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2007-01-12 7:26 AM
in reply to: #651706

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: RE: A video for you

purdueek - 2007-01-11 10:48 PM Wait, i take it back. I think instead of meeting up for a half mary, we should go to "camp" in the Canadian wilderness (if that's where it's at). Who's with me?

By Canadian wilderness you mean DeputyDawg's cottage, right?

2007-01-12 9:36 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

Made it to Houston safely. Pretty tired now, but happy to be here.

Was going to post pictures of the hotel room, but thought it was a bit cheesy. Maybe I'll take pictures tomorrow. Okay, here's one...

That's me saying "hi!"



2007-01-12 9:51 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

The room looks nice!!  More pics!!  I'll put up a couple to show the amount of ice and crummy weather my dance diverted just for you. LOL

We're all glad you made it there safe and sound.  Enjoy this time. 

2007-01-12 9:57 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

It's a lovely a full kitchen (too bad I won't get to use it). A sitting room and of course the comfy bed. And we get a nice free hot breakfast in the morning.

I hope C. is doing well tonight after her last day at work. Give her a hug for me.

2007-01-12 11:14 PM
in reply to: #653192

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
Hi Back!

We're heading off to Chicago tomorrow for the weekend - everyone take care, be safe, and kick some (be it at a race or in your workout)!!

(Go Sharon.JPG)

Go Sharon.JPG (23KB - 26 downloads)
2007-01-13 7:40 AM
in reply to: #625419

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
That is so hysterical!!  I love it!  Everyone be careful in all your travels this weekend.

2007-01-13 9:13 AM
in reply to: #625419

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL


I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!

Had a lovely breakfast (free!) and am about to go to the expo to get my race packet (wheeeeee!!!!) and go look at freebies and t-shirts etc. Then probably to the movies to chill!

I'll try to post more pictures later if I take any! Everyone have a fabulous Saturday!!!

2007-01-13 10:06 AM
in reply to: #625419

Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

Checking in.  Sharon, you have a relaxing day at the movies and kick some tail!!!  We'll all be howling for ya. Surprised

As for your questions, i feel great about meeting my goals.  i haven't felt this successful in my fitness life since before my back injuries.  Thanks to each of you for inspiration/motivation/and that little bit of silliness each day.  I was looking back at my goals on my log and i'm slowly lining out some of them, and that feels good.  Every now and then, my workout doesn't go as planned (like yesterday), but i'm surprised to find that it doesn't hurt me like it used to.  You know...the negative thoughts that lead to not working out for another day then another until you just stop.  Now, i'm motivated to squeeze in some extra if there's time!  Who would have thought?

Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding.....Laura! i can't get that wong out of my head!!   Okay, here's the story:  I logged onto MSN to see if any of you were on.  Sharon and Laura and i somehow managed to get on the same "chat" (thanks to Sharon the miracle mentor).  At some point Laura the speed typer asked me "What's your favorite wong?"  So, here's me: Innocent Just pretend like she typed song. And then, here's me again:CoolNO WAY i'm letting this go.  So i replied: Embarassed"Pardon?"......and it took off from there.  Sorry Laura.  Heeeeheeeeeeeeeee.Laughing

Well, i've about run through all of the emoticons, so i guess i'm going to go to the gym to fit in my run from yesterday.  And i can push my swim to tomorrow.  And guess what?  We had so much fun at the bachelorette party last night, that i left my truck at work and hitched a ride home with the SH.  That means i have to ride my bike to the gym to get my truck!!!  In the rain.  I think it'll be fun.

Hope you girls have a super day!

2007-01-13 11:33 AM
in reply to: #625419

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

There appears to be something I need to address before I do my homework from Sharon.  In regards to Goofy's perception of the wong situation:

You must be a tall woman because only a woman who had a presence about her would throw down with me like that. LOL ( I learned this kind of talk from the masters...seventh graders.)

I'm feeling pretty good about my goals that I've set.  My legs are feeling stronger, and, of course, the weight loss and general endorphins of happiness after a good job at the gym are definite perks.  I need to confirm the date for the Ballwin Triathlon because, well, I'm not sure it is accurate.  However, I know I will get a race in by June.  It's just a bit up in the air which one at this point.  Also, I had considered the Kansas City Women's Triathlon in August until  I made a discovery.  We live about ten minutes from the Longview Lake, and they will be hosting their triathlon a week prior.  This is an area I'm very familiar with as I used to ride on the the same hills which their bike course will take place.  With that said, I may stick closer to home.

I may joke around quite a bit, but I am serious when I say how blessed I feel to be a part of such a great group of women.  You guys are truly an inspiration.  Good thoughts are going out to all of you today rather it be for your daily workouts, time with your sweeties, or even emotionally preparing for tomorrown's half marathon.  Have a great day, dawgs.

2007-01-14 10:19 AM
in reply to: #625419

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
SHARON   (HALF)  | Bib #27502  |  SHREVEPORT, LA - USA  |  Age 33  |  F   MAPTRACK 
7:08:26 AM CST 01:23:02   02:38:07
TIME Chip Time: 02:38:07 Clock: 2:47:19Pace: 12:03
 Placement Overall: 5056 Gender: 2574 Division: 398

And that is why she's our mentor and pack leader!!!!



Edited by DeputyDawg 2007-01-14 10:20 AM
2007-01-14 10:37 AM
in reply to: #625419

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
I second that.  What an incredible accomplishment.  You make all of us want to do more.

2007-01-15 7:30 AM
in reply to: #625419

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

Wow! A lot goes on here in a week. That's the last time I let work take over my life! I explained to Sharon that all of my time at work is spent on the computer and usually I'm able to sneak in a few logs and postings but last week was out of control. Thanks to Sharon for checking in on me and for all of you not giving up on me too! Thank God I have you guys to keep me accountable! Still working out - just need to add it to the log. And I promise to do a better job of checking in with all of you too. Can't wait to see what everyone's accomplished this past week.

Congratulations Sharon! You are an inspiration!!!

Well we have an ice storm up here in NY today and my daughter's daycare closed down so I'll have some time this morning to catch up.

2007-01-15 4:25 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
I will third (or fourth?) the kudos to Sharon on a job well done this past Sunday. You definitely inspire each of use to reach beyond what we thought possible, and for that we're (I'm) grateful. Hope you get some good rest and relaxation in since you've been pretty busy since the first of the year! Great job!

In terms of how I feel about meeting might not be the best time for me to answer, but all in all I think I'm feeling pretty good. It's been over a couple of years since I've stuck with a workout program this long, and I'm quite surprised that I haven't a) bailed and b) made an excuse to go back to old habits, even when I have an off day.

I have to admit that I'm still learning that this isn't a race, and that I need to pace myself, which is sometimes the hardest thing for me to do. I'm a bit scared when I think about it being a long road back to healthy habits and behavior change, but it makes me feel good when I know that with each day that passes, the usual defeating thoughts are growing more and more quiet, and the rah! rah! rah! cheers of this group fill up my head. I couldn't be at this stage without you all. During my workouts, your avatars (since that's really all I know you guys by) flip through my head, producing a needed accountability that I haven't had in the past.

I plan on signing up for private swim lessons this week - they will be held in me a littl more time to prepare! And, I realize in 2007 I do not believe I have logged any biking minutes. that has to change...since hte windchill today and tomorrow is either in the single digits or teens, it might be later in the week, but it will be this week I get back in the saddle (still working from home).

not certain I answered everything, but hopefully that's a start. Thanks again, to each and every one of you, for bring a smile to my face and a kick in the butt. I'll check in on all of you a bit later - for now I have errands to run! later gators - Eek
2007-01-15 4:45 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

First, I want to say thank you for all the awesome support that all of you gave me for the half mary. I really couldn't have done it without you.

It was a truly awesome experience. Running is not my forte at all and not something that I enjoy particularly, but after the race was over, I just felt like I wanted to do it again! Well, not immediately then because honestly my legs tightened up so badly right after I stopped, it was not a pretty sight watching me walk! The pain was searing, probably from the lactic acid in the muscles? But I really want to sign up for another half mary right then and there! Large races are actually really fun, mostly because of the spectator/volunteer support. The energy is incredible, especially at the finishline.....truly amazing. The only other race I've done that comes close is the IronGirl tri in Dallas....Tierney, if you're still in Dallas, you should really sign up for that fact, I'll do it with you!!! The support there is awesome and it's a really good course.

In fact, additional homework to work on....and most of you already have done this, but I would like you to list it here....your "A" race/s for this season....the one race or races that you want to really focus on, get your best results in, train the hardest for. List it here and then perhaps indicate it somehow on your training log? Only because that will help me remember.

I would LOVE to be able to support each of you at your races in person.....wonder how much travel $$ I have! That would be a really awesome dream come true.


Annie! Good to see you checking back in with us! Life gets busy, work gets busy and I'm just glad to know that you're still with us and getting something out of our group! Keep working hard!

Eek, today was a tough day, but you really pulled through. You're making good strides already in just a few weeks. You're doing great and thank you, thank you, thank you for the great picture. I truly drew strength from it!

2007-01-15 7:29 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
Just a quick post before I leave work to let you know that I don't have any power at home and likely won't until thursday night. So not sure if I'll have access to a computer or not. Need to figure out what to do with the macaw and other pets. Ugh!
2007-01-16 7:37 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

Annie, I hope that you actually have power at home! Let us know!!

Just some finishing thoughts from this weekend:

Someone said this to me once when I was talking about wanting to do the half marathon and being a beginner runner. They said, "respect the distance". I feel like I do respect the distances that I compete in, especially with my running. However, I didn't really understand what they meant until this Sunday. While I was on the course, around mile 9-10, I had several thoughts running through my mind (pun not intended). I knew that I could finish this race, I could feel my body responding to the stresses of the race and I finally understood what it meant to respect the distance. The mileage is just a number and most can finish a race, any race by sheer determination, however, when you respect the distance, train appropriately for it and prepare for it....respect it, then you will be rewarded.

Now, I threw out some questions, I guess I should answer them myself!

My "A" races: the Houston Half of course and that's done, I have a possible Olympic distance tri that I would like to compete in. If I can get my head on right, then this will be a definite "A" race. The RiverCities Triathlon is my next "A" sprint tri race.

As for my training. If I go for the Oly tri, then I plan to use or follow the BT Oly Run Focused 20 week program. I feel like my training needs to be stepped up a bit. I managed to finish the half mary, but could have done a lot better if I had been more focused and disciplined in training appropriately.

Okay...your turn!



2007-01-16 9:28 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

My homework's late again.  There goes my 'A'.

So far I am quite happy with meeting my goals.  I'm hoping to start getting to the pool this week and work on my drills.  The weather has not been cooperating, so my riding to work will have to wait a bit.  Other than that, I am very pleased as to what I have done so far.  My concern is that something will come up and my one missed workout will turn into two, which turns into three et etc until I'm not working out anymore.  The good thing is that you Dawgs will hold me accountable so hopefully it never comes to that.  I've figured out that working out is something I need to do for my mental well being more than anything.  I just recently accepted the fact that I have suffered from depression on and off my whole life.  I finally sought out the help that I needed last year.  The one thing that I have just recently noticed tho is that my depression has never been an issue when I've been working out regularly.  Since I started with this group and doing my workouts my mood has changed 100%.  I seem to be my old self again.  Even my partner has noticed the change.  The glass is once again half full.

As for races, my work schedule has just been changed.  I'll have to sit down and come up with races that fit into my new schedule.  Will hopefully have that done within the next few days.

Just wanted to say how much I appreciate you gals.  It took a lot for me to come out of lurk-land and hit the send button to join this group.  It was the best thing I ever could have done.  I really enjoy the encouraging words, reading everyone's logs and the friendships that are developing.  I can't wait to see the great things all of us accomplish this year. 


2007-01-17 5:15 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: MSN Chat

I see most of us are online right about an impromptu chat?



2007-01-17 5:20 PM
in reply to: #625419

Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

Fitness stuff: The other night while on the Beginner Chat thing, i learned that if there is a strength exercise (sit ups, for instance) that is not on the drop down menu, you can email the suggestion to Marmadaddy or Ron, and they will add it if it is not already hiding under a different name.  He also said that they are slowly adding videos of each exercise...guess i should have asked where we could find them.

Sharon, Thank you for the race spacing, brick info...tell us more!!!!  Teach us all you know.

Not fitness stuff: So, i didn't go to Virginia.  My Midterm and Final for a class at BU were finally rescheduled, so i had to postpone my trip.  I made a smart girl decision and am staying home (still on leave from work) to study for a class that i attended six times over a year ago...thanks to my new found Thyroid condition and an incompetent Doctor.  I digress.

Food stuff: So, i eat alot even though i'm a little fella.  I eat breakfast, a morning snack, lunch, an afternoon snack, sometimes a smoothie, and dinner. Usually the afternoon snack is a workout snack (Luna bar or protein shake).  A while back i promised Tierney and others some nutrition info.  I figure breakfast is a good place to begin.  I eat breakfast everyday, though i didn't used to.  The night before the breakfast in question, i take a few minutes out and do what i can to prepare....whether it's throwing some ingredients into a tupperware to make at work, or slicing bananas/chopping nuts for a smoothie, or making pancake batter.  I do it that night, so in the morning i can just toss the container in my bag, or put the goods in the blender and push a button, whatever.  Most of the work (and cleaning) is taken care of that night before bedtime.  I am not a morning person, at least not at first, so this is what works for me.  Otherwise, i would buy something horrible at work (bad for wallet and waist), or eat too late and mess up my entire meal schedule.   Most of the time (during the week), i eat oatmeal with nuts, raisins or cranberries, or fresh berries, and sweeten it with syrup or brown sugar. Or a good smoothie, esp if i am getting in some morning exercise.  Or banana pancakes!  On the weekends i make bigger meals, but still healthy.  I keep some "emergency" organic cereal on hand in case i'm in a super hurry or i didn't do my night prepping.  One thing i really need to focus on is getting a bigger morning meal.  Since this is a Tri group, not a food group, i'll send the recipes individually, just remind me who wanted them.

Empty promises: Now that i'm getting back to normal, after a two (or was it three) day nervous breakdown....I will put up more swim drills tomorrow, since i failed you on Sunday.  Okay, so it wasn't a nervous breakdown, but it was bad considering i am normally smooooooothe sailing. Wow, i typed alot.

2007-01-17 5:49 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
Girls - I can't contact any of you - I've tried you all, but something is awry. I have to bail in a few minutes, my partner just called for an early pickup (I'm the limosine service these days since I work from home), and practically everyone was on!
2007-01-17 6:55 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

Edited by LLP1970 2007-01-17 6:55 PM

2007-01-17 6:55 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
I'm sorry I had to bail on our chat, but I had something come up.  How dare clients think they could interrupt the dawg chew.  LOL  I hope everyone has a great night.
2007-01-18 11:10 AM
in reply to: #625419

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San Francisco, CA
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
Sorry I missed the chat...I do have an MSN account, but I don't really use the messenger. I think my nickname is "dawn105."

As for my "A" race...I don't really have one in mind. Part of it is the expense. The races can run $50-80 from what I can see and I'm just not rolling in the money. I also don't really have a bike. There's one that used to be my sister's that my dad said he could get in riding shape for me...but it's just a mountain bike with road wheels on it. I do better with training when I actually have the pressure of needing to do it (like if I were to actually register). But I just don't have the money to spend on these things really. Especially now that I'm trying to save some money to pay off my debt and move across country...

I'm thinking that I am the youngest in this group, and also the least finacially stable (from what I can tell). I'm not starving by any means, guess just feeling jealous of all the people who can afford to run a billion races a year (I've seen their blogs!) and buy all the super cool tri equipment!!! I will still train, but I don't have a race yet.
2007-01-18 11:52 AM
in reply to: #625419

Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

Time to procrastinate my study time...

Races: I picked 4 races to complete during the next 9 months.  These are my big focus races (is that "A"?).  I can probably do more in between them, but for now....i will focus on these 4.  See, i'm like Erin -and probably the rest of you- i am a perfectionist and need to keep myself in check with these sorts of things.  Anyway, the races.  I have them on my ST and LT goals in my training log.  The first is  a 5k, and that is what i am working towards right now.  Just building a base for each sport, especially running.  I know that if i keep with what i'm doing now, i will be able to complete the 5k (even though it will be cold and the heat of the 10 pubs that i will pass will be tempting...ahem...sorry).  Speed is not even a focus right now.  Just conditioning.  My next race is a Duathlon in May: 2mi/12mi/2mi r/b/r.  By May i should be able to complete this and feel pretty good.  Maybe even be happy w/the run times.  I've never done any sort of bike racing.  Ever.  Just running in HS and swimming most of my life.  So, i can't gauge the bike until then.  In July, i have my first ever Tri (sprint) event.  The weather should be good for me, and the distances are .25mi open water swim (should be high 60s), 12.5mi bike (still no reference, but i figure if i can make it in May...), and a 3.2 mi run.  I think i can, i think i can! And then there's Oly. Yipe!  1.5k open water (chilly but managable), 40k bike (still can't even wrap my mind around that distance...time will help), 10k run (Should be fine by then...of course it IS at the end of the race, so..). By Sept my entire Tri world/knowledge base/and body will be different, so i'll take that as it comes. 

Vegetarians: Some of you asked me about protein sources for veggies (and non-veggies who are curious, me thinks).  There are alot of myths out there about protein.  I recommend looking into what the RDA is.  I weigh about 125lbs (that's some kind of kg for you in Canada ).  I need about 44grams of protein each day, sometimes more when my diet is closer to the vegan side of the house.  That has something to do with the difference in digestion of plant v animal protein and some other chemistry stuff.  But usually no more than 56grams (for me).  About 10% of calories should be from protein, some say 12-15% for endurance athletes.  I can provide a link to some vegan/vege food tables with plant protein sources/amounts, but google will probably do the job faster.  Generally, if your diet is good, you will consume enough protein.  I've been doing this for 18yrs and variety is key.  Nuts, beans, veggies, grains, seeds...basically what vegetarians eat anyway!  Too much protein is actually bad for you.  I think i read somewhere that it's been linked to kidney stones, osteopirosis...uh-oh..

My honey just called and asked me why i wasn't there a camera in here???? 


2007-01-18 9:20 PM
in reply to: #657173

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
DeputyDawg - 2007-01-16 9:28 PM

So far I am quite happy with meeting my goals.  I'm hoping to start getting to the pool this week and work on my drills.  The weather has not been cooperating, so my riding to work will have to wait a bit.  Other than that, I am very pleased as to what I have done so far.  My concern is that something will come up and my one missed workout will turn into two, which turns into three et etc until I'm not working out anymore.  The good thing is that you Dawgs will hold me accountable so hopefully it never comes to that.  I've figured out that working out is something I need to do for my mental well being more than anything.  I just recently accepted the fact that I have suffered from depression on and off my whole life.  I finally sought out the help that I needed last year.  The one thing that I have just recently noticed tho is that my depression has never been an issue when I've been working out regularly.  Since I started with this group and doing my workouts my mood has changed 100%.  I seem to be my old self again.  Even my partner has noticed the change.  The glass is once again half full.

As for races, my work schedule has just been changed.  I'll have to sit down and come up with races that fit into my new schedule.  Will hopefully have that done within the next few days.

Just wanted to say how much I appreciate you gals.  It took a lot for me to come out of lurk-land and hit the send button to join this group.  It was the best thing I ever could have done.  I really enjoy the encouraging words, reading everyone's logs and the friendships that are developing.  I can't wait to see the great things all of us accomplish this year. 

Thank you for trusting in us enough to share about your depression. I know that I've had bouts of it myself, but never really got it diagnosed, but what you said about how workouts help really is true. I'm glad that we can be here to encourage you and inspire you in some way to keep going.

You have a rough work schedule (nights etc). I hope that this new schedule is much, much better and that it can really help you get your race schedule in order. And hey, at least you get a better boss out of it too!

And you're right, everyone is going to be accomplishing GREAT things this year!! Glad that you are on our team, SuperDawg!! Hugs!!

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