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2007-06-08 8:59 AM
in reply to: #800275

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San Diego CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
Ha! That's funny! Just trying to keep up with you! Have a great work out day everyone.

2007-06-08 12:38 PM
in reply to: #800275

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL

The surgery went well yesterday.  They were able to finish pretty quickly, and the surgeon said it looked like everything he removed was limited to the bladder inner surface (had not penetrated).  We're still waiting for lab results on what they removed, but so far it has all been good news.  I plan to rest up and watch movies all weekend with the family...

Thanks for all of your prayers.  I was totally overwhelmed by all of the encouraging emails, calls and cards from everyone.  It gave me a lot of extra comfort knowing that people were praying me through the day. 

I feel bad that I have not kept up on my "mentoring", but plan to be on my laptop alot this weekend while I am resting up.

Good luck to everyone racing this weekend!

Happy training!!


2007-06-08 12:54 PM
in reply to: #836147

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Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
That's awesome news Danny!  Glad to hear you're going to be home and on the road to recovery.  Our prayers are with you!
2007-06-08 12:58 PM
in reply to: #836147

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Corona, California
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL

Hey Danny,

I am very happy your surgery was a success. That has to be such a relief for you and your family. Rest up!!!

2007-06-08 1:20 PM
in reply to: #800275

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New user

Los Alamos, NM
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL

Thats great news. Hope the lab results come back good also. I am glad you will be able to check things out on the laptop, but remember first things first with your family. We mentees will be okay.


2007-06-08 7:56 PM
in reply to: #800275

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San Diego CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
Good news, Danny! Relax and enjoy a restful weekend. Have you seen "Facing the Giants?" It's a football movie, but it is awesome! Had to pause a few times so my husband could compose himself (he is a very emotional movie watcher). It's a great family flik. So glad all is going well.

2007-06-11 10:56 PM
in reply to: #800275

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Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
I'm glad to hear you came through with some good news, Danny. Our thoughts are with you - good recovery to you!

2007-06-12 12:22 AM
in reply to: #800275

Huntington Beach, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
Hi Group,

I know I've been a bit absent here lately and after all the wonderful support you all gave me I wanted to be in touch and explain my sudden absence. About three weeks ago, actually the same day Danny spoke to his doctor, we found out my Dad (a very young, healthy, active 57 year old and one of my biggest heroes) has a brain tumor. After lots of doctor visits and tests he had surgery two weeks ago.

After many long days (and nights) at the hospital, he’s home and we’re seeing daily improvements but it's obviously been and continues to be a huge emotional rollercoaster. He seems to have come through surgery extremely well but we certainly weren't prepared for what all recovery has, and will, entail. With impending Radiation and Chemo-therapies our schedules and many other things are up in the air.

After coming off such a great high from my first triathlon (two days before the diagnosis) my training has ceased to exist. I’m looking to do another sprint in September, and there has been talk of a ½ marathon (which would be my first) in August but right now it's hard to find the time and the motivation.

We are surrounded by tons of positive thoughts and prayers, close friends and we are blessed with an extremely close family. I've also been doing a lot of praying about cancer and Danny please know that even though I haven’t been in touch, you and your family have been VERY present. Also, although my time has been spent away from BT I wanted to let you all know that I enjoy logging in and seeing your progress and new challenges. My best wishes on all of your upcoming challenges and I hope to be logging in with more frequency and participation.

Again, thank you all for your past support and I look forward to being more and more involved as timing allows and I will definitely need your support as I recommit to training.

All my best,
2007-06-12 12:27 PM
in reply to: #840138

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Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
Oh, Nikki, I'm so sorry. My thoughts are with you and your family. It's a terrible rollercoaster ride, I know. I'm hoping for all the best for you,

2007-06-12 2:14 PM
in reply to: #800275

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Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
Praying for your family Nikki!
2007-06-12 4:13 PM
in reply to: #800275

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San Diego CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
I'm so sorry, Nikki, add my prayers, too.

2007-06-14 3:32 PM
in reply to: #800275

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San Diego CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
Helllloooooooo? Anyone out there? Hadn't seen any posts in a few days. How's everyone doing? Who is racing this weekend or next? I've got the San Diego International coming up on the 24th of June. Big,gross root canal laid me up for a few days this week - bummer! Back on the bike today!
2007-06-14 4:07 PM
in reply to: #800275

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL

I got some good news from the doctor regarding the bladder cancer.  My lab results (from the bladder tumors they removed) indicated that it was malignant, but it was a low level of aggression form of cells, and it was of the very slow growing, non-invasive type.  As a result they think they got all of it, and it has not spread.
No chemo, just re-check every 3 months to monitor.
I'm pretty happy about the prognosis.  Of course, I'll remain a little guarded about this and want to watch it closely, but things are looking pretty good for now.
Thanks for the prayers.  It has really been helping.

The doctor said I could start slowly exercising again this weekend and see how it all feels.  I have to convince Marcy (wife) that I'm not pushing it....
I'm in the process of trying to strategize my return to the race circuit.  I don't think I have lost that much ground in the last month but feel like I am starting over...

I'm bummed I'll miss IM CDA, but there are other races... 

2007-06-14 6:10 PM
in reply to: #800275

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Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
Great news, Danny. I'm so glad. Take it easy coming back - you'll get there in time. Have you chosen a "come-back" race yet?


I'm looking at a root canal later this summer, I suspect. I lost a crown a couple of weeks ago and I'm not too impressed with the way the temporary replacement is feeling. Not looking forward to it. I hope your return goes well, too. I'm starting back from my taper this week, so not too much heavy work. I'm not cycling for a week or two to give my tendonitis (elbows) some time to recover, although I'm not so happy with that situation, either. I really miss my bike! It looks so lonely standing against the wall in the garage, collecting dust. Maybe I'll try to make an OWS tomorrow evening with my tri club to make up for it. My next race is a 10k (gulp!) on July 21 - my sisters and I are doing a charity relay (kayak-bike-run) and I got the short straw.

Happy training everyone!
2007-06-14 6:27 PM
in reply to: #845068

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL

I haven't decided on a race yet.  There are some in August I'm considering.  It will depend on how everything feels the next week or so, as I start exercising again.  I'm still a little sore and don't want to overdo it.

Congratulations on your race !!!  I just read your race report.  Sounds like you had a pretty good day, and raced a good pace.  It's a funny thing about forgetting to start/stop watches and bike computers...sometimes when our heart rate is up, we don't think very well!  Sounds like a had a good time though!  Way to go!

2007-06-14 6:28 PM
in reply to: #844873

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL

ccessex - 2007-06-14 1:32 PM Helllloooooooo? Anyone out there? Hadn't seen any posts in a few days. How's everyone doing? Who is racing this weekend or next? I've got the San Diego International coming up on the 24th of June. Big,gross root canal laid me up for a few days this week - bummer! Back on the bike today!

Carol, sorry to hear about the root canal - dental work is never any fun

Are you ready for the SDIT ?? 

2007-06-14 6:31 PM
in reply to: #800275

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San Diego CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
Danny, such awesome news! Sorry you have to miss your planned race next week. Have you picked out another?

Hey, Trish, you know what the bummer is (besides my head pounding)? I had to pay a jillion dollars (seemed like it anyways) for a permanent crown last week, then this week they drilled right through the sucker for a root canal (to the tune of a half jillion dollars!). Just doesn't seem right. I've had other stuff like this that didn't hurt at all, so I hope yours goes as well as those. When you said you got the short end of the stick did you mean the 10K run? My stick is a little short in that area too! Sounds like a ball with the kayak in there, though.

Anyone doing the Nytro Moonlight Beach OWS on Saturday morning at 9:00 this weekend?
2007-06-14 6:31 PM
in reply to: #840138

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL

blondnik - 2007-06-11 10:22 PM Hi Group, I know I've been a bit absent here lately and after all the wonderful support you all gave me I wanted to be in touch and explain my sudden absence. About three weeks ago, actually the same day Danny spoke to his doctor, we found out my Dad (a very young, healthy, active 57 year old and one of my biggest heroes) has a brain tumor. After lots of doctor visits and tests he had surgery two weeks ago. After many long days (and nights) at the hospital, he’s home and we’re seeing daily improvements but it's obviously been and continues to be a huge emotional rollercoaster. He seems to have come through surgery extremely well but we certainly weren't prepared for what all recovery has, and will, entail. With impending Radiation and Chemo-therapies our schedules and many other things are up in the air. After coming off such a great high from my first triathlon (two days before the diagnosis) my training has ceased to exist. I’m looking to do another sprint in September, and there has been talk of a ½ marathon (which would be my first) in August but right now it's hard to find the time and the motivation. We are surrounded by tons of positive thoughts and prayers, close friends and we are blessed with an extremely close family. I've also been doing a lot of praying about cancer and Danny please know that even though I haven’t been in touch, you and your family have been VERY present. Also, although my time has been spent away from BT I wanted to let you all know that I enjoy logging in and seeing your progress and new challenges. My best wishes on all of your upcoming challenges and I hope to be logging in with more frequency and participation. Again, thank you all for your past support and I look forward to being more and more involved as timing allows and I will definitely need your support as I recommit to training. All my best, Nikki

Hi Nikki,

I hope your Dad is doing well.  Please let him know that we are all pulling for him and lifting him up in prayer.  please let us know if there are any specific prayer requests or any little thing we can do to help.


2007-06-14 6:39 PM
in reply to: #800275

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL

When you guys get a chance, check out Cortney's training log:

She has been really putting in alot of great training time. Stop by and give her some good support!

2007-06-14 7:06 PM
in reply to: #845091

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San Diego CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
Danny, I was riding up a big hill today thinking "okay, just look for the brown house on the corner and you're almost there...." just like that big hill in Point Loma Riding the actual course was so great. Do you ever know if you are really ready for a new distance? I would like to think I am, but then I start wondering... BUT back to the positive thinking! I lost a few days of training this week. Should I just push it hard through the end of the week ( I have a 10K run, more bike and a long swim planned), then taper next week? What's your suggestion on tapering?

Again, I'm so glad that you are well! Prayer is so awesome!
2007-06-14 7:15 PM
in reply to: #807341

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: Hydration

NoSit - 2007-05-18 1:54 PM Do you carry a bottle when you're running, or just make sure you pick up something at the aid stations? I think there are two on the run course at my first sprint. That might be enough. I have tendonitis in my elbows and can't carry anything for the timebeing - just holding my arms up makes my arms sore when running. Maybe I should look at a camelback ... I'll try the gum first, though, but I have a huge aversion to spitting, so don't know what I'll do when I'm done with it! Thanks Trish

You could try:

- a racebelt with a small pouch and carry some Thirstquench gum. You could have ziploc bag in there to put your used gum in when done with it.

- there are alot of different water systems (belts with different configurations for bottles).
you could have a bottle with just a enough in it to wet your mouth and would not be too heavy.

- make one of your sisters run next to you and carry your water bottle

I think I would consider some other options before going to the camelback


2007-06-14 7:16 PM
in reply to: #800275

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL

Has anyone checked out MUTRIs race report?  Josh must be part fish, he swam so fast.
He swam a 1:16/100yd pace.  The elite swimmers average about 1:10 (at least on the long course).

I think he was serious when he said he wanted to get on the podium soon! 

2007-06-14 7:21 PM
in reply to: #807586

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - OPEN

Ronn - 2007-05-18 6:23 PM Wow, thanks for the great links! A wealth of info so close to home! I'll post my shoe selection after purchase. Thanks again Danny.


Hi Ronn,

How's the training going?  Did you pick up those new shoes?? 


2007-06-14 7:37 PM
in reply to: #845104

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL

ccessex - 2007-06-14 5:06 PM Danny, I was riding up a big hill today thinking "okay, just look for the brown house on the corner and you're almost there...." just like that big hill in Point Loma Riding the actual course was so great. Do you ever know if you are really ready for a new distance? I would like to think I am, but then I start wondering... BUT back to the positive thinking! I lost a few days of training this week. Should I just push it hard through the end of the week ( I have a 10K run, more bike and a long swim planned), then taper next week? What's your suggestion on tapering? Again, I'm so glad that you are well! Prayer is so awesome! Carol

Hi Carol,

There is some stuff earlier in this thread about tapering that might be useful.
For you, I would say your last hard bike workout should be next Wed (20th) at the latest.
You might try a smallbike/run brick workout on Thursday, but I would definitely be winding down for the Sunday race.  Short/moderate swims, versy brief bike rides, 1 mile or less easy run, amd light stretching are all candidates for Friday/Sat (not all of them, just whichever appeal to you).  You just want o get a little bit of blood into the muscles and then shut it down.  be sure to get a lot of rest next week.  Remember about all teh different landsmarks we discussed to use for pacing!  Feel free to ring me up if you have more questions!!


PS - Tell your gang I said Thank You for all of the prayers! 

2007-06-15 1:28 PM
in reply to: #841291

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL

bubba76819 - 2007-06-14 10:25 PM

Replying to a message by dhyte on 2007-06-14

You have been racking up a ton of workouts! Excellent job!!
Are you following a training plan for the July 8th race??

Hey Danny,

Great news BTW! Awesome news!

I was kind of following an Advanced Sprint or Maybe it was a n Olympic plan... but really just for volume. I don't follow the prescribed workouts as they don't really match my schedule. I just try to get good volume in, mixing it up, keeping a decent balance. I try to focus on running one week, then cycling... and kind of rotate through. I like to mix in some bricks too.

For Carlsbad I think I'll be fine as the distances are all relatively short compared to my training distances. Any suggestions for 3-4 weeks out where we are now?

You're definitely in the fine tuning mode. You have a monster base/build for the season already.

As you know, your training progression is base, build, race specific peak training, and then taper.

The race is July 8th (3 weeks) and its a sprint. based on that I would suggest:

- spend the next 2 weeks doing shorter, more intense workouts (until July 1st).

- taper from 7/2 through 7/7 (raceday the 8th).

Your biking is outstanding. I would focus on OWS (I know you are already doing this) and your run. I need to know what you goal times are for each event to be more specific. But I think some track work running your goal pace is in order (during the next 2 weeks). Some of that could be combined with biking in order to get a short but intense brick workout in.

You have been racking up huge miles/hours. Your biggest challenge may be reigning it in during that last week during the taper.

Fine tune the nutrition and transition plan....need any input there?


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