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2007-03-01 11:57 AM
in reply to: #625423

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's Group - FULL


 I'm doing the same thing. I'm cutting back from 5 days a week to 4. I have to because of coaching soccer and work requirements, but I feel confident in a couple things. First, I think I have a good enough base now that I can cut back one day. Second, I've been reading a lot about focused training and no junk miles. I saw an article yesterday that talks about training for a HIM in 10 hours  a week. I've been enjoying my 3 hour sessions on tuesdays and thursdays, but I don't NEED to be there that long, and I'm in better shape now so I don't NEED as much rest in between.

I'm pretty sure we can keep up the pace and get the 5 days of training in in 4 days as long as we stay focused, have a goal for every workout, and get in and get it done. Also I'm applying it to the other tasks that I have to do in my life. Getting more focused on work and home and eliminating the things that don't fit in with the goals and are just a waste of time. Time management, I'm definately still working on it, but I know we can all do it!

2007-03-03 10:42 AM
in reply to: #625423

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Southern Maryland
Subject: Question

Gonna try to ride and run today, in between class assignment, buying a new washing machine and going to the dump!

I have a quick non-tri question. I hope that's OK. We may be planning a June trip to Alaska with our boys (teenagers). I can get a great deal at a military resort in Seward (177 dollars/day for a townhouse) and the resort offers tickets etc. on the typical activities: fishing, day cruises, hiking....Anyway, do any of you (or any BTers for that matter) have much experience with Alaska and the areas around Seward? We will probably put in a few day trips or overnighters to other areas not too far away as well. I am a nature/eco tour sort of person so I know this will be a great trip no matter what, but an inside line on stuff to see is always helpful!

Thanks for your indulgence. Have a great Saturday everybody! (Trainer ride today. Windy outside!

2007-03-04 9:06 PM
in reply to: #699942

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Group - FULL

I guess I'm the only one that hasn't put in my .02. 

What has helped?

The presence of an online community has helped me greatly.  Just knowing that others are tracking my progress makes me even more accountable to myself.   I think everyone agrees that getting the inspires is nice.

What should we do differently?

As a group I think we are functioning well.  We are all pretty much supportive of one another, and do offer gentle nudges when one starts to fall off a bit.  If we're going to start with the not so gentle nudges, we need to be careful and do it in a way to not alienate anyone. 

What have been your surprises? 

Probably that no one has fallen totally off the radar.   I have not been as active with the inspires as I could be, and will try to do so more often.  Steph, Susan and Michael more than take up the slack here.



2007-03-07 9:21 AM
in reply to: #625423

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Southern Maryland
Subject: Internet issues

Hi Everyone,

 Instead of replying individually to all the blogs, I thought I'd just do it here. I had internet access issues for a few days, hence my absence. I am afraid I have been straying from my training however. Grad school is taking time and mental energy that I would normally be devoting to my workouts. Steph and I have talked about this frequently! If I managed my time better, I would not be having such a problem with this. I also find that I spend a great deal of time worrying about school, training etc. and it saps my will. Worry overtakes any desire to train, which is something I have to get over. It's all a test, right? Anyway, thanks everyone for checking in. Rode the trainer for 20 minutes today between reading. Hope to get some strength in as well.

2007-03-07 9:25 AM
in reply to: #714495

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Subject: RE: Internet issues


Do you mind if I address some of Susan's concerns since I'm at pretty much that same place now?

2007-03-07 11:34 AM
in reply to: #625423

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Group - FULL

Beth, Chime in!


Fitness is one part of your life, school is one part, work, family, ... I spent a lot of years not doing much of anything fitness related while I did part-time grad school, coached youth soccer, and generally tried to be a good dad and husband (not simultaneously, that would be disasterous). 

I'll address the fitness, since that is what brought you to this site and this group.  First, you've made great progress towards your goals.  Hasn't been easy, and hasn't always gone exactly as you'd expected (sometimes, better than you expected).  I felt great when you posted about your weight loss and the tone you see in your body from training.  Second, you've changed from some of your old habits (I won't dwell on them), showing that you really can change things in your life. 

We all need to periodically reassess our goals and whether the things we are doing support our goals and dreams.  It is OK if you decide that fitness and triathlon training aren't as important as they were in January.  (I hope they don't go away entirely.)  Assuming you still want to do a tri this year, and you still want to lose weight, and you still want to be active, figure out what committment you can make to training.  (This is part of the reason I decided not to do the HIM this year.)  You can still lose weight, but you may have to be more rigorous about nutrition.  It may be prudent to hire a fitness/nutrition coach who can really help maximize the results from a very limited time committment. 

The thing to avoid is the unproductive stress/worry/angst that we almost always adopt when we start "missing" arbitrary "things" (like a 30 minute run, or 2 points on a test).  You can't change the past, but you can influence the future.  

I'll also say that the weather is warming up, and it may be easier to combine training with other activities.  Bring someone with you on a bike ride or run for some "quality time".  (You'll need to keep it in Z1/2, so you can talk with them.)  Look around tri-talk, and you'll find some threads from people with similar situations, and there are some suggestions that are exactly what you need (I don't know which ones). 

2007-03-07 11:54 AM
in reply to: #714495

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Subject: RE: Internet issues
susanp - 2007-03-07 9:21 AM

Grad school is taking time and mental energy that I would normally be devoting to my workouts. Steph and I have talked about this frequently! If I managed my time better, I would not be having such a problem with this. I also find that I spend a great deal of time worrying about school, training etc. and it saps my will. Worry overtakes any desire to train, which is something I have to get over. It's all a test, right?



I am a full-time student with 19 hours.  I am also a mom of 4 boys plus an overgrown child(McFuzz)!  I had a really great semester in the fall and thought that this semester would be easier since I was ONLY taking 19 hours instead of 22.  I WAS SOOOO WRONG!!

My classes this semester are more involved and the kids don't seem to want to help as much s they did last semester.  I thought I was doing OK until a weekend when everything came crashing down.  My oldest son wen tmissing and I couldn't exercise because I was so worried.  We received a phone call on  Sunday evening that his friends remembered him saying that he was going to a friends for the weekend.  I still didn't hear from him until Monday late afternoon. That whole week and previous weekend were toast in the workout arena.  I had a hard time getting motivated after that.  I have spent the last 2 weeks wondering around feeling lost and overwhelmed.  I knew that I needed to workout but just couldn't find the guimption. 

I'm starting to get that back but it is still touch and go!  I stillhave to work on where my prioirities are.  I really want to workout and I know that I will study better if I do but I know that I need to devote more time to my studies because working out instead of studying won't help me to  learn the material.

It's OK to take a step back from those things that are seeming to overwhelm you at the moment!! It's also OK to step back to the plate when you have a better handle on those other things that are piling up.

I don't know if this helps or not.  Feel free to send me a PM or call me and we can talk it out.



2007-03-07 8:18 PM
in reply to: #714779

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Southern Maryland
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Group - FULL

Thanks Mike! (And thanks to your lovely wife!) I am committed to tri, for sure. School has to take priority for now but I don't plan on putting triathlon on the back burner. I am 45 years old. If not now, when? Anyway, I guess I will have to get a little more creative and determined. Thanks to all of you for the encouragement! This is a great group and I hope I have helped you guys at least half as much as you have helped me!



2007-03-28 4:49 PM
in reply to: #625423

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's Group - FULL
2007-03-29 8:27 PM
in reply to: #625423

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Southern Maryland
Subject: Race Report

Well, as Mike kindly reminded me, I need to give a race report for my mini-tri this past Sunday. If you click on My Races in my blog, you can see the stats (if you are so inclined) but I will fill in the other details. Firstly, this is the second time I have done this mini-tri. The first time was last June. It is a great little race for people like me who are just starting out as well as for serious triathletes  who want to run through their transitions and have a good warm up for the season.  The woman who runs it is in the 60 and over age group and could probably whip our collective butts  on any given day! It is really well organized, fun and a very supportive atmosphere. I signed up for hte next one in June.

 My run was great! I PRed at 10:01 per mile (distance was 1.4) which just blew my mind. I have never run that fast! I felt really good and my transition for the bike was calm but fairly quick. I neglected to mention that the events were in reverse order due to the fact that this tri was so early in the season. It was an indoor swim but Ina (the organizer) did not want anyone to catch cold on the bike and run! Hence my fast run time.

I could have pushed the bike leg a little (4 miles) but I am still learning how much to push and how much to hold back for the next event. Still, it was fun and good to ride outside.

The swim was good but I was pretty tired. It was only 250 yards and I knew I would make it, but my legs were a bit fatigued. I was slower on the swim than last year because I was not as fresh.

Ultimately, I was 4 out of 6 on my age group and if I had pushed just a bit more on the bike and swim, I could have gotten third! Pretty cool! My overall time was 40:05 which is 6 minutes faster than last June. I feel confident that I will improve on that in June.

I am really trying to  keep myself in the game and focused, so I am entering something each month, whether it is a small triathlon or 5K. I need to stay focused on a goal or I will just stop altogether, which is not an alternative.

Anyway, it was a lot of fun and I am looking forward to trying for a small win of some kind in June, depending on how many are in my age group.

 By the way, I met another BTer at the tri. He was wearing a BT jersey so I introduced myself. He is more advanced than I am but is very enthusiastic and will actually be doing the same Sprint in May that I am doing, so it will be fun to look for a familiar face.

 Hope all of you are doing well. Thanks for the inspires. I really need them!



2007-04-01 9:23 PM
in reply to: #625423

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Group - FULL

We've finished three months, and some of you have completed races already!  For the rest of us, "race season" is just around the corner. 

We're all here, all still working out, bask (for at least a few seconds) in those successes!

2007-04-16 6:05 AM
in reply to: #625423

Subject: RE: McFuzz's Group - FULL

mtskibum! Where are you?? I can't open your blog. Are you having technical difficulties or is it the BT website?

I've been trying all weekend. You are the only one I can't access...wait a minute, you didn't put blog-blocking on your internet service did you??

Have a great week! hope to hear from you SOON!

2007-04-16 9:02 AM
in reply to: #625423

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's Group - FULL

I'm still here! I'm not hiding, honest. I can see everyone just fine. Don't know what's up.

Anyone have any wetsuit recommendations? I'm going to get one this weekend. I've basically decided to get an entry level one just due to money and the fact that I'll only wear it a few times this year. If you see any good sales or know of ones to stay away from, let me know.


2007-04-19 3:18 PM
in reply to: #625423

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's Group - FULL

Question for all those who have been there before.....

With my training plan coming to the taper stage and the first race of the year looming, I'm wondering what to do after the race. I know I'll keep training, but the focus will be different and not so intense. I've been trying to stick with the program so much, that now I don't know what to do once it is done. I'm also trying to figure out gym membership vs training outside etc. I plan to be outside as much as possible. Then the next question would be when to start back up. I'm guessing training to maintain a certain level for most of the year, and then ramping up before the race season next year.

 Any ideas?

2007-04-23 11:01 AM
in reply to: #768957

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Group - FULL
mtskibum - 2007-04-19 3:18 PM

Question for all those who have been there before.....

With my training plan coming to the taper stage and the first race of the year looming, I'm wondering what to do after the race. I know I'll keep training, but the focus will be different and not so intense. I've been trying to stick with the program so much, that now I don't know what to do once it is done. I'm also trying to figure out gym membership vs training outside etc. I plan to be outside as much as possible. Then the next question would be when to start back up. I'm guessing training to maintain a certain level for most of the year, and then ramping up before the race season next year.

 Any ideas?

Good question!  While the race season is nearing, you should have identified the ONE race that is the focus of your training and attention.  Your training plan should be aligned with that race, and you'd "train through" the other races on your calendar.  Last year, it was my HIM.  This year, Evergreen (OLY). 

What happened to me (and has happened to lots of us) is you get home from the race, and all of a sudden, you have no "planned training"...  We've spent 20 weeks (maybe more) with a race-specific training program guiding us to specific swim, bike, and run workouts and all of a sudden...nothing...You may also find your motivation GONE as the next race season is so-far-away.  It's OK to take a few days (or weeks) off and not do anything (watch what you eat if you've suddenly quit burning off 3000 calories a day).  Post-race is a time to ride your bike for the fun of it, not in a quest for hills or a 20 mph pace.  (Maybe take a spouse/SO/child out on some real easy rides.)  If you've got significant plans for next season, then you can start a maintenance program, take some swim lessons, experiment with new equipment, etc. etc. etc.  This may also be the time to sign up for some of the monthly challenges.  One of my post-race goals last year was to log 176,000 yards (100 miles) swimming for the year, so I'd have to continue to get to the pool 2 or 3 times a week. 

After this first season, you can start to identify goals for next season, analyze limiters to your performance this year, and develop a training plan to get you to your long-term goals. 

2007-04-24 5:39 AM
in reply to: #625423

Subject: RE: McFuzz's Group - FULL

Hi mtskibum!!

Just wanted to say hi, since I can't get to your blog for some STUPID reason. (wish I could see your training, it's very motivating!)

2007-05-29 2:09 PM
in reply to: #625423

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Group - FULL

I figured this was as good a place to put my 2000th post as anywhere...

Time flies! 

Think about it, we've been together 5 months.  Steph and Mike (Mtskibum) are still around, preparing for their first triathlons.  Susan did great for a while, trailed off, then came back, (is trailing off right now but will be back...Right Susan??)  Zach is quietly logging lots of miles running and biking.  Derek has run 2 half-marathons and PR'd a marathon (or at least beat his goal).  He's still seeking gills.  Maureen appears to have bailed mid-April. 

Race season is here, and now it's time to show off the hard work and cool toys gear!  Get yourself to the starting line with a little (or a lot) of training, a plan for the race, and someone to snap pictures of you finishing your first triathlon! 

It's somewhat natural to get nervous now...(and some answers)
"have I trained enough?"..."probably"
"what if I finish last?"..."so what?"
"what if I don't finish?"..."so what?"
"how do I show my face after a week (or several) not training?"..."come back and train"
"what if I don't hit my goals?"..."so what?" 

Think about what you HAVE accomplished!  How many miles of running or biking or swimming have you logged compared to 2006?   What lifestyle changes have you made?  What (on-line) friendships have you established?  Once you cross the finish line, you'll wonder what you worried about! 

2007-05-29 5:40 PM
in reply to: #820828

Subject: RE: McFuzz's Group - FULL

Great Timing Mike!

Those thoughts ARE out there floating around. Thanks for the inspiration you provide.

2007-06-01 8:49 AM
in reply to: #625423

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's Group - FULL
June 1. Time for some reflection. I started this journey 10 months ago with the dream to become an Ironman. I was 206 pounds and had a 36 inch waste. I started running and working out at the gym. In 4 months I lost 15 pounds. I also injured my knee. Doctor confirmed that I have arthritis in the knee and that I'm not 18 anymore. I took a month off from Thanksgiving to Christmas and let my knee heal. Then I got on here and signed up as a member and downloaded a plan to train me. Then I bought the TI book and video for myself as a Christmas present and committed to learn to swim. I got a membership at a rec center that has a great lap pool and put the workout routine in the daytimer. Now it's 5 months since the beginning of the year. I have hit a lot of my training goals, missed some, learned how to balance work, coaching, parenting time, training, new girlfriend, website business, and sleep, and make it all work somehow. Today I'm 180 pounds, 32 inch waist, and stronger than I've been in 18 years. This has been truely a life changing experience for me. I've transformed my body and learned a lot along the way. I've made new friends and look forward to making more. My first race is in 2 weeks and I really feel ready. Once I get some OWS swimming in, I'll really be ready. Thanks to everyone for all your inspires. They really helped get me through. Training is boring, especially in the winter when you have to be inside all the time. The results are worth it. Now it's time to race and enjoy the summer. I'm still looking at the goal. 2010 in Kona! Thanks everyone, I could not have done it without you. Thanks McFuzz for your brilliant leadership!
2007-06-17 9:46 PM
in reply to: #625423

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Group - FULL

We've got a new TRIATHLETE!!

Congratulations Mtskibum. 

2007-06-17 11:15 PM
in reply to: #847944

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's Group - FULL
Thanks very much! I couldn't have done it without you guys! Thanks for all your motivation and support!

2007-06-18 6:47 PM
in reply to: #625423

Subject: RE: McFuzz's Group - FULL

Way to go mtskibum!

Race report is awesome!!

Now you are HARD CORE!

2007-06-24 4:57 PM
in reply to: #625423

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Group - FULL

We have another triathlete!!

Go congratulate Steph883 on finishing Subaru. 

2007-06-25 8:08 AM
in reply to: #625423

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's Group - FULL
I want you guys to know what an AWESOME job Steph did!!!! She had a goal of 2 hours (family bragging rights) and left everything on the course to make sure it happened!! She is a pleasure to spend time with and full of energy.  Her positive attitude is amazing.  She is one of a kind!!! We should be so blessed to count her among our friends!
2007-06-25 5:32 PM
in reply to: #858299

Subject: RE: McFuzz's Group - FULL

I wouldn't have done it without you! 

Beth, you and Mike are fantastic people, I had a great time this weekend! Your kids are great  too! I think that is awesome that they volunteer their time and energy to make things happen for other people! They are terrific. I appreciated T. walking my bike back to my car and was sorry I didn't get to talk much with A. I find it easier to tell them apart if I find their qwerks. I hope Mike got a pic of them running with you! Wish I would have seen that!

I hope we can do this again soon!

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