General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!! Rss Feed  
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2014-01-13 8:50 PM
in reply to: chirunner134

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -CLOSED
I love having a gym at work. At lunch some casual walkers want to use the trendmill so since I had my mins up I let one had it. Though I was kinda wiped at 2 miles. Well I was little shaky after. Thank god I am counting cals. at work they had peanut butter m&ms and thought I eat a couple to hopefully make me feel better while lunch was cooking like 8 of them is 125 cals. Normally I would had a small dixie cup full which would been like 500 to 600 cals for sure.

Best part is after work I hit the trendmill for another 3 miles

5 miles on the trendmill and 3 miles walking around and I feel great.

Also my weight has leveled out to the levels of my past lowest of the year but the scale says I am 2% less body fat

2014-01-13 8:59 PM
in reply to: Mfechter67

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Ledyard, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -CLOSED
Yeah I'm watching several Adamo's on eBay currently but same boat, don't want to spend that kind of coin. Bike Nashbar has 100% satisfaction, so for $20 (free shipping was today only) it's worth taking a shot and if it stinks then they'll take it back, no questions asked! Another seat that I'm very interested in that is more affordable than the Adamo is the Cobb V Flow plus, great reviews and can be had for around $100 and change on eBay.
2014-01-13 10:15 PM
in reply to: #4930614

Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -CLOSED
I had to replace my saddle due to numbness that lasted over a week after a 40 mile ride. I bought an Adamo Prologue and it was worth every penny. It took a few rides to adjust it and adjust to it, but I've never had any issues since, nor any pain. Definitely recommend it.
2014-01-14 8:42 AM
in reply to: DBGlobal

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -CLOSED
Training program called for 75 minutes of running hills today. I had to trim that to 60 minutes plus 5 cool down, since I still had to get to work. I hate when work gets in the way of training!

One thing I realized while running hills on the treadmill today is that you rarely run downhill. The cute graph looks like rolling hills, but when the incline goes from 2 to 4 to 6 and back to 5 then 3 it's ALL UPHILL! When you run downhill the incline should be negative. So for probably 54 out of my 60 minutes it was either uphill or flat. I guess thats why they call it a strength work out.

Well, I burned over 800 calories, so at least I can have some birthday cake tonight!
2014-01-14 9:01 AM
in reply to: Mfechter67

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -CLOSED
there are some that will do some declines but its not that sharp.

I know people who talk about doing the same thing on the computrainer. making the downhills flat since well you have to peddle anyways.

Last night my fitbit said 8.5 miles and the scale gave me the lowest weight of the year. I got the momentum right now I just got to keep it up. I will be happy once I am down 10 more lbs.

I also finally packed my new swim suit so I am ready to swim. finally.

2014-01-14 9:32 AM
in reply to: chirunner134

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -CLOSED
Originally posted by chirunner134

there are some that will do some declines but its not that sharp.

I know people who talk about doing the same thing on the computrainer. making the downhills flat since well you have to peddle anyways.

Last night my fitbit said 8.5 miles and the scale gave me the lowest weight of the year. I got the momentum right now I just got to keep it up. I will be happy once I am down 10 more lbs.

I also finally packed my new swim suit so I am ready to swim. finally.

Great job on the weight loss! Ride that wave!

2014-01-14 9:51 AM
in reply to: #4930863

Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -CLOSED
Your birthday, Mike?
2014-01-14 10:02 AM
in reply to: DBGlobal

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -CLOSED
Originally posted by DBGlobal

Your birthday, Mike?

Yes! 47 today. It's birthday week in our house, mine is today and Randi's is Friday.
2014-01-14 11:12 AM
in reply to: #4931166

Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -CLOSED
Happy Birthday! And to Randi on Friday!
2014-01-14 11:28 AM
in reply to: DBGlobal

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Ledyard, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -CLOSED
2014-01-14 2:51 PM
in reply to: diablo243

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Lees Summit
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -CLOSED
Originally posted by diablo243

Ughhh had a 40min bike ride on the docket today but had to stop after 20 because my "backseat" was killing me!!! Totally had the legs and lungs to go the distance but just couldn't sit on bike anymore. Anyone have a recommendation for a more comfy seat for a bigger guy that isn't hundreds of dollars? Also need to goto a fitter, haven't riden this bike in some time and I just feel all sorts out of whack on it. Not happy I couldn't go the distance but at least got something in and will supplement some sit-ups and push-ups or soe thing tonight as well.

I was having problems with my seat, but they all disappeared with the correct fitting. That was the best money I spent. I was going numb in places that should not have been going numb, but with a bike fit by a professional, it fixed everything. Felt like I could ride forever in an aero position. I would suggest a fitting before spending money on a bunch of seats. my 2 cents.

2014-01-14 8:21 PM
in reply to: RandyP1964

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Ledyard, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -CLOSED
Good workout tonight, 20 mins on treadmill at zone 4 heart rate, then 10 mins on gym bike at a 95 cadence. Wrapped it up with a good set of planks, pushups and medicine ball tosses. Loving my tech tools, the Garmin Forerunner 610 is a great tool with the HR monitor and footpod links. Really cool seeing the data all charted out on Garmin Connect!
2014-01-15 5:31 AM
in reply to: diablo243

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -CLOSED
Thank you for the birthday wishes! Had a great day. Ran in the morning, then my son's swim meet after work. Then we went to dinner at one of my fav places. Even got the embarrassing birthday treatment.
2014-01-15 5:34 AM
in reply to: RandyP1964

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -CLOSED
Originally posted by RandyP1964

Originally posted by diablo243

Ughhh had a 40min bike ride on the docket today but had to stop after 20 because my "backseat" was killing me!!! Totally had the legs and lungs to go the distance but just couldn't sit on bike anymore. Anyone have a recommendation for a more comfy seat for a bigger guy that isn't hundreds of dollars? Also need to goto a fitter, haven't riden this bike in some time and I just feel all sorts out of whack on it. Not happy I couldn't go the distance but at least got something in and will supplement some sit-ups and push-ups or soe thing tonight as well.

I was having problems with my seat, but they all disappeared with the correct fitting. That was the best money I spent. I was going numb in places that should not have been going numb, but with a bike fit by a professional, it fixed everything. Felt like I could ride forever in an aero position. I would suggest a fitting before spending money on a bunch of seats. my 2 cents.

Could not agree more about bike fit! Unfortunately for me I've had a fitting and then a second follow up with a different bike fitter. My issue is not fit as much as it is sit.
2014-01-15 5:34 AM
in reply to: diablo243

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -CLOSED
Originally posted by diablo243

Good workout tonight, 20 mins on treadmill at zone 4 heart rate, then 10 mins on gym bike at a 95 cadence. Wrapped it up with a good set of planks, pushups and medicine ball tosses. Loving my tech tools, the Garmin Forerunner 610 is a great tool with the HR monitor and footpod links. Really cool seeing the data all charted out on Garmin Connect!

Great workout!
2014-01-15 5:38 AM
in reply to: Mfechter67

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -CLOSED
Rough night of sleep last night. Not sure if was work stress or caffeine??? I did have iced tea with my dinner. Well either way it led to a night of tossing and turning and very little sleep. Skipped my 5am alarm and ditched my morning swim. Probably won't get a workout in today. I have a busy dat at work and then a trade association meeting tonight. Today was to be a light day anyway. My plan called for a 20 min run, so I figure it's not a big loss.

2014-01-15 8:50 AM
in reply to: #4931264

Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -CLOSED
Sounds like my day yesterday. Not much sleep due to a teething child. I set aside time to go swim, but got dragged into a meeting during the only time of the day that the pool had multiple open lanes. So no workout for me yesterday. Supposed to be sunny and almost warm today, so going to get a run in at lunch.
2014-01-15 12:23 PM
in reply to: DBGlobal

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Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -CLOSED
Sufferfest ride last night on the bike trainer for 55mins and a 45min swim this morning. Tired but a healthy tired. I keep trying to go to bed early but life keeps getting in the way...maybe tonight after my 20mins on the dreadmill.

I get frustrated at times seeing how far behind I am from you guys on here but resolve to the fact that I am better off going slow and steady in my training. It's a 22week plan and I am building endurance.

My biggest challenge is breathing...I constantly feel like I can't get enough air while at a higher heart rate. I hope that gets better....and soon. My body is not tired...plenty of strength in the muscles, I just feel like I am suffocating. I see it most in my swimming right now. I get one length in and half way back on the second and I am too winded to keep going...body wants to keep going but I am out of air. I used to get it back when I was running a few years back...body wants to keep going, but I am sucking wind too much to keep on keeping on.

Any suggestions other than interval training that I have read?


2014-01-15 12:58 PM
in reply to: plargomar

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Ledyard, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -CLOSED
Ha behind!?!?! That's way more than I did last night! lol I suffer from the same issues with breathing, especially with swimming. I talked with my doctor and while I feel fine normally, he put me on allergy meds and it has made a difference. I used to get that flemmy coughing when I started breathing hard and the allergy meds helped that and overall made me feel like I had more lung. Not saying your symptoms or issues are the same but prior to talking to my doctor if I was asked if I had allergies I would have said no, so maybe something to look at.

Anyone have any experience with a "lung expanding" device such as this

2014-01-15 1:01 PM
in reply to: Mfechter67

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -CLOSED
Got my 30 minutes on the treadmill done yesterday but since Mike was still going, I headed to the rowing machine and did 25 minutes on there. I seriously think this is one of THE most boring things to do at the gym... Had some feet pain and not sure if it is from my ongoing plantar fasciitis that flares occasionally,my insoles or different socks than normal. I will have to see if it happens again on Thursday.

Since Mike did not get up this morning, I didn't either. I know, I should have but I didn't, and this morning had to wait for the fridge repair guy to come to only find out we are waiting another 2 weeks for a part to arrive and be installed. No fun there without a functioning fridge in the kitchen. Supposedly it will work for another week or two but I do not want to toss out another couple hundred dollars of food if he is wrong. Argh!!!

I am supposed to do a 45 minute swim and 2.5hr trainer ride. Since Mike won't be home tonight I will probably head down to the trainer but not sure I am going to be able to sit on my bike for that long. We will see...
2014-01-15 1:02 PM
in reply to: diablo243

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -CLOSED
Originally posted by diablo243

Good workout tonight, 20 mins on treadmill at zone 4 heart rate, then 10 mins on gym bike at a 95 cadence. Wrapped it up with a good set of planks, pushups and medicine ball tosses. Loving my tech tools, the Garmin Forerunner 610 is a great tool with the HR monitor and footpod links. Really cool seeing the data all charted out on Garmin Connect!


2014-01-15 1:04 PM
in reply to: chirunner134

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -CLOSED
Originally posted by chirunner134

I love having a gym at work. At lunch some casual walkers want to use the trendmill so since I had my mins up I let one had it. Though I was kinda wiped at 2 miles. Well I was little shaky after. Thank god I am counting cals. at work they had peanut butter m&ms and thought I eat a couple to hopefully make me feel better while lunch was cooking like 8 of them is 125 cals. Normally I would had a small dixie cup full which would been like 500 to 600 cals for sure.

Best part is after work I hit the trendmill for another 3 miles

5 miles on the trendmill and 3 miles walking around and I feel great.

Also my weight has leveled out to the levels of my past lowest of the year but the scale says I am 2% less body fat

Isn't it amazing how quickly those calories add up, and good for you for figuring out the calories for them before grabbing the full cup. Congrats on the body fat loss. It just goes to show you that the number itself on the scale is not only indicator that we are doing things that make a difference. Keep up the great work!
2014-01-15 1:11 PM
in reply to: plargomar

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -CLOSED
Originally posted by plargomar

Sufferfest ride last night on the bike trainer for 55mins and a 45min swim this morning. Tired but a healthy tired. I keep trying to go to bed early but life keeps getting in the way...maybe tonight after my 20mins on the dreadmill.

I get frustrated at times seeing how far behind I am from you guys on here but resolve to the fact that I am better off going slow and steady in my training. It's a 22week plan and I am building endurance.

My biggest challenge is breathing...I constantly feel like I can't get enough air while at a higher heart rate. I hope that gets better....and soon. My body is not tired...plenty of strength in the muscles, I just feel like I am suffocating. I see it most in my swimming right now. I get one length in and half way back on the second and I am too winded to keep going...body wants to keep going but I am out of air. I used to get it back when I was running a few years back...body wants to keep going, but I am sucking wind too much to keep on keeping on.

Any suggestions other than interval training that I have read?


Please don't feel that you are behind in anything. Triathlon training is such an individual thing just as the races themselves are. You should not feel that you have to compare your training/experiences/times to anyone. Just watch your own to see them improve.

When swimming in regard to breathlessness, are you blowing out while your face is in the water? You should be taking a breath and then slowly blowing bubbles while your face is in the water so that when you turn to breath again, all you have to do is inhale. If you are holding your breath, you have to exhale and inhale and probably not getting enough air to sustain the distance.

You might also want to slow down your pace a little on everything, you might be going out to hard. You should be able to hold a conversation while biking or running, might have to stop talking to take a breath but should not be huffing and puffing. Believe it or not, slowing down and training in zone 2 or 3 will help with weight loss as well as endurance.

As someone who suffers from activity induced asthma, I have had my share of breathlessness and doing these things have helped me all but eliminate attacks during exercise.
2014-01-15 1:15 PM
in reply to: diablo243

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -CLOSED
Originally posted by diablo243

Ha behind!?!?! That's way more than I did last night! lol I suffer from the same issues with breathing, especially with swimming. I talked with my doctor and while I feel fine normally, he put me on allergy meds and it has made a difference. I used to get that flemmy coughing when I started breathing hard and the allergy meds helped that and overall made me feel like I had more lung. Not saying your symptoms or issues are the same but prior to talking to my doctor if I was asked if I had allergies I would have said no, so maybe something to look at.

Anyone have any experience with a "lung expanding" device such as this

As I said to June, if you are breathing too hard, you might be training too hard. I have used a similar lung expanding device with my asthma but what my doctor told me worked even better was to just make sure I am taking slow, deep breaths every once in a while to make sure I am getting enough oxygen to the deepest part of my lungs throughout the day because I had a lung capacity test done which had showed I was not fully expanding my lungs. Since doing this, again, much less problem with breathlessness and asthma attacks.
2014-01-15 2:12 PM
in reply to: Fechter99

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -CLOSED
shhhh... don't tell my boss I'm on BT during the day, but my mind is truning to mush between the meetings and the 100's of emails!

My 2 cents on breathing while swimming. I had the same issue where I always felt out of breath. My problem was kicking too much. The leg muscles are the largest in the body and thus gobble up the most oxygen. When I slowed down my kick my breathing improved. Also, I breathe every 2 strokes. Occasionally I'll skip to a 3rd to sight to the other side, but mainly I stay on one side. Remember, we're not sprinting for 50 or 100 yards, we're trying to build endurance for 500, 750, 1000 yards and up. My motto, breathe early and often. And yes, exhale underwater so when you rotate to breathe it's only an inhale.
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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!! Rss Feed  
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date : August 26, 2011
author : Nancy Clark
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Research provides insight into struggles with shedding weight while training.
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Are you getting adequate rest after your workouts? Rest and over-training effects on weight loss, weight gain.
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author : acbadger
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Interval training for weight loss. Weight training for weight loss. These interval workouts can be done in 15 to 20 minutes and have huge caloric expenditures for those who are crunched for time.
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