BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train! Rss Feed  
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2013-01-08 4:08 PM
in reply to: #4567814

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Heart Rate question
otisbrown - 2013-01-08 7:50 AM 

How are you measuring your heart rate?  How does your body feel when you are running? Are you winded or are you able to have an easy conversation?  To me it sounds like your heart rate is too high and you should slow it down. I suggest targeting the 130 range.   I think the biggest risk at running at 70% is going to be injury.  Do you have a smart phone?  There is a free app (at least for Iphones) that uses the camera to take your heart rate.  I have found it pretty accurate, but you have to keep still while it is taking the reading. It is called HeartRate.   

Thanks for the tips Otis -- I sometimes count my own heartbeat at the end of a run for 10 seconds (and it's always pretty high then, I haven't often measured at the beginning or in the middle of a run), but yesterday I ran on a treadmill and noticed my average was about 160 when I was running my normal 3 mile training pace. I feel good running at that pace (no injuries or soreness) and it's hard to go slower when I'm not going very far. I could sort of carry on a conversation but I guess not "easily". I'll try to slow it down on my next run, at least for part of it, and count my HR more often. 

By the way, I am being completely lazy today since I did a lot yesterday and feel kinda tired. Still getting into the swing of training, I guess. (Don't worry, I won't try to "make it up" later!)


2013-01-08 5:10 PM
in reply to: #4565348

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
Lovey - 2013-01-07 12:23 AM

So I am trying to find a training plan that works for me.

RUN: Can't run so doing elliptical. Plan to do the weight loss setting for a few weeks then transition to fat burning program. My have to start in the manual setting for a week or so.....

I SUCK! Up to this morning, I hadn't worked out all year other than my specific ankle exercises. 8 months ago I was up and in the gym by 5:30. Now I can't seem to wake up. I even slept in my workout clothes last night and still didn't make it to the gym. I SUCK! I felt like that all day. I wore very casual clothes to my side job today so I could fit a workout in.

I was determined today to drag myself out of this rut. I left work half an hour early and stopped at the gym. I was planning to do a 20 min easy elliptical workout. I did the elliptical weight loss program which was 30 mins long. I wanted to quit at 20 mins then 25 mins but stuck it out.

I DID it!! I know it's stupid but it was so hard for me to get a workout in all year due to my lack of motivation but I DID it!
2013-01-08 5:39 PM
in reply to: #4568795

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
Lovey - Great job! You did it! Now use that workout as a launch pad for the next one. After a couple you will get back into the groove. Be proud of yourself!
2013-01-08 5:40 PM
in reply to: #4563877

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
suzimmer - 2013-01-05 3:53 PM

Threejs - 2013-01-05 10:16 AM Hi Suzie,Do you have some good wheat free recipes or books you recommend?Revamping my diet and looking for some new recipes.Thanks!EllenGO PACKERS!

I have gotten many good recipes from Living Without. I get the magazine, but they also have a good website  

I have also been getting some recipes from and PaleOMG.  I like the paleo recipes because they do not include any grains. Living without 's latest magazine had an article about using flours that have more nutritional value as opposed to rice flour, which has very little.  I have been experimenting with recipes that use coconut, almond, quinoa, buckwheat, sorghum and also using raw honey, or coconut palm sugar as sweetners when needed.

Check out those sites and let me know what you think.


Thanks Susie!  I only had time to check out PaleOMG so far and cracked up -too funny - I love a person who can make a great recipe after a few drinks then can't quite remember the ingredients   Making a chicken recipe tonite from the site that I am pretty sure everyone will eat.  Thanks for the tip and I will be checking out the other sites asap!

2013-01-08 5:42 PM
in reply to: #4566122

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
otisbrown - 2013-01-07 9:25 AM
suzimmer - 2013-01-05 6:53 PM

Threejs - 2013-01-05 10:16 AM Hi Suzie,Do you have some good wheat free recipes or books you recommend?Revamping my diet and looking for some new recipes.Thanks!EllenGO PACKERS!

I have gotten many good recipes from Living Without. I get the magazine, but they also have a good website  

I have also been getting some recipes from and PaleOMG.  I like the paleo recipes because they do not include any grains. Living without 's latest magazine had an article about using flours that have more nutritional value as opposed to rice flour, which has very little.  I have been experimenting with recipes that use coconut, almond, quinoa, buckwheat, sorghum and also using raw honey, or coconut palm sugar as sweetners when needed.

Check out those sites and let me know what you think.



Thanks for the info.  I already subscribed to the PaleOMG blog. I find it quite humorous.  I will be making my first recipe off the site this week.  She posted a brussel sprout recipe.  I think my 11 year old self would kick me in the shins for even thinking about trying brussel sprouts... the madness. 

You are one brave soul

2013-01-08 5:44 PM
in reply to: #4568795

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

Lovey - 2013-01-08 3:10 PM
Lovey - 2013-01-07 12:23 AM So I am trying to find a training plan that works for me. RUN: Can't run so doing elliptical. Plan to do the weight loss setting for a few weeks then transition to fat burning program. My have to start in the manual setting for a week or so.....
I SUCK! Up to this morning, I hadn't worked out all year other than my specific ankle exercises. 8 months ago I was up and in the gym by 5:30. Now I can't seem to wake up. I even slept in my workout clothes last night and still didn't make it to the gym. I SUCK! I felt like that all day. I wore very casual clothes to my side job today so I could fit a workout in. I was determined today to drag myself out of this rut. I left work half an hour early and stopped at the gym. I was planning to do a 20 min easy elliptical workout. I did the elliptical weight loss program which was 30 mins long. I wanted to quit at 20 mins then 25 mins but stuck it out. I DID it!! I know it's stupid but it was so hard for me to get a workout in all year due to my lack of motivation but I DID it!

You're a ROCK STAR!!

2013-01-09 5:45 AM
in reply to: #4545748

New user

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
Sorry all... I have been off the grid. Dealing with major lower back issues. After steroid and muscle relaxants, my doc and I figured out its not my hamstring after all. I have an MRI this Friday to try to find the culprit.Hope everyone is enjoying training!I will be around hopefully more in the coming days. My goal this week is to try and rest the pain away.Best, Alex
2013-01-09 6:37 AM
in reply to: #4569369

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
MerrickFL - 2013-01-09 6:45 AM

Sorry all... I have been off the grid. Dealing with major lower back issues. After steroid and muscle relaxants, my doc and I figured out its not my hamstring after all. I have an MRI this Friday to try to find the culprit.Hope everyone is enjoying training!I will be around hopefully more in the coming days. My goal this week is to try and rest the pain away.Best, Alex

Rest well!! Hope they find some NON DRUG ways to deal with the back. Have you tried a chiropractor? (Don't you hate it when people who have no idea what you are going through suggest things?) Sorry... just hoping you are well SOON.

Take care.
2013-01-09 6:44 AM
in reply to: #4568795

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

"I DID it!! I know it's stupid but it was so hard for me to get a workout in all year due to my lack of motivation but I DID it! "

Motivation is my biggest issue. You are a star!! You made it work.

Edited by stephsprint 2013-01-09 11:08 AM
2013-01-09 7:22 AM
in reply to: #4560617

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Subject: RE: Suz & Steph - Weekly Goal
jslacker - 2013-01-03 2:38 PM
Jeptha - 2013-01-03 4:03 PM

stephsprint - 2013-01-03 12:43 PM Suz came up with a great idea. How about on Sundays we each come up with a weekly goal. Examples... run for 10 mins without stopping...get to the gym once/twice... try a new exercise (yoga or planks etc) What do you think? This week it's already Thursday... So my goal will be a run Saturday and a bike Sunday.

Nice idea, Suz - thanks for the challenge, Steph!

So far I have been kind of a wall-to-wall swimmer, like carpet, but wetter.  This weekend I will be travelling with my family, and we will be staying at a hotel that has a 50m pool (I think).

My goal is for Sunday is to swim 100m without stopping even for a second, by doing a flip turn at 50m and returning.  Although I have been logging swim time, with lots of distance (for me), this has included a lot of resting on the wall!

I'll let you know how that goes!


Have you ever tried using a buoy between your legs to help your swimming.  I am not a great swimmer but I have found this to really help.  I tend to plow through the water and my legs like to drop causing more resistance.  The buoy helps keep my legs up and I feel like I am streamlining better.  I also don't kick when I have the buoy.  It conserves my energy and I am able to swim longer.   I don't ever do kick turns.  Unfortunately, I find that it takes too much oxygen to do one.   I touch the wall and turn around.  I am not sure which is better.   Though this year I am going to start trying to do them.   Any comments from anyone else on kick turns???

I like using buoys, too, and last time I did, I swam faster with than without.  At that point, I realized my legs were dragging more than kicking, so now I try to keep them together and up out of the way, and am working on re-introducing a 2-beat kick with my swim coach.  There is an article on the site here about kick turns, how to do them and the rationale, which is interesting.  My results from the weekend:  successful kick turns on a 32-meter pool, but I was very tired, maybe because I was swimming at a higher altitude than I had been used to.


2013-01-09 7:29 AM
in reply to: #4565145

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Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
suzimmer - 2013-01-06 6:51 PM

Hi all!

Hope everyone had a great weekend.  So what are the goals for the week?

For me, it's get the eating back on track. Overall I'm a pretty healthy eater, but I have a wicked sweet tooth, and there are plenty of gluten free desserts out there to temp me. I just finished the yummiest caramel apple! (Loads of gooey delicious carmel!!!) I delude myself into thinking it's "healthy" because there happens to be an apple under all that caramel.  SO goal for the sugar!   That and get to the strength class on Wednesday AM, which necessitates a 4:50 wake up. UG

I have a taper week in my plan for a June 1 triathlon, so this week/weekend I will set up some structure to the remaining weeks with an emphasis on aquapower.  My goals:  along with sticking to the plan, I will start a triathlon swim class at the local 'Y', will join a swim club, and go snowshoeing on the weekend!  And if I grow gills somewhere along the way, great!

2013-01-09 11:11 AM
in reply to: #4545748

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
Do you mean Flip turns?

I use "open turns" because there are no walls in open water. And if I can swim in a big circle I do that in our lap pool. There are no ropes and if I'm in there alone it helps with fitness.
2013-01-09 11:25 AM
in reply to: #4545748

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

Hi everyone, 

Well, I'm officially clipless.  I bought a pair of Specialized shoes and Shimano pedals from my LBS, and so far I'm a huge klutz getting in and out of the pedals.  I have my bike on the trainer so I've been practicing, and I'm SLOWLY getting used to them.  I did go with a mountain type shoe so I can walk around when not on the bike, and use them for a spin class, which is one thing I've never done but want to try.  It's supposed to be warm over the weekend (in the 50's!), so I think I'm going to go to a local park to try the pedals out on the road, so if I fall, it won't be in the middle of traffic, which I think is a good thing.  While I feel like an idiot right now, I think I'm going to enjoy using the pedals once I get used to them.  BTW, why do they call the system clipless when you clip into the pedals??

My training so far is very informal at this point.  I was injured for most of last year, so I'm just getting back to building a base both physically and mentally.  I need to get my mind back into training mode, but for now, as long as I do something every day, I'm happy.  More formal training will be forthcoming, probably starting after my birthday, which is a month away.  

Today I'll be going on the trainer after work, with my new pedals.  Tomorrow, back to the pool.

Have a good day!




2013-01-09 11:34 AM
in reply to: #4568795

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

Lovey - 2013-01-08 5:10 PM
Lovey - 2013-01-07 12:23 AM So I am trying to find a training plan that works for me. RUN: Can't run so doing elliptical. Plan to do the weight loss setting for a few weeks then transition to fat burning program. My have to start in the manual setting for a week or so.....
I SUCK! Up to this morning, I hadn't worked out all year other than my specific ankle exercises. 8 months ago I was up and in the gym by 5:30. Now I can't seem to wake up. I even slept in my workout clothes last night and still didn't make it to the gym. I SUCK! I felt like that all day. I wore very casual clothes to my side job today so I could fit a workout in. I was determined today to drag myself out of this rut. I left work half an hour early and stopped at the gym. I was planning to do a 20 min easy elliptical workout. I did the elliptical weight loss program which was 30 mins long. I wanted to quit at 20 mins then 25 mins but stuck it out. I DID it!! I know it's stupid but it was so hard for me to get a workout in all year due to my lack of motivation but I DID it!

Yeah!  One step at a time will get you there!

I too have been struggling with getting back in the early morning groove after the 2 week winter break.  Amazing how quickly one gets used to  sleeping later.  Good for you getting to the gym after work.

2013-01-09 11:40 AM
in reply to: #4569979

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
Turtle who Tris - 2013-01-09 11:25 AM

Hi everyone, 

Well, I'm officially clipless.  I bought a pair of Specialized shoes and Shimano pedals from my LBS, and so far I'm a huge klutz getting in and out of the pedals.  I have my bike on the trainer so I've been practicing, and I'm SLOWLY getting used to them.  I did go with a mountain type shoe so I can walk around when not on the bike, and use them for a spin class, which is one thing I've never done but want to try.  It's supposed to be warm over the weekend (in the 50's!), so I think I'm going to go to a local park to try the pedals out on the road, so if I fall, it won't be in the middle of traffic, which I think is a good thing.  While I feel like an idiot right now, I think I'm going to enjoy using the pedals once I get used to them.  BTW, why do they call the system clipless when you clip into the pedals??

My training so far is very informal at this point.  I was injured for most of last year, so I'm just getting back to building a base both physically and mentally.  I need to get my mind back into training mode, but for now, as long as I do something every day, I'm happy.  More formal training will be forthcoming, probably starting after my birthday, which is a month away.  

Today I'll be going on the trainer after work, with my new pedals.  Tomorrow, back to the pool.

Have a good day!


Congrats on the new pedals and shoes!. Practicing on the trainer is a good idea. I hope the weather cooperates and you can get to the park this weekend. If the pedals seem tight, (really have to twist your foot hard to unclip) you can adjust them. 



2013-01-09 11:43 AM
in reply to: #4569369

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

MerrickFL - 2013-01-09 5:45 AM Sorry all... I have been off the grid. Dealing with major lower back issues. After steroid and muscle relaxants, my doc and I figured out its not my hamstring after all. I have an MRI this Friday to try to find the culprit.Hope everyone is enjoying training!I will be around hopefully more in the coming days. My goal this week is to try and rest the pain away.Best, Alex


Ug, back pain is the worst. I hope you can figure out what is going on.

2013-01-09 11:59 AM
in reply to: #4565145

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
suzimmer - 2013-01-06 7:51 PM

Hi all!

Hope everyone had a great weekend.  So what are the goals for the week?

For me, it's get the eating back on track. Overall I'm a pretty healthy eater, but I have a wicked sweet tooth, and there are plenty of gluten free desserts out there to temp me. I just finished the yummiest caramel apple! (Loads of gooey delicious carmel!!!) I delude myself into thinking it's "healthy" because there happens to be an apple under all that caramel.  SO goal for the sugar!   That and get to the strength class on Wednesday AM, which necessitates a 4:50 wake up. UG

Darn....both goals not achieved.  (Hangs head in shame).  Stressful day in the classroom yesterday and when I walked down to the teacher's lounge there was all this chocolate and candy (people bringing from home) and.....

Then, I overslept this morning and was too late to get to the strength class. But instead of blowing it off entirely, I got my lazy a$$ out of bed and went to the club and did my own strength training, so managed to salvage the morning somewhat.

New goal:  get in the rest of the week's workouts, which means getting my butt into the cold pool in the early cold morning. Somehow swimming is much more palatable a little later in the morning as opposed to 6 am. 

2013-01-09 12:53 PM
in reply to: #4545748

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New user

Subject: Random little thing :)

I'm not sure how this fits in with our discussion, but I thought it might be fun to share. As part of my artistic career along with teaching at a local college, I design fabric. Out in stores this month, will be my first two collections with Marcus fabrics in NY. One of the collections is called Here to There and is inspired by my love of biking. I thought I'd share it with you guys since we are all of the biking kind. 

You can see it at the link below on Marcus' site....hope you like it!


Today's plan---an outside run and maybe a short swim. I too overslept and missed my morning workout plan, but the weather is lovely for a run. 


2013-01-09 6:31 PM
in reply to: #4569950

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Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

stephsprint - 2013-01-09 10:11 AM Do you mean Flip turns? I use "open turns" because there are no walls in open water. And if I can swim in a big circle I do that in our lap pool. There are no ropes and if I'm in there alone it helps with fitness.


Sorry - yes, I meant flip turns! Swimming around the edges is a neat idea!  My pool has lane ropes, unfortunately, but bobbing under those could be practice for diving into waves and swell, I guess!  I have to travel quite a ways for open water swims this time of year, because I'm not a polar swimmer - I get cold thinking about it!


2013-01-09 8:05 PM
in reply to: #4570197

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Random little thing :)
gsonge - 2013-01-09 12:53 PM

I'm not sure how this fits in with our discussion, but I thought it might be fun to share. As part of my artistic career along with teaching at a local college, I design fabric. Out in stores this month, will be my first two collections with Marcus fabrics in NY. One of the collections is called Here to There and is inspired by my love of biking. I thought I'd share it with you guys since we are all of the biking kind. 

You can see it at the link below on Marcus' site....hope you like it!


Greta, LOVED the fabric! So cute. You are quite talented! I used to sew a lot in my previous life (that of a stay-at-home mom). I have always been a sucker for cute fabric. I'd buy a yard or two just because I liked it, figuring I'd use it for something in the future.  

2013-01-09 8:19 PM
in reply to: #4570197

Subject: RE: Random little thing :)
gsonge - 2013-01-09 10:53 AM

I'm not sure how this fits in with our discussion, but I thought it might be fun to share. As part of my artistic career along with teaching at a local college, I design fabric. Out in stores this month, will be my first two collections with Marcus fabrics in NY. One of the collections is called Here to There and is inspired by my love of biking. I thought I'd share it with you guys since we are all of the biking kind. 

You can see it at the link below on Marcus' site....hope you like it!


Today's plan---an outside run and maybe a short swim. I too overslept and missed my morning workout plan, but the weather is lovely for a run. 


Very cute fabric...My daughter and I took a quilting class a couple summers ago - this would be so much fun in a quilt!  I think I just came up with a great retirement project - a Tri Quilt

2013-01-09 9:12 PM
in reply to: #4570197

New user

Subject: RE: Random little thing :)
Your material design is fabulous!
2013-01-09 9:15 PM
in reply to: #4545748

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

I am ready to log my training program but realize that because I am such a cheapskate and am not a member, I can't enter my training plan.  I do have the app, so I guess I will log in my workouts as I do them. 

I will follow the Aggressive Couch to 5K (3mile) Program from this site which is 3 days a week, then in a week or 2 will add 2 days of biking (gym or outside) and 2 or 3 days of weight training (since that is my favorite!).

My workout bag is in my car so I can go straight from the client's to the gym.

First workout starts tomorrow!


2013-01-09 9:51 PM
in reply to: #4545748

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
Made it to spin class tonight. Best of all, my 14 year went me!

How should I log myspinning miles. I added a spin bike as an equipment.
Should I track only the time or use an average mileage to track as well?

the class was 45 minutes.
I can do just 45 mins in the log or
45 mins and 9 miles (using 12 mile/hr as the pace)

I plan to do elliptical and swim tomorrow.

Edited by Lovey 2013-01-09 9:51 PM
2013-01-09 9:58 PM
in reply to: #4545748

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New user
Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

Back on track today with a 30 minute run (slow!) & drills in the pool. But boy is it hard to fit everything into a day. Sometimes I miss TV.

Greta, love the fabric - makes me wish I had some crafty talent.


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