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2008-03-09 10:26 AM
in reply to: #1261121

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: CactusTri's Group -- RECLOSED
Very nice ride! Neat to share it with your DS.

In related news..

PSA: Don't forget your bike is on the roof when you get home after a bike ride if you have aroof rack. Yeah, I just learned this one the hard way yesterday. I think a new front wheel is all I need. I knew it was there, I just got distracted as I pulled up to the house and pulled in.

2008-03-10 9:27 AM
in reply to: #1112369

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Eden Prairie, MN
Subject: RE: CactusTri's Group -- RECLOSED
Nice bike Karen!


Have you had a chance to try the pose running? I'm interested in the technique. It seems to match up well with the theory of keeping your strides shorter to avoid injury.

2008-03-10 1:21 PM
in reply to: #1262630

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Springfield, Illinois
Subject: RE: CactusTri's Group -- RECLOSED


I made the muffins this weekend!! I added Craisins, raisins, nutmeg, and apple pie spice. Yum!! I halved the recipie and STILL got 24!  Oh well, I'll be fibered up this week!!


I got the ingredients to make your blended yogurt, fruity shakes this weekend. Just haven't had time to mix one up yet. My mouth is watering for those frozen berries! On the pose running, you're right, it does help to shorten the stride. I also notice a quicker turnover when I think about lifting the foot as soon as (or even before) it hits the ground. I have been playing around with implementing the basics in the last few weeks and I like how it feels more natural. I also feel like I'm going faster with less effort. I have a stronger foot strike, even tho it's lighter, probably cuz it's down underneath me, rather than out front. I haven't explored the topic in depth yet. I see there is a DVD that sounds interesting. I've got a birthday coming up and this is on my wish list. Along with a new helmet, bike shoes, spinnervals, bike shorts, sunglasses, wetsuit, etc.

I've been looking into protein replacement powder, but can't seem to make up my mind on what to get. Does anyone have any ideas on this? I've looked at Accelerade (drink, like Gatorade), Enduox (powder), Powerbar (powder), etc. Some seem like overkill. I'm really just looking for something portable and easy to carry around. Sometimes, after a workout, I go right on to the next thing and don't get home to grab real food. As my workouts get more intense this summer, I wanted to be ready with a protein replenisher. Anyone tried these? Why all of a sudden is Accelerade the top drink? It was Gatorade last summer??? Now, I can't find the endurance formula to save my life! What happened?

2008-03-10 6:45 PM
in reply to: #1261331

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Subject: RE: CactusTri's Group -- RECLOSED

CactusTriathlete - 2008-03-09 9:26 AM Very nice ride! Neat to share it with your DS. In related news.. PSA: Don't forget your bike is on the roof when you get home after a bike ride if you have aroof rack. Yeah, I just learned this one the hard way yesterday. I think a new front wheel is all I need. I knew it was there, I just got distracted as I pulled up to the house and pulled in.

Also don't forget your bike is on the roof when you go through drive thrus.  Makes the folks behind you a little annoyed at having to back up so you can get out.  We did this on the same day!

2008-03-11 12:57 PM
in reply to: #1264013

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Springfield, Illinois
Subject: RE: CactusTri's Group -- RECLOSED
OK, got another one for all you swimmers. In swim workouts, what does "swim down" mean? And when a workout says 50 yds kick, what does the "kick" mean? Was looking at swim workouts on-line and these phrases weren't explained.
2008-03-11 1:40 PM
in reply to: #1265474

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Subject: RE: CactusTri's Group -- RECLOSED
Hi guys

Just a quick "thanks" to all of you. This AM I ALMOST stayed in bed - just having trouble getting myself up and going. The thing (sadly - as this speaks to my lack of discipline!) (happily - because you guys are HERE!!) that got me out of bed was knowing when i got to work I'd need to log in my time and I didn't want to:

1) miss my goal
2) have to log in and say I was lazy knowing some of you'all would be looking!

So - Glad you are here and that I'm part of this group! Most of you have kids, work, schedules, stresses, etc. and it's hard to juggle - so I just wanted to say thanks for being here and encouraging.

Kick is not using your arms - There are varying views on how one should kick but I'd say use a kick board to start out - hopefully your gym has them there for your use. If it's freestyle and you want maximum work out you could do free kick on your side - your legs are always under the water (don't break the surface) and you get a good leg workout.
Swim down - is like the warm up, it's your "cool off" time, so just like loosening your arms in the warm up, it's best that you not end your workout with a super hard set and jump out of the pool - best to do a cool off of 50 - 100 (more when you're putting in more yardage), depending. If I know i have to get out at a certain time my last "set" will include some cool down laps so i'm not tight all day. stretching after would be great but I'm not THAT good

Know nothing about protein powder - so I would be interested hearing from the others on that one too!

2008-03-11 1:43 PM
in reply to: #1264013

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Subject: RE: CactusTri's Group -- RECLOSED
Thank fully i got a back bike rack!!! thanks for the tip though. I did find myself looking in the rear view mirror alot and being VERY careful backing up - i can see me backing into something with my bike on the rack - ugh
2008-03-11 3:19 PM
in reply to: #1265596

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Springfield, Illinois
Subject: RE: CactusTri's Group -- RECLOSED
Thanks, Karen! That makes sense, except why don't they just call it cool down? We don't say run down or bike down. Weird. So is the purpose of the kicking drill for leg strength or form or both? I would love to try it as it sounds like I get to have my head out of the water for awhile :-) and still get a good HR going (double :-D)When I first put the bike rack on the back of the truck, I'd come tearing around the back end, head down, thinking about my next move and take one right in the eye. It sticks out so far! Unlike smart lab mice, it took getting clocked about 6 times before I finally trained myself to give the back end a wide berth!

Edited by Jenni G 2008-03-11 3:29 PM
2008-03-11 3:35 PM
in reply to: #1265812

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Subject: RE: CactusTri's Group -- RECLOSED
Don't know - i think someone inhaled too much water or chlorine - i call it cool down too. I don't ever remember looking at the workout board and seeing "swim down"... down to where???

On the kick - yes for strength, form, and speed (kind of like cadence on a bike). Don't know what todays thinking is but back in the day there were essential 2 beat kickers and 6 beat kickers - so 3 kicks per stroke or 1. I was six beat, but also find when i get tired i'm more a 2 beater, with legs sadly trailing... Kick can help you stay high in the water and you want as little splash as possible. again my info is like 25 - 35 yrs old so if you see something more recent I'd probably trust that a little more. I used to LOVE it when there were kick sets in the workout - lots of oxygen and resting my head on the board - i think that relates back to my discipline statement...

on the bike rack. I've used it all of once, so we'll see. My biggest fear right now is forgetting to strap the bike on and seeing it fly off the back as i'm driving......
2008-03-11 3:56 PM
in reply to: #1265855

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Springfield, Illinois
Subject: RE: CactusTri's Group -- RECLOSED
I just had visions of a bike rack disaster montage on America's Funniest Home Videos, complete with slapstick sound effects.
2008-03-11 3:58 PM
in reply to: #1112369

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Eden Prairie, MN
Subject: RE: CactusTri's Group -- RECLOSED
I'd also like to say thanks to everybody. There's been numerous occasions where I knew my log would be empty if I didn't work out. The log is good, but having people that take the time to check on my log really helps keep me honest and motivated.

Protein Powder - I usually get the protein powder from GNC, but Target and Walmart also carry some brands in a smaller size. If you are going to mix it in a smoothie, vanilla or strawberry are probably the best. I've always gotten the whey protein powder. It's not terribly expensive.

Cheap Cadence Counter - If you have an extra bike speedometer, you can use it to count your pedal cadence. I'm going to set this up on my trainer at home. I need to dial in my cadence. I'll tell you how it works out.

1) Program the cyclocomputer by entering 2680mm for the wheel circumference, and make sure that it reads speed in miles per hour.
2) Mount your magnet on the pedal.
3) Mount your speed sensor near its spinning path - no more than 1/2 inch away.

A speed in mph of 9.0 would be a cadence of 90.


2008-03-12 10:07 AM
in reply to: #1112369

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Subject: RE: CactusTri's Group -- RECLOSED
Hi Everyone

My first BRICK - I think/hope!!! does spin class to treadmill count???

I took to heart the feedback about needing to be fueled before and after workout and got some energy bars for the car. Had a snack around 4ish in the afternoon and then munched a cliff bar on the way home before spin.

After workout it was like 9pm so i didn't want anything too heavy. I made a modified Scot special last night after workout - soy "ice cream", Milk, soy milk, blueberries, LF frozen yogurt - YUMMM great idea. It was perfect not too heavy, but satisfying. I think the protein powder has more vitamins in it - we got Kashi brand last night and my son had some - i'll try it when it's not right before bed.

I usually drink water at spin but decided to take gatorade - gave me a side ache... Need to check around to some other options - but that's one of the few i like the taste. What is needed in a sprint tri? I see all the talk about Gu, etc... but is that stuff really necessary for a sprint or mostly hydration (water) or sports drink?

2008-03-12 10:26 AM
in reply to: #1112369

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Eden Prairie, MN
Subject: RE: CactusTri's Group -- RECLOSED

Great brick. I think running after spin class is definitely a good brick. I think a spin class is just as tough as the bike section of a sprint race. How did it feel? Some people struggle with the transition from biking to running.

You won't need to drink anything more than water during a sprint triathlon. Your body has a fair amount of energy stored up that is easily accessible. When you get to an olympic and definitely half ironman and above, then you would want to take in additional nutrition.


2008-03-13 11:42 PM
in reply to: #1267084

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: CactusTri's Group -- RECLOSED
ScotInMinnesota - 2008-03-12 9:26 AM


Great brick. I think running after spin class is definitely a good brick. I think a spin class is just as tough as the bike section of a sprint race. How did it feel? Some people struggle with the transition from biking to running.

You won't need to drink anything more than water during a sprint triathlon. Your body has a fair amount of energy stored up that is easily accessible. When you get to an olympic and definitely half ironman and above, then you would want to take in additional nutrition.


Ditto. run after spin is a BRICK. If your legs felt awkward at first while running (or even just tired or slow) then you got it right.

I have decided to skip swimming again tomorrow. This cough and stuffy head is just sticking around and I think I need to heal more than swim right now. Might go up to a lake with some friends this weekend to get an OWS in.
2008-03-14 10:06 PM
in reply to: #1112369

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Subject: RE: CactusTri's Group -- RECLOSED
Hey group

Stephen - glad you took it easy.... no point pushing it now and risking your race! I can't wait - you're going to do great!!! I put it on my outlook (and everyone elses races)! YEAH!!!

Thx Scot - not sure i want to try the Gu anyway! I'll have to try it before i decide whether i'll move up next season!!

Doc appt went OK - I have "grinding" under my rt kneecap - sounds fun doesn't it... anyway, i don't really feel it that much but the doc said to go easy for 3 weeks naproxin for 7 - 10 days (not totally sure I'll keep on it for that long - my "non-compliant" patient coming out...), he thought I should be able to push after that, if I can't i'm supposed to go back - so i can spin/bike but nothing hilly - and I can either run in the pool or light jog on the treadmill but no road running; how sad - swim a much as I want. AND I can tell my trainer no lunges, butt kick running, jump rope, etc.. super sad about that.....

So that is actually good news - i'm glad I went in early and am "nipping" whatever it is in the bud. He said things feel pretty good in general which was good news for this 46 yo!!!! (I neglected to ask whether that was "for my age" or not - I just chose to live in my happy little world of - I'm doing well overall)

Again - I know I've said it, but you guys really make a diff! thanks.

Have a great weekend - going to get out on my bike on Sunday - it's supposed to be sunny here!!
2008-03-14 11:10 PM
in reply to: #1273239

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: CactusTri's Group -- RECLOSED
chikopiakomak - 2008-03-14 9:06 PM

Thx Scot - not sure i want to try the Gu anyway! I'll have to try it before i decide whether i'll move up next season!!

Doc appt went OK - and am "nipping" whatever it is in the bud.

I just recently tried Cliff Shot Blocks. I had resisted since I am not a fan of gummi worms and that is what I was told they were like. Turns out they settled good in my tummy when I tried them. I also tend to stick to the plain vanilla Gu or PoweGel. Like Scot said, you don't really need them for events lasting less than 90 min or so, but when you start using them, you will want to try them out on a training run/ride before a race. You may also want to stick close to home (or at least a restroom) as sometimes these things don't settle to well.

Glad you are nipping this in the bud. Hope you stick to the plan and heal up 100% so you can come back better. Also, if you can swim as much as you want, you can use this time to work extra on your swimming and make some big gains.

2008-03-22 11:43 AM
in reply to: #1112369

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Eden Prairie, MN
Subject: RE: CactusTri's Group -- RECLOSED
Here's an interesting article on how to save some time on your long bike rides. It's something that I've never even considered. I have enough trouble taking fluids without crashing. :-)!1pUmGvi9idWgOodsIbhHUOQA...

Really I wanted to get us back on the front page.

2008-03-23 1:34 PM
in reply to: #1287147

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Springfield, Illinois
Subject: RE: CactusTri's Group -- RECLOSED

Scot, I want to thank you for introducing me to the world of "Fatty". I had no idea this guy existed, but that is not unusual. I'll have you know that after reading the article you posted, I promptly spent the rest of Saturday engrossed in reading thru his old posts, trying to get to know the phenomena known as "Fat Cyclist". I barely got the eggs ready to color before bedtime! This guy is hilarious. Did anyone else know about this? I see he has been around for several years. Course, having only purchased a road bike in January and having only ridden it in a stationary position in my basement so far, it stands to reason I had my head buried in the sand and totally missed this. Is there a running counterpart? Is there a "Fat Runner" or "Plump Jogger" or "Portly Trotter" lurking somewhere in virtual space?

Good show, man! Thanks for posting and making me laugh!

2008-03-24 12:26 AM
in reply to: #1288303

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: CactusTri's Group -- RECLOSED
Jenni G - 2008-03-23 12:34 PM

Scot, I want to thank you for introducing me to the world of "Fatty". I had no idea this guy existed, but that is not unusual. I'll have you know that after reading the article you posted, I promptly spent the rest of Saturday engrossed in reading thru his old posts, trying to get to know the phenomena known as "Fat Cyclist". I barely got the eggs ready to color before bedtime! This guy is hilarious. Did anyone else know about this? I see he has been around for several years. Course, having only purchased a road bike in January and having only ridden it in a stationary position in my basement so far, it stands to reason I had my head buried in the sand and totally missed this. Is there a running counterpart? Is there a "Fat Runner" or "Plump Jogger" or "Portly Trotter" lurking somewhere in virtual space?

Good show, man! Thanks for posting and making me laugh!

Well, I think John "the Penguin" Bingham comes close. http://www.johnbingham.comThat outta take care of your Monday at work
2008-03-25 9:44 AM
in reply to: #1112369

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: CactusTri's Group -- RECLOSED
Hope everyone is busy training hard! I am at the start of a nice long 3 week taper. Only 19 days till the biggest race I've ever undertaken. I have to be careful not to over-rest, but more importantly not to hurt myself of do anything crazy and get sick or worn down too much.

Bought a couple new pairs of shoes (1 on clearance $39 and 1 on sale $59) so I can retire my "D" shoes at over 400 miles as my officially highest mileage shoes.

Started a new job yesterday, so I have a bit less time during the day to check in on you folks, so I apologize. I also need to fight for computer time at home until I get the second computer working again since I had to turn in my laptop when I left my last job.

Well, take care folks and I will be checking on your logs, just not as frequently as I have been sometimes.
2008-03-25 2:04 PM
in reply to: #1291734

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Subject: RE: CactusTri's Group -- RECLOSED
CactusTriathlete - 2008-03-25 7:44 AM

Only 19 days till the biggest race I've ever undertaken. I have to be careful not to over-rest, but more importantly not to hurt myself of do anything crazy and get sick or worn down too much.

Started a new job yesterday

Can't wait to see how GREAT you do at your race! Hope the new job goes well and it's a direction you're looking for in your career.

An advance sorry to all of you under snow right now

24 mi bike ride in so cal last weekend. Had a GREAT time - the weather was totally amazing and perfect... thankfully no rain yesterday or today in PNW. AND I completely my bike challenge goal for March!!! Yeah!!!!! I only signed up for 8 hours, but considering I didn't have a bike at the beginning of the month...

(MB Pier.jpg)

(K Hermosa.jpg)

(Waiting for the perfect wave.jpg)

(UCLA Rowing.jpg)

MB Pier.jpg (92KB - 27 downloads)
K Hermosa.jpg (53KB - 27 downloads)
Waiting for the perfect wave.jpg (92KB - 32 downloads)
UCLA Rowing.jpg (80KB - 33 downloads)

2008-03-27 12:58 PM
in reply to: #1112369

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Subject: RE: CactusTri's Group -- RECLOSED
Hi Group

There is a new challenge being organized for April, a multisport challenge in the Challenge Me forum. if you have a race in April the race distance counts double (see rules for details...

Check it out - it's been good motivation for me to be in the March bike challenge.

Stephen - hope your taper is going well, can't wait to hear how GREAT you do!!! PS - hope the new job is going well too.

2008-03-28 8:52 AM
in reply to: #1112369

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Eden Prairie, MN
Subject: RE: CactusTri's Group -- RECLOSED
Thanks Karen,

I just signed up. Any extra movtivation can only be a good thing.

2008-04-01 2:16 PM
in reply to: #1112369

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Subject: RE: CactusTri's Group -- RECLOSED
Hi everyone

We needed to get back on the first page. 18 days and counting for IMAZ for Stephen - thx for the update on your log!

A little victory I wanted to share with you'all..

In Sept I had a BF test as part of a work fitness competition which will end on April30. My overall score was 2.44 out of a 4.0 grading scale. The caliper test was 28.5% BF - YIKES - the result of that fitness test is alot of the reason I signed up for a couple triathlons so I could have a goal beyond the work competition.

Yesterday I went to a nutritionist and got a BF test - it was 22%!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah - i am THRILLED, even if it is +/- 1-2%, I'm still down.

I have the follow up test for work this month so will be tested by the same person at the end of April. My goal was to get below the avg for women my age - which is 26% and it looks like I'll beat that!

NOW - I need more pink days on my log...

Have a good day.

PS - is my avatar a peep sitting on a margarita?
2008-04-01 9:24 PM
in reply to: #1308482

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: CactusTri's Group -- RECLOSED
chikopiakomak - 2008-04-01 1:16 PM
We needed to get back on the first page. 18 days and counting for IMAZ for Stephen

A little victory I wanted to share with you'all..

PS - is my avatar a peep sitting on a margarita?

a. Thanks for the bump to the first page

2. 11 Days, 11 Hours, 39 Minutes but who's counting

d. Congrats on the BF drop! I have heard there are some pretty big differences between readings when they are done by different people, but even still, it sounds like you are heading in the right direction.

iv. RE: Avatar question... Who cares as long as it is a margarita!?!
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