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2007-01-18 1:49 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Scout - time to change the avatar.

Everyone else: where are you all. There has not been many peope posting here. I would love to hear from you. Like, how things are going, how is the trainig going, what are your obstacles, what are the short term plans? Who is staying and who is thinking of giving up.

2007-01-18 2:24 PM
in reply to: #659596

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Yes, dad.
2007-01-18 8:44 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Extreme Veteran
Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
I'm having bike issues. I think my fit is off and the bike I have is too big. i went back and looked at a few old posts about 90 degree angles at the hips and the elbows, but i think my arms are stretched too far forward. i ride on the trainer these days, and can not stay in the aero position for more than 10 minutes. My shoulders get fatigued. Any thoughts?
2007-01-19 2:57 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
For the most part I am doing fine - because of weather issues I have not biked lately. I do not have an indoor bike and am not likely to get one anytime soon. We have had freezing rain and I ride a mix of dirt and paved roads - they are VERY muddy right now. Running is what I am concentrating on most right now. I am not experienced in any of the 3 areas so I am just a flat out newbie and running has always been my hardest task even though I am pretty active and participate in a lot of sports. So, my immediate goal is 4 miles with no stopping and not running out of breath - I start losing my breath at about 3.5 miles and feel like I am plodding breathlessly. I have no problems so far with my legs or feet. On the bright side - when I began running I could only do a half a mile without stopping so this is progress! I sometimes get scared about my race date because I have doubts about being ready especially since I don't have very long for swim training....but I have to see where I am and know what to expect for the next one so I will do it!

I am also having a bit of trouble with my eating - getting enough to support my activity.....I have some metabolism issues from doing too much cardio and not eating enough in the past so I plan my food very carefully. I have been logging my activity and foods in Fitday to keep an eye on it.

I enjoy the thread and read with interest, there is some good information here. I also like the training logs but I don't have much time for entering templates on the weight training. I DO wish I had time to train twice a day and that will change when it begins to stay daylight longer.

I guess I am rambling now......ooops!
2007-01-19 6:08 PM
in reply to: #660268

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Extreme Veteran
Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
great job on the running. keep it up.
2007-01-20 10:04 AM
in reply to: #629883

Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
It's Saturday and I'm about to go to Langley AFB's gym for my 2nd practice tri. I'll swim 500m, bike (stationary) 8miles, and then walk/jog 2miles. All indoors for now. That's about my limit at this point. Hopefully, by late March or early April I'll be up to 800m swimming/10miles biking/3.1miles jogging. I won't overdo it and will pace myself. Question: what does the swimming term "freestyle" mean? Does that mean to swim any stroke that I want to?
PS 3 hours later
- I just finished the practice mini-tri and had a very good workout. I biked, then ran, then swam. A few times during the swim, the bottom of my left foot slightly cramped, but I was able to relax enough for it to go away.
I'm sure to be sore in the morning!

Edited by colwins440 2007-01-20 1:31 PM

2007-01-21 11:42 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
As far as I know, "freestyle" is the "crawl" or overhand stroke, versus the backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly or dog paddle.
2007-01-22 5:16 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
I was looking at the information on the race I signed up for in June and I have to take my bike in for a check -- do you know what they check for? Is there a standard set up I am supposed to have on the bike?
2007-01-22 3:03 PM
in reply to: #662897

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Daisy126 - 2007-01-22 6:16 AM I was looking at the information on the race I signed up for in June and I have to take my bike in for a check -- do you know what they check for? Is there a standard set up I am supposed to have on the bike?

Was hoping someone else would answer, since I'm no expert.  But.....My understanding is that they are basically checking the mechanics of the bike.  Do the brakes work?  Are they serviceable?  Are the tires at least basically serviceable?  Is there anything that would be considered dangerous or illegal on the bike?

It's not a set-up issue, so much as a safety thing.  So long as your brakes are fine, and the bike is otherwise mechanically sound, I should think it's not a big issue.  Also, for some races, I think they mark the bikes in some fashion, but again, could be wrong. 

2007-01-22 6:45 PM
in reply to: #663702

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

The bike check is just really a safety check. One of the most common thing I heard people fail for is end caps on the handlebars. The will check the brakes, cables, derailer, and wheels. They are making sure the bike won't fall apart during the event and hurt yourself or others.

As for marking the bike, typically you get a number placard that you must put on the frame or handle bars. Nothing major.

2007-01-23 6:46 AM
in reply to: #664021

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Heh, I was pretty close, then.  I guess I actually learned a few things on here.....

2007-01-23 11:01 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Sore knee update: Doc says it's bursitis in front and a strained connection in the back combining for the knee problem.  I remember that I (stupidly) repeatedly kicked at something on the ground to clear it out of the way at around mile 3 of my Vail 10 miler, after which this thing started to hurt.  I probably messed it up with the kicks and haven't given the time to really heal.  Doc gave me a shot of some anti-inflammatory in the arse and a presciption for neproxin as well as a recommendation not to run for about 10 days.  I'll even stop using the stairs at work for a bit in hopes for a complete and speedy recovery.  Good news is I shouldn't miss too much running time and I can still swim and cycle.

Kirk - I'll also evaluate the shoes when things feel better.

2007-01-23 8:24 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Great news Doug. I hope you are back running the trails soon

2007-01-24 4:29 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Thank you everyone for you input!

DBlack - Hope you get better quickly!!!!
2007-01-24 10:43 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Thanks.  It's already feeling better.  The hard part is waiting long enough for real healing.
2007-01-24 3:55 PM
in reply to: #629883

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East Greenbush
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
I posted this in my blog as well!

Hi all. I know, I know Im a slacker!!! Not really...I have a plan...honest I do!!! Ok ready for it??? Here it is....

I am registered for the Pine Bush Triathlon in Guilderland this July. I am also going to register (as soon as it opens) for the Anyon Can Tri in Saratoga in May. I just found out that the S. Saratoga YMCA is offering a 10 week training program starting Feb 16th. There is also a training program offered at the Guilderland YMCA starting in May for the Pine Bush. Can anyone see where I am going with this and how great this will be???

Here is my plan, I am still going to continue to work out up until the training program starts Feb 16th. My workouts are going to be a little bit different than what I have been doing. I am still going to swim/bike/run but not as much. I am going to start focusing more on core exercises and lifting weights. Once the training program starts in Feb, I am going cut back on those exercises and follow the advice of the coach and do those workouts and build a strong base. I will complete the Tri in May. My goal is to just to finish it since it will be my 1st event ever. Then when thats over, the training program in Guilderland will kick in. I have already been in contact with the coach for that event. I am going to modify those work outs from that plan and really work on getting faster and stronger and try to kick my time's a$$ from the 1st event.

I am really excited about this. It seems I will have a coach right up until the end of my season this year!!! I cant wait. So what are your thoughts/suggestions?

Edited by orphious 2007-01-24 3:56 PM

2007-01-26 7:06 AM
in reply to: #662282

Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Thanks for the telling me what "freestyle" swimming is. My training plan says this week I should be swimming freestyle 400 meters and cooling down 100 meters. I'm lucky to be swimming the whole 500 meters by alternating 25m freestyle and 25 m backstroke. That's actually a huge improvement for me since I started in mid-Nov and could hardly make it 100 meters. I believe I will eventually get up to the 500 meters freestyle, but right now I'm happy with the progress I'm making swimming. The swimming tips that a few of you made a few weeks ago have helped me a lot. Otherwise, I'm right on track with my training plan.

Edited by colwins440 2007-01-26 7:12 AM
2007-01-26 11:17 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Tom - nice plan. Keep us informed as to how it goes.

Col - your swim has improved and it shows. Keep up the time in the pool and it will continue to get better.

All - seems like the newness of the tri thing may be starting to wane. Life catches up with us and we find ourselves with less and less time to do the training. We think to ourselves that our first tri is so far away that we can easily make up the time. As the time approaches, we think that we are too far behind to be able to do that first race. Before you know it the tri season is nearly over and you decide to "start again next year".

The one thing I have learned with training is that it is a lifestyle - a way of living. It becomes apart of your life. Everyone has challenges with work, family, and other commitments, but what makes this work is when you can get the time - you sieze the oppertunity! You have a half hour here or an hour there use that time to get out and do something.

If you lack motivation find that first triatlon, and register. Once you put money down to do something most of use are damn sure going to do it. Once you are registered start your count down. When you got that day as a goal your motivation and excitement will start to increase. Once you do that first tri!! Well hopefully, like must of us, you will be hooked. You will analyze every aspect of your tri to see where you can improve. Once that happens - your hooked.

I would be very interested to know the date and name of each of your first tris. Yes Scout that means you too. Post here those dates and location. Maybe even a link to the site. Lets put it in our short term calendars "X weeks until $$$$$ triathlon".

Good luck to everyone and I hope you stick it out - atleast until AFTER you do your first triathlon.

2007-01-26 2:44 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

I presume you mean first tri this season (for those of us who are already hooked).  In that case - Olympic Distance, April 22, Irving, TX (link is on my blog).  As for the training, I'm already nervous about the swim.  It is OW (y'all know how much I don't like that) and we're looking for wetsuits.  I've been pool swimming off and on, about a 1000 m per session, but I need to be able to swim 1600 straight.  I'm counting on the wetsuit providing bouyancy (read: mental support).  I know I'll need to get into OW at least once before this thing, but when and where are big questions.  Maybe I'll make a special trip to Austin to swim in Barton Springs in the wetsuit I haven't yet acquired.  Not that I'm a wimp (for any of you who don't know Barton Springs, it's a constant 68 F year round), but wetsuit practice is essential according other BT threads.

To echo Kirk's sentiments - tri training is much more than that.  It really is a lifestyle and you have 3 or 4 ways to work out - swim some, run some, bike some and do whatever else you do (weights, soccer, softball, hoops, etc.).  It's as you approach the big event in your life, you ramp up the tri specific activities and start linking them together.  Don't do what I did once, all events separate without pairing them up.  Go out and get the feel for it.

Ramble on.


2007-01-26 6:01 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
I am already nervous about my first one...I am signed up, mine is June 16th in Athens, TX - I think it is called the Iron Maiden sprint tri - it is women only. This is so much more than a race to me, I have an anxiety disorder and was on meds for some time - in 2002 I began a healthy eating and exercise program and lost a lot of weight....I have been steadily improving myself every since and this is a "Break Free" for me. To finish will be quite an accomplishment on its' own, not being ashamed of myself in anyway - it actually signifies my "being the real me" -- I know it sounds corny but while I was sick I lost myself and I have been drug and attack free now for quite some time, growing more confident and feeling good to be me....oh well...sorry to ramble
2007-01-27 8:58 AM
in reply to: #669392

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Extreme Veteran
Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Daisy: that's the best reason I have heard of yet to get involved with this.

2007-01-27 10:21 AM
in reply to: #668960

Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Thanks Kirk.
My 1st Tri is the Sprint in Irving, TX on April 22nd.... I think Doug is doing the Olympic at the same tri. Since I'm now on the East Coast in Virginia, I plan to OWS at Virginia Beach a couple of times in late March and early April. Need to purchase a wetsuit too.

In an hour or two I'll go over to Lackland AFB to do my 3rd practice indoor mini-tri. Today I'll swim 550meters, stationary bike 8 miles, and run on the indoor track 2 miles...not necessarily in that order. I'm not to the point of working on transitions, but this is giving me the "feel" of the 3 events one after another. I'll post my results later. In late March I plan to begin doing these practice tri's outdoors.

Training for a beginner's triathlon has been great for me. I had gotten to the point of not working out for weeks, even months at a time. I had no goal for working out, but now with the beginner tri coming up in April, I have something to look forward to and can measure my progress toward that goal. It's exciting.
2007-01-27 1:28 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Good for you, Tony.  These things are always chaotic with all the participants, and I have no idea whether they segregate the sprinters from the Olys from the HIMs, but as the event gets closer, we should try to arrange a meeting point.


2007-01-27 1:51 PM
in reply to: #629883

Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Just finished my 3rd practice mini-tri. Showed a little improvement on the run. About the same on the bike. Swam 100m farther. I'm satisfied. Next Saturday I will try to bump up the run distance by .25mile, bike to 9 miles, and swim 650 meters.
Doug---that may be tough, since I won't be getting back to Irving too often. There's a possibility that I'll be there around March 3rd, but that is for the weekend with my family in Lewisville. I'll let you know.
2007-01-27 2:02 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Actually, I was thinking about after the event.  Also, take the time to go out and look at the courses when you're next home.  It really helps to drive them if you can, to get the lay of the land.

Congrats on your time/distance improvements today.

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