BT Development Mentor Program Archives » We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - Closed Rss Feed  
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2014-01-22 7:30 PM
in reply to: WayWay

Simsbury, CT
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN

Originally posted by WayWay I'd love to join this mentor group if there is still room! I'm new to the sport, and it would be a great opportunity to discuss things with and learn from others. NAME: Meghan

Welcome Meghan.  I like your approach for racing.  The sprints will give you a good idea of what to expect and the timing for the Oly will give you time to get ready for it.   Giving your swimming background, I don't think you will have a problem.  



2014-01-22 7:42 PM
in reply to: benhamderek

Simsbury, CT
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN

Originally posted by DaBen I don't know about the rest of you guys, but today in Missouri it was pretty cold (20F). I have access to an indoor track, but it is at the University so it is always filled with undergraduate students so my run turns into more of an obstacle course. How cold is too cold to run/bike outside? Another question: On days you do two events, how do you set up your training? Do you do both events back to back, one in the morning/other in the evening? Do you swim first and do your second event second? Does it matter? And finally: Starting to get a few sore leg muscles today, though it is nothing indicative of a severe injury. I saw Thom mention trigger point release (foam rollers?) but I was wondering what everyone else does to help in muscle recovery? I've always been a hot tub and massage out the sore muscles type of guy, but I am interested to see what works for everyone else. Thanks everyone and I hope the week has started off well! Derek


Hello Derek, 


a few year ago, 17 degrees is what I was told was the limit for running outside.  This was from a Tae Kwon Do instructor.  Since, I have learned to dress properly and have done runs in 0 temps.   Key is to cover all skin.   Issue is that you can't really cover your eyes and skin around it but with a big enough of a hat, face mask and high pull over, it is certainly doable.   These days, 20 seems about right as far as how low I  will go.   I much prefer to jump on the trainer if the temp is that low.  One of the +'s of triathlon training - you have options.    

As for biking, last year was the first year I rode outside when it was cold.  I went out in temps around 25-30.  Bought myself a pair of biking mittens, booties,  cold weather biking tights and jacket and never had a problem.   I don't think I will be doing that this year, however, as I plan on doing most of my bike training indoors.   I bought some videos from Spinnervals, RealRides and will get some from Sufferfest.  Between those and Netflix, I can keep myself entertained while getting a tough workout in an environment where I can control the variables.   It also reduces the risk of accidents and let me be available if the kids/wife need me. 

I have not used a foam roller and/or other forms of therapy or massage other than a roller stick I brought from Amazon to help with some heal tendon issues I develop after running with zero drop shoes.  That is all I use and it is not very frequent that I do.  Thom has some experience with this, i believe. 



2014-01-22 7:48 PM
in reply to: AlexJouJou

Simsbury, CT
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN

Originally posted by AlexJouJou If there is room I'd love to join here! NAME: AlexJouJou

Hi Jo, 

Welcome to the group.   Looking forward to hearing about your progress toward achieving your goals. 



2014-01-22 7:53 PM
in reply to: MamacitaT

Simsbury, CT
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN


Hi Joe


When I look at snacks, I try and stay away from anything processed. I like to snack on some nuts or fruit if I want something salty, crunchy or sweet. I like peanuts or almonds with a banana or some dates if I want something sweet. They all contain a good amount of fiber; however, I know that sometimes we need to eat what is at hand and that can be a protein bar and therefore processed.





I just started on a kick of vegetables and whole foods.   It is definitely hard at first but after only 2 weeks of it, I kind of crave them.  I am not vegan and reward myself with 2 oreo cookies if I have a good day of eating.   I have found that I need the protein and have settled on eggs, tofu, beans, tuna or chicken.   My wife makes a mean steak and pork chops and I will help myself to it.  The difference is that I will not have rice and the portions are much more controlled.   Sounds like you have experience in this front I will be looking forward to the advice you give others. 



2014-01-22 7:57 PM
in reply to: sundevil87

Simsbury, CT
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN

If you want a recommendation for a late season Olympic distance race to culminate the season I would offer up the Nations Tri in September.  


The Nations Tri looks very appealing.  I was going to try it last year but it sold out before I could sign up.  I was also probably done with Tri's by then.   The mental recovery aspect is something I had not considered as I was training for the IM.   Anyway, I am going to see if I can fit the Nations Tri on my schedule.   It will conflict not with other races but my son;s football schedule.  Would love to meet some of you if we can make it work. 



2014-01-22 8:44 PM
in reply to: sundevil87

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Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN
Thanks for the suggestion on the Nations Tri. That sounds like an amazing race. I'm about halfway in between DC and Richmond so I'm really lucky... I only have to go an hour in any cardinal direction to find some really nice race opportunities. I'd originally had my eyeball on an oly closer to home, but this one might take the cake instead.

I do have some questions about OWS in general though. Are there any specific things you should do to prepare for the various types of open water? As in, should I do any additional or different things to prep for a lake swim versus a river swim? I plan on getting several open water practices in before my first race, and that's months away, but I'm curious.

2014-01-22 11:58 PM
in reply to: WayWay

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN
Welcome to all of our new members, it sounds like we have a great group. I have been off the grid for a while, still on vacation for another week so I have not been as active as I would like, but on a well deserved vacation with my wife.
Looking forward to getting home and getting on a serious training program. Can't wait to get back to Maine where I can start running in those single digits again
I am looking forward to getting to know everyone in the near future and sharing our journey's together.
Keep up the good work!

2014-01-23 12:02 AM
in reply to: Mountaindan

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN

Feb Armando - Colchester 1/2 Marathon?
March: Armando - O'Hartoford 5k
April Armando - Middletown Legends 1/2 Marathon
May Armando - Ragnar Cape Cod - Ultra
Dan - Maine Coast Marathon
June Dan - White Mountain HIM
Thom - Boulder HIM

Thom - Ragnar Wasatch Back Ultra

Armando - Syracuse/Mont Tremblant 1/2 IM ?

Thom - Boulder Peak Tri ?

Armando - IM Lake Placid

Thom - Boulder IM

Armando - Niantic bay tri - sprint ?

Thom - Nations Tri ?

Thom - Ragnar - Napa Valley ?

Oct Armando - Hartford Marathon
Nov Thom - Hits Lake Havasu Iron Distance
2014-01-23 6:30 AM
in reply to: Armandova

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Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN
The Nations Tri sounds like a great event - It looks like an Oly?

The 3rd IronGirl Event is on the same day (Sept 7th). It's a Sprint. This is a three part medal race series - but I haven't been sure I would do "leg 3"...I will put both these on the calendar and then see how Spring progresses!

I am doing a lot of volunteering this Spring at Marathon's to get a feel before mine in April. February is George Washington Marathon in Greenbelt, MD, March is Rock N Roll Marathon in DC, and April is the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler. I figure observation is a great way to not only motivate but to give something back by volunteering will make me feel good.

Last night I did 4 miles on the dreadmill and it's just amazing to me how much difference training makes - last September when I started I couldn't really run more than 2-3 minutes without being winded and almost gasping. Now granted I am using Galloway which is a run/walk and slower pace but the 4 miles went quickly (this is a cutback week for me) and I know next week I'm going to change the pace to 4/1 or 5/1 instead of 3/1. I'm very ready and still feeling great.

I also jumped in the pool and practiced the "Bubble, Bubble, Breath" of SwimSmooth. Oh. My. Goodness. After figuring out that breathing was a key issue I can only say that what a huge difference it makes to get to the end of a lane and find out you are not gasping for breath due to holding it! I have quite a ways to go to get comfortable in the rhythm but it was a great motivator to keep going!

Enjoying the food conversation as well - I eat very little processed foods if I can help it. I cannot eat fat filled or greasy foods (actually make me sick) so I tend to stick to whole grain, natural, fruits, and pretty lean meat (not a big meat fan anyway). I am loving the ideas!

(P.S. I love the group name - this is the motto that stood out to me from all of them when I looked !)
2014-01-23 9:45 AM
in reply to: Armandova

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Columbia, Missouri
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN
Originally posted by Armandova

As for biking, last year was the first year I rode outside when it was cold.  I went out in temps around 25-30.  Bought myself a pair of biking mittens, booties,  cold weather biking tights and jacket and never had a problem.   I don't think I will be doing that this year, however, as I plan on doing most of my bike training indoors.   I bought some videos from Spinnervals, RealRides and will get some from Sufferfest.  Between those and Netflix, I can keep myself entertained while getting a tough workout in an environment where I can control the variables.   It also reduces the risk of accidents and let me be available if the kids/wife need me. 



Great advice. Thanks!

Any recommendations on bike trainers? I did even know those were an option, but it sounds like a safe, smart investment.

2014-01-23 10:09 AM
in reply to: DaBen

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN
Originally posted by DaBen

Originally posted by Armandova

As for biking, last year was the first year I rode outside when it was cold.  I went out in temps around 25-30.  Bought myself a pair of biking mittens, booties,  cold weather biking tights and jacket and never had a problem.   I don't think I will be doing that this year, however, as I plan on doing most of my bike training indoors.   I bought some videos from Spinnervals, RealRides and will get some from Sufferfest.  Between those and Netflix, I can keep myself entertained while getting a tough workout in an environment where I can control the variables.   It also reduces the risk of accidents and let me be available if the kids/wife need me. 



Great advice. Thanks!

Any recommendations on bike trainers? I did even know those were an option, but it sounds like a safe, smart investment.


Derek, there are many trainers that are good, it really depends on how much you want to spend, on the high end I think Kirk Kinetic's and Cycleops Fluid trainers are among the best, but many can be found on Craig's list at reasonable prices that work just fine. If you plan on using Trainer Road just make sure that they list that particular trainer if you plan on using virtual power. I picked mine off of Craigs list for $50, Minoura Mag 500. The Mag trainers are noisier, but I have been happy with mine, for now.

BTW Derek, my daughter goes to school down the road from you in Fulton, William Woods University and her twin sister will be there next semester also.

2014-01-23 11:22 AM
in reply to: Armandova

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Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN
Also on the Nations Tri I just saw that you can get $20 off if you are a USAT member by using the code: USAT

Not sure if you get $20 off if you are not a member and use the code - it was in the USA Traithlon Magazine.

2014-01-23 11:23 AM
in reply to: DaBen

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Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN

Great advice. Thanks! Any recommendations on bike trainers? I did even know those were an option, but it sounds like a safe, smart investment. Derek

I just bought one off of Amazon. I like that I can read a bunch of reviews and pick from there. I bought this one for $80 (including shipping, and mine is half white and half orange, so slightly different than the picture):

I just got it set up last night so I haven't done much on it yet (took forever to set up the stupid bike computer).

I'm just not comfortable enough to ride on roads yet, and since it's been below freezing most days this month, I have no interest in riding outside anyways, so this was my next approach. Hope that helps

2014-01-23 11:28 AM
in reply to: AlexJouJou

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Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN
Question on training plans. Are there plans that I can merge with my Half Marathon training which would allow me to keep doing my running and yet start at the beginning for cycling and swimming? I looked at some beginner and think I could do them if I just sub in my regular running training that I'm working on. Thoughts?
2014-01-23 12:14 PM
in reply to: WayWay

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN
Originally posted by WayWay

I do have some questions about OWS in general though. Are there any specific things you should do to prepare for the various types of open water? As in, should I do any additional or different things to prep for a lake swim versus a river swim? I plan on getting several open water practices in before my first race, and that's months away, but I'm curious.

Most coaches and triathletes would suggest that you try and do OWS training sessions before you race. At a minimum, you want to train with your wetsuit and practice siting.

That said, I have never done an open water training session - ever. But I have also never done an ocean swim. All of my races have been in lakes or reservoirs. If I were to do one in an ocean, I think I would want to practice.

I have not had any issues in my approach though I admit it might not work for everybody and probably runs counter to most advice you would get. I did make a mistake before HITS Napa last year by not first training with my wetsuit for the season. I figured I had done enough of these that it wasn't necessary. If you read my race report I think I mention I had a panic attack about 500 meters into the 4000 meter swim. I was feeling constricted in my suit (I have a full suit with sleeves) and I sort of freaked and almost pulled out. But, I calmed down, got into a rhythm and finished just fine.

So, if you have a lake or ocean nearby where you can get some practice I would certainly recommend that you do. If you don't, you will be fine, just make sure you train with your suit and practice siting. I have not had an issue with a pool not letting me wear my wetsuit in the pool. You may get a few odd stares though.

2014-01-23 12:24 PM
in reply to: DaBen

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN

Any recommendations on bike trainers? I did even know those were an option, but it sounds like a safe, smart investment.


I'll add my 2 cents to the already excellent advice.

I personally use a Cycleops PowerBeam Pro. I like it because it provides variable resistance based on my workouts. I've used it now for a couple of years and love it.

I use it in conjunction with, cyclops virtual trainer and workouts that I create based on my coach's workouts.

I like that I can also ride my race courses virtually. I couldn't get out to Napa to train the bike course, but I could load it to the virtual training environment and ride it in my basement while watching football or a movie.

There are other variable resistance trainers out there - most notably is the computrainer. Lots of people us it and it set the standard. But they are still wired whereas newer devices - including the Power Beam Pro use ANT+ or Bluetooth technology.

If you really want a great review of what's out there go to He does a phenomenal job of reviewing products. also has great reviews (along with lots of other information).

These type of devices are pricey though. They run just north of $1000. When I first began triathlon I used a Kurt Kinetic trainer. I still have it and bring it with me on races if I'm driving so I can get some spinning in before a race if I need to to. I haven't been in the market for these for while so I'm not sure the best to recommend, but I was very happy with KK machine.


2014-01-23 12:26 PM
in reply to: Mountaindan

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN
Originally posted by Mountaindan

I have been off the grid for a while, still on vacation for another week so I have not been as active as I would like, but on a well deserved vacation with my wife.



Glad to hear from you! I was wondering where you were. Not like you to go silent for so long. Enjoy the rest of your vacation.

2014-01-23 12:52 PM
in reply to: AlexJouJou

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Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN

Originally posted by AlexJouJou Question on training plans. Are there plans that I can merge with my Half Marathon training which would allow me to keep doing my running and yet start at the beginning for cycling and swimming? I looked at some beginner and think I could do them if I just sub in my regular running training that I'm working on. Thoughts?

Oh, I'm interested in this too. Since my HM is almost 2 months before my oly, I was just planning on combining two beginner's training plans from BT website and just replacing the runs with what I'm already doing for HM training.

I was going to combine these two: Olympic - 3x Balanced - 20 Week ( and Olympic - Swim Focused - 20 Week (

I just got my trainer set up last night. I purchased this one from Amazon ( for $80. I had no idea these things came with resistance and computers and all that! There's just so much "stuff" for tris I never knew about

2014-01-23 12:53 PM
in reply to: sundevil87

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Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN
Thanks for the input.

I will definitely make sure to get plenty of wetsuit in-and-out practice in. Wearing one of those is still something that is pretty scary sounding to me, but I know its also an inevitability. Might as well embrace it.

Luckily, I live really close to the lake where I intend to do my first open water race. Several people in my cycling classes at my local Y are also into triathlon, and I've heard that once it warms up, they go out as a group and do some OWS practice together. I'll probably tag along with them once that happens. Actual practice on the course itself prior to race day will be comforting, I think.

I get to deal with the whole renting vs. buying dilemma. I'm really hesitant to buy a wetsuit on the chance that I don't stick with it (hopefully not) or if I lose weight to the point that it won't fit after a year or even at the end of the season. But then again, if I do four races and rent one for each race, I'm spending around $200 anyway, which is about the price of an entry level or used wetsuit. I think I'll probably just rent for my first season and think about buying next season. Does anybody have advice to the contrary?
2014-01-23 1:09 PM
in reply to: eengelha

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Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN
There's just so much "stuff" for tris I never knew about

No joke! There are so many toys and gizmos that I'm sure I don't need but look insanely fun to have. I'm trying to just stick to the basics for the first season, but there are a few things I'm looking at. I'm actually really glad you posted that link to the indoor trainer. I'm curious to see how its doing for you after a few weeks and some miles. Please let me know if you think of it!

I do spin classes at my local Y several times a week, but depending on which instructor turns up, I'm not always sure that I wouldn't be better off doing my own bike workout to get the challenge and rigor I want. The camaraderie is nice, but I also kind of want to get back on my bike again too. I cannot wait until it warms up again so I can actually hit the road.
2014-01-23 4:25 PM
in reply to: sundevil87


Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN
Originally posted by sundevil87

Originally posted by davert123

By the way, I live in a place called Cannock in England


I served in a British framework NATO headquarters in Rheindahlen, Germany for three years. In those three years I became bi-lingual - I speak both Brit and American. I have a lot of British friends and stay in touch with some of them. One in particular has motivated me to become a fan of his favorite soccer club Man City. As European soccer is aired regularly now - including the Premiership, Bundeslegia, etc. in the States it made sense to pick a team to follow so I figured I follow his. My 19 year old daughter is a Barcelona fan - ever since our Western Med cruise we took that originated in Barcelona the day they won the European championship in 2009.


I am very happy you are friends with a man city fan instead of someone who supports man united :-) Sounds like you have got about a bit as well, I would have loved to do this when I was younger

2014-01-23 4:36 PM
in reply to: Mountaindan


Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN


Feb Armando - Colchester 1/2 Marathon?
March: Armando - O'Hartoford 5k
April Armando - Middletown Legends 1/2 Marathon
Dave - Litchfield (UK) Sprint Triathlon
May Armando - Ragnar Cape Cod - Ultra
Dan - Maine Coast Marathon
June Dan - White Mountain HIM
Thom - Boulder HIM

Thom - Ragnar Wasatch Back Ultra

Armando - Syracuse/Mont Tremblant 1/2 IM ?

Thom - Boulder Peak Tri ?

Armando - IM Lake Placid

Thom - Boulder IM

Armando - Niantic bay tri - sprint ?

Dave - Kingsbury Waterpark (UK) Olympic distance tri

Thom - Nations Tri ?

Thom - Ragnar - Napa Valley ?

Oct Armando - Hartford Marathon
Nov Thom - Hits Lake Havasu Iron Distance

2014-01-23 4:39 PM
in reply to: Armandova


Subject: RE: periodization and volume increase
Originally posted by Armandova

Originally posted by davert123 Hiya. I was going to post this on the general forum but I thought I would post here to start with :-) I am just starting out in Triathlon. I have started from nothing about 4 months ago and I am increasing my volume in all 3 disciplines. I was wondering if anyone could give advice as to how I increase my volume while incorporating periodization. Do I need to worry about periodization this early in my career (4 months off the couch). If I should I've seen another post here saying that 10% per week is good. If I did this though should I go 10% per week for 3 weeks, back off on the 4th and then continue 10% more from the 3rd week on the 5th week ? Any suggestions gratefully received :-) Cheers Dave



I think it is a good idea to do teach your body to work hard for 3 weeks and recover for 1.   All the training programs I have followed had me following this approach.   



Thanks very much for the feedback Amando, its good to hear this because I am starting out for the first time and there is so much information out there it is difficult to know what works and what doesn't'
2014-01-23 5:00 PM
in reply to: Jynxy


Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do (Season 2) - OPEN
Originally posted by Jynxy


I have a question guys, I have started to look at the labels of the foods that I am eating but I am not really sure about what I am supposedto be looking for. What's good what's bad, what's a high amount, what do I want more/less off.

What do I need less off and what should I cut out for weight loss. ???

Example a fruit cake bar compared to crunch bar

Fruit cake
Energy 552kj / 131Kcal
Protein 1.2g
Carbohydrates 25.2g
Of which sugars 12.1g
Fat 3g
Of which saturates 0.7g
Fibre 1.3g
Sodium* 0.1g
*equivalent as salt 0.2g

Crunch bar
Energy 806kj / 192Kcal
Fat 7.4g
Of which saturates 1.3g
Carbohydrates 26.9g
Of which sugars 11.6g
Fibre 2.5g
Protein 3.3g
Salt 0.3g

Energy 402kj / 96Kcal
Fat 5.8g
Of which saturates 0.7g
Carbohydrates 9.8g
Of which sugars 1.2g
Fibre 0.2g
Protein 1g
Sodium* 0.13g
*equivalent as salt 0.34g

Energy 542kj / 130Kcal
Fat 7.7g
Of which saturates 0.6g
Carbohydrates 13.2g
Of which sugars 0.7g
Fibre 1.1g
Protein 1.6g
Salt 0.3g

I used to be confused but I look at things more simple (or more in-depth) now. I don't think there are any bad foods or good foods generally (perhaps some food colours, transfats are an exception). Also if you have a problem with some foods then they are bad for the individual (I find sugar addictive and aspartame does me in if I drink it before a workout) . For the rest of it I don't think just looking on a particular label is going to help you very much because it is overall levels of energy, fat, carb and protein as well as vitamins and minerals which are what is important. I use a software app called my fitness pal to add all these up for me. To lose weight you need to run a calorie deficit. This means that you need to use more energy than you are consuming. You also need to get enough of the food types to keep your body working properly. Researchers have found that unless you have a kidney problem it is better to eat a lot of protein (there are various figures but i use 1gram per 1lb of lean body mass). If you do this the weight you lose will be body fat and not muscle, if you don't do this you will lose muscle (I got this from research quoted in the triathletes training bible) Your body also needs a reasonable amount of fat to allow it to work properly (creating hormones etc.) and carbs to fuel your training. I try and run a 1000 calorie per day deficit. It is possible for me to hit my macro targets if i exercise on top of this. If I cut back more then I would end up having to reduce my protein or fat levels or fat levels which wont help me or I wouldn't eat enough carb to fuel my training. It really is a fine balance because even with this deficit i still think i am running low on energy sometimes. Since protein is so important and I am a fish and plant eater I tend to drink a lot of protein shake to get my protein up. I would recommend MFP because it is free and it allows you to scan bar codes to put the data into from your phone but if that doesn't float your boat then there are plenty of macro calculators out there. MFP has the advantage of calculating your targets but adjusts them automatically when you add exercise to it. You can sync runtastic directly to it which will allow you to automatically enter in running and swimming and you can create your own exercises if you use a dreadmill and get data off that. You can also indirectly sync garmin (at least) through runtastic so as long as you have garmin communicator you can import exercises into MFP with a couple of clicks of a mouse.

2014-01-23 5:05 PM
in reply to: sundevil87


Subject: RE: periodization and volume increase
Originally posted by sundevil87

Originally posted by davert123

I was wondering if anyone could give advice as to how I increase my volume while incorporating periodization. Do I need to worry about periodization this early in my career (4 months off the couch). If I should I've seen another post here saying that 10% per week is good. If I did this though should I go 10% per week for 3 weeks, back off on the 4th and then continue 10% more from the 3rd week on the 5th week ? Any suggestions gratefully received :-)



Just about any plan that you pick up - whether it is one of the set plans or fully customizable Gold Plans on BT, or from TrainingPeaks (TP), or from a book or a coach, they will include periodization.

Generally you will have a 3 to 4 week cycle of increasing work in both intensity and volume and then a rest week. This cycle will be followed by another etc. For triathlon (which is what I understand best) you'll have several base periods (focused on endurance), followed by a couple of build periods (focused on power, speed, strength), a taper and then a race, all followed with recovery. The cycle then starts again. That is the basic. Within each cylce their can be micro-periodization.

For beginning triathletes you are better off spending most of your time building your base. I've read several articles that talk about the cost benefit ratio for new triathletes spending most, if not all, of their time in base verses spending too much time building strength, power and speed.

To answer your question directly, I would recommend you have a cycle of 4 weeks, 3 weeks of increasing activity, no more than 10% week over week with the 4th week of recovery (reduced work load) and then repeat. Do this until you are at your target volume, intensity etc.

Hopefully this starts to help make sense of all of this.


Thanks very much for taking the time to write this Thom, much appreciated. I think what you say makes sense regarding base. I am still aerobically unfit so I'm guessing the base work is what I really need rather than trying to hone power or speed because my big problem is just trying to finish at the moment lol. Thanks as well for the information about peridization and duration increase. I think I was overdoing it a bit. I was getting tired and ended up picking up a virus which put me out for a few days, I could feel bits of me groaning as well (knee and Achilles) so I think I will back off and start to build up more slowly again.
Thanks again
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author : FitWerx
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I own both a road bike and a tri bike. I am wondering which bike I should be riding during off season training, or does it matter?
date : October 11, 2007
author : Ron
comments : 0
Training program for the minority triathlete wanting to put on some extra muscle mass to get buff for next years triathlon season.
date : August 17, 2007
author : scoli121
comments : 6
I quickly browsed an article in Men's Health that talked about doing a triathlon, and how it wasn't really that hard. With a "tsk!" I quickly turned the page while thinking, "Yeah, right!"
date : September 3, 2006
author : acbadger
comments : 0
The off-season is the best time to fine tune your skills and prepare yourself for the next season. It is also time for you to gain some strength and get a little rest after a long season of training.
date : October 12, 2004
author : robinskj
comments : 0
A busy, fat lady gets hooked on Tri's. You can too!
date : September 2, 2004
author : Michael
comments : 0
If you develop a strategy for the off-season, you can go into the next season stronger than you ended the past season.