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2007-02-15 8:28 AM
in reply to: #691229

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - FULL

gc150 - 2007-02-14 10:13 PM I'm sorry. I don't really understand how it would be bilateral breathing if you breathe to the same wall for everyone 2 strokes. Won't that mean that you're just going to breathe on that side for all your strokes? And I just found out that the Coney Island Tri is for you Youth only. Is it necessary to get do a Sprint before doing a Olympic? Would it be a bad idea to throw myself into doing an Olympic one when I've never done any triathlons? I'm excited about it but I'm a bit nervous.

It is not completely necessary to do a sprint before an Oly, but I would highly recommend it.  An Olympic distance usually consists of an open water swim (OWS) and if you have never done one before, it can be tough.  1500 yds without being able to grab onto anything is tough... especially when you are fighting with hundreds of other people for position. 

I looked on for some races within the city.  Here is what I found:

March 24, Prospect Duathlon

April 1, March Madnes Biathlon

Aprill 22, Brooklyn Biathlon

April 29, Bronx Biathlon

The only thing I could find w/i NYC were duathlons.  There are a few indoor tris but they are all within the next few weeks.  I hope that helps!

2007-02-15 8:47 AM
in reply to: #668669

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - FULL

As of this morning, here are the percentages to goal of everyone in the challenge:

triOK's group:

No Mercy: 23.5% to goal

kbkav:  21.4% to goal

firstriguy:  50.2% to goal

poke4christ:  25.2% to goal

erjellum:  41.5% to goal

gator22:  42.7% to goal

willie05:  is kicking tail with 55.1% to goal

shultzboy:  15% to goal

triOK:  38.8% to goal

Marvarnett's group:

starcorp:  58.8% to goal

Cashmason:  92.7% to goal

mcole158:  43.9% to goal

Marvarnett:  59.3% to goal

Great job everyone!   Today being Thursday, we should all be at 57% to our goals by now.  Lets get out there and s/b/r!!!!!!!!!

gc150, if you would like to participate in the challenge, you need to post your workouts in your log so that I can get the times from there.


Edited by triOK 2007-02-15 9:02 AM
2007-02-15 9:39 AM
in reply to: #668669

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - FULL
I have a question about nutritional supplemments. I started taking fish oil, glucosimine (for my wrecked knee), tribulus, and of course a multivitamin. I seem to notice a difference, especially with the glucosimine, but do you think that stuff is a waste of money?? It is kind of a pain blowing down twelve pills a day if I am not benefitting from it.
2007-02-15 9:43 AM
in reply to: #691543

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - FULL

gator22 - 2007-02-15 9:39 AM I have a question about nutritional supplemments. I started taking fish oil, glucosimine (for my wrecked knee), tribulus, and of course a multivitamin. I seem to notice a difference, especially with the glucosimine, but do you think that stuff is a waste of money?? It is kind of a pain blowing down twelve pills a day if I am not benefitting from it.

I have no idea, but you could ask DerekL, AdventureBear, or Bluejack.  They are all exceptionally *qualified* to answer that.  I would suggest posting in Tri Talk... DerekL usually jumps on the medical questions pretty quickly... he gives good advice.

2007-02-15 2:41 PM
in reply to: #668669

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - FULL
What do the colors mean on the calendar? All I can figure is it's white when I don't enter anything, but after that I can't understand it.
2007-02-15 2:43 PM
in reply to: #692102

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - FULL

light orange = tri specific workout

dark orange = sport of some kind

yellow = no workout, but added a comment

white = no entry

red border = injured

2007-02-15 8:45 PM
in reply to: #668669

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - FULL
hey guys - i'm up to 3 hours after tonight's workout. i'm behind on my planned time - i missed my wednesday workout because i had to work way later than i expected.

i'm going to try hard to make up over the next 3 days, but i have a feeling i will only end up hitting 6 hours this week. sorry...
2007-02-15 11:04 PM
in reply to: #668669

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Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - FULL
Yeah, I'm a little bit behind too. However, I was able to hit two workouts today, so that helps a little bit.
2007-02-15 11:39 PM
in reply to: #668669

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - FULL
Oops. Sorry. I didn't know about the training logs. I was wondering how you kept track of people's times. I just filled out my log. Thanks for the swimming tips. I'll try it tomorrow. Thanks also for the other triathlon suggestions, I'll see what I can fit in. If not, I'll just do the Olympic tri. It's in July so I think I have time to prepare, plus I've swam in open water before, so hopefully it won't be much different though I did have trouble swimming off course because I would only breathe on one side.
2007-02-16 12:03 AM
in reply to: #668669

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Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - FULL
Yeah, I'm not ambi-breatharious myself. I guess I'll just have to work on that.
2007-02-16 7:25 AM
in reply to: #668669

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - FULL
Nearly up to goal for the week - missed by 8 minutes! Will fix that slipup tomorrow.

2007-02-16 6:50 PM
in reply to: #668669

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Fredericksburg, VA
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - FULL
well guys i'm getting back into the swing of training after a horrible start to the week. this weekend i am planning on doing 2 cycle classes at the gym and that should at least get me pretty close to my planned time.

i just have one question though. i just started running again and am doing fine. not running out of breath and could definitely lgo longer but want to ease back into it so that my legs aren't shocked to much. however i am feeling some tightness in my lower legs. it is not my calf but the part between that and the ankle. i guess you might call it upper ankle. but it just feels tight and i was wondering if anyone knew any particular stretches i could do to possibly alleviate some of it. i know part of it is probably that i just started running again but i know it could feel better than it does.

2007-02-17 1:11 PM
in reply to: #668669

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West Des Moines
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - FULL
Just trying to keep our thread at the top!

Sorry Shultz, I don't have any good advice for you. I know balancing exercises do a good job strengthening the upper ankle... you might try a couple sets of balancing on each leg. I think this months men's health had a good article on balancing and ankle strengthening exercises
2007-02-17 1:30 PM
in reply to: #668669

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Fredericksburg, VA
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - FULL
thanks. i'll try to look that up. but i did find a good way to stretch that area today. i went to my first spinning class this morning (and it kicked my butt in a good way) and afterwards the instructor had us do some stretches. the one that did the trick is where you place your foot on something that makes it tilt upward. then you keep your leg straight and start leaning forward on it. this really stretches everything along the back of your leg and mine feel alot better after that.

and since i'm new to the whole gym thing i have a few wierd questions. i am used to training outdoors and checking out the scenery as it goes by. but since i have started running on the treadmill indoors i feel awkward after i get off. by that i mean that i do fine when i am running and can stay on it without a problem but when i stop running i get a little dizzy. it is almost like being carsick in reverse because it happens when i stand still. almost like when i am running my brain goes into a mode that realizes i am running but not really moving if you know what i mean. you see all the same scenery and it doesn't get closer or farther away the whole time. but when i stop it's like i have to get it to realize that the world is standing still or something. it is just a really wierd feeling and i almost feel stupid for brining i up. has anyone else had this happen to them?

the other thing was since today was my ffirst spin class i'm curious to see how many other people found them awkward to ride. i was fine when we were just sitting there spinning and building up the resistance but when he wanted us to get out of the saddle and pedal i found it really difficult. first i like to swing the bike back and forth when i stand on the pedals but obviously these bike can't. then you also have to instantly turn up the resistance when you stand because otherwise your legs are going to fast for standing. it was just really difficult to get into a groove. but i made it through and felt great afterwards. just wish it could have been better. and this must be a common thing because after the class the guy asked me if it felt wierd for the first time.
2007-02-17 3:02 PM
in reply to: #693522

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - FULL
I found that if you lock your ankles under your couch and try to straighten your legs as you back away, it is a good ankle stretch. Allegedly this will also help you have a more efficient kick in your freestyle swimming stroke....
2007-02-17 5:05 PM
in reply to: #668669

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West Des Moines
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - FULL

Yeah, I get that disorientation feeling when i get off the treadmill as well. I think it has something to do with spacial orientation. When your running outdoors the environment is moving past you, where as indoors the environment is stationary. Plus, the ground doesn't move when you run outside so you are able to respond more naturally. What has helped for me is slowing down on the treadmill gradually during the cool down phase until I get to 0mph.

2007-02-17 8:55 PM
in reply to: #668669

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Orange County, California
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - FULL
Robin, I am in Marvanett's group. I had put down 4 1/2 hours of planned training. Please change the planned hours to 7.

I wasn't sure if I could do workouts Saturday and Sunday after skiing Friday, so I didn't include possible training hours for this week end. Now that I feel I can do them, I want to include them in the plan so I don't appear to be sand bagging when I turn in about 7 training hours and only show 4.5 were planned.


2007-02-17 10:49 PM
in reply to: #668669

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Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - FULL
Shultz, I know what you mean on the treadmill. However, I think NoMercy hit the nail on the head. A nice cool down will help that. Plus, it is really unnecessary for reasons I'm not sure of (LOL).

As for the spin class. It isn't as akward for me, because I rarely stand up on a bike. I got into grinding out hills (staying in the saddle) while mountain biking and now I just keep it low. It might feel weird and require more exertion, but that adjusting to that might help build some muscles you wouldn't otherwise work as hard.

Does your road bike have clipless pedals? I love being able to use my SPDs during the spin class. Makes a world of difference.
2007-02-18 7:46 AM
in reply to: #694304

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Fredericksburg, VA
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - FULL
yeah poke, i have spd's and am going to take them next time i go to the class. since it was my first time i wasn't sure if their bikes had that.
2007-02-18 10:43 AM
in reply to: #668669

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - FULL
I have a different feeling when I get off the treadmill. It always feel like I'm walking faster than I really am. Just a bit of disorientation so I don't think it's anything to worry about. Might just take some time getting use to.

I also tried to breathe both sides when I went swimming on friday and it really tires me out. At one point I swallowed water. Ew. I can swim forever if I just breathe on one side but I don't think I can last very long trying to breathe the other side. How long does it take to train yourself to breathe on both sides?
2007-02-18 11:55 AM
in reply to: #694466

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - FULL
Swimming question : I read that if you are swimming efficiently that you should count between 20 and 22 strokes for a 25 yard pool. Does this sound accurate? I counted today, and I was around 19 or 20. But I am slow as a dog and tired too...comments? Poke?

And I seemed to have picked up the breathing on both sides in a couple weeks too!

2007-02-18 12:07 PM
in reply to: #694501

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - FULL

The Total Immersion book encourages you to use less strokes and glide more between strokes. According to the book, you are doing it the right way. If I remember, the author likes 16-20 stokes for each length.
2007-02-18 8:14 PM
in reply to: #668669

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - FULL
Same as last week for training
5.5 hours of aerobic activity & 2 hours of weightlifting = 7.5 hours (hopefully)

2007-02-18 9:42 PM
in reply to: #668669

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Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - FULL
After today's lifting session, I totaled 6 hours and 21 minutes. Considering I was shooting for 8 hours, I think I set my goals a little bit high. Next weeks goal for me is going to be 7 hours total training.

2007-02-18 9:51 PM
in reply to: #668669

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - FULL
i got in 5 hours 32 minutes this week...short of my planned 7 hours.

this week is only 5 days for me because i will be on a train saturday morning through sunday night (montana-bound!). so i am going to shoot for 4-1/2 hours (3 workouts) this week.
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