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2007-05-25 3:47 PM
in reply to: #817578

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Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
Sorry all it was to big a file to post. I'll look for another.

2007-05-25 8:13 PM
in reply to: #817294

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Extreme Veteran
Provo, UT (my heart is in Seattle)
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
trymoretri - 2007-05-25 11:59 AM

Drew, what are you going to grad school for?  

I start law school in the fall. 

2007-05-26 11:41 AM
in reply to: #801902

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Pearland, TX
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
Sounds time-consuming.  Good luck!  Staying in Utah, or moving?
2007-05-27 8:22 AM
in reply to: #818111

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Extreme Veteran
Provo, UT (my heart is in Seattle)
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed

trymoretri - 2007-05-26 10:41 AM Sounds time-consuming. Good luck! Staying in Utah, or moving?

 After a long decision process, we decided to stay here at BYU for law school.  Ultimately, we want to head back to the Northwest, where we both grew up.  For the time being, we will remain here.

2007-05-28 8:19 PM
in reply to: #818541

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Crowley, TX
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
I hope everyone had a safe and fun holiday. It rained here just about all weekend long. I was able to get in a couple of runs and a indoor bike session. It feels really good to back in training. Taking a week off was one of the hardest things I've done since I started training, but it was well worth it as I feel nice and refreshed.

Anyone do anything exciting over the weekend? I took a nephew to the Texas-Boston baseball game, and one of the Redsox players threw him a ball between innings. That just made his day, as he is a Redsox fan, and now he has a new favorite player.(Mike Lowell) Other than that, it was pretty boring around the house.

2007-05-29 12:14 PM
in reply to: #801902

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
Hello everyone! Did everyone have a nice weekend!????? I got loads of cycling in. Was fanastic because it never rained once! WOHOO!

Saturday I cycled to a Brewery with some British and American friends. We had lunch (and a beer..hehe) did a small tour of the brewery afterwards then cycled back to our cars. Total blast! Can't wait to do it again.

Got my times from my last Tri as well as pictures (God I look AWFUL!)

Biked again yesterday. It's going to be HOT here this week so I might even get into the lake. Tonight I have to bike home from work as the brakes went out on my truck this weekend - they are now repaired thanks to hubby - so I had my bosses Jeep all weekend and brought it and my bike back this morning. Should be a lovely ride home as it's going to be 80 and because I noticed this morning that the bike lanes had all gotten a lovely new paint job.

What did everyone else get up to?

Edited by ScotinSeattle 2007-05-29 12:15 PM

2007-05-29 9:18 PM
in reply to: #820573

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Extreme Veteran
Provo, UT (my heart is in Seattle)
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed

ScotinSeattle - 2007-05-29 11:14 AM Hello everyone! Did everyone have a nice weekend!????? I got loads of cycling in. Was fanastic because it never rained once! WOHOO! Saturday I cycled to a Brewery with some British and American friends. We had lunch (and a beer..hehe) did a small tour of the brewery afterwards then cycled back to our cars. Total blast! Can't wait to do it again. Got my times from my last Tri as well as pictures (God I look AWFUL!) Biked again yesterday. It's going to be HOT here this week so I might even get into the lake. Tonight I have to bike home from work as the brakes went out on my truck this weekend - they are now repaired thanks to hubby - so I had my bosses Jeep all weekend and brought it and my bike back this morning. Should be a lovely ride home as it's going to be 80 and because I noticed this morning that the bike lanes had all gotten a lovely new paint job. What did everyone else get up to?

So was it the old Ranier Brewery?  Which one did you end up at?

 As for me, Saturday was an awesome hike with my wife, Sunday was a Korean memorial day feast complete with karaoke (half of my in-laws are Korean), and Monday was a full day of work Yell.  It was an enjoyable weekend for the most part though.

2007-05-30 9:57 AM
in reply to: #821493

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
We ended up at the Redhook Brewery in Woodinville. Lovely, lovely place. Good burgers too.

I love Karaoke!!!
2007-05-30 10:04 AM
in reply to: #822014

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Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
All this training is giving me the itch to "Officially" become a triathlete. So I signed up for a Sprint Race up in Green Bay on June 10th. It's a month before my planned first race. I've heard it's a fun race and not to crowded. I'm feeling like I can do it. So I figured what the heck, let's see where I'm at in my training.
2007-05-30 10:44 AM
in reply to: #801902

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
Way to go Mike. You'll be completely hooked now! I know I was Have great fun doing it. Can't wait to read the report on it.
2007-05-30 12:17 PM
in reply to: #801902

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Crowley, TX
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
Way to go Mike. Just looking at your logs I would think you are ready to take the plunge. Good luck.

2007-05-30 2:08 PM
in reply to: #801902

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
Looking at my log today and seeing the calculations my running is really sucky! Eek! Must change that. It's going to be very, very hot this week and I do need new running shoes. I'm so good at excuses aren't I?

I've also put my bike in for a wee brake and gear tune up. Plus the tape on the handlebars has already come off so that's gone in for a service. Perfect time for running I guess. Sigh. If I must.

Oh AND! I just upgraded my membership! WOHOO!
2007-05-30 3:34 PM
in reply to: #801902

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Crowley, TX
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
I am with you about running. I usually can find an excuse not to run and ride the bike instead, but with all the rain we have had recently, I have forced myself to run more. Can't wait to get back on the bike though.

2007-05-30 4:11 PM
in reply to: #801902

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
I hate to rub it in but it's going to be in the 80's all week here.
2007-05-30 6:42 PM
in reply to: #822014

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Extreme Veteran
Provo, UT (my heart is in Seattle)
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed

ScotinSeattle - 2007-05-30 8:57 AM We ended up at the Redhook Brewery in Woodinville. Lovely, lovely place. Good burgers too. I love Karaoke!!!

I grew up about 10 minutes away from Woodinville in Snohomish.  I know exactly where you were.  That's such an awesome place for a ride!

2007-05-30 9:17 PM
in reply to: #822028

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Extreme Veteran
Provo, UT (my heart is in Seattle)
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed

Mike_in_WI - 2007-05-30 9:04 AM All this training is giving me the itch to "Officially" become a triathlete. So I signed up for a Sprint Race up in Green Bay on June 10th. It's a month before my planned first race. I've heard it's a fun race and not to crowded. I'm feeling like I can do it. So I figured what the heck, let's see where I'm at in my training.

That's great Mike!  You'll do great.  From your logs, it looks like you're ready to compete in a tri.  You better be careful though, competing may cause an addiction to racing these things!

2007-05-30 9:20 PM
in reply to: #801902

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Extreme Veteran
Provo, UT (my heart is in Seattle)
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
Lynne and Derek, I don't want to hear any of this not liking to run crap!  We all love to run, right?  right?  Ok, maybe not.   I understand how it can be drudgery at times.  Sometimes I really don't want to head out for a run, but for me, it just takes a few miles of running to forget that feeling and focus on how good it feels to run and relax after completing it.
2007-05-30 10:02 PM
in reply to: #823369

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Crowley, TX
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
Actually, I shouldn't say I don't like running; I should say it is much more painful than it was 10-13 years ago. I ran 2 marathons back in 96-97, when I was about 15 pounds lighter. I wish for those days, but aging is not a blessed thing. My best time is 3:41, and I would like to challenge that time this fall, I just know it will be a bigger challenge than it was when I was 30.

If I keep running as much as I have in the past week, I may start love running again, but it will never compete with the thrill I get from cycling.

2007-05-31 10:58 AM
in reply to: #823369

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
Drewwhite - 2007-05-30 7:20 PM

Lynne and Derek, I don't want to hear any of this not liking to run crap! We all love to run, right? right? Ok, maybe not. I understand how it can be drudgery at times. Sometimes I really don't want to head out for a run, but for me, it just takes a few miles of running to forget that feeling and focus on how good it feels to run and relax after completing it.

Ok. I promise I won't complain about it. Much. I ran last night, probably just over a mile with my dog. It did feel good afterwards. I just have to do it more is all.
2007-05-31 3:34 PM
in reply to: #801902

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Pearland, TX
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed

Hi guys,

Sorry I've been out of synch.  I'm in New York all week on business and it's REALLY messed up my training schedule.  The only time I'm really free to exercise is mid-afternoon & it's hot as blazes, so I come up with excuses.  There's no gym in my hotel.  (If I ever forget that I work for the government, I get the painful reminder when I see where they make me stay when I travel!)  I can't wait to get back into my training routines at home.  I miss the kids and hubby, too, but at least I talk to them on the phone each night.  Imagine how lonely my bike is right now!  (I know, I'm a sick person.)  Will try to touch base again soon.  Congrats Mike on taking the plunge!  You'll LOVE it!!  I'm struggling with whether or not to attempt a half iron this year.  I told my husband I'm afraid it would be the equivalent of taking on a heroine habit, though, because I know it could take over my life.  That's the big thing stopping me right now.  My kids are going to need enough therapy just from having me as a Mom, adding a longer distance event might only extend their time on the couch!  Like Lynne, I also upgraded my membership just to download the half iron training program to see if I could do it.  This week hasn't helped that plan, though.



2007-05-31 4:33 PM
in reply to: #801902

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
Hey Jamie! Good to see you around again. The thought of me leaving my bike in the shop till Monday is killing me so I know EXACTLY where you are coming from. I'm sorry you miss your hubby and the kids but you'll be home soon!! In the meantime you have us to annoy you.

2007-05-31 8:45 PM
in reply to: #823415

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Extreme Veteran
Provo, UT (my heart is in Seattle)
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed

tri-golfer - 2007-05-30 9:02 PM Actually, I shouldn't say I don't like running; I should say it is much more painful than it was 10-13 years ago. I ran 2 marathons back in 96-97, when I was about 15 pounds lighter. I wish for those days, but aging is not a blessed thing. My best time is 3:41, and I would like to challenge that time this fall, I just know it will be a bigger challenge than it was when I was 30. If I keep running as much as I have in the past week, I may start love running again, but it will never compete with the thrill I get from cycling.

You know, as much running as I have done, you would think that I would have competed in a marathon road race by now.  I'm really hoping that this September is the year to do it.  I'm not entirely certain that I will be able to do it, because I'll be 3 weeks deep in my first year of law school, but we'll see how things go!  I'm definitely going to train for it. 

2007-05-31 8:49 PM
in reply to: #801902

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Extreme Veteran
Provo, UT (my heart is in Seattle)
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed

I hope everyone had a great month of training in May.  Anyone have any exciting goals for June?

As for me, I hope to build my long run distance up to 16 miles, not reaggravate my calf, and run the Cascade Saddle (a pretty difficult climb that the wife and I hiked last week and will hike this Saturday to do one fine "recon" hike before attempting to run it

2007-06-01 8:12 AM
in reply to: #824910

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Crowley, TX
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
I think you would have no problem doing a marathon. With all that hill work and mountain running you plan on doing. I would think 26.2 on a flat course would just be a walk in the park for you, and if your 3 weeks into law school you could start to taper anyway. Good luck.

2007-06-01 8:18 AM
in reply to: #824915

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Crowley, TX
Subject: RE: Drewwhite's Mentoring Group - Closed
Drewwhite - 2007-05-31 8:49 PM

I hope everyone had a great month of training in May.  Anyone have any exciting goals for June?

For June I will have my first OWS sprint tri, and will be working toward my first Oly distance in July. I may do another Oly distance in August and then I will be working on a HIM in September. In the December I am going to run the White Rock Marathon, and then take a small break and start training for IMCDA in June of 08. I guess that is my plan for the year, hopefully it will all go as planned.

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