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2013-06-05 10:27 AM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
Thanks Tim! So how does it work if I swim in a 25 meter pool? Guess my numbers would be off a little. I do count my strokes sometimes which are not too bad and then I check my times separately but they are awful. I'll try putting them together and see what I come up with.

Originally posted by tmoran80

Well I gave my legs plenty of beer on Sunday afternoon at my nieces graduation party (or at least my wife thought so haha). Probably didn't help my recovery much.

Good news on the swimming improvement. If you want to use something to get a good gauge of improvement and also work to balance out stroke efficiency compared to effort try doing the "Swim Golf" drills every swim session.

Basically do a 50Y swim and count your strokes. Take the number of strokes and add it to the time and you have your number. I am usually around 80-84 depending how I feel. Experiment with your stroke and your effort to find what works best for you. You will find that sometimes focusing on a more efficient stroke will be better than pushing really hard. Do about 4 of them each session and you will see improvement.

Originally posted by WillTriForBeer

Tim - you ran a great race with a great time so it's like your legs are saying "I need a beer"!

So my training is going good but I'm finding lately that my swim stroke feels like it's getting stronger and more efficient but I'm getting out of breath quicker. I think I'm working harder on my stroke and therefore I'm running out of air and tiring quicker. I can't even seem to go back to my lazy slow stroke where I felt like I could swim forever at that pace. Maybe this is just a phase of improvement, not sure.

I'm doing a double today. Swam this morning and if it's not raining tonight then I'll put in some work on the bike.

2013-06-05 10:30 AM
in reply to: kruzmeister

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
Hey Simone,
Personally I would drop down to the 10k if you have that option. If your big "A" race is Shep 70.3 then just use the other race as a tune up. If you were to do the half marathon then I would do a walk/run method to avoid any injury. Good luck whatever you decide! Sounds like you've been having a lot of success lately!
2013-06-06 4:50 AM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
Thanks for the link Tim, I had planned on doing the IM marathon as a run/walk, so I'll check out the Galloway method. I think I will do the half marathon, if I can run the first 10K at a good pace and then run/walk the rest I'll be happy. I really don't want to pull out of it because I want to know what the distance feels like before Shep 70.3. I'm hoping to do a 10K this Sunday to gauge where I'm at.

Originally posted by tmoran80

If it was me I would do the half marathon but use it as a training session for your IM. Nobody runs an IM marathon complete. You have to have some type of run/walk strategy so you might as well start working on it now. Plus it will help mentally for your 70.3 to know that you have completed two half marathons.

I think I mentioned this before but look into the Galloway Method of running. I used this during my IM training last year then I got stupid and stubborn and thought I could run the marathon at a decent pace. Guess what? I walked haha.
2013-06-06 4:54 AM
in reply to: WillTriForBeer

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
Hey Jen,
I think I'm going to do the half and as you suggest do the walk/run... I really want to get a couple of HMs under my belt before Shep... things are definitely going better for me, training is going well. When's your HIM?

Originally posted by WillTriForBeer

Hey Simone,
Personally I would drop down to the 10k if you have that option. If your big "A" race is Shep 70.3 then just use the other race as a tune up. If you were to do the half marathon then I would do a walk/run method to avoid any injury. Good luck whatever you decide! Sounds like you've been having a lot of success lately!
2013-06-06 5:54 AM
in reply to: kruzmeister

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
Good Morning Team.

Just checking in to say hello. I promise I will check posts sometime today I hope. I have been crazy busy with life and work but work is getting ready to slow down YAY.

Be safe everyone.

2013-06-06 10:37 AM
in reply to: kcgolf

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
Hey Tim, what do you mean by counting your strokes and then add it to your time. So if it takes me 40 strokes to do 50 yards and it takes 55 sec to complete the 50 y then you are saying that my number is 95? And what number is that? Yes, I am blond and need things really broken down for me to understand.

the "Swim Golf" drills every swim session.

Basically do a 50Y swim and count your strokes. Take the number of strokes and add it to the time and you have your number. I am usually around 80-84 depending how I feel. Experiment with your stroke and your effort to find what works best for you. You will find that sometimes focusing on a more efficient stroke will be better than pushing really hard. Do about 4 of them each session and you will see improvement.

2013-06-06 10:43 AM
in reply to: krazytallchick

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
Simone, I have done the run/walk for numerous years, and each year I tweak the run/walk times. Jeff Galloway recommends that you start the walk right away versus running a good distance and then starting the walk. My coach and I have worked on my times so that I can run to each aid station and walk thru the stations and then start back up only for my HIM and IM races. Each race is different in where they place the aid stations so you would need to look at the map and see how they are going to set up it and see how you can structure your ran/walks. Currently I am doing a 12:1 before I was doing a 9:1 and I have friends that do a 2:30/1 and we run about the same pace. The key here is to be flexible and find what works for you.
2013-06-06 11:05 AM
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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
No worries KTC haha - So basically what I do is count my right hand strokes for 50Y then double it. make sit easier to count for me for some reason. Then just add your time. So for example I am usually around 20 Right hand strokes so my total strokes are 40. My time is usually around 41 seconds.


The key to this workout is finding that sweet spot in which you can consistently hit low scores by tweaking your effort and keeping good form and minimizing effort. I have found that if I really work hard my times are very similar to maintaining good form with less effort. With some work you should see your total score dropping while keeping the same effort.

Jen - don't worry about the 50M compared to 50Y. It is your own metric that you are gauging so as long as your score is going down you are good. You aren't comparing scores with anyone (unless you really want to haha)

Hopefully that makes sense.

Originally posted by krazytallchick
Hey Tim, what do you mean by counting your strokes and then add it to your time. So if it takes me 40 strokes to do 50 yards and it takes 55 sec to complete the 50 y then you are saying that my number is 95? And what number is that? Yes, I am blond and need things really broken down for me to understand.

Edited by tmoran80 2013-06-06 11:07 AM
2013-06-06 11:38 AM
in reply to: krazytallchick

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
Simone - listen to KTC. Iwas going ot say the same thing about the program. He wants you to start off right from the start with the theory that you will save your legs over the duration of the whole race. His thinking is that if you run for the first half then walk you are now on tired legs and your overall time will decrease. Where if you stay consistent with the run/walk right from the start your average pace will be better and your legs will be stronger at the end of the race.

Originally posted by krazytallchick

Simone, I have done the run/walk for numerous years, and each year I tweak the run/walk times. Jeff Galloway recommends that you start the walk right away versus running a good distance and then starting the walk. My coach and I have worked on my times so that I can run to each aid station and walk thru the stations and then start back up only for my HIM and IM races. Each race is different in where they place the aid stations so you would need to look at the map and see how they are going to set up it and see how you can structure your ran/walks. Currently I am doing a 12:1 before I was doing a 9:1 and I have friends that do a 2:30/1 and we run about the same pace. The key here is to be flexible and find what works for you.
2013-06-06 11:40 AM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
I did my first official weight training session in my new weight room last night. It is a little more cramped then I would like since this weight bench, rack and cable pulley system is bigger than I thought. But it will be nice to be able to fit in some strength training back in to my schedule by doing it at night. Getting to the gym on weeknight to lift was just not gonna happen.
2013-06-06 11:44 AM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
Do they still have the message system here with the new design or is it all inspires now?

2013-06-06 8:29 PM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
Got it! Thank you for breaking it down in simple terms for me. I am really trying hard to knock my times down and so far I have gone from a 1:55 to a 1:43 and I want to get that down even more so I am studying everything there is about swimming and trying to incorporate it to help bring it down.

Originally posted by tmoran80

No worries KTC haha - So basically what I do is count my right hand strokes for 50Y then double it. make sit easier to count for me for some reason. Then just add your time. So for example I am usually around 20 Right hand strokes so my total strokes are 40. My time is usually around 41 seconds.


The key to this workout is finding that sweet spot in which you can consistently hit low scores by tweaking your effort and keeping good form and minimizing effort. I have found that if I really work hard my times are very similar to maintaining good form with less effort. With some work you should see your total score dropping while keeping the same effort.

Jen - don't worry about the 50M compared to 50Y. It is your own metric that you are gauging so as long as your score is going down you are good. You aren't comparing scores with anyone (unless you really want to haha)

Hopefully that makes sense.

Originally posted by krazytallchick
Hey Tim, what do you mean by counting your strokes and then add it to your time. So if it takes me 40 strokes to do 50 yards and it takes 55 sec to complete the 50 y then you are saying that my number is 95? And what number is that? Yes, I am blond and need things really broken down for me to understand.

2013-06-06 11:17 PM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
Originally posted by tmoran80

No worries KTC haha - So basically what I do is count my right hand strokes for 50Y then double it. make sit easier to count for me for some reason. Then just add your time. So for example I am usually around 20 Right hand strokes so my total strokes are 40. My time is usually around 41 seconds.


The key to this workout is finding that sweet spot in which you can consistently hit low scores by tweaking your effort and keeping good form and minimizing effort. I have found that if I really work hard my times are very similar to maintaining good form with less effort. With some work you should see your total score dropping while keeping the same effort.

Jen - don't worry about the 50M compared to 50Y. It is your own metric that you are gauging so as long as your score is going down you are good. You aren't comparing scores with anyone (unless you really want to haha)

Hopefully that makes sense.

Originally posted by krazytallchick
Hey Tim, what do you mean by counting your strokes and then add it to your time. So if it takes me 40 strokes to do 50 yards and it takes 55 sec to complete the 50 y then you are saying that my number is 95? And what number is that? Yes, I am blond and need things really broken down for me to understand.

I have learned that is called the SWOLF score or SWOLF metric. SWOLF is equal to the number of hand entries into the water (both left and right) plus the time for 1 length of the pool (25y, 25m, 50y, or 50m). I found when comparing SWOLF values, it is only good to compare individual SWOLF values and not compare to other individuals.

Fortunately for me, my Garmin 910 calculates my SWOLF for me. I have learned a few things from my SWOLF values. I worked on created a longer stroke with more glide. For me, this increased my SWOLF and did not increase efficiency for the same level of effort. When I revert back to a short stroke, my SWOLF goes down (gets better). Again, this is very individualistic. A good SWOLF score, for me, on longer intervals is 38 (25 yard pool). When I am sprinting, my SWOLF is around 34. I am still working on getting better at swimming. Realizing that a longer, glide stroke was not vary efficient was frustrating and lost a lot of pool time.
2013-06-07 9:36 AM
in reply to: ettringite23

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
Was at the pool this morning all excited to figure out my swim count and instead I ended up having a terrible swim. Meaning I didn't have my swimming mojo and everything I did took a lot of effect so I skipped counting my strokes (as that would have been a disaster) and just suffered through the workout. I thinking having it rain almost non stop for 2 days is getting to me. The weather forecast for this weekend isn't looking any better. I really do not want to spend 3 hours on the trainer.

Had a chat with my current coach, unfortunately I didn't come right out and explain my concerns. Instead I asked about why she has me working out for 2 weeks without a break, what is our focus with this years training. And can I call her whenever (especially since I am paying for that service). I felt better having that talk but didn't totally feel excited about it either. Looking forward to interviewing the local coach this afternoon.

Hope everyone's weather is drier then ours!
Kathy (KTC)
2013-06-07 10:06 AM
in reply to: ettringite23

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
So does the 910 automatically figure it and give you a score for your total workout? I was thinking about this during my absolutely boring 2500Y continuous swim this morning - I would think for endurance swimming you would want to base your score off of longer distances like 50Y or 100Y instead of 25Y. When I am hitting those 50Y intervals the first 25Y is much easier than the second, especially after a bunch of reps. I guess in the end you are still getting a metric on form vs. effort but to really get a good gauge on your effort over a longer distance you would think you would need to swim longer. but if the 910 automatically figures it for you based on your whole workout then it really doesn't matter and I might have to add that to my wish list haha.

Originally posted by ettringite23
I have learned that is called the SWOLF score or SWOLF metric. SWOLF is equal to the number of hand entries into the water (both left and right) plus the time for 1 length of the pool (25y, 25m, 50y, or 50m). I found when comparing SWOLF values, it is only good to compare individual SWOLF values and not compare to other individuals.

Fortunately for me, my Garmin 910 calculates my SWOLF for me. I have learned a few things from my SWOLF values. I worked on created a longer stroke with more glide. For me, this increased my SWOLF and did not increase efficiency for the same level of effort. When I revert back to a short stroke, my SWOLF goes down (gets better). Again, this is very individualistic. A good SWOLF score, for me, on longer intervals is 38 (25 yard pool). When I am sprinting, my SWOLF is around 34. I am still working on getting better at swimming. Realizing that a longer, glide stroke was not vary efficient was frustrating and lost a lot of pool time.
2013-06-07 11:48 AM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
The 910 will give you the SWOLF score for the enitre work out; each length; and all intervals. So, you can track your efficiencly through an entire long work out.

2013-06-08 2:53 PM
in reply to: krazytallchick

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN

Weather isn't much better in New Jersey - non-stop pouring rain. I did manage to get an outdoor ride in on Wednesday. Went 19 miles in an hour twenty. Not great, but okay for the first (hilly) ride of the season. Off to spend some time on the spin bike now. I'll also need to find an indoor pool to train at if this keeps up.

Hope it clears up for you soon,
2013-06-09 4:32 PM
in reply to: MikeMcK

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
Was all set to get a 3 hour ride in this afternoon after going to the bike shop to pick up some new tubes. I have been having a rash of flats and have gone over my front rim with a fine tooth comb and can't fins anything. I have a feeling it is just old tubes plus a few weeks ago I went and picked up some new tubes from a different LBS and the girl gave me wrong tubes - she gave me 700x 23 instead of 700 x 19. From I what I read they should have worked but I got three flats with one of them being my first blow out going 18 mph. They were Specialized brand tubes and were pricey $$$. I went back to my Performance Bike tubes and was all set today. I got about 2 miles out and the road I was on split from one lane to two and I went to the shoulder and before I knew it I went over some glass and BOOM - another blowout -ughhhh. I went to put in my air cartridge and realized I only had my old threaded ones and my air tool was threadless - UGHHH again. Had to call the wife to come pick me up... Got back and was gonna run to LBS to pick up cartridges but noticed storm was rolling in so decided to just get a long run in. Got 10.5 miles in at 9:08/mile pace. I really struggled the last two miles. I don't think I have fully recovered from race last weekend. The plan is to get a 2 hour ride on the trainer either tonight or first thing tomorrow AM.

Hope everyone's weekend is going better than mine!
2013-06-10 7:44 AM
in reply to: tmoran80

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
Ok Team - HI - I'm Back

It has been a crazy couple of months but work has / is slowing down this week and you can all count on my to be here as much as I possibly can. I will make an effort to catch up on everyone and chime in but I am looking forward to getting back in here and being a regular participant - I miss it.

Did a 100 km ride followed by 5 km run on Saturday in the hills of Michigan - loved it - still having some residual IT issues but I am pretty sure I am gettting marginaly better. I am seeing a new PT and I think it is getting me past the edge.

Anyway - have class in 15 minutes - but hope to read up on everyone and say hello before the end of the day.

ONE MORE TIME - Welcome to all the new group members - it is going to be a great summer.

2013-06-10 10:10 AM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
Thanks Tim. That makes just wanna see a drop in the numbers. I may give this a try.
2013-06-10 10:11 AM
in reply to: kruzmeister

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
My HIM is July 21st...Racine 70.3 which a few others on here are doing as well. YAY!

Originally posted by kruzmeister

Hey Jen,
I think I'm going to do the half and as you suggest do the walk/run... I really want to get a couple of HMs under my belt before Shep... things are definitely going better for me, training is going well. When's your HIM?

Originally posted by WillTriForBeer

Hey Simone,
Personally I would drop down to the 10k if you have that option. If your big "A" race is Shep 70.3 then just use the other race as a tune up. If you were to do the half marathon then I would do a walk/run method to avoid any injury. Good luck whatever you decide! Sounds like you've been having a lot of success lately!

2013-06-10 10:16 AM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
I just wanted to chime in about the walk/run thing. I started it last year and it has saved my running. I agree that it is important to start it from the beginning not when you're tired later. I do a 5:1 ratio so 5 min of running then 1 min of walking. It is so hard to start walking after only 5 min of running at the beginning but I believe that it really does work. I'll feel fresh after every 1 min of walking and my pace is better overall. My IT band doesn't hurt as much with this method either! Good luck at the HM Simone!

Originally posted by tmoran80

Simone - listen to KTC. Iwas going ot say the same thing about the program. He wants you to start off right from the start with the theory that you will save your legs over the duration of the whole race. His thinking is that if you run for the first half then walk you are now on tired legs and your overall time will decrease. Where if you stay consistent with the run/walk right from the start your average pace will be better and your legs will be stronger at the end of the race.

Originally posted by krazytallchick

Simone, I have done the run/walk for numerous years, and each year I tweak the run/walk times. Jeff Galloway recommends that you start the walk right away versus running a good distance and then starting the walk. My coach and I have worked on my times so that I can run to each aid station and walk thru the stations and then start back up only for my HIM and IM races. Each race is different in where they place the aid stations so you would need to look at the map and see how they are going to set up it and see how you can structure your ran/walks. Currently I am doing a 12:1 before I was doing a 9:1 and I have friends that do a 2:30/1 and we run about the same pace. The key here is to be flexible and find what works for you.

2013-06-10 10:21 AM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
That sounds awful Tim. Hopefully you get the repeating flat problem fixed. You don't need that on race day. My bike is at the shop today getting a bath and some minor adjustments done. I hope they don't break anything while they're tinkering with it. They guy pointed out that my seat tube was on backwards and I think he wanted to change it. I said "nooooooo, I paid a lot for a bike fit and that is the best set up for me".
Have a good workout today!

Originally posted by tmoran80

Was all set to get a 3 hour ride in this afternoon after going to the bike shop to pick up some new tubes. I have been having a rash of flats and have gone over my front rim with a fine tooth comb and can't fins anything. I have a feeling it is just old tubes plus a few weeks ago I went and picked up some new tubes from a different LBS and the girl gave me wrong tubes - she gave me 700x 23 instead of 700 x 19. From I what I read they should have worked but I got three flats with one of them being my first blow out going 18 mph. They were Specialized brand tubes and were pricey $$$. I went back to my Performance Bike tubes and was all set today. I got about 2 miles out and the road I was on split from one lane to two and I went to the shoulder and before I knew it I went over some glass and BOOM - another blowout -ughhhh. I went to put in my air cartridge and realized I only had my old threaded ones and my air tool was threadless - UGHHH again. Had to call the wife to come pick me up... Got back and was gonna run to LBS to pick up cartridges but noticed storm was rolling in so decided to just get a long run in. Got 10.5 miles in at 9:08/mile pace. I really struggled the last two miles. I don't think I have fully recovered from race last weekend. The plan is to get a 2 hour ride on the trainer either tonight or first thing tomorrow AM.

Hope everyone's weekend is going better than mine!
2013-06-10 5:19 PM
in reply to: kcgolf

New user

Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
This past Saturday I did my first ever Triathlon in Clermont, FL. It went pretty much as expected, but I hoped to do a little bit better. I'm still very new to all three sports so I'm hoping progress and gains come quickly once I start picking it up. Thanks for all the motivation. I've attached a link to my race report below. I know biking is my weakest right now and running could definitely use improvement. Any advice or criticism would help! Thanks!
2013-06-10 10:03 PM
in reply to: SouthFLJoe

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
Originally posted by SouthFLJoe

This past Saturday I did my first ever Triathlon in Clermont, FL. It went pretty much as expected, but I hoped to do a little bit better. I'm still very new to all three sports so I'm hoping progress and gains come quickly once I start picking it up. Thanks for all the motivation. I've attached a link to my race report below. I know biking is my weakest right now and running could definitely use improvement. Any advice or criticism would help! Thanks!

Congratulations triathlete!

You did well!

Some cosistent SBR and you will see improvement. Get yourself a race belt; put your number on the race belt, and slip the belt on as you run out of T2
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