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2007-05-20 9:02 AM
in reply to: #808191

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

kp41 - 2007-05-19 8:07 PM Hi all, I have my first triathlon under my belt. Overall was a great experience but................I need alot of work. Check out my race report.

Kevin, congratulations on performing so well in your first triathlon.  You did AWESOME.  I put a few comments on your race report, and thank you for writing one.  I want to strongly encourage everyone to write a detailed race report soon after you finish any race.  They're great tools to learn from.

2007-05-20 9:07 AM
in reply to: #808353

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

kevdia - 2007-05-20 8:07 AM After reading the last few pages, I have been convinced to get a hr monitior for my training. Hopefully it will allow me to train better and smarter for my upcoming races.

Great!  I really think an HRM is one of the best investment a triathlete can make.

As far as other gear goes, I've ordered a few things from TriSports , and have been happy.  You should also check out BT's gear forum and Ebay of course for some good used gear.

2007-05-20 9:30 AM
in reply to: #801094

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New user
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
When it comes to wetsuits, fit is everything. My personal suggestion would be to avoid purchasing it online, unless you go to a retailer and try it on first. I tried on somewhere in the range of 10 suits, all of the same size and only one fit the way I wanted. In my opinion, whenever I can have an expert helping me out, I'm game. Then again, not everyone has a Mission Bay Multisport. But
2007-05-20 9:34 AM
in reply to: #808241

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

phoenixrising404 - 2007-05-19 9:37 PM Okay, last post of the day, promise! Just did the bike lactate threshold test, too. That was 160, so it puts me at 142 for a high F2. My HR monitor is water resistant, but I don't think it was designed to go in the just how important is it to do the swim lactate threshold??? I mean, when you are out in the water, it's not like you are gonna be checking your watch every few yards. You just get in there and finish. And I really do think I stop for breathers way too much in the pool as it is! I'm not a fast swimmer, even with flippers! I'd have to see if the head swim dude at the Y would have one I could borrow that is meant for the water, I suppose....if you think it is that important?

Pene, I'm glad you did a LT test for the bike too. You see how important it was to do both the bike and run tests b/c the your LTHR values were quite different for both. Good job.

I've never done a LTHR for swimming as I don't where my HRM in the pool. Since I'd still pretty much consider myself a beginner swimmer, I tend to worry more about building technique and endurance before I worry about speed or pacing.

So, Fearless Leader, what's the next assignment/challenge???

There is much more fun stuff to learn and practice. After my ride today, I'll try to post some more info on periodization and how to plan your race season by prioritizing races.

What I'd really like each of you to do is pick 1 or 2 races as your "A" races. These are your highest priority races and ones in which we will design a training program around. Obviously, if you're training for your first race, then this will your A race. If you have multiple races you're planning on doing this summer or fall, please pick the 1 or 2 most important and label them as "A", the next few important ones as "B", and the races just for fun as "C".

When you get a chance, please post this list of races, their dates, and your assigned priority, even if it's a list of one!

One more note: I'm really glad some of you are getting excited by and finding inspiration by our group. That is EXACTLY my hope. However, we are posting a lot of information here and it can get overwhelming (even for me!). None of us are full time triathletes, so please don't get bogged down reading any of this. Triathlon is an art and science, but it should be FUN first and foremost!

On that note, I'm going for a ride!


Edited by dgillen 2007-05-20 9:35 AM
2007-05-20 10:34 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Yeah, I wish I had tried several different wetsuit places. I got mine in February at the bike shop and was so delighted that I could squeeze one on, and they had it on sale, so I got it. It's choky around the neck. But the other women at the OWS were saying basically the same thing. Mine is a sleeveless Xterra. An ironman friend has the same thing, so I sort of went with that. Figured all the arm movement I can get would be useful, but it was very cold in the water without sleeves. I suppose I'll go with another suit in a year or two.

I looked at cyclingforums and read some of those posts. Holy cow, those guys are hard core! They all have power meters and know which category they are in for time trials and criteriums and talk about TSS vs. speed, etc. I don't even know what TSS is. But apparently only the Ergomo measures it while you are pedaling. The other PMs measure it after your workout. And there is something called an ibike that is about $399, but who knows if it measures power adequately. And there's a German PM, but their website doesn't even list the price. Which always makes a person nervous. A bit overwhelming, but interesting.

David, I was a good girl today and did a boxing/plyometric on the minitramp warmup of 40 minutes and then a brick--run 15 min, bike 15 min, run 30 min, bike 30 min. My mileage is pitiful, but it was all in all 2 hours 10 minutes of aerobic conditioning to build my engine up from a 40 year old rusted pick up truck to a Porsche!!! (in my dreams!) Hope to do a swim at the Y later today. Not a complete tri, but close enough for me! My mountain bike on the minoura trainer really pedals HARD compared to my Trek E5! Guess that's good, though. The trek doesn't fit on that kind of trainer.
2007-05-20 10:38 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

 Here is my tentative race schedule (or at least some that I am considering).  I know that they are not all probably possible but I will see what my body says.  If I have to miss anything it would be the HH100 or at least cut it short.  The friend I am going to ride it with is pretty slow so that should help.  Plus I road in the MS150 and felt fine after both days and I had not trained much to that point.

 May 28th - CapTexTri "First Tri" - 400m 10K 5K - "C" - I need the OW pratice

June 10th - Metroplex Sprint Tri - 800m 27K 5K - "B" - This was suppose to be warm up to oly but after first practice OWS I decided to to CapTex

July 15th - Ironhead Dallas Tri - 1500m 42K 10K - "A" - Currently doing the Swim based 20 week oly plan from BT.  I wil be starting week 13 tomorrow.

Aug 25th - Hotter 'n Hell 100 bike rally - Would love to try but have to decide if it is in my best interest.  It really depends how my oly goes and if I decide to go for the Praireman.

Sept 9th - Praireman Long Course - 1.2 mile 56 mile 13.1 - Would realistically be my "A" race but I did not want to commit to the training not knowing how the swim will turn out.  If I do good in my A, B an C races I will try and come up with a 6 or 7 week plan to finish a HIM.  I can definately do the distances wether or not I can do them together.  Goal would mainly be to finish probably 6 hours or so.

Sept 15th - Roadkill 5K (naked 5K) - If I do the HIM I might be too so to do this but I want to try one "Naked" run someday.

Nov 10th - Rockledge Rumble 50K - This would be my 2nd 50K and would have 2 months after HIM to get ready.  I would have plenty of cardio but would need to get used to the pounding of running.  Luckily the race is a trail run so alot less pounding.

Well, today is a short run, only 40minutes.  This is the last day of my recovery week and I have to step it up for the next two months and improve my diet.

2007-05-20 10:55 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Kproudfoot, makes me tired just reading your race schedule!

Mine would be:

June 10 first sprint tri outdoors--A

July 4 smaller outdoor sprint tri--C

July 30--Bix 7 Davenport--B (I think of it as a milestone race)

August 9 and August 30 Aquathons in Madison (1000 y swim and 5K)--A because I want to keep up with increasing yardage in the open water swims!

September 2--Century Ride--B (might just do the 40 miles that day, not sure yet)

September 23--Quad cities Half marathon--B (because I really want to do the next one!)

October 28--Grand rapids, Michigan, Full Marathon--A (unless somewhere in this training I realize I can't do 26 and then the Half will become my priority and I'll just sort of walk most of the marathon and enjoy the fall leaves, the pasta feed after and most importantly, the MEDAL that you get just for finishing. But then, you get a medal for finishing a Half, too. And their t-shirts are supposed to be really cool! And the organizers of the race are HILARIOUS, so that's why I chose that one!!)

All that with the long term goals of: High Cliff Half IM (which Miler is doing this year in June) NEXT year,

and September 2008 IM Madison (which he's also doing this year, and that is really just TOO cool as I'll get so much info this way!!) Plus, if a really in shape fellow like Miler has any difficulty with these, then I'll just know to wait longer to attempt them. I'm not totally stupid and realize it might take me longer than I originally hoped!
2007-05-20 10:58 AM
in reply to: #808442

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
phoenixrising404 - 2007-05-20 10:55 AM Kproudfoot, makes me tired just reading your race schedule! Mine would be: June 10 first sprint tri outdoors--A July 4 smaller outdoor sprint tri--C July 30--Bix 7 Davenport--B (I think of it as a milestone race) August 9 and August 30 Aquathons in Madison (1000 y swim and 5K)--A because I want to keep up with increasing yardage in the open water swims! September 2--Century Ride--B (might just do the 40 miles that day, not sure yet) September 23--Quad cities Half marathon--B (because I really want to do the next one!) October 28--Grand rapids, Michigan, Full Marathon--A (unless somewhere in this training I realize I can't do 26 and then the Half will become my priority and I'll just sort of walk most of the marathon and enjoy the fall leaves, the pasta feed after and most importantly, the MEDAL that you get just for finishing. But then, you get a medal for finishing a Half, too. And their t-shirts are supposed to be really cool! And the organizers of the race are HILARIOUS, so that's why I chose that one!!) All that with the long term goals of: High Cliff Half IM (which Miler is doing this year in June) NEXT year, and September 2008 IM Madison (which he's also doing this year, and that is really just TOO cool as I'll get so much info this way!!) Plus, if a really in shape fellow like Miler has any difficulty with these, then I'll just know to wait longer to attempt them. I'm not totally stupid and realize it might take me longer than I originally hoped!
I don't know yours looks pretty ambitious too, plus I don't have and IM anywhere in the near future.
2007-05-20 11:26 AM
in reply to: #801094

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I did a mini-tri today and had a lot of fun doing it (check out my training log for details), but also learned some valuable lessons. Here are my races for the year:

Priority A: Cologne Classic 70.3 - 02 Sep 07

Priority B: Holten European Cup - Oly - 07 Jul 07

Priority C: Amsterdam Marathon - 17 Oct 07

I'll have more to post tomorrow, I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Edited by Timo 2007-05-20 1:28 PM
2007-05-20 12:03 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Timo--if that's a MINI tri, I'd HATE to see a full tri!! Holy cow, those are Oly plus distances. I'm concerned about your knee and ankle. Now, I'm no expert, but I think you need to look at your bike fit as your knee is concerned. It's worth it to have some eval that and fix it for you now. And, as far as the ankle goes--I took a Chi Running seminar awhile back and that is not a bad way to go. Now that I'm running slower, I'm paying more attention to run form, which is EVERYTHING, I'm told! The Chi people swear that if you apply their principles to the run, you won't have any injuries. Worth checking out, perhaps??? ChiRunning and Total Immersion swimming are supposed to work hand in hand with eachother. I don't have any TI people closer than Milwaukee or Minneapolis, so I went with local teachers one on one and I think my form with the swim is adequate. I just lack conditioning to hold it without needing breathers.

My tri team just purchased a swim cam so they will have it at the Y and make sure everyone gets filmed at least once a year to eval form. Pretty cool little group! I have a running club and a bike (velo) club in LaCrosse, too. I count my blessings with all the wonderful mentors I've encountered so far in this journey. We won't even discuss the many guys I dated/flirted with that were multi-marathon dudes, ironman dudes, or just plain bike dudes. After awhile, I realized I was attracted to their athleticism, so I quit chasing them and decided to BE an athlete! I learned a ton from them, though! One of them messengered me today and told me he thinks he has a stress fracture--it's no wonder, the guy has done 9 marathons all over the world including Antartica this spring and he's just 26! He runs about 40-50 miles a week and does duathlons, too. Time to slow down and smell the coffee, me thinks. I won't get THAT obsessed!

Timo, just another quick Q--what do you mean in your log about "leaded" soda's??? That just sounds scary. (and I'm a bit of a conspiracy theorist/rebel, so spill it!)
2007-05-20 1:27 PM
in reply to: #808490

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Hi Pene

My L Ankle is tendonitis and I've had that problem since before my marathon, but I am definately going to readress the issue and get some physical therapy. My R knee is worrysome and so I am going to get it checked out by the Doc tomorrow. I had the same problem a few weeks ago with my MTB and now with my new bike. I never had the problem w/the MTB before my marathon and so I think I will probably need physical therapy with that as well. Good for me the Dutch are great with that sort of thing and I should be able to get in fairly soon. I am also planning on checking out the site you sent out about bike fit.

"Leaded" sodas are those that don't have the word Diet in front of them. I have a real problem with Dr. Pepper, Coke, and sometimes Mt Dew. I am also completely addicted to Reces Peanut Butter Cups and Ice Cream. Needless to say, my diet sucks and I refuse to wear my brand new tri suit out in public until I lose at least 10 pounds.

2007-05-20 1:32 PM
in reply to: #801094

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I did my first "brick" with my neighbor this morning..... 20 mile bike in 1 hour 15 min, 2 mile run in about marshmallow legs...Felt good overall though.My first race is a 15 mile bike with 5k run....we will see how it is with a 1/2 mile swim before.
2007-05-20 6:09 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Curses! Went to swim at the Y and they were having log rolling contests with kids in the pool! Who knew??? So, had to do weights instead. Not gonna waste the hour trip in for nothing.

Also picked up another bottle of my Secret Weapon--Udo's Choice! Here's a list of ingredients: organic flax seed oil, organic sunflower oil, organic sesame seed oil, organic evening primrose oil, unrefined DHA algae oil, organic coconut oil, rice germ and bran oil, soy lecithin, rosemary extract, organic oat germ. Full of DHA, ALA, EPA (omega-3's), GLA (omega-6) and omega-9 oils! The Danish studied it with their athletes and it increased their performance immensely! I do believe it helps with mine, too, since I started using it (one bottle down so far). I take fish oil with CoQ10 as well. Not fun to take taste wise, but I find myself going back home for it if I forgot in the morning. I like it that well.

Tomorrow I have a seminar at UW-LaCrosse on Periodization, plyometrics and running drills and creating your own endurance training plan. It's free, and I actually have a babysitter lined up (crossing fingers that something doesn't go wrong at last minute!). The timing with David's mentoring is amazing!!! Will fill you all in for sure

Kevdia--good brick! I'm continually amazed at everyone's speed! Well, someone has to make the others look good, and that will apparently be ME!!
2007-05-20 6:27 PM
in reply to: #808426

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
kproudfoot - 2007-05-20 10:38 AM

Here is my tentative race schedule (or at least some that I am considering). I know that they are not all probably possible but I will see what my body says. If I have to miss anything it would be the HH100 or at least cut it short. The friend I am going to ride it with is pretty slow so that should help. Plus I road in the MS150 and felt fine after both days and I had not trained much to that point.

May 28th - CapTexTri "First Tri" - 400m 10K 5K - "C" - I need the OW pratice

June 10th - Metroplex Sprint Tri - 800m 27K 5K - "B" - This was suppose to be warm up to oly but after first practice OWS I decided to to CapTex

July 15th - Ironhead Dallas Tri - 1500m 42K 10K - "A" - Currently doing the Swim based 20 week oly plan from BT. I wil be starting week 13 tomorrow.

Aug 25th - Hotter 'n Hell 100 bike rally - Would love to try but have to decide if it is in my best interest. It really depends how my oly goes and if I decide to go for the Praireman.

Sept 9th - Praireman Long Course - 1.2 mile 56 mile 13.1 - Would realistically be my "A" race but I did not want to commit to the training not knowing how the swim will turn out. If I do good in my A, B an C races I will try and come up with a 6 or 7 week plan to finish a HIM. I can definately do the distances wether or not I can do them together. Goal would mainly be to finish probably 6 hours or so.

Sept 15th - Roadkill 5K (naked 5K) - If I do the HIM I might be too so to do this but I want to try one "Naked" run someday.

Nov 10th - Rockledge Rumble 50K - This would be my 2nd 50K and would have 2 months after HIM to get ready. I would have plenty of cardio but would need to get used to the pounding of running. Luckily the race is a trail run so alot less pounding.

Well, today is a short run, only 40minutes. This is the last day of my recovery week and I have to step it up for the next two months and improve my diet.

 Ken, your race schedule looks pretty good and it sounds like you're already following a training program that will probably having you "peaking and tapering" for your A race.  This is ideal!

However, if you do well at CapTex and the Metroplex sprint (especially the swim), and you decide you want to go for Praireman AND make it an A race.  At that time, I might suggest you abandon your OLY plan, and restructure your training to be optimal for a HIM distance race instead of an OLY.  If you didn't want to peak for Praireman, then you could still do it, but your performance just might not be as good as if you would have followed a HIM plan.

FYI, I'll either be doing the Disco OLY on July 9th or the Ironhead OLY.  Also, I've done the Rumble 15K the last 2 years and that race is a blast.  The 50K will be tough as the the NW portion of the Northshore trail is tough!


2007-05-20 6:38 PM
in reply to: #808442

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

phoenixrising404 - 2007-05-20 10:55 AM Kproudfoot, makes me tired just reading your race schedule! Mine would be: June 10 first sprint tri outdoors--A July 4 smaller outdoor sprint tri--C July 30--Bix 7 Davenport--B (I think of it as a milestone race) August 9 and August 30 Aquathons in Madison (1000 y swim and 5K)--A because I want to keep up with increasing yardage in the open water swims! September 2--Century Ride--B (might just do the 40 miles that day, not sure yet) September 23--Quad cities Half marathon--B (because I really want to do the next one!) October 28--Grand rapids, Michigan, Full Marathon--A (unless somewhere in this training I realize I can't do 26 and then the Half will become my priority and I'll just sort of walk most of the marathon and enjoy the fall leaves, the pasta feed after and most importantly, the MEDAL that you get just for finishing. But then, you get a medal for finishing a Half, too. And their t-shirts are supposed to be really cool! And the organizers of the race are HILARIOUS, so that's why I chose that one!!) All that with the long term goals of: High Cliff Half IM (which Miler is doing this year in June) NEXT year, and September 2008 IM Madison (which he's also doing this year, and that is really just TOO cool as I'll get so much info this way!!) Plus, if a really in shape fellow like Miler has any difficulty with these, then I'll just know to wait longer to attempt them. I'm not totally stupid and realize it might take me longer than I originally hoped!

I agree with Ken that your schedule looks pretty aggressive, but that is OK as long as you don't try to peak for every race.  Also, with a schedule such as this don't be discouraged if you have to miss a race b/c you're tired or other scheduling conflicts.

Also, far be it from me to prioritize your races for you, but since you have IM aspirations, I'd prefer you to prioritize your century ride as an A race b/c it would provide a nice base of mileage for your to start building on when your start your HIM and IM training.  Also, the aerobic endurance that you build by training long miles on the bike would definitely benefit you for your Fall marathon.  

However, the more I think about this, a century and a marathon only 8 weeks apart might not be optimal either.  Let's keep talking about your options here.

Also, it might be tough to maintain your peak fitness for the whole month of August so you can perform your best in both Aquathons.  I might choose just one to peak for.

2007-05-20 6:40 PM
in reply to: #808784

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL


Tomorrow I have a seminar at UW-LaCrosse on Periodization, plyometrics and running drills and creating your own endurance training plan.

If you have time, ask them about my concerns about your schedule in my previous post.  

2007-05-20 6:54 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I know it sounds like a lot. But I want to push the distances, mostly to convince myself that I can do them. The thing about me is, I'm not fast, but I do have incredible will power. I already did a Half on my treadmill maybe a month ago just to see if I could do it. It took 3 hours! And my legs cramped from hamstrings to feet at mile 10 so I walked the last 3 miles while listening to a hypnosis tape on pain management that teaches you to numb your muscles by touching them and turn down the pain threshold. It worked. Well enough, anyway. And I did that 4 hour spinathon back in March with almost no real biking experience under my belt save like 2 previous spinning classes and some nights on my trainer. I kept up with all 4 of the Ironpeople there and could have gone another hour, I think. The longer I do stuff, time wise, the better it gets for me. Now I'm doing significant amounts of yardage in the pool, too. The lanes will all be full of masters type swimmers and I'll outlast all of them in there. I'm not a fast sprinter type person. But my life so far has been an incredible endurance journey and I'm very very determined! So, I'm with you that it will be tricky, but I'm not looking to win medals. Just to experience the distances and gain some mental confidence that I can do them!! At least separately. For now. They don't call me Phoenix for nothing you know

2007-05-20 7:20 PM
in reply to: #808803

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
dgillen - 2007-05-20 6:27 PM
kproudfoot - 2007-05-20 10:38 AM

 Ken, your race schedule looks pretty good and it sounds like you're already following a training program that will probably having you "peaking and tapering" for your A race.  This is ideal!

However, if you do well at CapTex and the Metroplex sprint (especially the swim), and you decide you want to go for Praireman AND make it an A race.  At that time, I might suggest you abandon your OLY plan, and restructure your training to be optimal for a HIM distance race instead of an OLY.  If you didn't want to peak for Praireman, then you could still do it, but your performance just might not be as good as if you would have followed a HIM plan.

FYI, I'll either be doing the Disco OLY on July 9th or the Ironhead OLY.  Also, I've done the Rumble 15K the last 2 years and that race is a blast.  The 50K will be tough as the the NW portion of the Northshore trail is tough!


Thanks for the suggestion of switch to the Praireman as my A race.  I have considered that like you said depending how I do in the sprint.  The only thing that has ever concerned me is the swim.  I will get through the bike and run (but it might take awhile).  My only other concern is the training required on most designed plans.  Right now I do 7 workouts over 5 days, which keeps the wife kind of happy.  The plans I ususally see if HIMs are 9 workouts over 6 days so only 1 off day and 3 two-a-days.  I would probably have to do some adjusting of the HIM plans to make it work.  This will probably be my only HIM for a while, I want to stick with sprints and oly's so I am hoping that will help. 

The rumble was a blast last year.  I probably saw you at some point but if you did the 15K probably only before the race started.  I had knee issues the week before (ITB) so the race was pretty grueling.  I agree on the NW portion, it is killer.  You can never really get any speed up.  Too many curves and rocks.  The area around murrel park is a blast though.  I really started training in March or April of last year and think I just wore my knees out.  I am hoping by having a shorter period (2 mos) it will actually help me run more.

2007-05-20 7:39 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Tried to change my avatar, but reducing so small made me look REALLY funny, so we'll try plan B.



102_0436.bp.bmp (94KB - 27 downloads)
102_0379.bp.bmp (95KB - 27 downloads)
2007-05-20 7:49 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Above is Noah after his Duathlon in Appleton. Now I'm gonna show off my bike! And I hope you all send pics now, too


102_0441.bp.bmp (95KB - 20 downloads)
2007-05-20 7:53 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
One more (I hope) of my mountain bike with the third wheel, which if you have little kids, works well til they can pedal their own fast enough to go with you.


102_0438.bp.bmp (95KB - 20 downloads)

2007-05-20 9:09 PM
in reply to: #801094

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Great job on your first tri. Any suggestions/comments for someone preparing for their first. How much did you train prior and was it enough? What would you do differently? I checked out your race log and you did fantastic! Congratulations!!!!!!
2007-05-21 8:43 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Mesquite, Texas
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Good Morning to all!
I can see I need to find time to get on the computer over the weekend to keep up with all the info flying around here....It's great.

My plan as of today is:
July 21- 15k Too Hot to Handle Run
First Tri--August 26th Rockwall Tri-the-Rock.
October 07 Longhorn Sprint
November either The Half or Rockledge Rumble
Maybe the

I have a real dumb question about bike rides. I was searching for some organized rides in my area, which I have found, just a terminology question. It mentions drops. Not sure what it means. There! I have come clean about my biking ingnorance. I feel better now.
2007-05-21 8:52 AM
in reply to: #809368

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
armydad - 2007-05-21 8:43 AM Good Morning to all! I can see I need to find time to get on the computer over the weekend to keep up with all the info flying around here....It's great. My plan as of today is: July 21- 15k Too Hot to Handle Run First Tri--August 26th Rockwall Tri-the-Rock. October 07 Longhorn Sprint November either The Half or Rockledge Rumble Maybe the I have a real dumb question about bike rides. I was searching for some organized rides in my area, which I have found, just a terminology question. It mentions drops. Not sure what it means. There! I have come clean about my biking ingnorance. I feel better now.
Go for the Rumble, I did the 50K last year and it was a blast.  Drop means they will leave you behind if you are not fast enough to keep up.  Some rides will have people ride with the slower riders to make sure they don't get lost.
2007-05-21 9:56 AM
in reply to: #809368

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

armydad - 2007-05-21 8:43 AM Good Morning to all! I can see I need to find time to get on the computer over the weekend to keep up with all the info flying around here....It's great. My plan as of today is: July 21- 15k Too Hot to Handle Run First Tri--August 26th Rockwall Tri-the-Rock. October 07 Longhorn Sprint November either The Half or Rockledge Rumble Maybe the I have a real dumb question about bike rides. I was searching for some organized rides in my area, which I have found, just a terminology question. It mentions drops. Not sure what it means. There! I have come clean about my biking ingnorance. I feel better now.

Dave, your schedule looks pretty good.  I'm assuming your A race is the Rockwall Tri, right?

I agree with Ken on both his points: 1) The Rockledge Rumble is a blast.  I've done the 15K the past 2 years, and it's always one of my favorite races.   Have you done a trail race before?  If not, this is a good first one.  They're more laid back than road races.

2) Ken's explanation of drop is right on.   If you think you might be slower than the group and thus might get dropped, you can still ride with them for as long as you can.  Just be sure you know the rest of the route, or you know how to get back home or to your car.  I've been dropped many of times.  It's a little humbling, but no biggie. 


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