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2008-01-10 12:03 PM
in reply to: #1148003

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Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

My period has definitely been messed up lately too and a friend who just turned 40 says the same.  Mine came about 3 days early this time.  (Bill must have left the forum and possibly the country by now after all this! - not *trying* to scare him away!)  I wouldn't mind an oops but not until after my first triathlon!


2008-01-11 5:53 AM
in reply to: #1090041

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Well I'm whining about the hotel fitness center this morning.  I got up even earlier than usual to try to get a long run in, but the fitness center doesn't open until 6!  So now I'm going to be rushed to get my workout in, then get ready (and quit sweating) in time for work.  I'm ready to head home!  Unfortunately, instead I'm heading even further north tomorrow, and don't get to go home until Wednesday.

Hope everyone is having a decent week!


2008-01-11 7:11 AM
in reply to: #1090041

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Cheri,  sorry to hear about your problems with the fitness center.  I never understand why they do that since any of the ones I have ever been in don't have anyone monitoring them anyway.  Good luck getting your workout in and getting ready in time.  Where are you headed next?



2008-01-11 7:17 AM
in reply to: #1090041

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Woohoo!  I LOVE eating more food and losing weight.  I am down 1.1lbs this morning (Friday is my WW weigh in day) - still not to where I want to be but considering my period is finally starting a week late and I am retaining tons of water,  this is definitely good results!

I have not been tracking my points with WW but am still logging my food here and watching calories.  Since I did actually lose weight even eating more food,  I plan to stay in the 1600-1800 calories range with a day here or there where I will probably go a little higher depending on my workout for the next couple of weeks and see how that works for me.   Guess this proves you do have to eat more sometimes in order to lose.

Thanks for all your support and suggestions.  I really appreciate it!


2008-01-11 12:41 PM
in reply to: #1090041

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Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Cheri - you're sticking with it, and that's what counts.  Keep up the good work!

Same to you, Randi, congrats on a loss this week

You guys, *I'm* going to run screaming if you all keep talking about "oopses."  I love my son dearly, but I am ALL SET with one kid.  One and done!   I can't even imagine going back to sleepless nights and diapers now, no way!  And what's worse, I've had evil heartburn for the last two days, which was my ONLY complaint during pregnancy (it started the minute I peed on the stick, and didn't stop until my c-section) and it's freakin' me out.

I slacked on going to the pool this morning, so tomorrow will be at least a swim and a spin, if not also a run (oooh, a whole tri in one day!).  It was pouring buckets this morning when the alarm went off, and I was also having REALLY strange dreams, I just couldn't make myself go to the gym.  It's looking like the End of the World out there again with the rain and it's dark like it's 10 pm - yuck!

2008-01-11 2:01 PM
in reply to: #1150520

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Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Sorry Christine - no more talk about *******!

Have a great workout tomorrow.



2008-01-11 5:12 PM
in reply to: #1150801

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Christine, you know...I had really weird dreams when I was pregnant with each of my boys, mostly during the first month or so.

Just teasing and I can TOTALLY understand being done. I am right there with you.  A friend of ours has boys the same age as ours and they just had their third - not sure if it was an oops or planned. I never asked.    My sister had her first baby in June and I love holding my niece bu talso very glad to hand her back when she gets hungry or fussy.  I also don't miss the late-night feedings, the teething, etc, etc.

Enjoy your "triathlon" tomorrow.  I enjoy doing those sometimes just as a check to see how I am doing with my training.  I probably won't be getting to the gym this weekend since we have so much to do and I would prefer to spend the time with my husband before he leaves on Monday.  I will just pick up on Monday where I left off.  Funny thing, Mike has caught the exercise bug.  The first thing he thought of when he got his hotel information was whether the hotel had a fitness center.  He is thrilled to find out it does and figured he could get 3 workouts in while he was away. 

2008-01-11 9:29 PM
in reply to: #1090041

Sugar Land, TX
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)
Just finished second run of the week.... Yay!

Randi - Congrats on the weight Loss.... Friday is my WW weigh-in day and I lost .6 pounds (but that was good considering... yup you guessed it.... PMS) Hopefully next week will be a double loss.

Would also love an "oops" after the first Tri.... but very unlikely as Hubby and I tried 5 years and 2 failed adoptions before we went the "hi tech" route and were blessed our first try with IUI...
of course my sister in law (who also had trouble conceiving - 6 years for her first) just announced their oops this you Never know)

Hey a thought on the travel and fitness center woes.. I travel a lot in the spring and found a lot of the same problems you are seeing with the fitness center. I bring yoga DVDs and put them on my can usually pick one up at a Walmart or target (or whatever is near you) I know I always have my computer. Also if you have netflix you can do an instant view of several of their exercise programs on the computer.

2008-01-12 6:49 AM
in reply to: #1151611

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

mnb3301 - 2008-01-11 9:29 PM Just finished second run of the week.... Yay! Hey a thought on the travel and fitness center woes.. I travel a lot in the spring and found a lot of the same problems you are seeing with the fitness center. I bring yoga DVDs and put them on my can usually pick one up at a Walmart or target (or whatever is near you) I know I always have my computer. Also if you have netflix you can do an instant view of several of their exercise programs on the computer. Michele

Congrats on the second run -- good going!

And congrats to you guys who are trying to lose weight.  That's a tough job!!!

I like the idea of an exercise DVD, and will follow up on that.  I hadn't thought about Netflix, but that's a great idea.  I get bored using the same workout, but with Netflix I can mix it up.  (So why don't I get bored with the same run day after day?  Go figure...)

We don't meet until later this morning and we fly out this afternoon (this time bound for Iowa), so I plan to get a decent workout in very soon.



2008-01-12 7:34 AM
in reply to: #1090041

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Michele,  great job on your second run this week!  I also had problems getting pregnant with both boys but luckily got pregnant without the medical intervention.  Congrats on your weight loss.  Isn't it funny that  we are all PMS'ing at the same time?  I, too am hoping to have a bigger loss or just as big a loss next week but I won't hold my breath since it seems I never am that lucky.  Honestly, I will just be happy with a loss.  I have 2.4 more to go to get to my goal weight range so I won't have to pay anymore.  I will be very happy when that happens.

Cheri,  another thing you could check out is which I have been using for my yoga, pilates, and stretching but they have workouts for basically every training you could imagine.  It is like a personal trainer tailored to you,  blended with music you select from your mp3 playlists and then downloaded to your mp3 player.  I use it on my Ipod.  It is like taking an exercise class but without having someone else sweating with you.  They have a free 10 day trial period or through the National Body challenge you can get 8 weeks for free   I have a 60 day free trial that came with the purchase of my Polar HRM and I am downloading as many workouts as I can during that time so that I can cancel it before I have to pay for it - think it is about $20 per month, more than I want to spend right now.  I already have about 10 yoga workouts, 5 stretching workouts and 5 pilates workouts.  I also want to check out the other ones they have.  Something else to check out is whether the hotel offers any fitness options to use in your room. I know some Marriott hotels used to have exercise equipment and workout videos to go with it that you call the front desk,  they send it to your room and you return it when you are done.    It has been a  long time since I stayed at a hotel so I am not even sure they do it anymore either.

Cheri,  stay warm in Iowa.

2008-01-13 4:30 PM
in reply to: #1090041

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Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

January Challenge, Week 2:

Randi, Tracy, Cheri & I with 100%, Michele with 86% ! 

WAY TO GO, LADIES!! Seriously, keep up the good work!  Cheri, I'm especially impressed considering all the frustration you've been having with "hotel workouts" - way to stick with it, even in less than ideal conditions!   I'm proud of you all!

I bought Odwalla bars today at the grocery store because I am Sick. To. Death. of Powerbars and Cliff bars and Luna bars.  If these don't help my quick workout-food malaise, I might give up bars for good.  I was chewing on a powerbar of some kind after my spin class yesterday and I came *thisclose* to spitting out a mouthfull of half-chewed yuck.  More real food, less food in "bar" form!

2008-01-13 4:30 PM
in reply to: #1090041

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

January Challenge, Week 2:

Randi, Tracy, Cheri & I with 100%, Michele with 86% ! 

WAY TO GO, LADIES!! Seriously, keep up the good work!  Cheri, I'm especially impressed considering all the frustration you've been having with "hotel workouts" - way to stick with it, even in less than ideal conditions!   I'm proud of you all!

I bought Odwalla bars today at the grocery store because I am Sick. To. Death. of Powerbars and Cliff bars and Luna bars.  If these don't help my quick workout-food malaise, I might give up bars for good.  I was chewing on a powerbar of some kind after my spin class yesterday and I came *thisclose* to spitting out a mouthfull of half-chewed yuck.  More real food, less food in "bar" form!

2008-01-13 9:08 PM
in reply to: #1153250

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)
Congrats to all of us for doing so well on week #2 -- let's keep going!
2008-01-14 6:57 PM
in reply to: #1090041

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Oh my goodness!!! What a day I had today. It all started off not so great since I had another round of insomnia at about 4am when I got up for the bathroom but then could not go back to sleep.  Today is Mike's birthday and since he was leaving today and I was not going to be able to make him dinner, I made him breakfast but that entailed everyone in the house getting breakfast too...not just cereal or whatever they can find for themselves.  I rarely make breakfast during the week but did do it this morning.  After getting everyone off, I headed to the Y for a scheduled 50 minute run. I had a hard time finishing and it ended up being mostly a brisk walk.  My calves are tight and sore now and I am sure all the driving I did today did not help matters.  Read on to find out why I drove almost 150 miles.

We planned for me to pick up the boys early from school to meet Mike at work for lunch.  That meant a 45minute ride to the office- not bad once in a day (I'll get back to that).  We had a wonderful lunch and a quick tour of their new distribution center then some sad good-byes and tears as we left Mike at work.  We headed home and stopped at the supermarket to pick up a few things.  My cell phone rang midway through.  It was Mike on  his way to the airport but having car troubles - minivan was overheating and he was afraid to blow the engine.   Several phone calls back and forth and me quickly finishing shopping with my pesky 7 & 11 year olds wanting everything and anything they could think off - no they did not get it all.  Mike gets off at a rest area, buys some antifreeze and dumps an entire gallon in- van starts to cool off a bit so he starts to head off again...bammm overheating again.  He pulls into a dinky gas station off the highway and calls me to figure out what we can do.  I am not finally home.  We decide he will call a co-worker to pick him up at said gas station and carry on to the airport.  I am to head back out towards his work and then some (an hour or so away) to said gas station to call AAA, wait with the van for the hour it'll take the tow truck to arrive for them and then lead the tow truck back to my local service station near my house about an hour away.  Christine, I was in your neck of the woods I think (the van was at a gas station on Rt 34 North in Colts Neck.)

Anyway, by the time the truck got there, it had started getting dark, was rush hour and starting to rain...nothing like trying to lead a tow truck on a highway in heavy traffic.  It was a bit stressful.  Thank goodness for cell phones.  I finally made it home about 3 hours after I left.   Thank goodness I was able to leave the boys at home with my mother-in-law.  I think tomorrow I need to do a double yoga session.  I might even do one tonight after the boys go to bed. 

Thanks for letting me vent.  Now I just need to deal with the stress of him being away until Thursday and now having to decide whether to drive the 50 minutes to the airport on Thursday on my birthday to get him or letting a car service bring him home.  I love the idea of meeting him at airport because I will see him sooner but not sure that I want to drive up there and of course will have to bring the boys.  His flight comes in at like 6:30pm so the ride would be at rush hour - not a lot of fun on the NJ Turnpike. We would also go out for dinner if I did meet him but it would be late and the kids have school the next morning.   I don't know.  What would you do?


2008-01-14 8:23 PM
in reply to: #1090041

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Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

What a miserable day, Randi.  Sorry to hear all that happened to you.  Hey, at least it didn't start snowing until AFTER you got home, right?   I hope you're doing that yoga  now, you really need it. 

I wouldn't plan on dinner with your hubby, unfortunately.  6:30 is late, and let me tell you, the way flights are around here, he will NOT get in on time.  Then you and the kids will be hungry, and so will he, and you'll all be cranky, etc.  In Sept. I flew from Pittsburgh into Newark, and it took LONGER for me to fly than it would have for me to drive.  We spent more time in the plane on the tarmac than in the air.  Ridiculous. Not that I wish it on you, but it seems very few people are having good luck with flight times these days!

2008-01-14 8:47 PM
in reply to: #1090041

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Thanks Christine.  Yup,  good news is the snow held off until I got home...actually I did not realize it was snowing until I read your post and looked outside.   That would have pushed me over the edge.

I appreciate your comments on the airport thing and was feeling the same way, especially since they are calling for another storm Thursday evening into Friday morning.  Yes, he is flying into Newark so I would expect him to be late.  It makes more sense for him to get a car service to come home.  Thanks!

I am waiting for Mike to call that he got to his hotel and then will do my yoga and head off to bed.

2008-01-15 4:27 AM
in reply to: #1090041

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Randi, Christine's advice is very sensible.  It would end up being a late night for all of you, plus your husband will probably be ready to be home rather than stopping somewhere. 

Sorry for all of your troubles, though.  I can sympathize.  My husband is an airline pilot, and it seems like things always go wrong when he's gone instead of when he's around.  Good thing we are women who can take care of these things, isn't it?

2008-01-15 6:31 AM
in reply to: #1090041


Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)
Okay, I'm back and ready to roll. Just finished one goal I had - biking across the US (4063 miles) - it only took me 19.5 months. Cool website for logging miles biking, swimming, running and walking (, shows you photos of the scenery along the way. Anyhow, I'm ready to switch gears from focusing on distance to focusing on training for a sprint. Looks like I've got a few pages of blogs to catch up on.

I'll be looking into a training schedule. Anyone have any suggestions?

I have been doing cardio at least 3x per week, mostly biking, but doing some running. I can run a mile, but tend to lose it after that. I'm thinking I would really like to do some interval training, as I like to sprint more than I like to jog. I weight train 2x a week, and try to fit some yoga/tai chi in during the week also.

Anyhow, this triathlon thing is my next adventure.

Looking forward to getting to know everyone!

2008-01-15 7:10 AM
in reply to: #1090041

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Thanks Cheri.  I did speak with him this morning and he understands and agrees.  He plans to see about a car service (if his company will pay for it) from the airport or the train run from the airport to our town and then all I would have to do is pick him up from the train station. Either option sounds like a good option.

Cheri, I am sure with your husband being a pilot, you have heard all the complaints but we appreciate what he does and understand it is definitely the airports and airlines themselves, not the flight crew, that causes the delays. 

And yes,  good thing we are women.  We multitask very well.

I did do some yoga last night and it felt great.  I do have a swim, run and yoga on tap today but plan to take it easy on all three since I am tired and have a killer headache.

Have a great day.

2008-01-15 8:34 AM
in reply to: #1156667

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Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Randi, I'm glad you weren't driving in the snow and that the yoga helped.  I had an emergency with my dad on Friday (he's okay) and after these things, there is nothing better than just having your whole family together.  Thursday night will be wonderful!


2008-01-15 9:48 AM
in reply to: #1090041

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Thanks Tracy.  Glad to hear your dad is okay. 

Did you hear that big sigh of relief???  We actually got a break with the van.  The service station has already fixed it and luckily it was as simple as a rusted heater pipe to the back of the van that caused the antifreeze to leak out and caused the overheating.  It only cost $100.   Thank goodness it was only minor.  More good news too, Mike's boss called him after finding out what happened yesterday and told Mike he will be sending a car service to get him at the airport on Thursday so that I don't have to drive up there to get him.  This all happened before Mike could call and ask about it.  His boss is great!

Anyway,  thanks again for all the support and listening to me venting.  I really appreciate it. 

Had a good workout in the pool and a good run on the treadmill.  I could not find a quiet spot at the Y to do my yoga so will do that here after I pick up the van.

Edited by Fechter99 2008-01-15 9:48 AM

2008-01-15 10:10 AM
in reply to: #1156620

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Very cool, Karen!  Congrats on your accomplishment.  I did something similar to that with walking.  I think the website was or something similar where you logged your steps per day and it tracked you across some of the historic trails throughout the world - appalachian trail, great wall of China, etc.  I will have to check out your website since it might be cool to see how far I would get each day with my training distances.  I am using the couch to sprint program and really like it.

2008-01-16 5:44 AM
in reply to: #1090041

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Good morning everyone,

I'm heading to the fitness center right now, to get a workout in before our last meeting, then heading for the airport.  I finally get to go home today!  But... we're leaving on vacation tomorrow night.  So I get to fly home today, do tons of laundry (remember that suitcase that never caught up with me after the cruise?), pack our ski clothes, then work tomorrow and jump on another airplane tomorrow night.  Of course I spent the whole night going over all of these things that need to be done, so I didn't get much rest.  I think I really need this vacation!

Karen, welcome back.  I like your biking across America thing.  I've been talking with a couple of my cousins, and we're talking about doing a real bike across America in 2009 or 2010 (yes, taking a significant break from work -- sound like fun?).  You asked about a training plan -- BT has lots to chose from, based on your readiness and goals.  I'm sure you'll gets lots of advice.

I'd better get downstairs before someone beats me to the treadmill!


2008-01-16 9:53 AM
in reply to: #1158938

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Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Cheri - enjoy your ski trip!  Where are you skiing?


2008-01-17 6:27 AM
in reply to: #1159366

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)
tracyhmcd - 2008-01-16 9:53 AM

Cheri - enjoy your ski trip!  Where are you skiing?

We're going to Taos, New Mexico.  This is an annual trek for us -- we meet friends there, stay at a ski in/ski out place, and ski 'til we drop!  I just need to get through today, though.  Too much to do and not enough time.

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