.  I may be the oldest? (54) Oh well, I have never conformed much.

I live in beautiful Colorado Springs and we have 3 adult children living in TX, NC and DC. Great vacation spots. I spend 25 years as a law enforcement officer and now have my own part-time business teaching women how to defend themselves. 

Ready to get into shape and do my first Triathlon!  I am going to do the 22-week program, I work out regularly, mainly weight training, so my cardio is not that good. Do you think that is a good training program to start?  My second question--what is HIM and IM? 
Glad to be part of the group.


2011-01-02 8:18 PM
in reply to: #3273115

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Happy New Year!
teristoy - 2011-01-02 7:46 PM

Happy New Year to our Team.

Just to let you know a little bit about myself.  I may be the oldest? (54) Oh well, I have never conformed much.

I live in beautiful Colorado Springs and we have 3 adult children living in TX, NC and DC. Great vacation spots. I spend 25 years as a law enforcement officer and now have my own part-time business teaching women how to defend themselves. 

Ready to get into shape and do my first Triathlon!  I am going to do the 22-week program, I work out regularly, mainly weight training, so my cardio is not that good. Do you think that is a good training program to start?  My second question--what is HIM and IM? 
Glad to be part of the group.


Hi Teri, I will have to take a look at the 22-week program and let you know what I think but I am sure it should be good. As for your second question HIM is a 1/2 Ironman (70.3) and IM is Ironman 140.6.
2011-01-02 8:27 PM
in reply to: #3273115

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Subject: RE: Happy New Year!
teristoy - 2011-01-02 8:46 PM

Happy New Year to our Team.

...  My second question--what is HIM and IM? 
Glad to be part of the group.


Short form for Half Ironman and Ironman.
2011-01-02 9:47 PM
in reply to: #3273186

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: Happy New Year!
Hoping to get in 3 of these during the week....We will see how this holds with school starting back up...vacation time is done...but still playing   Love my job!!!!

35m4.00 miles08m 45s/Mi 

easy down half
2011-01-03 6:33 AM
in reply to: #3256514

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Closed
Just a 27 minute run in local hills before work for me this morning. Scale(weight) was not pretty this morning.  8 lbs over christmas/New Years  YIKES!!!!!!!!!

2011-01-03 8:07 AM
in reply to: #3256514

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Closed
Easy run this morning as I increase my mileage but try to avoid the shin splints and calf strains.   Cold (15 degree wind chil), can't wait to get back to my treadmil. 

Have a great day everyone, happy training.

2011-01-03 9:15 AM
in reply to: #3256514

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Subject: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Closed
Thank God for gyms!!! It is so cold here in Arizona right now I would have a really hard time getting outside on a regular basis to work out. This morning at 5am it was 35 degrees!!! For those of you who actually live in locations that 35 degrees is your high I applaud you if you are doing anything outside. I am a transplant to Arizona from Massachusetts 20 years ago and I quickly forgot what cold weather was about. I actually start complaining about the weather when it goes below 60 degrees.

Because of the cold snap we are experiencing in AZ I opted to skip training this weekend and focused on getting the house back in shape after the holidays. However I was back in the gym this morning! I am tweaking my routing starting this week.

Mondays - Spin - 50 min; weight training (upper body) 20 min
Tuesday - Run - 2 mil; swim - 30 min (presently at 1000 meters - increasing by 100 meters each week
Wednesday - Spin - 50 min; weight training (upper body) 20 min
Thursday - Elliptical - 2 mil; swim - 30 min (presently at 1000 meters - increasing by 100 meters each week
Friday - Run - 4 mi; weight training (upper body) 20 min
Saturday - off
Sunday - long bike ride (15-20 mi) or long run (8-10 mi)

This is my plan as it stands presently. I know I need to add more strength training for my lower body but I need to run this routine for several weeks before I modify. Any recommendations will be gladly accepted.
2011-01-03 9:26 AM
in reply to: #3273806

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Closed
Vicki @ 6AM it was 16 degrees here in the great state of Michigan,  It was not bad at all. I just hate cold with wind. Fortunately there was very little wind this morning.  When it gets windy (40 degrees and below) I head to the gym or replace my run that morning with a bike ride on the trainer and hit the treadmill at the gym that evening.  Remember come June we have nice temps and you will be cooking so there are tradeoffs.
2011-01-03 10:50 AM
in reply to: #3273806

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Closed
azpebblesrn - 2011-01-03 9:15 AM Thank God for gyms!!! It is so cold here in Arizona right now I would have a really hard time getting outside on a regular basis to work out. This morning at 5am it was 35 degrees!!! For those of you who actually live in locations that 35 degrees is your high I applaud you if you are doing anything outside. I am a transplant to Arizona from Massachusetts 20 years ago and I quickly forgot what cold weather was about. I actually start complaining about the weather when it goes below 60 degrees.

Because of the cold snap we are experiencing in AZ I opted to skip training this weekend and focused on getting the house back in shape after the holidays. However I was back in the gym this morning! I am tweaking my routing starting this week.

Mondays - Spin - 50 min; weight training (upper body) 20 min
Tuesday - Run - 2 mil; swim - 30 min (presently at 1000 meters - increasing by 100 meters each week
Wednesday - Spin - 50 min; weight training (upper body) 20 min
Thursday - Elliptical - 2 mil; swim - 30 min (presently at 1000 meters - increasing by 100 meters each week
Friday - Run - 4 mi; weight training (upper body) 20 min
Saturday - off
Sunday - long bike ride (15-20 mi) or long run (8-10 mi)

This is my plan as it stands presently. I know I need to add more strength training for my lower body but I need to run this routine for several weeks before I modify. Any recommendations will be gladly accepted.

Your plan looks good. You might be able to switch one of your upper body workouts to a lower body, since you have a lot of weight training in your schedule. As long as you can get all your running. biking, and swimming in I would say your weight training is ok.

If you get to the point where you can't fit anything in, I think it is more important that you get all your s,b,r in first.
2011-01-03 7:18 PM
in reply to: #3256514

Greenville, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Closed

26 degrees here in South Carolina this morning.  But by noon it was up to low 50's.  Nice weather to get out for a run during lunch.  Stepped on the scale this AM and down 2 1/2 lbs over the last week. Nice run on the AM and some strength training at lunch. Starting to get back into the swing of exercising again. 

2011-01-03 8:33 PM
in reply to: #3256514

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Closed
My plan started today - with a rest day.  Up early anyway for yoga and got a good cardio workout looking at the estimate for the repairs my husband's car needs. 

My youngest got sent home from school today because he was coughing so I guess I'll be stuck at home with him tomorrow.  Bummer.  It's supposed to snow.  I love running in the snow.
2011-01-03 8:44 PM
in reply to: #3275366

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Closed
2 spins and a jog...
2011-01-03 8:46 PM
in reply to: #3256514

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Closed
4 advil cold and sinus & a box of kleenex for this guy. Frown
2011-01-03 9:10 PM
in reply to: #3274186

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Closed
In reply to azpebblesrn question on workouts (and Lenny's followup post):

I concur with Lenny's assesment, a lower body workout (leg press or squats, hamstring curls, leg extensions, etc) will really help increase your speed on the bike and give your muscles that endurance on the run. 

I highly recommend throwing in a core workout after your weight sessions as well.  I usually do one after each lifting day that includes:  Crunches on a fitball (FB), superman on FB, leg lifts, medicine ball twists, and plank.  When you get used to these, you can do a couple of sets.  You can find some great core workouts in the articles section on BT.

Edited by 53epilot 2011-01-03 9:12 PM
2011-01-03 9:14 PM
in reply to: #3275566

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Closed
sozzie - 2011-01-03 8:46 PM 4 advil cold and sinus & a box of kleenex for this guy. Frown

sozzie, sorry to hear you are sick.  I am hoping to avoid any training time lost due to illness.  Hope you feel better soon.

2011-01-03 9:51 PM
in reply to: #3256514

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Closed
Got an hour on the trainer tonight.  Man I am hoping for a season of virus free training. For those of you that are sick or with sick ones, I wish a a speedy recovery.  
2011-01-03 10:08 PM
in reply to: #3256514

Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Closed
I just downloaded the couch to 5k ( april 5 k), then the 16 week swim focused sprint tri (aug 6th race), I have a long charity bike ride (May 7th), and a half marathon sept 10th. Now work on running and swimming and my diet.

Edited by Zombie 2011-01-03 10:41 PM
2011-01-04 6:26 AM
in reply to: #3256514

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Closed
Weights this morning, nice to be back in the gym after about a 4 months layoff.  Not so nice seeing where my problem areas are. 

Weighed in last night and sure enough, gained some weight (1.5 lbs) after being gone from home for a week, go figure.  I will make sure I stick to my nutrition plan for a while.

Hope everyone got in a training sessions this morning. 
2011-01-04 8:29 AM
in reply to: #3256514

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Closed
Good Morning all!

Got a 60 minute run in this morning. Little fresh snow on the sidewalks kept it interesting.

So do you streatch before or after your run? I try do do most of mine after my run when my muscles are warm. If I am doing a speed workout I will do a warm up run, then streatch.
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Closed Rss Feed  
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