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2012-01-28 3:36 PM
in reply to: #4016119

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

Having been on vacation last week, there was a lot of catching up to do (both at work and at home) during the week and again this weekend.  As such, I didn't get as much accomplished as I had hoped.  Having said that, I managed to squeeze in a 6 mile run today (7:15 pace).  I did a speed run earlier in the week, which really helped me with my run today.

Question - any thoughts on a good beginner bike?  And what should I expect to spend?

2012-01-29 5:12 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
My weekend went ok.  Went shorter on the bike than i wanted to on saturday, but longer on the run today.  I work alot of saturday's with sporting events and university events.  Seriously cut into my planned biking time.  I got 11 hours of training in this week though (Mon-Sun), and I'm very happy with that volume.
2012-01-29 8:21 PM
in reply to: #4016167

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
Nice! last long one, eh. The home stretch is here!!
2012-01-29 8:25 PM
in reply to: #4016178

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

For a beginner bike, IF you can figure out what will fit you first, you can get more bang for your buck if you go used. I know opinions are polarized on this though. Maybe if you have a shop near you, you can try some (if they will let you) then look for a good deal from there. Obviously, they really don't want you to do that though, so when you Need a used bike most (when you start, generally) it's generally Hardest to get one, because you lack the info you need about what you want, what will fit etc.

That said, you can pick up a new road bike or entry tri bike for maybe 1000 plus. Also, need to research if you want to go triathlon bike versus road bike.


Getting a new bike can be daunting, I know. If you really don't know anything about bikes AND don't have the local support of friends or a tri group who do, then you might benefit more from the leverage that buying a bike new from the shop gets you... free tuneups, warranty, that sort of thing.

Everyone else, please chime in on this, too.

2012-01-29 8:26 PM
in reply to: #4017397

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

japewang - 2012-01-29 5:12 PM My weekend went ok.  Went shorter on the bike than i wanted to on saturday, but longer on the run today.  I work alot of saturday's with sporting events and university events.  Seriously cut into my planned biking time.  I got 11 hours of training in this week though (Mon-Sun), and I'm very happy with that volume.


Hey, 11 hours isn't too shabby!

2012-01-30 8:39 AM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
I ran a half marathon Sunday.  First race of the year.  Went in like it was just a long training day.  Ran fairly even splits, so I was happy with the outcome even though it was no PR for me.

2012-01-30 1:48 PM
in reply to: #4018242

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
Liked your race report....just checked it out on the blog! Just curious...why did you decide not to race race it ?
2012-01-30 6:59 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

I bought a new bike from the LBS.  I did buy a 2011 right as the 2012's came out so I got a good discount.  For me, going in and getting sized up and having 6 months to go in and have them make any adjustments for me for free, along with the last year's discount was worth it to me.

Friends...  After running 22 on Saturday, my buddy comes by on Sunday for what I thought was going to be an easy 20 mile bike ride.  What it turned out to be was a 30 mile hilly leg burn out.  I think he intentionally found the biggest hills in our area just so he could see me grimace.  Good times.

This was a GREAT weekend because I've been searching on ST, BT, ebay, and craigslist sometime for some racing wheels.  Found a super deal on a set of 2011 Reynolds SDV66c already with a Sram cassette and he even threw in and mounted a set of tubes and some new Continental GP4000s for me at no charge (they are 25mm, so not sure how different that will be than 23mm since everyone online has their own personal opinion).  Heck, I didn't even have to use my kids college fund to get them.  NOW that is a GREAT weekend.

Hope everyone is having a great week of training. Looking to get back at it in the morning.

2012-01-31 8:38 AM
in reply to: #4018958

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

ATLrunr - 2012-01-30 1:48 PM Liked your race report....just checked it out on the blog! Just curious...why did you decide not to race race it ?


I just didn't feel I was trained well enough to actually RACE the race.  It wasn't an A race for me, so I didn't taper or anything and I want to continue my training without taking a couple of days for recovery.  Just where I'm at right now.

2012-01-31 6:18 PM
in reply to: #4019623

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
Joey Blankenship - 2012-01-30 6:59 PM

I bought a new bike from the LBS.  I did buy a 2011 right as the 2012's came out so I got a good discount.  For me, going in and getting sized up and having 6 months to go in and have them make any adjustments for me for free, along with the last year's discount was worth it to me.

Friends...  After running 22 on Saturday, my buddy comes by on Sunday for what I thought was going to be an easy 20 mile bike ride.  What it turned out to be was a 30 mile hilly leg burn out.  I think he intentionally found the biggest hills in our area just so he could see me grimace.  Good times.

This was a GREAT weekend because I've been searching on ST, BT, ebay, and craigslist sometime for some racing wheels.  Found a super deal on a set of 2011 Reynolds SDV66c already with a Sram cassette and he even threw in and mounted a set of tubes and some new Continental GP4000s for me at no charge (they are 25mm, so not sure how different that will be than 23mm since everyone online has their own personal opinion).  Heck, I didn't even have to use my kids college fund to get them.  NOW that is a GREAT weekend.

Hope everyone is having a great week of training. Looking to get back at it in the morning.


sounds like a great deal! Sure feels good to not pay full price, doesn't it

2012-01-31 6:19 PM
in reply to: #4020271

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

Cool... I was just curious. I have basically been doing that for all my running races this winter too. I still try as hard as I can, but don't rest for them at all.



2012-01-31 6:21 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

So what's on tap for everyone this week? I am on a mandatory two day rest break for being quite over-reached. I really really need it!!

Tomorrow is a return to training with an easy swim and bike. Thursday is a trainer ride/brick. Fri swim/ Sat group run/ Sun trainer ride/brick.

I also got an initial fit today .. my 239580th fit and none of them ever work out. This time is different though, because I'm shopping for a new bike! So excited...

What about you guys?

2012-02-01 7:52 AM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

Good luck and have fun with your new bike adds tons of motivation and incentive to all of your workouts. In early December I bought a 2010 P2 and had a full fitting done and cannot believe the difference in comfort compared to my roadie with aero clip-ons. Even better than the comfort factor is how a proper fitting cured the pain in my right knee almost from day one.  Money well spent for sure.  Now I just hope that the learning curve isnt too bad when I get the bike on the road.  Anyone with experience going from road bike to tri bike and how long it took to feel confident?


2012-02-02 5:34 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

Hope everyone is having a good week. I've been in the pool quite a bit, and taking it a little easy on the legs. Saturday should be an adventure.  I have an 18 mile run planned, but a roadie called and asked if I would come ride, so gonna run the 18, change out gear, then ride 30 miles. I know that's backwards, but gotta do what ya gotta do.

Anyone else gonna tear it up this weekend?

2012-02-03 6:06 PM
in reply to: #4022666

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
No, but good luck! I would think you should be able to get comfortable fairly quickly. I have always ridden a tri bike, and normally one that is terribly uncomfortable I am going to try to get away from that with this bike purchase...
2012-02-03 6:07 PM
in reply to: #4026368

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

Sounds awesome! I dunno about tear it up.. but I have a long run/swim tomorrow.. then probably a long trainer ride/brick Sunday. Sadly, it's supposed to rain ALL weekend so not very pumped about that.


2012-02-05 8:10 AM
in reply to: #4026368

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
Joey Blankenship - 2012-02-02 5:34 PM

Hope everyone is having a good week. I've been in the pool quite a bit, and taking it a little easy on the legs. Saturday should be an adventure.  I have an 18 mile run planned, but a roadie called and asked if I would come ride, so gonna run the 18, change out gear, then ride 30 miles. I know that's backwards, but gotta do what ya gotta do.

Anyone else gonna tear it up this weekend?

You're an animal.  BTW...been reading your blog.  Glad to see another E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES fan in the group .  (And shame on you for rooting for the Giants)

2012-02-06 6:42 AM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
Japewang- thanks for the shout out.  This weekend didn't go as planned due to weather, but I think my legs were happy of that.  When the rain started as I was getting my bike ready on Saturday, I'll admit, I was okay with that.  The legs were not cooperating at all on that 18 miler, so probably a good thing that we weren't able to ride. I'm still figuring out recovering.  My wife is usually my guiding light as to know when I'm overtraining, she's like most loving wives, she'll let me know in her own special way. i'm trying to take one day off a week, but that hasn't happened all the time. I'm really trying to build my endurance and I'm like everyone else, I want it to happen overnight.

Oh yeah an Eagles fan for sure. Had to cheer for the Giants, can't stand the Pats.  Great game last night for sure.

I'm 12 days out from my marathon, so this week I will be biking more and a little less running.  I'm not slowing down my training for the race, because my big goal is in April, just modifying.

Hope everyone has a good week of training. 

Edited by Joey Blankenship 2012-02-06 6:42 AM
2012-02-06 8:40 AM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
Had some cold, wet, windy weather here this weekend.  Combine that with busy kid activities and my workouts were inside.  This week will be busy as it's my week to drive the volleyball carpool and then my daughter and I leave town Friday for a weekend volleyball tournament.
2012-02-07 9:03 AM
in reply to: #3950650

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
UGH.  Had a swim and run scheduled for today and woke up at 6am with a chill and stuffy nose.  I have a cold.  Not awful, but enough to where I'll probably miss a day (hopefully not two) of training.  Should I try to cram these workouts in later this week, or just move along in my plan?
2012-02-07 7:28 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

Japewang- me being a newbie to the tri world, that's a good question that I can't answer from experience. With marathon racing and when I've missed, I just moved on.  You could take my technique to triathlons and not have a plan, then you have nothing to make up   I've got a plan that I'm using as a guide (for HIM), but I modify it to suit me and my work.  Not sure this is the best answer, but I'm sure if I write out what I do everyday, I bet someone has made a plan up that is pretty similar to it. Swim 3 days a week, bike 3 or 4, run 3 or 4, and a brick a week.  I'm sure the experienced people in our group will probably say I'm way off, but heck, it's working for me, or at least I think it is. Hope you get to feeling better.

Today at lunch, got in a good two hour ride outside.  Due to the weather, the outside riding has been limited lately to say the least, so it was good to be on the roads and not on the trainer.  Time to start ramping up the distance for sure.

Hope everyone else gets some good workouts in the rest of the week.

2012-02-08 9:00 AM
in reply to: #4033459

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

japewang - 2012-02-07 9:03 AM UGH.  Had a swim and run scheduled for today and woke up at 6am with a chill and stuffy nose.  I have a cold.  Not awful, but enough to where I'll probably miss a day (hopefully not two) of training.  Should I try to cram these workouts in later this week, or just move along in my plan?

If I woke up with a chill and a stuffy nose, I'd see how the day progressed.  If I still felt bad in the evening, I might skip the workout.  If I felt better, I'd probably try to run.  If I started running and after 10 minutes or so still felt miserable, I'd bag the workout.

When I'm following a plan and I miss a workout, I usually just skip it and don't try to make it up.  If I can rearrange the rest of the week to incorporate it and not over do things, I'll try that route, but in general, a missed workout is just a missed workout.

2012-02-08 10:15 AM
in reply to: #4033459

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
japewang - 2012-02-07 9:03 AMUGH.  Had a swim and run scheduled for today and woke up at 6am with a chill and stuffy nose.  I have a cold.  Not awful, but enough to where I'll probably miss a day (hopefully not two) of training.  Should I try to cram these workouts in later this week, or just move along in my plan?
I would definitely say... Move along. I know it sux and you feel terribly guilty about missing, but you will be better in the long term for letting yourself recover. ( this is the advice that I often need to hear myself)Feel better soon!
2012-02-08 10:16 AM
in reply to: #4035605

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
What she said....I would also add..that if it is a KEY session.. Then I might move something else to get it in later.Ie... I really need to focus on my bike so if I missed a hard trainer ride, I would rearrange it to elsewhere.
2012-02-08 10:24 AM
in reply to: #4034880

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
Joey Blankenship - 2012-02-07 7:28 PM

Japewang- me being a newbie to the tri world, that's a good question that I can't answer from experience. With marathon racing and when I've missed, I just moved on.  You could take my technique to triathlons and not have a plan, then you have nothing to make up   I've got a plan that I'm using as a guide (for HIM), but I modify it to suit me and my work.  Not sure this is the best answer, but I'm sure if I write out what I do everyday, I bet someone has made a plan up that is pretty similar to it. Swim 3 days a week, bike 3 or 4, run 3 or 4, and a brick a week.  I'm sure the experienced people in our group will probably say I'm way off, but heck, it's working for me, or at least I think it is. Hope you get to feeling better.

Today at lunch, got in a good two hour ride outside.  Due to the weather, the outside riding has been limited lately to say the least, so it was good to be on the roads and not on the trainer.  Time to start ramping up the distance for sure.

Hope everyone else gets some good workouts in the rest of the week.

I would say when you're just starting out and have Some basic knowledge of exercise and training, doing what you're doing is the way to go. For the first couple of years, you can make great progress simply by training consistently. It is only when that progress beings to plateau, or you want to take it to the next level etc that you might want to use a coach. I am sure there are lots who would disagree with me. What you're doing sounds reasonable ..traing each sport several times a week ...some folks might prefer or need the more specific guidance of a plan. When I started for the first two years, I had no plan, per say, but did train with a lot of different experienced people. Also a background training and exercise phys. That kind of ensured that I wouldn't doing anything too weird or extreme. A plan is a way to keep that in check for someone who was not athletic in any sense prior to beginning training. Also, it depends on personality. Some people want to know that their exactly on track per a specific purpose and plan. I have to say, now that I have that it is nice.. And not nice sometimes!
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