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2008-01-09 4:39 PM
in reply to: #1099933

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Chicago IL (via Vancouver Canada)
Subject: Im Baaaack
Wow what a crazy long weekend. I worked straight through with limited sleep and hardly any nutrition. Not so good for my diet. The last few days have been a little crazy at work, trying to close out the show, and move onto the next one. I did manage to get a quick run in on Sunday. Beautiful day.

I was at the gym on Monday nite and felt the splints in my shins coming back. My calves were really tight and sore. Not enough stretching. A yoga class would do me wonders. I cut my run down to 2 miles and stretched out for a while. Then went swimming. I swim all the time, and wish I could just swim all the time instead of biking and then I guess it wouldnt be a TRIathlon. Not a very productive week. But hey no pounds gained (and none lost either)

Today is another day though. Im back in the swing and will be at it again. I start school next week so I want to get some good time at gym, outside running if the weather holds out, and some time on the bike. My nutrition could use some attention. My problem is not enough calories to keep my metabolism burning. I must try and eat regularly instead of 2 big meals.

Hope everyone is doing well.


2008-01-10 7:22 AM
in reply to: #1099933

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: ---

Edited by Kate_r 2008-01-10 10:57 AM
2008-01-10 9:08 AM
in reply to: #1099933

British Columbia
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Kickin it hard!

Hi everyone.

How many other people are in a Masters Swim Class?

I would just like to compare what you are doing in yours.My class last night was exhausting..................2000m in an hour.This class is alot more then I anticipated.Its very demanding but very rewarding. at the end of the night and your so tired that you can hardly move.That's a good tired to feel.I just wanted to know if my instructor is a slave driver.++++++++++++++++

2008-01-10 11:25 AM
in reply to: #1147473

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Kickin it hard!
ILowe - 2008-01-10 7:08 AM

Hi everyone.

How many other people are in a Masters Swim Class?

I would just like to compare what you are doing in yours.My class last night was exhausting..................2000m in an hour.This class is alot more then I anticipated.Its very demanding but very rewarding. at the end of the night and your so tired that you can hardly move.That's a good tired to feel.I just wanted to know if my instructor is a slave driver.++++++++++++++++

I did one last year and it sounds about right ... it was back and forth and back and forth for 75 minutes ... drill after drill after drill ... coach walking alongside the pool shouting instruction and advice ... goodness I do miss it. ;-)
2008-01-10 11:34 AM
in reply to: #1147891

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Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Kickin it hard!
SpiritFire - 2008-01-10 11:25 AM
ILowe - 2008-01-10 7:08 AM

Hi everyone.

How many other people are in a Masters Swim Class?

I would just like to compare what you are doing in yours.My class last night was exhausting..................2000m in an hour.This class is alot more then I anticipated.Its very demanding but very rewarding. at the end of the night and your so tired that you can hardly move.That's a good tired to feel.I just wanted to know if my instructor is a slave driver.++++++++++++++++

I did one last year and it sounds about right ... it was back and forth and back and forth for 75 minutes ... drill after drill after drill ... coach walking alongside the pool shouting instruction and advice ... goodness I do miss it. ;-)

Yeah, sounds about right. My class is shorter but still hard. My coach is really good at explaining the purpose of each practice and incorporating easy sets in the can see my blog for the practice details.

The best thing about Masters, and training with others in general, is that it pushes me to go a little or a lot harder than I might have if I was to do the exact same workout on my own. 

So yesterday was an unscheduled rest day (they sort of happen on their own so I don't usually schedule one during the week).  Today, run, tri club board meeting and strength training.

2008-01-10 1:52 PM
in reply to: #1147934

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2008-01-10 2:18 PM
in reply to: #1144109

British Columbia
Subject: RE: life is AWESOME!

Way to go Spitfire!!

You sound like a very persistant and busy lady.Thres nothing better then getting what you want after you have worked hard to get it.

2008-01-11 7:28 AM
in reply to: #1099933

Peabody MA
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it hard!

Good Morning All!


Thanks Bopper and Spiritfire for the encouragement on the swimming! 20 minutes did kick my arse but I know i will just get better as time goes on.

 A little thought about the gym last night. Seems everyone that made a resolution to get back into shape was there! The plan was to run on the treadmill but not one was open. So many new faces! So I did a stationary bike then ran on the indoor track. The yoga class had 52 people in it! I must say it wasn't as enjoyable as previous classes. The scuttlebutt is to give it 6 to 8 weeks and the gym will clear out as this is usually what happens at the beginning of the year.

2008-01-11 10:48 PM
in reply to: #1099933

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: stress and staying on the wagon
Does anyone have any advice for dealing with stress while training? I am having such a hard time at work, my job is literally making me sick and miserable I am so stressed out, and I'm finding it very difficult to keep myself motivated to train. I know exercise should/will make me feel better, but I don't seem to have the energy to maintain any kind of pace ... I'll run for 10 minutes then hit the wall, or I'll do a few sets of weights then just quit ... is this my body telling me it needs to take it easy, or is it purely emotional? Any ideas?
Thankfully the end is in sight - I plan to quit in May once I'm done school and will be launching my nutrition business in June, so it's not permanent ... but it's gonna be a tough couple of months until then!

Thanks all,
2008-01-12 3:13 PM
in reply to: #1151672

Subject: ...
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2008-01-13 12:43 PM
in reply to: #1151672

British Columbia
Subject: RE: stress and staying on the wagon

Does anyone have any advice for dealing with stress while training? I am having such a hard time at work, my job is literally making me sick and miserable I am so stressed out, and I'm finding it very difficult to keep myself motivated to train

Hey Spitfire.

Sounds to me like you are a very busy,goal oreintated person?

I don't have any magical solutions for you problem maybe some encouragment though.I have a very stressful job and I use fitness to releive stress.I do feel like I've hit the wall at times too..I just take a day off and do somthing different like shop!!!!I'm always interested to read your bits in this forum you always sound like you have alot on the go and you work hard  to get what you want?Sometimes if the mind is full the body gets empty,try to find that balance.Don't be too hard on yourself.In my opinion it sound like your doing one hell of a job!

Have a good day.

2008-01-14 10:35 AM
in reply to: #1153024

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: stress and staying on the wagon
Thanks guys ... unfortunately it's not just the type of work I do, it's some office politics type stuff that's causing the most stress. But, I'm now on glorious days off and bound and determined to have a few good day!

Thanks for the encouragement.
2008-01-14 11:37 AM
in reply to: #1099933

Chicago IL (via Vancouver Canada)
Subject: stressful jobs
Hi Spiritfire...i can understand your pain right now. There is a big difference between good work stress and bad work stress. I don't mind having a stressful job, but when its that nasty politics and horrible bosses, it makes everything hard. I used to run at lunch when I was in a job that was miserable, it gave me a good break in my day and made it all easier to deal with.

My stress is coming from home...marital issues. We are going through a rough patch right now, and I like disappearing to the gym for a few hours, but it doesnt help my marriage any.

Good news, I applied for graduation today - yipeee....14 weeks and it will be over. I'm counting - can you tell??

I've had an up and down week with the work outs. When I get there, i feel strong and am doing well. Trying new things like assisted pull ups and inclines on the treadmill. But I still havent sat on that stationary bike yet. What is wrong with me???

Do any of you negotiate with yourself when working out? Here's my conversation on the treadmill. "Ok if I get on the sationary bike after the weights, I'll do 5k instead of 5m on the treadmill" all that to get out of the long run, and then somehow I negotiate skipping the bike to add 20 minutes of swim time. Then - lets do 10minutes less so i can go home and eat....on and on it goes. If I had a trainer he'd kick my butt.

2008-01-14 4:23 PM
in reply to: #1154701

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: stressful jobs
Oh you are so right ... good stress is ok, it's all the bull-crap around the office that's tough to deal with. Getting out on lunch does help.

Graduation ... lucky! I won't be done till June ... although it will be later if I don't get my butt back studying! And as for the marriage stuff - I can't offer any words of advice as I've never been married ... but we're here for support!

Yes - I negotiate with myself all the time. Am doing it right now ... if I go for a long run this afternoon, can I skip spin class later? If I go to spin class today, does that mean I don't have to run tomorrow? And so on.
What this is telling me is that I'm (once again) putting too much pressure on myself to work out. It's (once again) taking the fun-factor out of it. I did this last season, trained so hard and over-raced that by September I couldn't stand to even look at my running shoes. This year I hope to find some kind of balance.
2008-01-14 7:28 PM
in reply to: #1155670

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2008-01-15 1:34 PM
in reply to: #1099933

Chicago IL (via Vancouver Canada)
Subject: stressful marriage
Luckily, with moving from Canada to Chicago, I found a great job that I truly enjoy. Its only taken me about 25 It's just nice to come to work and enjoy what I do every day and the people I work with. What a difference.

The unlucky part was leaving Canada, all my friends and family, and have my marriage falling apart. I wish I could put a finger on it, and say specifically what is wrong but it just isn't going well. I was single until I turned 40 and I loved every minute of it. Being married takes work (and for me there was a lot of sacrifice) but I did expect it to be a little more fun. My husband has gone from being my best friend to being another child in the house. Very frustrating.

I actually really enjoy my time at the gym. It has always been a little sanctuary for me - even when i was single. The running has grown on me, I like the results and the power I feel. Strength training and swimming are my favourites. I can swim everyday - all day....I find it soothing, relaxing - like yoga. For me its the bike, that's my challenge - TODAY I WILL RIDE!!!! the stationary bike that is. Im sure I'll negotiate all evening with myself too.

I don't usually feel that tired when I'm done, and i'm sure I could work myself harder, but I like to follow that notion of one day hard, and the next day light. Sometimes when i think its a light day, I end up feeling good and have a great work out. I could be more regimented but I just like to go with the flow.

Its important to keep it fun. I don't like my workouts to be a chore and I definitely don't do triathlons for any other reason but fun. I enjoy the goal. I used to stress out so hard about my times, and the amount of training, but so many things have happened over the past 2 years, the move, the death of my dad and brother, that I just can't get all wrapped up in it anymore.

I enjoy the stress release, the fresh air, the time to myself, and the way my body looks. And its fun to say I'm a TRIATHLETE

2008-01-15 8:55 PM
in reply to: #1155984

New user

South Pasadena, CA
Subject: Computer Breakdown.
Sorry I was missing in action. I had a complete computer meltdown so I wasn't able to get online since last wednesday. It took until yesterday to fix. Happened just in time to coincide with some testing with the State I needed to undertake for work. Sorry about that everyone. I will get back into the swing right away!
2008-01-15 9:04 PM
in reply to: #1158689

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2008-01-16 1:49 PM
in reply to: #1099933

Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it hard!

Hey kids! Had an unpleasant and irksome health thing to deal with. The good thing is that I'm back among the living although it's so cold out that I wish I was hibernating. Anyway, I can be back in training mode next week (according to the doc). Right now, just gotta chill and build up the training regimen slowly.

Will catch up later... 

2008-01-16 2:01 PM
in reply to: #1159931

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: trying to catch that wagon
marina - 2008-01-16 11:49 AM

Hey kids! Had an unpleasant and irksome health thing to deal with. The good thing is that I'm back among the living although it's so cold out that I wish I was hibernating. Anyway, I can be back in training mode next week (according to the doc). Right now, just gotta chill and build up the training regimen slowly.

Oh no Marina I hope everything is, or at least will be, ok!

We all seem to have had a challenging week last week, let's contribute it to a minor bump in the road on the way to better things. I have put my week from hell behind me - and am once again happy and healthy and enjoying life, and yes even enjoying training. ;-)
I paid my yoga teacher training deposit today, so it's official! I'm loving this path that I'm on, even if the class doesn't start until Sept - it's good enough for me right now to know that's where I'm heading ... onwards and upwards, as they say. ;-)

2008-01-16 3:55 PM
in reply to: #1159931

Subject: ...
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2008-01-17 12:36 AM
in reply to: #1160328

British Columbia
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it hard!

Hey kids! Had an unpleasant and irksome health thing to deal with. The good thing is that I'm back among the living although it's so cold out that I wish I was hibernating. Anyway, I can be back in training mode next week (according to the doc). Right now, just gotta chill and build up the training regimen slowly.

Good to have you back marina!Wish you the best.

2008-01-17 9:00 PM
in reply to: #1099933

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: waaaaahhhh
Can I whine for a minute? I have rats! Yes ... it's January on Vancouver Island, so that means critters ... it's my fault for living on a nature preserve and offering them such a nice clean dry warm crawlspace to chew their way in to ... but dammit! I don't want to have rats in my crawlspace! Though I suppose it's better than bats in my belfry. ;-)

Bugger ... well I'm off to spend 2 hours pulling all my worldy stored possessions (including some very valuable pieces) out of that crawlspace!
2008-01-17 9:38 PM
in reply to: #1163011

Subject: ...
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2008-01-18 8:37 AM
in reply to: #1099933

Peabody MA
Subject: RE: AHHhhhhhh Friday!

Well we made it through another week. My training seems to be going well, I hope you all are having as much fun as I am. I picked up a book on TRIs. "The Complete Idiots Guide To Triathlon Training". The title suits me well! I am up to the "Transitions" chapter and I have a question, or two or three as the time goes on. When doing a tri, as i understand it, I have an area for you gear for both T1 & T2. Is this correct? How big of a space am I allotted? What are your experiences in the transitions?


Hope you all have a great weekend! Rebuilding my downhill bike this weekend. Replace some spokes, cables, bleed the brakes and repack the bearings. A very enjoyable activity for me, so I am looking forward to it. Next it will be the road bike to get some TLC.


Peace Out


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