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2011-04-22 10:22 PM
in reply to: #3461864

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!




I will be out of town until Sunday evening, so that means I will be computerless. PLEASE do not take my absence here as an indication that I don't love ya, because I do! I do!

Anyhow, play nicely with each other while I'm gone, okay?

See you soon!

2011-04-23 12:02 AM
in reply to: #3461640

winnipeg, MB
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!

I have met five of the people in my groups, and only wish it were many more. Maybe someday I will do a huge road trip and meet every single one.........or not. Sigh.

here is where we are in the map. I got us all but 3.

BigSkies map -where are we?



2011-04-23 6:44 AM
in reply to: #3435045

New user
Swansea, IL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!



Forty-six year old father of three teenage boys living in the St. Louis, MO area.  Busy law practice means getting up early to train but the winter weather and lack of daylight makes that a challenge.  Always been active but seem to change my focus every few years (racquetball, weight training, etc.).  No real background in any of the 3 events save one year of high school cross country which I hated.  Started running again about 3 years ago but still find it more challenging than the other 2.  I first got challenged by some buddies to enter a 5K then by another to try a sprint tri.  Love the challenge and it certainly keeps me getting out of bed at 5 a.m. in the dark knowing there is a race a month away.  Participated in my first sprint tri on a borrowed hybrid bike, bought my own road bike the next month and was flabbergasted at the difference it made.  Have just recently bought my second bike, this one a 2008 Cervelo P2 tri bike.  Can't wait to get it out on the road.


Try to run 4 times a week, generally following a training plan developed on Runner's World (easy run, tempo/speed work, long run and try to fit in a run/bike interval day).  Spring weather has made it difficult/impossible to get the bike out on the road much so most of my cycling has taken place on a stationary bike at the gym.  I don't have a trainer at home.  Lately I've been cycling at least twice a week but will ramp that up a bit once nicer weather arrives.  I try to get into the pool twice a week but am not much of a swimmer.  Never taken a class, received any expert advice, etc.  I know how important that can be and might do it one of these days but I still consider this aspect of the sport to be the least important in light of the fact most of my races are no longer than 500m in the pool.  I have improved my stroke considerably, I think, just by watching training videos found on Youtube but my endurance is lacking.  Never work on drills or anything, I simply swim.


I have competed in 3 outdoor sprints, 2 indoor sprints, a number of biathlons and dozens of 5Ks.  Finished the St. Louis Half Marathon 2 years ago in the pouring rain but not sure i'm interested in that distance in the future.  Supposed to compete in a small sprint this morning at Washington University in St. Louis, but bad weather may put a kibosh on it.  Tornadoes came thru last night and thunderstorming right now. 

My race buddy and I plan to race in a few more sprints this summer and several biathlons (most of which typically consist of 22 mile bike and 5 mile run).  All local.


To increase endurance, swim better and be able to compete in my age group.  We've also recently begun discussing moving up to an Oly tri.  This is my first time participating in a forum group and I look forward to all the advice/encouragement I anticipate receiving.  See you on the message boards.


2011-04-23 7:32 PM
in reply to: #3435045


Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!
Are you open to new members for your group?
2011-04-23 8:57 PM
in reply to: #3461073

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!
stevebradley - 2011-04-22 1:52 PM

Hi Steve,

Thanks for your prompt answer (faster than mine!)

40 - 44 bpm walking? Amazing! You must have such a strong heart!

Regarding nutrition, all my races have been sprints (except for a relay Half-Ironman in which I did the swimming part). My training sessions have been rather short (never more than 1.5 hours). So I have not felt the need for anything other than Gatorade during my trainings.

I have done a half-marathon once or twice per year, during the last 5 years, and I eat one or two granola bars during the race.

But given that I feel pretty exhausted during the running part of my sprints (and I am not even very fast: 1:22), my guess is that my body will benefit greatly from some nutrition in the Olympic distance, particularly during the cycling part.

I prefer to go with natural stuff whenever possible, but I understand that gels or power-bars may be easier to buy (and perhaps even easier to digest?). Any advice is more than welcome. Should I start taking them now during my training in order to get used to them?

Regarding wet-suits in the race, I need to ask. They will probably not be allowed, since the water is rather warm.

And yes, swimming is now my strength, while the bicycle my weakness. I usually get out of the water ahead half of the participants, and by the end of the cycling I am among the last ones, then I proudly maintain that position during the running...

How did you figure out that swimming was my strength?

Thanks for letting me join the group!



You have very compelling incentive to work at triathlon, or even to just stay active with it. Well done on choosing this particular path to pursue heart-health!

For what it's worth, my waking heart rate is in the 40-44bpm range, so I guess my years of doing this stuff has had some measureable heart benefits. Some might say that such a low heart rate is more indicative of an amphibian than a human.....but I prefer to think otherwise!

You've been very wise in taking your time to work up to a olympic distance. It doesn't mean that people who make the jumps quickly are making big mistakes, but I just think that the journey is a big part of the joy of triathlon. And, also, there's the very real benefits that come from learning the ropes of one distance before moving on to the next longest distance -- which will help you when May 1 comes around.

I have lots of thoughts of oly nutrition, but first -- what do you use for race and training nutrition now? Are you a gel (Hammer, GU, AccelGel, PwerGel, CarbBoom!, Clif Shot) person, or one who is more inclined to energy drinks and bars, or one who follows a more "natural" path? Let me know, and we'll go from there!

Nice weather ALL year? Training heaven, it sounds like! I see you're wearing a wetsuit in the photo, and am just curious if the May 1 race will be wetsuit-legal. I see "island", and I see "Caribbean", and I expect it might be warm enough to be close to wetsuit-illegal. Also in the just curious category -- is swimming your strength?

Welcome to BigSkies, Helmuth!

2011-04-24 10:39 AM
in reply to: #3435045

New user
Swansea, IL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!

Helmuth, you and I seem to be quite similar in terms of age, ability, experience, etc.  Good luck next weekend and I look forward to hearing about the Oly.  Interested in your training leading up to this event.


2011-04-24 11:19 AM
in reply to: #3462684

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!



I'm on the road now, just hitting the computer at the ma-in-law's, and will be home later tonight. Submit and bio/profile when you can, with at the very least info on real name, location, and goals for 2011; past related athletic background in useful, too.

Bye for now!

2011-04-24 11:21 AM
in reply to: #3462791

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!


See above post for my whereabouts, and will be home later tonight to respond more fully. For now, I have to scurry back and be a decent son-in-law!

2011-04-24 12:40 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!

Here's my bio as promised ...

NAME: lufferly-Lisa

STORY: Currently 52 years old.  For my 50th birthday, with some extra time on my hands after my daughter graduated from high school, I decided to become a triathlete, having never been involved in any athletics EVER. My family thought I'd finally lost my mind. I've always liked to swim, enjoyed biking, and HATED running (can't say as that has improved by much). I literally couldn't run from one street light to the next in my neighborhood. Since then, I've lost 28 lbs, completed 3 mini-sprints, 4 sprints, 7 half marathons, and numerous 5Ks and 10Ks.  I've worked full time as a legal nurse consultant for the past 19 years at a large law firm in town, after working as a CCU RN for 8 years. I have a 30 mile commute each way, so spend that time catching up on my reading. If I spent as much time training, as I do reading about running, etc I'd surely be a pro!

FAMILY STATUS: Married with four kids - son, age 30; son, age 23; daughter, age 22 tomorrow!; and son, age 12.  My boys are currently doing contract work with lights and sound; my daughter is a professional actress and currently on tour with the musical Mamma Mia; and my 12 year old keeps us busy playing select baseball. My husband has been unemployed since October (with severance through next October). I LOVE having a house-husband; translated as full time housekeeper, cook, gardener, and handyman!

CURRENT TRAINING:  I started running with a group associated with USA Fit two years ago to prepare for my half marathons in December and January. Last year we started running in April, thinking it would be easier to acclimate to the hot summer (previously we'd started in July). What we succeeded in doing was totally burning ourselves out by our half in January, so I've been taking a bit of a break for an attitude adjustment. I started swimming with a masters group a couple of months ago and have enjoyed that.  I also have access to a gym with a pool and a trainer for my bike.

LAST YEAR'S RACES: 2 sprints, 2 5Ks, 1 5 mile, 1 10 mile, 1 10K, and 3 half marathons. That seems so unreal, coming from a total non-athlete less than 3 years ago ...

2011 RACES: The only race at this point that I'm committed to is the St. Jude's Half Marathon in December. My boys are trying to talk me into Beach Palooza in September (which would be their first race) but I may opt for a tri that weekend instead. I'd like to do a sprint that I've done the last 3 years in June, but looks like we'll be in Alaska at that time.  I've started jotting down a tentative schedule and will post when it becomes more definitive.

WEIGHT LOSS: I've lost 28 lbs since starting my training and would like to loss about 10 more. I'm 5'9" and 172 at present. I have hypothyroidism, so my metabolism tends to be a little screwy. I eat fairly healthy, and think I don't eat enough rather than too much.


2011-04-24 12:49 PM
in reply to: #3461909

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!
sanl - 2011-04-23 12:02 AM

I have met five of the people in my groups, and only wish it were many more. Maybe someday I will do a huge road trip and meet every single one.........or not. Sigh.

here is where we are in the map. I got us all but 3.

BigSkies map -where are we?

 LOVE THE MAP!! ... it's great to see where everyone is.  I met one of the mentees in my former group last fall. She is from a very small town (of 900) in Northern Minnesota which just happened to be near where my family vacationed during the summers (Brainerd Lakes area). My stepfather passed away last spring and asked to have his ashes spread on the lake that we vacationed on, so last September (on his birthday), we went up there to spread his ashes and I was able to meet with my online friend, much to the chagrin of my kids who couldn't believe I was meeting up with someone I met online!

Hope that everyone is having a great weekend. Dinner is ready except for grilling our leg of lamb, so it's time to go relax by the pool.



2011-04-24 6:49 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!


Saw you will be in Alaska in June. Are you doing a formal tour, have relatives, or on your own? Maybe we will get the opportunity to meet other than just through the group. Dont know if you have been here previously but June is a beautiful time in Alaska. A little on the cold side right now. But ran this morning it was 38 out and yesterday did a bike race about the same temp, though it felt colder on a bike. It will get warmer.


2011-04-24 8:48 PM
in reply to: #3459853

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New user

Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!
Steve,Yes, there has been a lot of talk about our Senators in Binghamton. I hear the games are a lot of fun but I have not been to one yet. About the half marathon in May, I am running Binghamton's first- the Greater Binghamton Bridge Run. This will be my fourth half marathon and I am hoping to break 2 hours but my training has not been so good lately, so we'll see how it goes. As for my triathlon training, I need the most support on swimming. I am comfortable in the water and can swim the distances...but that is all I typically do during my workouts. I know there are more drills that I should be doing to improve technique and speed (I'm not very fast). Any advice you have on basic swim workouts would be helpful.Thanks,Kerri
2011-04-24 8:55 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Crystal Coast
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!

Hey Steve,

Still have room for one more?  Below is my "story"


Not much of an athletic background.  Most of my training has been in lifting until a couple of years ago when the shoulder started to have problems so I decided to shelf the plates and take up the tri life.  With no experience in swimming, biking or running I participated in my first sprint and was hooked.  Last year I completed a half and olympic distance but got injured in the fall (severe shin splint _4 months off) due to overuse and stupidity. 

This season I have my sight set  on the Wilmington Beach 2 Battleship half and am toying with the idea of training for a full.  First race this season will be an Olympic on June 5th.

Family:  Married to Lisa for over 25 plus years with 5 "children" ranging from 19 to 27. Lisa did her first sprint last year and she is planning a couple this year.  It always helps to find the races that have sprints with olympcis or halfs so we both can race on the same day.

Current Training:  I am spending a lot of time on building my base one segment at a time.  Currently I am up to 3000 yds swimming 2x/ week,  my long ride is currently at 80 miles, with my long run at 8 miles (currently this is what I am working on increasing).  With 50 years under my belt and about 210 pounds around it, I am a back of the pack type guy (somebody has to ensure the cones get picked up!).  My goal is to finish.

Goals:  Racing injury free.....My "A" race will be the B2B in Wilmington in the fall.  Still undecided about the distance, I still have visions of doing a full until I get back from a long bike ride and cannot even imagine running 26 miles. First race will be in June with another Olympic in July.  I am not much of a hot weather fan. 

This will be my first time in a group which I am looking forward to, hope to hear from you soon.








2011-04-24 10:25 PM
in reply to: #3463650

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!


Yup, consider yourself "grouped"! And is your Crystal Coast one and the same as the Outer Banks in the truly awesome Outer Banks? That's my guess, seeing as how you're looking at B2B. Speaking of which, I am as well. And speaking of which, I'd better do an update on the entires to the half-iron. As of a few weeks ago there were still a couple hundered spots left....but sometimes these things get hit with a tsunamai of registrations. That's happened to me once already leading into this season, so if I don't want further disappointments, I'd better get up to date on B2B.

I should also check to make sure that they've read the tides charts correctly for this year, as last year, as you probably know, the much-heralded rip-roaring incoming tide that speeds the swims for B2B didn't materialize, or rather materialized at a different time than expected. Oops! Not only a cold swim, but a slow one, too. Oops! Oops!

I'll be interested in following your thinking on B2B half or full. I am generally a big supporter of people taking their time working up through the distances, and my own past is kind of checkered in that regard. On the in-a-hurry side I did only four sprints and a sprint/oly hybrid before my first half-iron.....which was foillowed by a second one three weeks later....which was followed by my third one three weeks after that. Kind of a twisted "hat trick", I guess?

On the other hand, I waited until my 28th triathlon for my first iron, which was preceded by the three half-irons another nine HIM. All of that experience managing nutrition and pacing and whatever else at the half-iron distance put me in pretty good stead for IM Lake Placid '04, and for me it was just a smart move to take my time before tackling an iron.

BUT, heaven knows manymanymany people have tackled a full iron early in their "careers", and have not only lived to tell about it but have done it quite well and had a blast in the process. Soooo.......I will look forward to how your moods and thoughts meander as you view the B2B options. The big advantage to looking at B2B for this is that the iron is not likely to fill up early, if at all. I can't remember what their transfer policy is, but it would be nice if it was just a lateral arabesque from HIM to IM, plus a minor fee for messing with their lists.

Interesting approach to building a Base one discipline at a time; sort of like the "continental" style of dining! Seriously, though, lots of people swear by this approach, and while I ahve never done it myself, I usually conduct the earlier part of my off-season working two disciplines at a time -- it allows me to "cheat" at carving out a bonafide off-season for myself!

Finally, this makes two Joe persons here; gotta figure out a way to differentiate you two. Two groups ago I had another Steve in the group, and three groups ago found two Pattys, and in neitehr case was there any identity crises. So, we WILL deal with this Joe situation just fine!

2011-04-24 10:46 PM
in reply to: #3461989

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!


A Cervelo guy! Cool beans! My first really serious bike was a first-generation Cervelo, the P2K. I adored that bike until July '08 when it sprouted a crack low on the seat tube, and I had to get it replaced. That led me to a Cervelo P2C, which was a huge upgrade inperformance -- the P2K was aluminum frame, the P2C is carbon. We'll have to have some intimate conversations about Cervelos, I think!

Three teenage boys, eh? Not for the faint of heart, exactly, is it?? Mercy!

That's a good run plan you're following, covering as it does all the essential bases; good choice!

As for the swimming, well, we'll talk about that, too. There are many ways to approach tri swimming, and yours is one of them -- preferred by many triathletes, in fact! It really does have its benefits, however, for people in your same situation, which is with a focus on sprints. Endurance is hardly an issue in sprints (although "endurance" is relative, really), although pretty good technique sure helps. And as you have noticed some stroke improvements just doing it the way you have chosen, that counts for a lot!

As for taking lessons or receiving coaching......that usually helps, but is certainly not necessary, especially for age-groupers who do this stuff mostly out of love. Drillwork can help, however, and it is good to do at least a bit of it on most swim sessions. For you, it might be the part to in the middel of a swims ession, with longer straight-swim efforts as the bookends for it (the drills). I can lead you to a few key drills, if you want to go that route.

A trianer would be a good toy for you to get eventually. My money says that you will love your Cervelo enough that you won't want to store it away for the winter, but stay cozy with it perched on a trainer. Call it a hunch.

Finally, you've certainly paid your dues and cut your teeth with the sprints and biathlons, so I think an oly is quite doable for you. Having a training/race buddy to pursue this with will help a lot (says he who has never-ever had training partners [but thinks he grasps their value]), but even if you go it alone --- you're ready!!

Glad you're with us!

2011-04-24 10:48 PM
in reply to: #3461989

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!

JOE H again -

Did yesterday's sprint happen, or did it get tornadoed into submission?

I see the Cards are playing tonight, though, so I guess any storms at least spared the ballpark!

2011-04-24 11:07 PM
in reply to: #3462791

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!


Now that you ask......I'm not sure why I thought swimming might be your strength. (Maybe it seemed like a good idea at the time?) Probably I was thinking that the swim might not be wetsuit-legal, and that to do an ocean swim wetsuitless suggests either talent or confidence. Something along those lines??

I sure like to think my waking HR indicates a strong heart. I guess the alternative is that it's a goofy I'd rather think "strong heart". The downside to that low rate is that in winter my extremities are frequently way too cold, so my system is far from perfect!

Tomorrow, I will tell you what I use for olympic-distance races, and we'll see how you can adapt your eating happens to my protocol. I use gels fairly heavily, but this close to your race you might not want to add them to your own nutrition plan. I guess you know that the general cardinal rule is "Never try anything in a race that you haven't used in training", and probably with nutrition it could be amended to say "several times" between "used" and "in".

There is nothing necessarily magic in gels, other than maybe portability and lack of bulk (in a food sense, that is), and any comparable amount of carbohydrate will help you mostly just as well as a gel. Well, maybe, maybe not, as sugar source is an critical item to consider in race fueling. That said, though, there is a lot of controversy as to which sugars are most beneficial and which are tantamount to disaster, so I'll come back to the idea that if decent carbs are in your oly fuel next week, you should be okay.

More tomorrow!

2011-04-25 8:02 AM
in reply to: #3461762

New user

Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!


I was huffing and puffing BIG TIME.  I can't tell you how many times I had to get off the bike and walk that sucker up a hill at the end.  I didn't come in last for the bike though...there was one other guy behind me, on a mountain bike LOL!  I completed the race last year in 2:15:21 and the majority of that was the bike.  I think the bike portion took me an hour and a half.  I know my swim was 12:02 and my run was around 20min but I don't remember the exact time. 

Bike wise now I am on a road bike.  I purchased a Dawes something or other.  It's a cheap road bike ($275) but it works and is light years better than the mountain bike.  I had to keep in mind that I still had to pay for someone to put it together and purchase a bike computer, etc.  The only thing that I have to do to it now is have the pedal cages adjusted.  I went to a local running store to purchase new running shoes a few weeks ago and the guy there told me my hip movement on the bike could be limited too much by the cages and that is what is bothering my knee.  Since I pronate so much the rotation of my hip is restricted greatly by the position the cage keeps my foot in and suggested I go to a bike shop to have them adjust the cages accordingly.  I am hoping that next year I'll be able to purchase the bike shoes and the clips. 

Do the clips on the bike really make that much of a difference? 



2011-04-25 8:57 AM
in reply to: #3463967

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!


Funny account of Cascade Lake! Well, it's funny for me, sitting here now, and granted it might not have been too funny for you on the bike at the time. Do the race photos show you growling at the camera, perhaps? And as for race photos, hopefully none were taken of you when in walking mode!

Walking nasty hills is very common, though, especially for people who are on mountain bikes. To that end, your Dawes should help a lot. At the very least it will be lighter, and I dare say that it will enable you to get into am better position. Most mtn bikes only accommodate upright, and that erect seated position makes it difficult to exert optimal force on the pedals. But a road bike can accommodate a few fitting tricks that can get you more forward, which should allow you to access greater leg strength. I'm sure you'll find any hills far easier on your Dawes.

What your running guy said to you makes lots of sense, and it sounds as if you have a running guy worth holding onto. He seems in tune with not only your running mechanics, but also how your bike might contribute to hip issues. Such people are great to have as part of your Support Crew At-Large!

I have never had cages, as my own cycling history saw me in the time-honored technique of feet-on-pedals from about 1955 until 1973.....and then literally no cycling until 2000, when I started triathlon and went right to the "clip-in" (sometimes called "clipless") system. But I can tell you the gospel as I know it, which is that clip-in pedals allow much more power to be applied to the pedals. this is partly due to less foot movement as there is in a cage, and partly to a more rigid sole of the cycling shoe, many of which are carbon-soled (but even a stiff plastic sloe is decent).

The clip-in system will require new pedals and cycling shoes, and someone to set them up for you and get you all measured corrctly and the correct adjustments made to cleat position....but once all of that is done you'll be in great gear-shape to be a stronger and more efficient cyclist!

Does the above kinda sorta answer your question?

And my question is -- what running shoes did you recently buy?

2011-04-25 9:17 AM
in reply to: #3463729

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!


Belatedly -- very nifty map! Thank you so much for putting it together, and keeping it updated!

For the record, the remaining potential people out there are ones that I don't know details for. These include Colm and Bogden and I.T. Band-it, who have posted here once but have yet to return with a bio, plus two other people who have PMed me about joining, but likewise haven't posted anything further.

I will probably close it down this evening, as we are at 14 now (it seems), and maybe one or two of the five above will follow through to the next step, and maybe another one or two purely new ones will will climb on today. These groups typically lose a few folks within the first week or two, so I'm just trying to guage interest and commitment so that we head into May with about 15 strong who are here for the duration (which could be 2014? ).

Again, I really appreciate that map......and I am hugely envious of you for having the wherewithal to put it together. I genuflect in your general direction!

2011-04-25 9:34 AM
in reply to: #3463236

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!


Love your bio! I thought I knew a fair bit about you from last year, but some new things emerged (the secrets you kept! ). The most enjoyable part was the account of your kids being shocked that you met up with an on-line friend. (If you mentioned that last year when it happened, it slipped past me.) That's just so amusing....and always is when the kids try to raise US properly! I mean, I know the horror stories out there and all, and that they know no age limits....but a triathlon forum....and DENISE??? That seems to be as safe as a connect can be!

Is "Mamma Mia" still working well for her, or is the road show scene getting too draining? And I see you are back at all-season baseball (too bad the Astros can't say the same........ ). I see what you meant by "attitude adjustment"! Do you feel that that is working, or at least will eventually work? Sounds smart to me! And the masters swim --- a resounding success?

Yes, your 2010 race list IS impressive, especially from the person who hated running so much not so long ago. It makes me wonder what other things you think you hate, but might actually end up liking AND doing quite well at. (Maybe it works that way for all of us....although I'm not about to undertake a valve job on my car! )

Finally, what is "Beach Palooza"?? I guess I'd better try to goggle it.

Edited by stevebradley 2011-04-26 7:47 AM

2011-04-25 11:25 AM
in reply to: #3464212

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!

Morning all!

I'm back from the missing.  Was in Dallas for a work/charity golf event on Thursday & Friday and then got de-railed w/Easter weekend activities.

Love the map!  It's cool to see where everyone is.  I'm jealous of Joe, living on the OBX.  That's where I'd like to retire, if I can convince the wife.  Her 1st marathon was the OBX marathon; her 2nd (my 1st) was VA Beach.  I really like that area.

Hope the training is going well for everyone.  Light cardio and weights for me today. 


2011-04-25 12:31 PM
in reply to: #3464477

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!


I'm jealous of him too, so I think we need to work on him to host us for a convergence field trip. I would welcome anyone up here....but who wants to visit the flat farmlands of Casselman, Ontario?

2011-04-25 1:56 PM
in reply to: #3435045

New user

Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!

Swim work out question:

I realized this morning that I am just been coasting through my swim workouts.  It had been over a month since the last time I got in the pool and this morning my work out was a piece of cake.  It got me thinking of all the drills I did during swim team (I was a sprinter doing 100m max) and that I needed to kick it up a notch.  I'm not exactly sure how to go about this for open water longer distance swims. 

I don't have much time to spend in the pool...45 min at a time max (if I can get a lane right away) and can make it definitely twice a week (wed night / thurs morning) every week.  All I've been doing is swimming 500 yards, 100 yards kick only recovery, 500 yards, 100 yards kick recovery and work out is done in about 25 minutes. 

I thought about adding a drill that use to be one of my favorites as a kid:  sprint for 25, kick only 25, arms only 25, recover 25 and repeat. 

Any ideas or favorite "go to's" that you can suggest?






2011-04-25 3:55 PM
in reply to: #3463730

New user
Swansea, IL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - OPEN, and looking a few more able-bodied and willing-minded multisporters!

The Saturday sprint went off pretty much without a hitch despite the Friday nite tornadoes.  Steady rain thruout but not too much of a downpour.  Temps were mid-50s which was great for run but made the bike kind of chilly once I was soaked thru 5 minutes into that leg.  Biking was hazardous due to wet pavement and saw at least 6-8 people with road rash, scrapes, etc from taking spills.  My race buddy actually went down pretty hard right in front of me, couldn't finish bike leg, but limped back to transition area and ran with me.  Time was about what I anticipated (1:34) particularly given crummy weather conditions.

Another 5K this weekend then looking to do another sprint first week of June.

Steve, I welcome any swim drill suggestions you may have.  Part of my problem is simply endurance, part is form breakdown once I begin to fatigue.

I already own a bike trainer but have used it 2X in two years due to space issues indoors.  Rode my Trek 1500 during Saturday's sprint which continues to be a trusty steed.  I am looking forward to breaking out the Cervelo soon, though.  I wish it would stop raining.

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