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2011-04-14 12:55 PM
in reply to: #3325249

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Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED

I second the Aqua Sphere goggles.  They are the only ones I've found that fit my face tight without crazy pressure.  I also like the charcoal version when the sun is out to help cut down the glare.

Those are some crazy tempo paces Dirk.  What is your relative pace level for those times?  I've been targeting about 10-15 seconds slower than my 10k race pace.  If you don't mind my asking, what is your HM target?  Your tempo are about a minute faster than mine so all other things being equal, I may target about 13 minutes slower than you.

2011-04-14 1:37 PM
in reply to: #3325249

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED
I'm going to target about 3 hrs for my first stand alone HM.  I always buy myself a nice expensive microbrew for meeting or beating my goals.
2011-04-14 1:40 PM
in reply to: #3446361

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: First Sprint Tri - equipment question
colwin21 - 2011-04-14 10:57 AM
DirkP - 2011-04-13 10:23 PM
trysprintolympic - 2011-04-13 9:51 PM
bdj6020 - 2011-04-13 2:03 PM

You don't need a top.


I'd advice you to check the rules for your race.  Some races do not allow you to be shirtless.

And it's almost never a good idea for the ladies. It would be nice to have that option sometimes too!!

Well if you ladies did run topless you would most likely finish closer to the front of the pack/podium ya know?  There would be a large crowd of men surrounding you and offering to hand your water to you.

Sorry...I really really don't think the/my "girls" could take it!!  LOL

Yeah....pretty sure running pantsless would be bad for the "boys" too.

On another note, I will be doing a cool 1hr15min run today in SHORTS!!!!  That's exciting because it's 60 degrees out and almost all of the snow has melted!  Run followed by a 2000yd swim tonight.  We'll see how that turns out.  The run usually makes me feel like junk.  And I have to write a speech.

2011-04-14 2:43 PM
in reply to: #3446943

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Subject: RE: First Sprint Tri - equipment question
jgerbodegrant - 2011-04-14 1:40 PM
colwin21 - 2011-04-14 10:57 AM
DirkP - 2011-04-13 10:23 PM
trysprintolympic - 2011-04-13 9:51 PM
bdj6020 - 2011-04-13 2:03 PM

You don't need a top.


I'd advice you to check the rules for your race.  Some races do not allow you to be shirtless.

And it's almost never a good idea for the ladies. It would be nice to have that option sometimes too!!

Well if you ladies did run topless you would most likely finish closer to the front of the pack/podium ya know?  There would be a large crowd of men surrounding you and offering to hand your water to you.

Sorry...I really really don't think the/my "girls" could take it!!  LOL

Yeah....pretty sure running pantsless would be bad for the "boys" too.

On another note, I will be doing a cool 1hr15min run today in SHORTS!!!!  That's exciting because it's 60 degrees out and almost all of the snow has melted!  Run followed by a 2000yd swim tonight.  We'll see how that turns out.  The run usually makes me feel like junk.  And I have to write a speech.


This thread is useless   perfect without pictures.

Were sitting at 85 right now in Waco. Went out at lunch and did my 1 mile run along the river. Rehab sucks, Xterra is setting up down there for races all weekend was real painful to see and not be able to race but rehab rehab rehab.


101 days till my sprint.

2011-04-14 7:35 PM
in reply to: #3325249

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Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED

Thanks for the advise on the goggles, I will check them out. 

2011-04-14 8:15 PM
in reply to: #3325249

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED
A little chilly by the end of the run tonight. Got my 7.2 in nice and easy. Starting to feel like a jogger. One would think that since i walk twice as fast as the average human because my legs are twice as long, that i would also run faster. It's taken over a year, but yeah...gettin there.We're all beginners at something.

2011-04-14 8:52 PM
in reply to: #3325249

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED

So Mr. Fedex dropped off my frame today!!!  Very to come in this weekend and early next week!!

2011-04-14 9:16 PM
in reply to: #3447704

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Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED
I feel the same about running. I'm 6'2 with a 36" inseam and someday they will figure out how to be runners legs, not joggers legs. What kind of tempo drills/runs do you do. I started running about 3 years ago and I'm still stuck in the 7-8 mile time. After I'm done doing my building stamina phase I'm going to do two tempo runs a week (sprints, hills, intervals...), 1 long run and 1 medium run.
2011-04-15 6:25 AM
in reply to: #3325249

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED


Are you saying your stuck at 7-8 min miles?  That's not bad for only running for a couple years.  If I get to 7-8 min/mile by next year I will be psyched!  I've only been running for about a year now, but very inconsistently.  I'm building up time on my feet right now.  Long runs are very slow.  My shorter runs average around a 9 min. mile  I'm not doing any speed work right now.  Just trying to stay healthy.  I've been struggling with plantar fascitis since last August and finally have it under control enough to run.  I'm just taking my time and getting the runs in.

2011-04-15 8:07 AM
in reply to: #3446810

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED


I am hoping that will be about 5-10 seconds slower than my HM goal pace.  I may be a little aggressive about my target for the race coming up in a month-ish but I am learning to RACE and not just run races.  My goal for the race will be 1:31:00 to 1:35:00 with the longer of those times being something I am fairly certain I can do. 

I learned to race last season from the mentor group that I was involved with at the time.  Jonathon was in the same group and there were some FAST people in that group and the mentor was sick fast (newbz).  What I learned from that group was how to train properly and actually hang myself out during a race.  Not going balls to the walls, but using your training paces for various runs as a meter for developing real, attainable targets and then putting it all together on race day.

2011-04-15 8:12 AM
in reply to: #3447758

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED
jgerbodegrant - 2011-04-14 9:52 PM

So Mr. Fedex dropped off my frame today!!!  Very to come in this weekend and early next week!!


Just so you know............YOU SUCK! LOL  I would love to have a new ride but with 2 girls in a parochial school there will be no new wheels in my foreseeable future.  I want a tri bike in a bad way but it'll have to wait until my girls are out of HS. 

2011-04-15 8:41 AM
in reply to: #3448124

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Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED
DirkP - 2011-04-15 9:07 AM


I am hoping that will be about 5-10 seconds slower than my HM goal pace.  I may be a little aggressive about my target for the race coming up in a month-ish but I am learning to RACE and not just run races.  My goal for the race will be 1:31:00 to 1:35:00 with the longer of those times being something I am fairly certain I can do. 

I learned to race last season from the mentor group that I was involved with at the time.  Jonathon was in the same group and there were some FAST people in that group and the mentor was sick fast (newbz).  What I learned from that group was how to train properly and actually hang myself out during a race.  Not going balls to the walls, but using your training paces for various runs as a meter for developing real, attainable targets and then putting it all together on race day.

Thanks for the running/pacing advice.  I think I'm starting to really internalize exactly what you're saying about training vs. racing.  I suck at racing right now, and part of it is I think my training and mental aspects haven't been geared toward race results.

2011-04-15 8:42 AM
in reply to: #3448133

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Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED
DirkP - 2011-04-15 9:12 AM
jgerbodegrant - 2011-04-14 9:52 PM

So Mr. Fedex dropped off my frame today!!!  Very to come in this weekend and early next week!!


Just so you know............YOU SUCK! LOL  I would love to have a new ride but with 2 girls in a parochial school there will be no new wheels in my foreseeable future.  I want a tri bike in a bad way but it'll have to wait until my girls are out of HS. 

I couldn't agree with Dirk more Jonathon - we all hate you!  Kidding, but I'm still planning on passing your beautiful bike on my jalopy at Eastman!


2011-04-15 9:31 AM
in reply to: #3325249

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED

if there's one thing that my dad taught me to remember, it is to buy your toys before you have little boys.  So I'm doing my best!!

Warren...won't be at Eastman this year.  Very upsetting, but the GF's best friend is getting married that day over in upstate NY.  Really sucks.  I love that race.

2011-04-15 10:04 AM
in reply to: #3448345

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Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED
jgerbodegrant - 2011-04-15 10:31 AM

if there's one thing that my dad taught me to remember, it is to buy your toys before you have little boys.  So I'm doing my best!!

Warren...won't be at Eastman this year.  Very upsetting, but the GF's best friend is getting married that day over in upstate NY.  Really sucks.  I love that race.

Admit it, you fear the old guy!

And that's great advice on the toys.  Not that all toys end when the boys come along, but the toy quantity definitely decreases and the justification requirements per toy increases.  I'd add private vacations with the SO to that list as well.

2011-04-15 10:19 AM
in reply to: #3448453

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED
wbayek - 2011-04-15 11:04 AM

Admit it, you fear the old guy!

I'm not going to lie.  That has something to do with it. Surprised

2011-04-15 1:24 PM
in reply to: #3325249

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Subject: Workout Plan

Just thought I would share this with the group. it is based off of one of the workout plans here on BT. It is the 22 week sprint plan from Micheal Pates that I redid in Excel format with a few charts and progress graphs.

I was laid up for a few days and put this together out of boredom. The 2 files are the same one if for excel 2007 and the other is the older excel format.

If you like it or have any questions PM me. I may be willing to port over another plan or plans if you ask nicely Sealed

Here is the link:

100 days till my sprint

Edited by perdiem 2011-04-15 1:25 PM
2011-04-15 1:26 PM
in reply to: #3448124

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Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED

I think the biggest thing I need to work on is knowing what heart rates I can race at. To train for racing I think it brings up knowing your HR zones. I've been training using the typical age minus 220 to establish my heart rate zones and haven't gone for maximal effort to find what my max really is. Has anybody else established their max using real tests? How did you do it?

Another thing with racing, I've never actually raced before other than my 4 triathlons. I know there is a lot of mental aspects to it but I have the philosophy of establishing my pace and racing against myself instead of racing somebody on the course. I'm not sure if thats how I should be thinking about it, but I'm excited for this season to try and race someone instead of just finishing like years past.

2011-04-15 4:42 PM
in reply to: #3325249

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Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED

I just paid my race entry fee for the Issaquah Tri (Sprint). Paying that fee made me so nervous, lol. Earlier in March I participated in the Seattle Rainman (Indoor/timed/outside run). But this one is the real deal.

Now I need to look into getting or renting(?) a wetsuit and maybe an open swim in before the 4th of June! (gulp and deep breath, lol).

2011-04-15 6:10 PM
in reply to: #3448943

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Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED
chopadog83 - 2011-04-15 2:26 PM

I think the biggest thing I need to work on is knowing what heart rates I can race at. To train for racing I think it brings up knowing your HR zones. I've been training using the typical age minus 220 to establish my heart rate zones and haven't gone for maximal effort to find what my max really is. Has anybody else established their max using real tests? How did you do it?

Another thing with racing, I've never actually raced before other than my 4 triathlons. I know there is a lot of mental aspects to it but I have the philosophy of establishing my pace and racing against myself instead of racing somebody on the course. I'm not sure if thats how I should be thinking about it, but I'm excited for this season to try and race someone instead of just finishing like years past.

Here's the BT link to heart rate testing:

As for pacing in races - if you're a ham and egger like me, pacing against yourself and your own abilities is the only realistic way to race.  There's zero chance I'll get to a podium, so I'm never racing to win.  But I admit, during races, I'll use the person right in front of me as motivation to push harder!

2011-04-15 7:28 PM
in reply to: #3448935

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Workout Plan


I couldn't get the attachment opened.  I must not have the right software to open it.  Is this a progress chart related to the training you have done or is it a generic chart for the program? 

2011-04-15 8:02 PM
in reply to: #3449485

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED
wbayek - 2011-04-15 7:10 PM
chopadog83 - 2011-04-15 2:26 PM

I think the biggest thing I need to work on is knowing what heart rates I can race at. To train for racing I think it brings up knowing your HR zones. I've been training using the typical age minus 220 to establish my heart rate zones and haven't gone for maximal effort to find what my max really is. Has anybody else established their max using real tests? How did you do it?

Another thing with racing, I've never actually raced before other than my 4 triathlons. I know there is a lot of mental aspects to it but I have the philosophy of establishing my pace and racing against myself instead of racing somebody on the course. I'm not sure if thats how I should be thinking about it, but I'm excited for this season to try and race someone instead of just finishing like years past.

Here's the BT link to heart rate testing:

As for pacing in races - if you're a ham and egger like me, pacing against yourself and your own abilities is the only realistic way to race.  There's zero chance I'll get to a podium, so I'm never racing to win.  But I admit, during races, I'll use the person right in front of me as motivation to push harder!

I'm more of a bacon and egger myself.

I pretty much race against myself and try to work the percentages for the field depending on the race I am in.  In other words, for the HM coming up I want to place in the top 8% and later on for my sprint tri I may want to place in the top 5%.  I have never raced a sprint so I honestly don't know what to expect.  I have been able to adapt some percentages based on similar races and how my training is going.

I actually podiumed in my first tri.  It was an oly but the field was pretty small.  I think there were only 8-10 people in my AG and 60-70 in the entire field.  I placed 3rd in my AG and 15 overall.  That will probably be my only opportunity for bragging rights rights in my triathlon "career."

2011-04-15 9:35 PM
in reply to: #3449565

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Subject: RE: Workout Plan
DirkP - 2011-04-15 7:28 PM


I couldn't get the attachment opened.  I must not have the right software to open it.  Is this a progress chart related to the training you have done or is it a generic chart for the program? 

It is an excel version on this plan:

PM me with the problem you are having opening it.


2011-04-15 9:51 PM
in reply to: #3325249

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Subject: RE: Jeff Y's Group - CLOSED

I need info on heart rate training too, so I'm looking forward to the answers on that one!

As for renting a wetsuit for your first race, I say either don't use a wetsuit or bite the bullet and buy one. It'll cost you $60 or so to rent it and you can buy one of your very own for $100. I got mine at an Xterra sale and it's just a john instead of a fullsuit, but it was definitely one of the best tri purchases I made in my first season. I am really not a great swimmer and it helped with my confidence a lot, and honestly probably saved my life in one race where I had a panic attack in the water and needed to float on my back for a couple of minutes to calm down. If you're not sure you'll ever do more than one race and don't know if you want to spend the cash, then just do your first race without it and see if you like the sport enough to invest. If you know you are going to do multiple races this season, you will save money by just buying your own.

So I was at a cycling/tri fashion show tonight and apparently one of our locals has designed a new "revolutionary" bike frame called the RoundTail. There was a model there for viewing and lots of video of trials, etc. I don't know how to paste pictures, but check out the info at this link:

Personally, I would think it has to make the frame weaker since it has more joints? And greater flexibility might be good for some, but not for those chasing serious speed. I also don't buy the aerodynamic claim. But I thought it was cool that it was designed and built by guys in my hometown!

2011-04-16 7:52 AM
in reply to: #3448935

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This side of disorder...
Subject: RE: Workout Plan

Pretty cool!  You mush be an Excel guru!



perdiem - 2011-04-15 1:24 PM

Just thought I would share this with the group. it is based off of one of the workout plans here on BT. It is the 22 week sprint plan from Micheal Pates that I redid in Excel format with a few charts and progress graphs.

I was laid up for a few days and put this together out of boredom. The 2 files are the same one if for excel 2007 and the other is the older excel format.

If you like it or have any questions PM me. I may be willing to port over another plan or plans if you ask nicely Sealed

Here is the link:

100 days till my sprint

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